Forum » Problemi človeštva » Konflikt v Siriji
Konflikt v Siriji
Temo vidijo: vsi
Mr.B ::
Kaže, da ne poznate stvari, pa bi radi debatirali.
In kako to in kakšno naključje je, da so ravno Iranci tisti, ki jih najbolj skrbi za Palestince, čeprav niti 1 ne živi v Iranu?
Kot da tebe skrbi za palestince.
Ali kaj delajo Američlani v regiji. Pa sem prepričan da njih sploh skbi dobrobit palestincev.
Ej sej res, a po 20+ letih američani odhajajo s sirije, sej veš neobstoječi UN mandat po regiji, ne samo Sirski.
Kar povej, da po 20+ letih niso sposobni v puščavi počistiti s teroristi.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
fur80 ::
Kaže, da ne poznate stvari, pa bi radi debatirali.
In kako to in kakšno naključje je, da so ravno Iranci tisti, ki jih najbolj skrbi za Palestince, čeprav niti 1 ne živi v Iranu?
Kot da tebe skrbi za palestince.
Ali kaj delajo Američlani v regiji. Pa sem prepričan da njih sploh skbi dobrobit palestincev.
Ej sej res, a po 20+ letih američani odhajajo s sirije, sej veš neobstoječi UN mandat po regiji, ne samo Sirski.
Kar povej, da po 20+ letih niso sposobni v puščavi počistiti s teroristi.
Glede na to, da v USA in Izraelu živi več kot 2 milijona Palesticev, bi rekel, da imajo večjo pravico delati res spodaj kot Iran v katerem ne živi niti 1 Palestinec!
Ko bodo Sirci samo sposobni zavarovati naftna polja in vzpostaviti red v državi bo tudi USA odšla, dokler se bo z nafto pumpal ISIS, kateri je pobijal ljudi druge vere in narodnosti (Kurde, Jezute...) bodo pa tam.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: fur80 ()
Poldi112 ::
Glede na to, da je Izrael tisti, ki okupira tujo zemljo, USA jim pa pomaga pri etničnem čiščenju, bi rekel, da se motiš.
Sirci bi imeli red v državi, če ne bi USA s koalicijo financirala "opozicije" - aka "zmerhih glavorezcev" z namenom rušenja države. Da so tam zaradi ISIS, je krma za ovce. Podobno, kot da so Libijo razbili za "človekove pravice" in Irak za "demokracijo".
Sirci bi imeli red v državi, če ne bi USA s koalicijo financirala "opozicije" - aka "zmerhih glavorezcev" z namenom rušenja države. Da so tam zaradi ISIS, je krma za ovce. Podobno, kot da so Libijo razbili za "človekove pravice" in Irak za "demokracijo".
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
papasmrk ::
Glede na to, da je Izrael tisti, ki okupira tujo zemljo, USA jim pa pomaga pri etničnem čiščenju, bi rekel, da se motiš.
Kako to da te pa ne moti, da rusi okupirajo tuje ozemlje in jim pri tem Iran pomaga tako da jih zalaga z orožjem. Aja, sem pozabil... pomembno je samo na katero stran se postavijo američani in potem veš na katero se moraš ti postavit.
Za komentiranje se moraš prijaviti
Poldi112 ::
Grdo podtikanje. Rusi so šli v Ukrajino ustaviti NATO - to, da so zavzeli Donbas je zgolj posledica vztrajanja naše zgrešene politike. Za razliko od palestincev, ki jim židi nikoli niso dali avtonomije, ampak jih sistematično brutalizirajo ter normalizirajo okupacijo. Ker mi to podpiramo.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
BorutO ::
Menim, da ni mogoče primerjati ruse v Siriji, ki so se na vabilo države borili proti ameriško sponzoriranim teroristom, z Gazo, kjer židje kot okupatorji izvajajo etnično čiščenje z namenom ustvarjanja Velikega Izraela.
Aja? Kaj pa potem, če bi ukrajinci američane povabili? Ali pa izrael američane? To pa spet ni ok zate, a ne?
BorutO ::
Grdo podtikanje. Rusi so šli v Ukrajino ustaviti NATO - to, da so zavzeli Donbas je zgolj posledica vztrajanja naše zgrešene politike. Za razliko od palestincev, ki jim židi nikoli niso dali avtonomije, ampak jih sistematično brutalizirajo ter normalizirajo okupacijo. Ker mi to podpiramo.
Kakšen Nato? Če bi rusiji bil problem Nato, bi napadla eno od petih držav, s katerimi mejijo in so članice Nata. Recimo, američane imajo par km stran od meje, pa jih ne upajo napasti. Lepo imaš oprano glavo. Nato ni noben problem rusiji, pač pa sama ukrajina. Putin je velikokrat javno povedal, da se ne strinja s tem, da je SZ razpadla. To je rekel tudi eno leto prej, preden je napadel Ukrajino. Vsi vemo, da se putin hoče zapisati v zgodovino kot neki novodobni aleksander veliki, da bi nazaj združil države SZja. Ker če nisi z njim, si proti njemu, in zato zdaj napada ukrajino. Ne pozabi, da je putin odobril janukoviču, da strelja na protestnike in spizdi v rusijo, če se ga ne bodo ustrašili. Isto je bil putinov največji ritoliznik, kateri je hotel, da se v ukrajini govori ruski jezik. Putin je to že dosegel v belorusiji, kjer tvegaš zaporno kazen, če ne govoriš rusko. Pa v bistvu je belorusija že ruska, le da imajo lutko na oblasti (lukašenka), ob kateremu si mislijo, da je on glavni. Ker ukrajinci nočejo imeti nič od rusov, imajo danes to kar imajo. In nehajte že fantazirati in se vzburjati zraven, da je za vojno kriv Nato. Še enkrat - s šestimi državami nato članicami meji rusija. S tem, da ima ena sosednja država jedrsko orožje (zda). Torej, rusija ima samo tri sosednje države, ki imajo jedrsko orožje - kazahstan, kitajska in zda. Če pa rečemo še, da je tudi belorusija ruska, pa rusija meji skupaj s 15 državami, od teh je 12 držav, kjer ima soseda (rusija) jedrsko orožje te države pa ga nimajo.
Še dobro, da so ruski vojaški pijančki totalno nesposobni za vojskovanje, drugače bi kijev padel že p prvem mesecu. Kaj ti pomaga vsa ta hi-sci tech, ko pa so vsi brez izkušenj? Američani milijarde zapravijo samo za treninge, zato pa so tako uspešni. Rusi pa verjetno trenirajo samo z vodkami.
Mr.B ::
Kaže, da ne poznate stvari, pa bi radi debatirali.
In kako to in kakšno naključje je, da so ravno Iranci tisti, ki jih najbolj skrbi za Palestince, čeprav niti 1 ne živi v Iranu?
Kot da tebe skrbi za palestince.
Ali kaj delajo Američlani v regiji. Pa sem prepričan da njih sploh skbi dobrobit palestincev.
Ej sej res, a po 20+ letih američani odhajajo s sirije, sej veš neobstoječi UN mandat po regiji, ne samo Sirski.
Kar povej, da po 20+ letih niso sposobni v puščavi počistiti s teroristi.
Glede na to, da v USA in Izraelu živi več kot 2 milijona Palesticev, bi rekel, da imajo večjo pravico delati res spodaj kot Iran v katerem ne živi niti 1 Palestinec!
Ko bodo Sirci samo sposobni zavarovati naftna polja in vzpostaviti red v državi bo tudi USA odšla, dokler se bo z nafto pumpal ISIS, kateri je pobijal ljudi druge vere in narodnosti (Kurde, Jezute...) bodo pa tam.
Ah sed bos pa se napisal da za branjene naftnih polj Sirija placuje amerikancem ceno " v katerem kolik poljubnem kontekstu"
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
mtosev ::
Če koga zanima kje končajo žene in otroci isisovih borcev. Zanimiv video
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mtosev ()
redtech ::
@BorutO ima slab občutek za stvar. Načeloma za osvojitev mesta potrebuješ toliko vojakov, kot je prebivalcev v tem mestu, če ima mesto ustrezno obrambo.
Sirija je konflikt različnih interesov okolice: Izrael, Turčija, Kurdi, Iran je veliko pridobil tukaj.
Nenazadnje Asad ni privolil, da gre plinovod iz Katarja čez Sirijo - interes Rusije. Mogoče tudi Azerbajdžan - Turčija.
Če bi moral izbirati bi rekel, najprej Izrael-Iran, potem Turčija-Kurdi, Sirija je kolateralna škoda njih.
Sirija je konflikt različnih interesov okolice: Izrael, Turčija, Kurdi, Iran je veliko pridobil tukaj.
Nenazadnje Asad ni privolil, da gre plinovod iz Katarja čez Sirijo - interes Rusije. Mogoče tudi Azerbajdžan - Turčija.
Če bi moral izbirati bi rekel, najprej Izrael-Iran, potem Turčija-Kurdi, Sirija je kolateralna škoda njih.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: redtech ()
Malidelničar ::
En update:
BREAKING: Syrian rebels from the Idlib province are storming the city of Aleppo. Assad's forces are fleeing.
BREAKING: Syrian rebels from the Idlib province have entered the central parts of Aleppo and are tearing down posters of Assad. It seems like Assad's soldiers are barely putting up any defense. It looks like the city could be about to fall. The shockwaves are spreading in Syria
Rebels claim to have entered Syria's second largest city
BREAKING: Syrian rebels from the Idlib province are storming the city of Aleppo. Assad's forces are fleeing.
BREAKING: Syrian rebels from the Idlib province have entered the central parts of Aleppo and are tearing down posters of Assad. It seems like Assad's soldiers are barely putting up any defense. It looks like the city could be about to fall. The shockwaves are spreading in Syria
Rebels claim to have entered Syria's second largest city
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Malidelničar ::
Resno je:
Syrian regime soldiers killed by rebels at Aleppo's entrance.
Syrian rebels inside Aleppo now.
Syrian regime soldiers killed by rebels at Aleppo's entrance.
Syrian rebels inside Aleppo now.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Malidelničar ::
To je noro kaj se dogaja, zadnja novica:
Syrian rebels have captured a massive depot of Russian weapons, ammunition, and military equipment
Meanwhile, government troops and officials loyal to Assad are fleeing Aleppo. The rebels are advancing so quickly that OSINT analysts can't keep up with updating maps.
Syrian rebels have captured a massive depot of Russian weapons, ammunition, and military equipment
Meanwhile, government troops and officials loyal to Assad are fleeing Aleppo. The rebels are advancing so quickly that OSINT analysts can't keep up with updating maps.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
mtosev ::
Spet drek v Siriji. Žalostno. Žal mi je za njih.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
Malidelničar ::
The Syrian rebels from the Idlib province have taken the city of Saraqib from Assad's forces.
It has a population of 30 000
Rusi imajo očitno še nekaj kapacitet v Siriji:
Russian warplanes are bombing Idlib and Sarmada in Syria: Local journalists said the Russians attacked a gas station from the air, resulting in injuries among civilians, including children.
The Syrian rebels from the Idlib province have taken the city of Saraqib from Assad's forces.
It has a population of 30 000
Rusi imajo očitno še nekaj kapacitet v Siriji:
Russian warplanes are bombing Idlib and Sarmada in Syria: Local journalists said the Russians attacked a gas station from the air, resulting in injuries among civilians, including children.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Malidelničar ()
RdecTelefon ::
BREAKING: Syria's Assad arrived in Moscow for an unplanned visit
Besteka sta nazdravila z vodko včeraj.
Morda bodo "Iranske-Hutije" poslali v Sirijo.
Besteka sta nazdravila z vodko včeraj.
Morda bodo "Iranske-Hutije" poslali v Sirijo.
Kdor poje, zlo ne misli!
Malidelničar ::
Vprašanje ali ima Rusija dovolj rezerv? Kdo lahko vskoči, hutijev ni dovolj po mojem. Iran neposredno????? (enega komandanta so jim včeraj baje skinili uporniki)
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Malidelničar ::
A je to fejk - ne vem zakaj bi bil Mossad v mišungi:
BREAKING: Dozens of wireless communications devices including pagers and walkie-talkies have exploded among the Syrian Arab Army (Assad regime-controlled).
BREAKING: Dozens of wireless communications devices including pagers and walkie-talkies have exploded among the Syrian Arab Army (Assad regime-controlled).
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
RdecTelefon ::
Zdaj sem se spomnil na tisto reklamo, ki jo vrtijo na TV za snickers, ko igrajo človek ne jezi se. Pravi babnca, če bi se malo menjali brez obveznosti-enkrat. Mož/pubec pa reče: ni mi všeč ta igra!
Kdor poje, zlo ne misli!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: RdecTelefon ()
Malidelničar ::
Situacija na fronti:
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Strel455 ::
Sirska vojska je hitreje razpadla kot ona afganistanska proti Talibanom.
The rebels' military operations department reported the capture of the following equipment:
- 31 tanks;
- 20 IFVs;
- 12 122-mm howitzers;
- 2 130-mm field guns;
- 3 self-propelled howitzers.
The rebels' military operations department reported the capture of the following equipment:
- 31 tanks;
- 20 IFVs;
- 12 122-mm howitzers;
- 2 130-mm field guns;
- 3 self-propelled howitzers.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Strel455 ()
Malidelničar ::
BREAKING NEWS -- Syrian opposition factions pledge to protect churches, Christians, and their freedoms, urging minorities to stay home and live normally after liberation.
Syria, rebels are already in the center of Aleppo.
The Russians whine that there are no shots where you can hear any resistance. The rebels are simply occupying district after district.
Syria, rebels are already in the center of Aleppo.
The Russians whine that there are no shots where you can hear any resistance. The rebels are simply occupying district after district.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Malidelničar ()
Strel455 ::
Tile uporniki bodo pokazal Rusom, kako bi morala zgledat "osvoboditev" Ukrajine.
Pa tuskim trolom na tem forumu tudi.
Pa tuskim trolom na tem forumu tudi.
Fritz ::
Tile uporniki bodo pokazal Rusom, kako bi morala zgledat "osvoboditev" Ukrajine.
Pa tuskim trolom na tem forumu tudi.
Isn't it funny how now pro Israel right wing MAGA idiots cheer for these terrorists?
Nazadnje, ko so "osvobajali" Sirijo in Irak, so zdesetkali ene od najstarejših krščanskih ljudstev in pobili nešteto civilistov. Tapravi "uporniki".
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
sbawe64 ::
Syrian opposition factions pledge to protect churches, Christians, and their freedoms, urging minorities to stay home and live normally after liberation.
Prvi april je letos že bil.
In zmerni glavorezci bodo vedno ostali zmerni glavorezci.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
RdecTelefon ::
kdo je zmerni glavorezec in kdo je tapravi, Fritz ti mogoče odgovoriš? Hamas spada kam? Spomnim se, da si rekel, da so rusi humanitarci.. Torej predvidevam, da je hamas humanitarni, glavorezc? imam prav? Tako gre to ali sem pomešal?
Kdor poje, zlo ne misli!
Strel455 ::
Tam dol je še najboljši ravno Assad. Ampak to nas zdaj ne briga.
Cajt je, da dobijo Rusi v Latakiji po pički.
Cajt je, da dobijo Rusi v Latakiji po pički.
arnecan1 ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
BREAKING NEWS -- Syrian opposition factions pledge to protect churches, Christians, and their freedoms, urging minorities to stay home and live normally after liberation.
Syria, rebels are already in the center of Aleppo.
The Russians whine that there are no shots where you can hear any resistance. The rebels are simply occupying district after district.
Sevda, ko se nekdo dere Allah Akbar si lahko miren, da boš kot ateist, jazid ali kristjan lepo živel pod njegovim šeriatom.
Malidelničar ::
A sploh imajo Rusi še popolnjeno bazo v Latakiji? Kaj so imeli tam, mornarico in letalsko bazo?
Verjetno je bila Latakija izhodišče letalskih napadov na Idlib???
Verjetno je bila Latakija izhodišče letalskih napadov na Idlib???
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Fritz ::
Malidelničar je izjavil:
A sploh imajo Rusi še popolnjeno bazo v Latakiji? Kaj so imeli tam, mornarico in letalsko bazo?
Verjetno je bila Latakija izhodišče letalskih napadov na Idlib???
Seveda imajo, luka Tartus, letališče Hmeimim pri mestu Latakia, oboje provinca Latakia.
Od kod pa misliš da vzletajo ruski lovski bombniki v Siriji?
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
lynxslo5 ::
V tem konfliktu sem na strani Asada. Mislim, da je on dosti manjše zlo, kot zmerni glavorezci, ki jih podpira ZDA.
Core i7-14700F, Kingston DDR5 32GB (2x16GB) 5600MHz,
MSI PRO B760-P, MSI Nvidia RTX 4070 12GB, NVME Samsung 990 PRO 2TB,
Antec DF700 Flux, Win 11 Pro, ASUS PA279CV ProArt
MSI PRO B760-P, MSI Nvidia RTX 4070 12GB, NVME Samsung 990 PRO 2TB,
Antec DF700 Flux, Win 11 Pro, ASUS PA279CV ProArt
Pac-Man ::
dolg komentar, Asad je trenutno v Moskvi, najbrž moleduje za pomoč
This aged like fine wine. I just didn't expect the first pour to be ready in, checks notes, 12 hours.
HTS/SNA captured about 65% of what Russia has captured in Ukraine in all of 2024 in 72 hours, including the city of Aleppo. Done with minimal casualties and equipment loss, while capturing a lot of abandoned kit and ammunition.
Will HTS/SNA and the almost 2 dozen groups supporting be benevolent rulers as was ordered by their command? Are they "reformed" as claimed?
Will the coalition that formed against Assad hold and remain cohesive?
Will elements of the SAA turn on Assad and join HTS/SNA?
If the strategic goal is to topple Assad, chopping off heads in the streets of Aleppo will make turning it into a logistics hub for future offensive operations not just difficult but near impossible. Even if HTS/SNA operational goals are broader, they will have to enter a pause to consolidate gains.
If HTS is "ISIS" or "Al Qaeda" as claimed, why does ISIS, old school OG ISIS still exist in Syria and is targeted by an ongoing US antiterror campaign that started last month? And why is Türkiye directly supporting Al Qaeda/ISIS military ops?
And if you believe the disinformation campaign about Israel, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and ISIS, how exactly are Israel and ISIS aligned allies? And if Ukraine is losing so bad in Ukraine and has no men and no equipment left, then where did the claimed brigades of secret Ukrainian troops allegedly fighting in Syria come from?
Occam's Razor is easily to apply here.
HTS has de-raducalized over the last 5+ years (they are still a cause of concern). They created a quasi, effective government. They created their own domestic military-industrial complex designing and building their own IMV, APC, and MRAPs, They trained and created a professional C3 structure. They developed a professional fighting force. By de-radicalizing, they built deeper coalitions. They made a plan. They executed it masterfully.
But there are videos of them execting captured soldiers and brutalizing civilians! 99% of the videos circulating on Twitter claiming to be 2024 are from 2014-2016 and some not even from Syria. Just like the videos circulating claiming Russian armored columns are moving through central Aleppo.
In contrast to the work of HTS/SNA, Assad hid behind PMC Wagner, the VKS, and little green men from Russia with the ocassional sprinkle of Sarin. His regime focused on corruption, keeping it in the family, and permitted his military and means to support it deteriorate to an ineffective state. To stay in power, he was and is a puppet to Moscow and Tehran.
Tehran's interests? Unchanged since 1979. Spread the Iranian Revolution across the region using proxy forces. That and keeping Syrian and Iraqi relations in the toilet. And no, Israel was not always the enemy of Iran, even after the Revolution. Study the history of the Iran-Iraq War. You'll learn some things.
Moscow's interests? Syria is the Diego Garcia of Russia between the home country and Africa. A vital logistics center for naval ops and strategic airlift. It is also their metaphorical flag in the Middle East. A thin veneer of former Soviet "greatness." Outside of that, there is only the sunk cost fallacy.
Anyone giving you a two-dimensional take on the situation in Syria doesn't know what they're talking about and should be avoided.
Anyone viewing the events as a team sport, a zero sum game of good guys vs bad guys doesn't understand war and sure doesn't understand Syria.
We're no smarter. My whole career has been talking to people smarter than me about extremely complex topics and synthesizing their stream of consciousness into something easier to understand for a non-expert audience.
That, and we as a team, have been watching Syria and talking to those experts since 28 October. We wrote to our subscribers on 27 October that an Aleppo offensive might be coming, and we were putting some attention on Syria.
But if you subscribe, you already know that.
This aged like fine wine. I just didn't expect the first pour to be ready in, checks notes, 12 hours.
HTS/SNA captured about 65% of what Russia has captured in Ukraine in all of 2024 in 72 hours, including the city of Aleppo. Done with minimal casualties and equipment loss, while capturing a lot of abandoned kit and ammunition.
Will HTS/SNA and the almost 2 dozen groups supporting be benevolent rulers as was ordered by their command? Are they "reformed" as claimed?
Will the coalition that formed against Assad hold and remain cohesive?
Will elements of the SAA turn on Assad and join HTS/SNA?
If the strategic goal is to topple Assad, chopping off heads in the streets of Aleppo will make turning it into a logistics hub for future offensive operations not just difficult but near impossible. Even if HTS/SNA operational goals are broader, they will have to enter a pause to consolidate gains.
If HTS is "ISIS" or "Al Qaeda" as claimed, why does ISIS, old school OG ISIS still exist in Syria and is targeted by an ongoing US antiterror campaign that started last month? And why is Türkiye directly supporting Al Qaeda/ISIS military ops?
And if you believe the disinformation campaign about Israel, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and ISIS, how exactly are Israel and ISIS aligned allies? And if Ukraine is losing so bad in Ukraine and has no men and no equipment left, then where did the claimed brigades of secret Ukrainian troops allegedly fighting in Syria come from?
Occam's Razor is easily to apply here.
HTS has de-raducalized over the last 5+ years (they are still a cause of concern). They created a quasi, effective government. They created their own domestic military-industrial complex designing and building their own IMV, APC, and MRAPs, They trained and created a professional C3 structure. They developed a professional fighting force. By de-radicalizing, they built deeper coalitions. They made a plan. They executed it masterfully.
But there are videos of them execting captured soldiers and brutalizing civilians! 99% of the videos circulating on Twitter claiming to be 2024 are from 2014-2016 and some not even from Syria. Just like the videos circulating claiming Russian armored columns are moving through central Aleppo.
In contrast to the work of HTS/SNA, Assad hid behind PMC Wagner, the VKS, and little green men from Russia with the ocassional sprinkle of Sarin. His regime focused on corruption, keeping it in the family, and permitted his military and means to support it deteriorate to an ineffective state. To stay in power, he was and is a puppet to Moscow and Tehran.
Tehran's interests? Unchanged since 1979. Spread the Iranian Revolution across the region using proxy forces. That and keeping Syrian and Iraqi relations in the toilet. And no, Israel was not always the enemy of Iran, even after the Revolution. Study the history of the Iran-Iraq War. You'll learn some things.
Moscow's interests? Syria is the Diego Garcia of Russia between the home country and Africa. A vital logistics center for naval ops and strategic airlift. It is also their metaphorical flag in the Middle East. A thin veneer of former Soviet "greatness." Outside of that, there is only the sunk cost fallacy.
Anyone giving you a two-dimensional take on the situation in Syria doesn't know what they're talking about and should be avoided.
Anyone viewing the events as a team sport, a zero sum game of good guys vs bad guys doesn't understand war and sure doesn't understand Syria.
We're no smarter. My whole career has been talking to people smarter than me about extremely complex topics and synthesizing their stream of consciousness into something easier to understand for a non-expert audience.
That, and we as a team, have been watching Syria and talking to those experts since 28 October. We wrote to our subscribers on 27 October that an Aleppo offensive might be coming, and we were putting some attention on Syria.
But if you subscribe, you already know that.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
sbawe64 ::
Pako, sedaj v 3 stavkih s svojimi besedami na kratko povej, zakaj gre.
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order
Corona World order
Strel455 ::
To bi znalo vse, kar je severno od Hame kolapsirat in past v roke upornikom.
Unbelievable video of Syrian rebel control in Abu Al-Duhur Airbase around 40km from the frontlines as recently as 4 days ago.
35.729605, 37.122936
Unbelievable video of Syrian rebel control in Abu Al-Duhur Airbase around 40km from the frontlines as recently as 4 days ago.
35.729605, 37.122936
Pac-Man ::
Pako, sedaj v 3 stavkih s svojimi besedami na kratko povej, zakaj gre.
Asadovi so nadaljevali po starem, z vsesplošno korupcijo in naslanjanjem na zunanje partnerje, medtem ko se je HTS deradikalizirala, ne sicer popolnoma in vzpostavila učinkovite poveljniške strukture in vojaško-industrijski kompleks. Asadovi partnerji imajo trenutno druge probleme, rezultati vsega tega so vidni v zadnjih urah.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Vanich ::
V Alepu so zmerni glavorezci Hay'et Tahrir al-Sham ravnokar izpustili vse svoje zmerne glavorezce iz zaporov. Čez par tednov, mesecev, bodo že v EU.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: mtosev ()
Pac-Man ::
The dynamics in Syria are so extreme that the moment I post a map update it is already obsolete.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
arnecan1 ::
Pako, sedaj v 3 stavkih s svojimi besedami na kratko povej, zakaj gre.
Asadovi so nadaljevali po starem, z vsesplošno korupcijo in naslanjanjem na zunanje partnerje, medtem ko se je HTS deradikalizirala, ne sicer popolnoma in vzpostavila učinkovite poveljniške strukture in vojaško-industrijski kompleks. Asadovi partnerji imajo trenutno druge probleme, rezultati vsega tega so vidni v zadnjih urah.
A je že prvi april ali kako?
LuiIII ::
Sam največje upe polagam v SDF (Kurdi). Upam, da v naslednjih dneh osvojijo oz. zamenjajo čim več ozemlja in oporišč sirske vojske, povežejo med sabo vsa ozemlja, ki jih držijo: Tall Rif'at, Sheik Maqsood, Manbij in core ozemlje na levi strani Evfrata. Pri tem bi bilo dobro, da osvojijo še: Vzhodni Aleppo, Al Safirah, Maskanah.
Poldi112 ::
Zakaj na bi bilo to dobro? Mogoče za demokracijo v Siriji?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
RdecTelefon ::
Blitzkrieg in Syria day 4.
Amazing how quickly russian troops can flee.
Hej brigade kam hitite
na podstrešje se skrijte,
tam je dosti mesa in klobas.
Hej mašinca zagodi
Naj odmeva povsodi
Naš pozdrav ruskim neadertalcem.
Amazing how quickly russian troops can flee.
Hej brigade kam hitite
na podstrešje se skrijte,
tam je dosti mesa in klobas.
Hej mašinca zagodi
Naj odmeva povsodi
Naš pozdrav ruskim neadertalcem.
Kdor poje, zlo ne misli!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: RdecTelefon ()
Malidelničar ::
Me zanima, do kje bodo prodrli SDF in YPG. Trenutno so do letališča v Alepu.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Malidelničar ::
Nekaj map:
South of Maarat Al-Numan, rebel forces seized more villages: Kafranbel, Hass, Hazarin, Dar al-Kabira and Kafr Sajna. In addition it is reported that Russian forces have withdrawn from their base in the Al-Suqaylabiyah area which is a bit more south of these advances.
Interesting dynamics north of Aleppo. After initial claims that the SDF had captured Nubl and Zahraa, there are now reports of rebel forces claiming control over both towns, while also taking control over the adjacent town of Mayer. It is also still fairly unclear if the SDF and rebels have made any agreements related to the rebels' offensive or that the SDF is just taking advantage of SAA chaos.
South of Maarat Al-Numan, rebel forces seized more villages: Kafranbel, Hass, Hazarin, Dar al-Kabira and Kafr Sajna. In addition it is reported that Russian forces have withdrawn from their base in the Al-Suqaylabiyah area which is a bit more south of these advances.
Interesting dynamics north of Aleppo. After initial claims that the SDF had captured Nubl and Zahraa, there are now reports of rebel forces claiming control over both towns, while also taking control over the adjacent town of Mayer. It is also still fairly unclear if the SDF and rebels have made any agreements related to the rebels' offensive or that the SDF is just taking advantage of SAA chaos.
Don't invest like a Joe. Invest like a Simon.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Malidelničar ()