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MAC OS X Shared folder (pravice)
*TV* ::
Na Macu bi rad nastavil shared folder, do katerega bi imeli dostop različni userji (z istega računalnika), vsi z read/write dostopom. Na folderju sem vsem nastavil read/write pravice, pa vendar vsakič ko določen user posname vanj novo datoteko, je le-ta vedno zakljenega le na njega. Vsi ostali lahko samo berejo, ne morejo pa pisati vanjo. Če datotekam ročno spremenim pravice je sicer odprta vsem userjem, ampak takoj ko se posname nova datoteka je spet zaklenjena na userja, ki jo je ustvaril.
Prosim za pomoč.
lp, M
Na Macu bi rad nastavil shared folder, do katerega bi imeli dostop različni userji (z istega računalnika), vsi z read/write dostopom. Na folderju sem vsem nastavil read/write pravice, pa vendar vsakič ko določen user posname vanj novo datoteko, je le-ta vedno zakljenega le na njega. Vsi ostali lahko samo berejo, ne morejo pa pisati vanjo. Če datotekam ročno spremenim pravice je sicer odprta vsem userjem, ampak takoj ko se posname nova datoteka je spet zaklenjena na userja, ki jo je ustvaril.
Prosim za pomoč.
lp, M
opeter ::
Kaj pa je narobe z Public folder?
Sicer pa ti to mogoče pomaga:
The default permissions for newly created (/copied) items allow read and write access only to the owner (whoever created it), read-only access to everyone else. The best way around this is to create an access control entry on the folder, and set it to be inherited to items created in (/copied into) it. 'Course, the Finder doesn't give you access to the inheritance controls, so you have to go to the command line:
Note that this gives read & write access to all accounts in the staff group (which basically means all user accounts); if you want a bit more control, create a group in System Preferences > Users & Groups, and add just yourself and your friend's account to it, then use "group:yourgroupname" in the above command. Also, the inheritance only applies to items as they're created, so it won't apply to files and folders already in your Public folder; if you want it to apply to existing items, add chmod's -R option (chmod -R +a ...)
Ali pa tole:
Shared folder is locked
Sicer pa ti to mogoče pomaga:
The default permissions for newly created (/copied) items allow read and write access only to the owner (whoever created it), read-only access to everyone else. The best way around this is to create an access control entry on the folder, and set it to be inherited to items created in (/copied into) it. 'Course, the Finder doesn't give you access to the inheritance controls, so you have to go to the command line:
chmod +a "group:staff allow list,add_file,search,delete,add_subdirectory,delete_child,readattr,writeattr,readextattr,writeextattr,readsecurity,writesecurity,chown,file_inherit,directory_inherit" ~/Public
Note that this gives read & write access to all accounts in the staff group (which basically means all user accounts); if you want a bit more control, create a group in System Preferences > Users & Groups, and add just yourself and your friend's account to it, then use "group:yourgroupname" in the above command. Also, the inheritance only applies to items as they're created, so it won't apply to files and folders already in your Public folder; if you want it to apply to existing items, add chmod's -R option (chmod -R +a ...)
Ali pa tole:
Shared folder is locked
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
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