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Konflikt v Siriji
Temo vidijo: vsi

peburuchug ::
Hmmmm, ko od Boga izbran človek ubije nedolžnega gojima dobi medaljo. Hmmmm?
Israel's defense minister says sniper who shot Palestinian in viral video 'deserves a medal'
Israel's top defense official praised the sniper who shot a motionless Palestinian near the Gaza fence in a video that circulated widely on Monday, saying he "deserves a medal."
Israel's defense minister says sniper who shot Palestinian in viral video 'deserves a medal'
Israel's top defense official praised the sniper who shot a motionless Palestinian near the Gaza fence in a video that circulated widely on Monday, saying he "deserves a medal."

Pac-Man ::
The political system put in place by Habib Bourguiba and perpetuated by Ben Ali had become an exclusionary machine, working against its citizens.
Verjetno so dovolj demokratiöni za ameriöane. Pass, kot v Egiptu.
Ben Ali je bil tisti, ki ga je revolucija odnesla.
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali @ Wikipedia
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (Arabic: زين العابدين بن علي, Zayn al-‘Ābidīn bin ‘Alī; born 3 September 1936; commonly referred to as Ben Ali) is a Tunisian former politician who served as President of Tunisia from 1987 until his ousting in 2011. Ben Ali was appointed Prime Minister in October 1987, and he assumed the Presidency on 7 November 1987 in a bloodless coup d'état that ousted President Habib Bourguiba, who was declared incompetent.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::
The political system put in place by Habib Bourguiba and perpetuated by Ben Ali had become an exclusionary machine, working against its citizens.
Verjetno so dovolj demokratiöni za ameriöane. Pass, kot v Egiptu.
Ben Ali je bil tisti, ki ga je revolucija odnesla.
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali @ Wikipedia
Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (Arabic: زين العابدين بن علي, Zayn al-‘Ābidīn bin ‘Alī; born 3 September 1936; commonly referred to as Ben Ali) is a Tunisian former politician who served as President of Tunisia from 1987 until his ousting in 2011. Ben Ali was appointed Prime Minister in October 1987, and he assumed the Presidency on 7 November 1987 in a bloodless coup d'état that ousted President Habib Bourguiba, who was declared incompetent.
Ja kaj hočeš povedati, da je bla spontana ustaja izvedena zamanj ? Seveda, sedaj je Demokratična vlčada, move on.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Mr.B ::
Prestavil je Trump vojno, till further notice.
Ne samo francozi bodo prevzeli, tako da bodo kao americani lahko castno vstopili. Rusi res nebi zjebali francije, ker je druga ekonomska sila v eu-ju.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

leiito ::
saj tudi ZDA ne bi zjebali, Rusija je daleč za ZDA, kar se konvencionalne oborožitve tiče, S-400 so dragi, in zakaj bi jih sploh uporabili, vedoč, da je zadaj neskončna količina Tomahawk-ov, v najboljšem primeru bi preložili realnost, da bi pa res napadli ameriške ladje je težko verjeti. Za Rusijo je tole zajeban scenarij, ena opcija vojaško, druga politično ponižanje.

nsa_ag3nt ::
Bele čelade, hollywood
+črna al-kaida zastava na zidu zmaga.
+črna al-kaida zastava na zidu zmaga.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()

Cervantes ::
Ma. Trumpy se je zbal za svoje "nice, smart, new" tomahowke.
S-400 rules the sky!
S-400 rules the sky!

Fritz ::
S-400 ni roba za klatenje tomahawkov, za to so sistemi za zaščito pomembne infrastrukture in vojaških enot ala Pantsir-S1. S-400 je predrag za to.
S-400 je sistem za klatenje balističnih raket in letal, to zadnje pa predstavlja skrb za potencialne napadalce.
Srčno upam, da bo zahod srečala pamet ali pa da bo morebiten konflikt ostal omejen na Sirijo. Se pa igrajo z ognjem, ker Rusi ne bodo popuščali. Čudi me le, da v zadnjih 48 urah niso navlekli več hardwarea v Sirijo.
S-400 je sistem za klatenje balističnih raket in letal, to zadnje pa predstavlja skrb za potencialne napadalce.
Srčno upam, da bo zahod srečala pamet ali pa da bo morebiten konflikt ostal omejen na Sirijo. Se pa igrajo z ognjem, ker Rusi ne bodo popuščali. Čudi me le, da v zadnjih 48 urah niso navlekli več hardwarea v Sirijo.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

gozdar1 ::
Rusi zadnje čase verjetno iščejo način kako zaključit sirsko avanturo, svoje cilje načeloma dosegli očitno pa ima iran svoje načrte pa tudi asad opogumljen z uspehi očitno igra po svoje.

Samuel ::
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Invictus ::
Seveda je...
S-400 missile system @ Wikipedia
Zakaj bi ga drugače sploh imeli...
Tomahawk je precej simple sestreliti, ko ga zaznaš...
Saj nima nobenih senzorjev, ki bi odkrili, da ga ciljajo, poleg tega pa leti po preprogramirani poti...
Poleg tega imajo Rusi v Siriji 2 AWACSa...
S-400 missile system @ Wikipedia
Zakaj bi ga drugače sploh imeli...
Tomahawk je precej simple sestreliti, ko ga zaznaš...
Saj nima nobenih senzorjev, ki bi odkrili, da ga ciljajo, poleg tega pa leti po preprogramirani poti...
Poleg tega imajo Rusi v Siriji 2 AWACSa...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Invictus ()

Samuel ::
Seveda je...
S-400 missile system @ Wikipedia
Zakaj bi ga drugače sploh imeli...
Tomahawk je precej simple sestreliti, ko ga zaznaš...
Saj nima nobenih senzorjev, ki bi odkrili, da ga ciljajo, poleg tega pa leti po preprogramirani poti...
Poleg tega imajo Rusi v Siriji 2 AWACSa...
Lani, ko so ZDA napadli in ko je velika večina raket zadela cilje, so imeli Rusi eno uro časa in vedeli so od kod bodo rakete prišle. S S-400 ni bilo nič. Eno je nekaj kar nekje piše, drugo je pa praksa.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

hammock ::
Seveda je...
S-400 missile system @ Wikipedia
Zakaj bi ga drugače sploh imeli...
Tomahawk je precej simple sestreliti, ko ga zaznaš...
Saj nima nobenih senzorjev, ki bi odkrili, da ga ciljajo, poleg tega pa leti po preprogramirani poti...
Poleg tega imajo Rusi v Siriji 2 AWACSa...
Lani, ko so ZDA napadli in ko je velika večina raket zadela cilje, so imeli Rusi eno uro časa in vedeli so od kod bodo rakete prišle. S S-400 ni bilo nič. Eno je nekaj kar nekje piše, drugo je pa praksa.
Ker jih niso hoteli sestrelit, tako kot Izraelskih letal ne.
Tomahawkov se lahko lotis tudi z vsakim lovcem, ker so precej pocasni.

Samuel ::
Ker jih niso hoteli sestrelit, tako kot Izraelskih letal ne.
Kako da ne? Saj so se Rusi hvalili, da so jih sklatili večino, dokler niso Američani pokazali zadetke na tleh.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::
Seveda je...
S-400 missile system @ Wikipedia
Zakaj bi ga drugače sploh imeli...
Tomahawk je precej simple sestreliti, ko ga zaznaš...
Saj nima nobenih senzorjev, ki bi odkrili, da ga ciljajo, poleg tega pa leti po preprogramirani poti...
Poleg tega imajo Rusi v Siriji 2 AWACSa...
Lani, ko so ZDA napadli in ko je velika večina raket zadela cilje, so imeli Rusi eno uro časa in vedeli so od kod bodo rakete prišle. S S-400 ni bilo nič. Eno je nekaj kar nekje piše, drugo je pa praksa.
Kako se je Trumpi soral, ko je rus rekel da bo smoknili tisto ladijco in podmornico ki bi streljala na Asada...Kitajci so pa pametno tiho.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Samuel ::
Kako se je Trumpi soral, ko je rus rekel da bo smoknili tisto ladijco in podmornico ki bi streljala na Asada...Kitajci so pa pametno tiho.
Prav zaradi tega se je. Kako brihtno. Na tvojem nivoju kot vedno.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

gozdar1 ::
Tomahawk je enostavno sestreliti, če veš kje je in imaš dovolj sredstev protiletalske obrambe na pravem mestu. Težava je ker stvar leti precej nizko in uporablja teren za maskiranje plus da jih je ponavadi veliko in prihajajo iz različnih smeri kar zna biti tudi za najboljšo protiletalsko obrambo preveč.

Mr.B ::
Kako se je Trumpi soral, ko je rus rekel da bo smoknili tisto ladijco in podmornico ki bi streljala na Asada...Kitajci so pa pametno tiho.
Prav zaradi tega se je. Kako brihtno. Na tvojem nivoju kot vedno.
Saj zato sedaj Francoze žica, morda mu bo ratalo. Oni imajo defenitivne dokaze.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Samuel ::
Tomahawk je enostavno sestreliti, če veš kje je in imaš dovolj sredstev protiletalske obrambe na pravem mestu. Težava je ker stvar leti precej nizko in uporablja teren za maskiranje plus da jih je ponavadi veliko in prihajajo iz različnih smeri kar zna biti tudi za najboljšo protiletalsko obrambo preveč.
Enostavno ga je sestreliti, če veš od kod prihaja in kaj cilja.
To, da Američani vnaprej sporočijo vse te podatke, potem pa cilje še celo zadenejo, lepo pove kje smo.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Invictus ::
Saj, ker so Američani sporočili, se Rusi niso vmešavali.
Saj niso napadli ruske baze...
A vi resno mislite, da Rusi in Američani vsakodnevno ne komunicirajo v ozadju?
Se pač gredo real live Game of Thrones
Saj niso napadli ruske baze...
A vi resno mislite, da Rusi in Američani vsakodnevno ne komunicirajo v ozadju?
Se pač gredo real live Game of Thrones

"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."

gozdar1 ::
Ma težava je , da imajo ljudje nerealne predstave o zmogljivostih določenih sistemov, recimo s400 in famozni domet od 400 km, ki je v realnosti uporaben samo proti kakšnemu awacs-u(poleg tega je zemlje zaenkrat še okrogla). Kakšen je sploh odstotek uspešnosti sistemov protiletalske obrambe? Za zgoraj omenjeni tomahawk je to okrog 80% za protiletalsko obrambo je 50% verjetno zelo veliko in ti zna precej hitro zmanjkati raket. Sicer pa sem pred kratkim prebral izjavo nekega izraelskega generala, da je največja težava s400 v siriji to , da je ruski.

Samuel ::
Saj, ker so Američani sporočili, se Rusi niso vmešavali.
Saj niso napadli ruske baze...
A vi resno mislite, da Rusi in Američani vsakodnevno ne komunicirajo v ozadju?
Se pač gredo real live Game of Thrones.
Še enkrat:
"Kako da ne? Saj so se Rusi hvalili, da so jih sklatili večino, dokler niso Američani pokazali zadetke na tleh."
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Fritz ::
Ma težava je , da imajo ljudje nerealne predstave o zmogljivostih določenih sistemov, recimo s400 in famozni domet od 400 km, ki je v realnosti uporaben samo proti kakšnemu awacs-u(poleg tega je zemlje zaenkrat še okrogla). Kakšen je sploh odstotek uspešnosti sistemov protiletalske obrambe? Za zgoraj omenjeni tomahawk je to okrog 80% za protiletalsko obrambo je 50% verjetno zelo veliko in ti zna precej hitro zmanjkati raket. Sicer pa sem pred kratkim prebral izjavo nekega izraelskega generala, da je največja težava s400 v siriji to , da je ruski.
Če bi manevrirne rakete prihajale iz morja, bi jih najlažje sestrelili. Čeprav S-400 ali Patriot zmoreta tudi to, je to precej neekonomično početje. Vsekakor pa drži, da je doseg zaznavanja ciljev in zmožnosti zajemanja le teh odvisen od višine leta cilja in površine odseva. Nizkoleteči manevrirni izstrelki se ne zaznajo na večjih razdaljah.
Ne drži pa navedba, da je manevrirnih izstrelkov neomejeno. ZDA, UK in FRA naj bi jih imeli na ladjah in podmornicah v vzhodnem Mediteranu 100-200, pomorska skupina ameriške letalonosilke Truman, ki je baje na poti na BV pa jih prinaša še kakšnih 400-600.
Če bo prišlo do napadov z manevrirnimi izstrelki, bodo ti, po mojem mnenju, v Sirijo leteli preko Izraela in Libanona.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

gozdar1 ::
Ma težava je , da imajo ljudje nerealne predstave o zmogljivostih določenih sistemov, recimo s400 in famozni domet od 400 km, ki je v realnosti uporaben samo proti kakšnemu awacs-u(poleg tega je zemlje zaenkrat še okrogla). Kakšen je sploh odstotek uspešnosti sistemov protiletalske obrambe? Za zgoraj omenjeni tomahawk je to okrog 80% za protiletalsko obrambo je 50% verjetno zelo veliko in ti zna precej hitro zmanjkati raket. Sicer pa sem pred kratkim prebral izjavo nekega izraelskega generala, da je največja težava s400 v siriji to , da je ruski.
Če bi manevrirne rakete prihajale iz morja, bi jih najlažje sestrelili. Čeprav S-400 ali Patriot zmoreta tudi to, je to precej neekonomično početje. Vsekakor pa drži, da je doseg zaznavanja ciljev in zmožnosti zajemanja le teh odvisen od višine leta cilja in površine odseva. Nizkoleteči manevrirni izstrelki se ne zaznajo na večjih razdaljah.
Ne drži pa navedba, da je manevrirnih izstrelkov neomejeno. ZDA, UK in FRA naj bi jih imeli na ladjah in podmornicah v vzhodnem Mediteranu 100-200, pomorska skupina ameriške letalonosilke Truman, ki je baje na poti na BV pa jih prinaša še kakšnih 400-600.
Če bo prišlo do napadov z manevrirnimi izstrelki, bodo ti, po mojem mnenju, v Sirijo leteli preko Izraela in Libanona.
O številkah lahko špekuliramo npr. podmornica vrste ohio jih lahko nosi 154 , v napadih na srbijo so manevrirane rakete nosili tudi bombniki b52 (agm 86) jih bo pa vedno vsekakor končno mnogo.

Fritz ::
O številkah lahko špekuliramo npr. podmornica vrste ohio jih lahko nosi 154 , v napadih na srbijo so manevrirane rakete nosili tudi bombniki b52 (agm 86) jih bo pa vedno vsekakor končno mnogo.
Se strinjam in se opravičujem, da sem se v komentarju na tvoj post obregnil ob navedbo uporabnika leeito, da je teh reči neskončno. Tudi navadnega streliva prej ko slej zmanjka, bolj sofisticiranih (in dražjih) reči pa je neprimerno manj.
Najsi je Assad še tak pacient in zmožen marsičesa, ni edini tak v okolici in popolnoma nesmiselno bi bilo začeti vojno večjih razmer zaradi neke načelnosti okrog civilnih žrtev, ko pa ta umanjka le nekaj sto kilometrov jugozahodno ali jugovzhodno od Damaska.
Mimogrede, Ghouta je islamistov prosto območje pod nadzorom SAA. Inšpektorji OPCW so na poti in 14. 4. začnejo z delom na lokaciji napada, v Ghouti.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Sirska zračna obramba bo v kratkem veliko svetega dima.
U.S. officials say urine tests from #Douma have tested positive for *both* chlorine & a nerve agent. Urine [& blood] samples were collected at the scene in #Douma & exfiltrated to foreign intelligence assets operating covertly inside #Syria.
= Smoking gun - the catalyst for today’s White House meeting, which will assess military options for strikes.
U.S. officials say urine tests from #Douma have tested positive for *both* chlorine & a nerve agent. Urine [& blood] samples were collected at the scene in #Douma & exfiltrated to foreign intelligence assets operating covertly inside #Syria.
= Smoking gun - the catalyst for today’s White House meeting, which will assess military options for strikes.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::
Ni sicer še na Twixu in foxu... ampak je
Assad government forces 'take entire' Eastern Ghouta
Assad government forces 'take entire' Eastern Ghouta
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Pac-Man ::
Če bi manevrirne rakete prihajale iz morja, bi jih najlažje sestrelili. Čeprav S-400 ali Patriot zmoreta tudi to, je to precej neekonomično početje. Vsekakor pa drži, da je doseg zaznavanja ciljev in zmožnosti zajemanja le teh odvisen od višine leta cilja in površine odseva. Nizkoleteči manevrirni izstrelki se ne zaznajo na večjih razdaljah.
Rakete se vedno pošilja preko kopnega, vsaj zadnji del pred ciljem. Irak 2003 se je bombardiralo preko Irana ;)
Ena od alternativ GPS-u je namreč terrain tracking.
TERCOM @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

leiito ::
Valjda nisem mislil, da je Tomahawkov dobesedno neskončno, dovolj pač, da je bistveno več kot ruskega kontra hardvera v Siriji, kar sem spraševal je, zakaj bi se Rusi sploh mučili in si delali stroške, če vejo, da bo po cca. x ameriških izstrelkov itak zmanjkalo obrambne municije? Rusi pa gotovo vejo, da Američani točno vejo koliko municije je na voljo.

Invictus ::
Saj Tomahawki uporabljajo TERCOM od začetka.
Takrat GPSa sploh še ni bilo.
Takrat GPSa sploh še ni bilo.
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."

Pac-Man ::
Bwaaaaaaa, tole zgleda dolhcajt.
A source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told CNBC the U.S. was considering striking eight potential targets. Those targets include two Syrian airfields, a research center and a chemical weapons facility.
A source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told CNBC the U.S. was considering striking eight potential targets. Those targets include two Syrian airfields, a research center and a chemical weapons facility.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::
Valjda nisem mislil, da je Tomahawkov dobesedno neskončno, dovolj pač, da je bistveno več kot ruskega kontra hardvera v Siriji, kar sem spraševal je, zakaj bi se Rusi sploh mučili in si delali stroške, če vejo, da bo po cca. x ameriških izstrelkov itak zmanjkalo obrambne municije? Rusi pa gotovo vejo, da Američani točno vejo koliko municije je na voljo.
Pantsir ima tudi topove in ne samo rakete. Nekaj dobro razporejenih baterij bi lahko pokrilo največjo koncentracijo visoko-vrednih ciljev (predvsem letališča). Če manevrirca sestreliš s topom je tako kot če večje oklepno vozilo (1+ mio. $) sesuješ z RPG (300$).
Za nekaj sto manevrirnih izstrelkov je že umetnost najti ustrezne cilje.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Fritz ::
Če bi manevrirne rakete prihajale iz morja, bi jih najlažje sestrelili. Čeprav S-400 ali Patriot zmoreta tudi to, je to precej neekonomično početje. Vsekakor pa drži, da je doseg zaznavanja ciljev in zmožnosti zajemanja le teh odvisen od višine leta cilja in površine odseva. Nizkoleteči manevrirni izstrelki se ne zaznajo na večjih razdaljah.
Rakete se vedno pošilja preko kopnega, vsaj zadnji del pred ciljem. Irak 2003 se je bombardiralo preko Irana ;)
Ena od alternativ GPS-u je namreč terrain tracking.
TERCOM @ Wikipedia
Tomahawk kombinira različne vrste prepoznave terena in inercialno navigacijo. Če so lansirne platforme v glavnem ladje in podmornice, potem izstrelki svojo pot začnejo na morju in če so cilji na kopnem, potem nekako pridejo do njih. Se jim pa da določiti pot tako, da naredijo ovinek mimo znanih protiletalskih sistemov nasprotnika ali v radarski senci le teh. Sam na morju ni ničesar kar bi delalo radarsko senco.
Ehm, Charles Lister...c'mon Paco, you can do way better than that

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

gus5 ::

Pac-Man ::
Info from aircraft spotters suggests the attack was launched from Dumayr Airbase, northeast of Damascus, so that seems a likely target.
Spet zanimivo. Otročje, ampak rad bi videl S-300/400 v akciji.
Zaslišanje pred imenovanjem. Pod prisego.
Primer v prvih 40s:
President Trump’s nominee to serve as Secretary of State confirmed Thursday that “a couple hundred Russians were killed” by U.S. forces in Syria earlier this year.
“In Syria, now, a handful of weeks ago the Russian met their match,” Pompeo told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “A couple hundred Russians were killed.”
Info from aircraft spotters suggests the attack was launched from Dumayr Airbase, northeast of Damascus, so that seems a likely target.
Spet zanimivo. Otročje, ampak rad bi videl S-300/400 v akciji.
Zaslišanje pred imenovanjem. Pod prisego.
Primer v prvih 40s:
President Trump’s nominee to serve as Secretary of State confirmed Thursday that “a couple hundred Russians were killed” by U.S. forces in Syria earlier this year.
“In Syria, now, a handful of weeks ago the Russian met their match,” Pompeo told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “A couple hundred Russians were killed.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Šimpanz ::
Američani so prepozni, sirijci so vmes vso vojaško tehniko spravili na varno.
Itak pa je vsakemu jasno da napada s plinom sploh ni bilo.
Itak pa je vsakemu jasno da napada s plinom sploh ni bilo.

DarkSite ::

xxxul ::
Samo bumbarji pišejo poste v smislu "vsi vemo...", "vsakemu/večini je jasno..." brez da bi dal kakršenkoli link ki to dokazuje (anketo recimo?)
je pa zadje cajte to zelo popularno, to pa res
je pa zadje cajte to zelo popularno, to pa res

Poldi112 ::
Američani so prepozni, sirijci so vmes vso vojaško tehniko spravili na varno.
Itak pa je vsakemu jasno da napada s plinom sploh ni bilo.
To je jasno samo tebi in še parim tle gor.
Večini pa je jasno, da so za tem asadovci ob podpori rusov.
No, res je da večina misli, da je zadaj assas, ker nas perejo. Medtem ko uni ko razmišljajo vidijo da čist preveč stvari ne štima.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

leiito ::
Mattis je danes javno povedal, da verjame, da je napad bil, nimajo pa ZDA dokazov, ki bi bremenili Assada. Baje jih ima Macron, ampak jih ne ne sme nikomur pokazat.

Mr.B ::
Mattis je danes javno povedal, da verjame, da je napad bil, nimajo pa ZDA dokazov, ki bi bremenili Assada. Baje jih ima Macron, ampak jih ne ne sme nikomur pokazat.
Loolanje ima, kao zahodnih operativcev ki so se borili na strani isis. ampak tako uradno pa res ne morejo povedati, če ne zaradi blamaže.
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

fikus_ ::
Še Britanska Rezka pravi, da da je "zelo verjetno" da je Assad za "domnevnim napadom" s kemičnim orožjem! Sedaj hočejo Macrona in Francoze potisnit not v greznico vojne, ker kao oni imajo dokaze o strupu, Američani pa celo vzorce krvi žrtev.
In za vse te domneve je potrebno Assada preventivno kaznovati! Kje je tista zahodna "demokratična" in "ljudsko pravična" mantra, da dokler se človeku ne dokaže krivde, se smatra, da je nedolžen????!!!!! Aja, Assad ni na pravi strani!!!! Za norme EU je diktator in zločinec, za BV in ostali arabski svet pa ne odstopa dosti od njihovega "normalnega" obnašanja.
Če je tista slika rumene jeklenke z nekaj dodanega železja "prava" in na osnovi katere se obtožuje Assada za zločin, potem je 100% fake! Ta zadeva naj bi padla skozi strop in pristala na postelji, ki je praktično nepoškodovana?????!!!!!! Mogoče je res, kar je že nekdo napisal, da je na postelji Dormeo vzmetnica in zato je postelja ostala cela!
In za vse te domneve je potrebno Assada preventivno kaznovati! Kje je tista zahodna "demokratična" in "ljudsko pravična" mantra, da dokler se človeku ne dokaže krivde, se smatra, da je nedolžen????!!!!! Aja, Assad ni na pravi strani!!!! Za norme EU je diktator in zločinec, za BV in ostali arabski svet pa ne odstopa dosti od njihovega "normalnega" obnašanja.
Če je tista slika rumene jeklenke z nekaj dodanega železja "prava" in na osnovi katere se obtožuje Assada za zločin, potem je 100% fake! Ta zadeva naj bi padla skozi strop in pristala na postelji, ki je praktično nepoškodovana?????!!!!!! Mogoče je res, kar je že nekdo napisal, da je na postelji Dormeo vzmetnica in zato je postelja ostala cela!

Pac-Man ::
Celega mehanizma kdo je trdil, da je kdo ugrabljen ne poznam, ne bi bilo pa nič presenetljivo, če je režim mrtve/pogrešane razglasil za ugrabljene. Tako je bil mir v hiši, ostalo bomo rešili po konfliktu.
Pa lep primer, kako fino je biti pameten & kontrirati, ko ne poznaš cele zgodbe.
Given the potentially greater consequences Assad and his allies could face, it’s unclear why he would risk using chemical weapons, especially when his regime had already declared victory in its Russia-backed assault on Eastern Ghouta, the last major rebel-held area near Damascus, which also encompasses Douma.
One crucial and largely overlooked explanation is the pressure he has faced from the Alawites, members of the minority Shiite-linked sect to which the Assads belong. Many Alawites believe Douma’s main insurgent group Jaysh al-Islam, or the Army of Islam, has been holding up to 7,500 Alawite prisoners in and around the city—including army generals, soldiers, and civilians—kidnapped or taken captive by rebels over the years to try to extract concessions from the regime. Though the Alawites represent a small proportion of the country overall, they hold key regime positions, dominate the police, and supply the main fighting forces who have been defending the regime since 2011. Many of their families are missing loved ones whom Assad can’t seem to get free, even as he tells them he wants still more of their sons to fight.
Assad’s ability to get them back is vital to preserving his legitimacy in the eyes of this important constituency, a fact that Iran and Russia, his patrons, also recognize. “We won’t give up on any missing or kidnapped person and we are going to do whatever it takes to free him if he’s still alive,” Assad said during a meeting with Alawite families on Tuesday.
Over the course of Syria’s seven-year war, I’ve spoken with many Alawites who feel they have sacrificed everything to preserve nearly five decades of Assad family rule. Virtually every house in Alawite strongholds in western Syria has been affected by the war, which many members of the community believe is as much about saving Assad as it is about preserving their very existence. The regime’s narrative claims that the Sunni Muslim majority, from which the rebellion draws, wants to eradicate their community.
Throughout March, tens of thousands of rebel fighters and civilians emerged from Eastern Ghouta and received safe passage to Idlib, an opposition-dominated province in the north. Their release had been arranged in negotiations between the Russians and armed groups. As the Alawites watched them leave, they grew anxious and angry: They had yet to receive much information on their brethren still held by the Army of Islam.
On Friday, the Syrian regime resumed its massive bombardment of Douma, and issued an ultimatum to the rebels: Death and mayhem on an unprecedented scale unless all Alawite prisoners were accounted for or released. Then came Saturday’s suspected chemical weapons attack on Douma, involving a possible mix of nerve agents and chlorine. The Army of Islam soon returned to the negotiating table to discuss Douma’s surrender, with the fate of the Alawite prisoners and missing persons the first item on the agenda—a development that provided momentary satisfaction to the families.
Soon after, anguished Alawite mothers, wives, and parents rushed to Damascus from their towns and villages in western Syria expecting to be reunited with their loved ones. But hope quickly gave way to anger and frustration when, by Monday evening, only about 200 Alawite prisoners emerged from Douma. Emotions boiled over when the regime’s official media announced that 200 was the final number of prisoners coming out alive from Douma. That 7,500 figure was “fake news,” they said, disseminated in an attempt to extort money from the despairing families.
In a rare and incredible scene, hundreds of furious Alawites staged an impromptu protest in central Damascus on Monday, marching from an auditorium next to the Russian Embassy that had been turned into a waiting area for the families to one of the capital’s busiest traffic intersections. Nervous regime security forces immediately cordoned off the entire area and sent in state media representatives to console people and allow them to vent. All other media was kept out, one independent Damascus-based reporter who witnessed the scene told me.
“I brought my son these pants so he could wear them when he was freed,” a bespectacled woman in black shouted as she waved a pair of jeans before the cameras.
Her son, a soldier who had been missing for six years, had not showed up. “I used to trust you [state media] but no more!” Jaafar Younis, a state television correspondent and a fellow Alawite, tried to comfort her. “Please calm down auntie, we are dealing with a terrorist armed group”—a reference to the Army of Islam— “that cannot be trusted to keep its word. And all of you saw the pressure the Syrian army put on them when they tried to renege on the deal,” he said. Another correspondent, also an Alawite, conceded there were still possibly thousands of kidnapped and missing Alawites all over Syria but said they were no longer in Ghouta. “We want lists with the names of the kidnapped, dead or alive. … We want our voice to reach his excellency President Bashar al-Assad, only him,” one man insisted.
By nightfall on Monday, the Alawite families were persuaded to leave the streets after bringing traffic to a standstill. They returned to the auditorium, but their rage did not subside. “The [regime] officers are bastards. The media are bastards too and they never tell the truth. We want to know the fate of our children! How much did you sell them for? How much did you get for the martyrs’ blood? How much?” one tearful mother screamed.
Pa lep primer, kako fino je biti pameten & kontrirati, ko ne poznaš cele zgodbe.
Given the potentially greater consequences Assad and his allies could face, it’s unclear why he would risk using chemical weapons, especially when his regime had already declared victory in its Russia-backed assault on Eastern Ghouta, the last major rebel-held area near Damascus, which also encompasses Douma.
One crucial and largely overlooked explanation is the pressure he has faced from the Alawites, members of the minority Shiite-linked sect to which the Assads belong. Many Alawites believe Douma’s main insurgent group Jaysh al-Islam, or the Army of Islam, has been holding up to 7,500 Alawite prisoners in and around the city—including army generals, soldiers, and civilians—kidnapped or taken captive by rebels over the years to try to extract concessions from the regime. Though the Alawites represent a small proportion of the country overall, they hold key regime positions, dominate the police, and supply the main fighting forces who have been defending the regime since 2011. Many of their families are missing loved ones whom Assad can’t seem to get free, even as he tells them he wants still more of their sons to fight.
Assad’s ability to get them back is vital to preserving his legitimacy in the eyes of this important constituency, a fact that Iran and Russia, his patrons, also recognize. “We won’t give up on any missing or kidnapped person and we are going to do whatever it takes to free him if he’s still alive,” Assad said during a meeting with Alawite families on Tuesday.
Over the course of Syria’s seven-year war, I’ve spoken with many Alawites who feel they have sacrificed everything to preserve nearly five decades of Assad family rule. Virtually every house in Alawite strongholds in western Syria has been affected by the war, which many members of the community believe is as much about saving Assad as it is about preserving their very existence. The regime’s narrative claims that the Sunni Muslim majority, from which the rebellion draws, wants to eradicate their community.
Throughout March, tens of thousands of rebel fighters and civilians emerged from Eastern Ghouta and received safe passage to Idlib, an opposition-dominated province in the north. Their release had been arranged in negotiations between the Russians and armed groups. As the Alawites watched them leave, they grew anxious and angry: They had yet to receive much information on their brethren still held by the Army of Islam.
On Friday, the Syrian regime resumed its massive bombardment of Douma, and issued an ultimatum to the rebels: Death and mayhem on an unprecedented scale unless all Alawite prisoners were accounted for or released. Then came Saturday’s suspected chemical weapons attack on Douma, involving a possible mix of nerve agents and chlorine. The Army of Islam soon returned to the negotiating table to discuss Douma’s surrender, with the fate of the Alawite prisoners and missing persons the first item on the agenda—a development that provided momentary satisfaction to the families.
Soon after, anguished Alawite mothers, wives, and parents rushed to Damascus from their towns and villages in western Syria expecting to be reunited with their loved ones. But hope quickly gave way to anger and frustration when, by Monday evening, only about 200 Alawite prisoners emerged from Douma. Emotions boiled over when the regime’s official media announced that 200 was the final number of prisoners coming out alive from Douma. That 7,500 figure was “fake news,” they said, disseminated in an attempt to extort money from the despairing families.
In a rare and incredible scene, hundreds of furious Alawites staged an impromptu protest in central Damascus on Monday, marching from an auditorium next to the Russian Embassy that had been turned into a waiting area for the families to one of the capital’s busiest traffic intersections. Nervous regime security forces immediately cordoned off the entire area and sent in state media representatives to console people and allow them to vent. All other media was kept out, one independent Damascus-based reporter who witnessed the scene told me.
“I brought my son these pants so he could wear them when he was freed,” a bespectacled woman in black shouted as she waved a pair of jeans before the cameras.
Her son, a soldier who had been missing for six years, had not showed up. “I used to trust you [state media] but no more!” Jaafar Younis, a state television correspondent and a fellow Alawite, tried to comfort her. “Please calm down auntie, we are dealing with a terrorist armed group”—a reference to the Army of Islam— “that cannot be trusted to keep its word. And all of you saw the pressure the Syrian army put on them when they tried to renege on the deal,” he said. Another correspondent, also an Alawite, conceded there were still possibly thousands of kidnapped and missing Alawites all over Syria but said they were no longer in Ghouta. “We want lists with the names of the kidnapped, dead or alive. … We want our voice to reach his excellency President Bashar al-Assad, only him,” one man insisted.
By nightfall on Monday, the Alawite families were persuaded to leave the streets after bringing traffic to a standstill. They returned to the auditorium, but their rage did not subside. “The [regime] officers are bastards. The media are bastards too and they never tell the truth. We want to know the fate of our children! How much did you sell them for? How much did you get for the martyrs’ blood? How much?” one tearful mother screamed.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Samuel ::
In za vse te domneve je potrebno Assada preventivno kaznovati! Kje je tista zahodna "demokratična" in "ljudsko pravična" mantra, da dokler se človeku ne dokaže krivde, se smatra, da je nedolžen????!!!!!
Prilagodili so se svoji konkurenci. Its life.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::
Celega mehanizma kdo je trdil, da je kdo ugrabljen ne poznam, ne bi bilo pa nič presenetljivo, če je režim mrtve/pogrešane razglasil za ugrabljene. Tako je bil mir v hiši, ostalo bomo rešili po konfliktu.
Pa lep primer, kako fino je biti pameten & kontrirati, ko ne poznaš cele zgodbe.
Given the potentially greater consequences Assad and his allies could face, it’s unclear why he would risk using chemical weapons, especially when his regime had already declared victory in its Russia-backed assault on Eastern Ghouta, the last major rebel-held area near Damascus, which also encompasses Douma.
One crucial and largely overlooked explanation is the pressure he has faced from the Alawites, members of the minority Shiite-linked sect to which the Assads belong. Many Alawites believe Douma’s main insurgent group Jaysh al-Islam, or the Army of Islam, has been holding up to 7,500 Alawite prisoners in and around the city—including army generals, soldiers, and civilians—kidnapped or taken captive by rebels over the years to try to extract concessions from the regime. Though the Alawites represent a small proportion of the country overall, they hold key regime positions, dominate the police, and supply the main fighting forces who have been defending the regime since 2011. Many of their families are missing loved ones whom Assad can’t seem to get free, even as he tells them he wants still more of their sons to fight.
Assad’s ability to get them back is vital to preserving his legitimacy in the eyes of this important constituency, a fact that Iran and Russia, his patrons, also recognize. “We won’t give up on any missing or kidnapped person and we are going to do whatever it takes to free him if he’s still alive,” Assad said during a meeting with Alawite families on Tuesday.
Over the course of Syria’s seven-year war, I’ve spoken with many Alawites who feel they have sacrificed everything to preserve nearly five decades of Assad family rule. Virtually every house in Alawite strongholds in western Syria has been affected by the war, which many members of the community believe is as much about saving Assad as it is about preserving their very existence. The regime’s narrative claims that the Sunni Muslim majority, from which the rebellion draws, wants to eradicate their community.
Throughout March, tens of thousands of rebel fighters and civilians emerged from Eastern Ghouta and received safe passage to Idlib, an opposition-dominated province in the north. Their release had been arranged in negotiations between the Russians and armed groups. As the Alawites watched them leave, they grew anxious and angry: They had yet to receive much information on their brethren still held by the Army of Islam.
On Friday, the Syrian regime resumed its massive bombardment of Douma, and issued an ultimatum to the rebels: Death and mayhem on an unprecedented scale unless all Alawite prisoners were accounted for or released. Then came Saturday’s suspected chemical weapons attack on Douma, involving a possible mix of nerve agents and chlorine. The Army of Islam soon returned to the negotiating table to discuss Douma’s surrender, with the fate of the Alawite prisoners and missing persons the first item on the agenda—a development that provided momentary satisfaction to the families.
Soon after, anguished Alawite mothers, wives, and parents rushed to Damascus from their towns and villages in western Syria expecting to be reunited with their loved ones. But hope quickly gave way to anger and frustration when, by Monday evening, only about 200 Alawite prisoners emerged from Douma. Emotions boiled over when the regime’s official media announced that 200 was the final number of prisoners coming out alive from Douma. That 7,500 figure was “fake news,” they said, disseminated in an attempt to extort money from the despairing families.
In a rare and incredible scene, hundreds of furious Alawites staged an impromptu protest in central Damascus on Monday, marching from an auditorium next to the Russian Embassy that had been turned into a waiting area for the families to one of the capital’s busiest traffic intersections. Nervous regime security forces immediately cordoned off the entire area and sent in state media representatives to console people and allow them to vent. All other media was kept out, one independent Damascus-based reporter who witnessed the scene told me.
“I brought my son these pants so he could wear them when he was freed,” a bespectacled woman in black shouted as she waved a pair of jeans before the cameras.
Her son, a soldier who had been missing for six years, had not showed up. “I used to trust you [state media] but no more!” Jaafar Younis, a state television correspondent and a fellow Alawite, tried to comfort her. “Please calm down auntie, we are dealing with a terrorist armed group”—a reference to the Army of Islam— “that cannot be trusted to keep its word. And all of you saw the pressure the Syrian army put on them when they tried to renege on the deal,” he said. Another correspondent, also an Alawite, conceded there were still possibly thousands of kidnapped and missing Alawites all over Syria but said they were no longer in Ghouta. “We want lists with the names of the kidnapped, dead or alive. … We want our voice to reach his excellency President Bashar al-Assad, only him,” one man insisted.
By nightfall on Monday, the Alawite families were persuaded to leave the streets after bringing traffic to a standstill. They returned to the auditorium, but their rage did not subside. “The [regime] officers are bastards. The media are bastards too and they never tell the truth. We want to know the fate of our children! How much did you sell them for? How much did you get for the martyrs’ blood? How much?” one tearful mother screamed.
Kok se jaz spomnim, te neoznačena letala, neznane lokacije mučenj, itd... Pa ni nihče odgovarjal, nekateri bodo celo šefi CIE postali.... Hm, o čem ti sedaj to pišeš. Da si se posipal s pepelom, ker drugi bolj direkt to delajo...
Dlje ko boste plačevali influencerjem za čustveno stanje,
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.
slabše bo za ukjince in posledično tudi Evropo.
Vseeno je včasih potrebno pogledati stanje na terena.

Poldi112 ::
In za vse te domneve je potrebno Assada preventivno kaznovati! Kje je tista zahodna "demokratična" in "ljudsko pravična" mantra, da dokler se človeku ne dokaže krivde, se smatra, da je nedolžen????!!!!!
Prilagodili so se svoji konkurenci. Its life.
Nope, zgolj sledijo svoji politiki globalne dominance, kjer se neposlušne države sesuva. Saj veš, it's life. Plin je zgolj priročno sredstvo propagande za potrebe domače konzumacije.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Pac-Man ::
Kok se jaz spomnim, te neoznačena letala, neznane lokacije mučenj, itd... Pa ni nihče odgovarjal, nekateri bodo celo šefi CIE postali.... Hm, o čem ti sedaj to pišeš. Da si se posipal s pepelom, ker drugi bolj direkt to delajo...
(Ro)botek, ravnokar si padel na turingovem testu. Popolnoma nobene povezave z mojo objavo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Samuel ::
Nope, zgolj sledijo svoji politiki globalne dominance, kjer se neposlušne države sesuva. Saj veš, it's life. Plin je zgolj priročno sredstvo propagande za potrebe domače konzumacije.
Assada bi zlahkoto sesuli 2013-14. Izraelci bi bili takoj za.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.