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Konflikt v Siriji

Konflikt v Siriji

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Pac-Man ::


Tweet Storm: Recapping the attribution of the 2013 Ghouta Sarin attacks to the Assad regime. (1/many)

Two articles serve as an excellent general re-cap of the main arguments. First is this one in the @Guardian

Second general article summarising the key issues is this one I wrote in Cicero:

There are numerous key points that stitch together a fairly compelling case

Difficulty: Sarin is very difficult to make. Requires a serious effort and expertise. It cannot be made in a kitchen.
Quantity: The 8/21 attack needed a lot of material. A factory is needed, not a tent. It would be hard to hide the needed facility. The 8/21 attack needed 9+ tons of precursors and would have left 8+ tons of waste.
Choice of agent. Why Sarin? Tabun’s easier. Mustard and Lewisite are lower tech alternatives. So why pick such a hard one to make?
Economics. The effort would cost squillions. Where’s the money trail? Wouldn’t the money have been better spent on other things?
Concealment: How do you hide an effort this big? How does a conspiracy this large have nobody spilling the beans? Where’s the trail?
Additives: The 8/21 attack used a specific non-traditional additive (Hexamine) hitherto un-seen in the production of nerve agents.
Hexamine: The Assad regime declared a massive inventory of hexamine AS PART OF THEIR CW INVENTORY.
Physical evidence in the field shows hexamine traces EVERYWHERE where there were traces of presence of liquid Sarin or its decomp products.
Specificity: What’s the likelihood of a non-regime effort using the same additive (hexamine), hitherto unused in Sarin?
Weapon System: The weapon systems used in the 8/21 attack have only been seen in use by the Assad govt and not by any rebel faction.
Geography and range: The rockets used had range to hit the target areas from areas controlled by the Assad govt the night of the attack.

The Assad regime joined the CWC and declared a large inventory of both precursors and waste chemicals

Regarding a “UN report” that blames rebel factions for the 8/21 attack. No such report exists. Its existence is mythical. Regarding a “Study issued by MIT” – The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has not issued any study. The document purporting to be the “MIT study” is a compilation of emails, not a study. The UN and OPCW have issued documents blaming the Assad regime for multiple chemical attacks.

Regarding Seymour Hersh’s various theories, I wrote two rebuttals.
Rebuttal 1: https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentarya...
Seymour doubled down on his lunacy, so I wrote this Rebuttal 2: https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentarya...
Re Hersh: See also: http://www.armscontrolwonk.com/archive/...
Regarding the alleged Turkish Sarin plot, I debunk the recipe here: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2015/10...
Regarding the “Turkish Sarin” confiscated at the border – it turned out to be antifreeze.

The likely answer is that the 8/21 attacks were done by the guy with the Sarin factory and the delivery system. Which was Assad.

Fritz ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

The likely answer is that the 8/21 attacks were done by the guy with the Sarin factory and the delivery system. Which was Assad.

Dokončno bom verjel, ko bom tole slišal od ZN in ne od tipa s sledečim izsekom iz CV-ja:

I started out as a Chemical Officer in the United States Army, and served a total of 16 years as a military reservist, first in the US Army Reserve and then in the Maryland Army National Guard, reaching the rank of Captain. I was one of the founding members of one of the first Civil Support Teams. Of course, a military reservist needs to maintain a civilian career as well, and I was very fortunate that I was able to apply my military CBRN skills in civilian life. I served for 12 years in the White House in Washington DC, from 1996 to 2008, in two different jobs spanning two very different Presidential administrations. I spent six years as a Defense Department civil servant detailed to the White House Military Office, where I worked as CBRN advisor and emergency plans program manager. 2002 brought a transfer to the Technical Security Division of the US Secret Service, where I was assigned to CBRN countermeasures and the HAMMER team as well as traditional technical security and protective missions.

Od samega začetka drži, da je SAA glavni osumljenec glede zmožnosti, težava je predvsem v motivu in vprašanju, kaj naj bi Assad pridobil s tem napadom.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

7tom1ja ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:


Tweet Storm: Recapping the attribution of the 2013 Ghouta Sarin attacks to the Assad regime. (1/many)

Two articles serve as an excellent general re-cap of the main arguments. First is this one in the @Guardian

Second general article summarising the key issues is this one I wrote in Cicero:

There are numerous key points that stitch together a fairly compelling case

Difficulty: Sarin is very difficult to make. Requires a serious effort and expertise. It cannot be made in a kitchen.
Quantity: The 8/21 attack needed a lot of material. A factory is needed, not a tent. It would be hard to hide the needed facility. The 8/21 attack needed 9+ tons of precursors and would have left 8+ tons of waste.
Choice of agent. Why Sarin? Tabun’s easier. Mustard and Lewisite are lower tech alternatives. So why pick such a hard one to make?
Economics. The effort would cost squillions. Where’s the money trail? Wouldn’t the money have been better spent on other things?
Concealment: How do you hide an effort this big? How does a conspiracy this large have nobody spilling the beans? Where’s the trail?
Additives: The 8/21 attack used a specific non-traditional additive (Hexamine) hitherto un-seen in the production of nerve agents.
Hexamine: The Assad regime declared a massive inventory of hexamine AS PART OF THEIR CW INVENTORY.
Physical evidence in the field shows hexamine traces EVERYWHERE where there were traces of presence of liquid Sarin or its decomp products.
Specificity: What’s the likelihood of a non-regime effort using the same additive (hexamine), hitherto unused in Sarin?
Weapon System: The weapon systems used in the 8/21 attack have only been seen in use by the Assad govt and not by any rebel faction.
Geography and range: The rockets used had range to hit the target areas from areas controlled by the Assad govt the night of the attack.

The Assad regime joined the CWC and declared a large inventory of both precursors and waste chemicals

Regarding a “UN report” that blames rebel factions for the 8/21 attack. No such report exists. Its existence is mythical. Regarding a “Study issued by MIT” – The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has not issued any study. The document purporting to be the “MIT study” is a compilation of emails, not a study. The UN and OPCW have issued documents blaming the Assad regime for multiple chemical attacks.

Regarding Seymour Hersh’s various theories, I wrote two rebuttals.
Rebuttal 1: https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentarya...
Seymour doubled down on his lunacy, so I wrote this Rebuttal 2: https://now.mmedia.me/lb/en/commentarya...
Re Hersh: See also: http://www.armscontrolwonk.com/archive/...
Regarding the alleged Turkish Sarin plot, I debunk the recipe here: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2015/10...
Regarding the “Turkish Sarin” confiscated at the border – it turned out to be antifreeze.

The likely answer is that the 8/21 attacks were done by the guy with the Sarin factory and the delivery system. Which was Assad.

kje pa je tale toj kolega izpustil Carlo del Ponte ?
Mimogrede, glede na to, da uporabljaš twitter, zakaj recimo ne vprašaš Dr. Gregoriča kaj si misli o tem, vsekakor bolj kompetentna oseba kot en defence contractor iz Londona
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Pac-Man ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Mimogrede, glede na to, da uporabljaš twitter, zakaj recimo ne vprašaš Dr. Gregoriča kaj si misli o tem, vsekakor bolj kompetentna oseba kot en defence contractor iz Londona


V zadnjih 24h je retvitnil The Duran, UKIP, Nino Byzantino (bivšo? ženo Richarda "Heil Trump" Spencerja) in SouthFront. Ne rabim spraševat, poznam odgovor.

Poleg tega ni ekspert na kemičnem, temveč jedrskem področju.


Kaszeta je ravno "kemik".

arnecan1 ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Fritz je izjavil:

Torej priznaš, da se gre Izrael, ob drugih državah, nelegalnega vmešavanja v notranje zadeve Sirije, nelegalnih napadov na ozemlje suverene države in podpiranja terorizma (pa še kaj bi se našlo)?

Izrael skrbi za svoje interese in lastno preživetje. To je vse, kar ti lahko napišem.

Če to pomeni milijone beguncev v Evropi, ogrožajo naše interese in preživetje.

Pac-Man ::

A Baathist, a Putinist, a Stalinist and an Antisemite walk into a bar, the bartender says: "The anti-war meeting is upstairs"
Group of Latin American communists & an Australia commie to create a pro assad group on Australian campus ground

Fritz ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Mimogrede, glede na to, da uporabljaš twitter, zakaj recimo ne vprašaš Dr. Gregoriča kaj si misli o tem, vsekakor bolj kompetentna oseba kot en defence contractor iz Londona


V zadnjih 24h je retvitnil The Duran, UKIP, Nino Byzantino (bivšo? ženo Richarda "Heil Trump" Spencerja) in SouthFront. Ne rabim spraševat, poznam odgovor.

Poleg tega ni ekspert na kemičnem, temveč jedrskem področju.


Kaszeta je ravno "kemik".

Ja, Gregorič, nekdanji vodja misije UNMOVIC v Iraku nima pojma o čem govori. Hudič je, da je možakar že enkrat doživel ameriško nategovanje in laganje in jim sedaj ne verjame na besedo.

O tvojem 'kemiku' in njegovi karieri v ameriški vojski in vladi pa imaš lepo citirano.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Hudič je, da je možakar že enkrat doživel ameriško nategovanje in laganje in jim sedaj ne verjame na besedo.


O tvojem 'kemiku' in njegovi karieri v ameriški vojski in vladi pa imaš lepo citirano.
2 administraciji nazaj. Od takrat se je precej spremenilo, med drugim so ZDA priznale napake.

Trenutno je aktivno rusko nategovanje.


Če je bil dober za RBK zaščito ameriškega predsednika, bo dober tudi za analizo sirskega kemičnega programa.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::


Hazardous Agent Mitigation Medical Response (HAMMER) is run by the Secret Service Technical Support Division (TSD). A low-profile black HAMMER van, with external biological agent detectors, is sometimes described as part of the ever-growing presidential motorcade.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

konspirator ::

Odpri si novo temu o belingcatu in fordu f550.

Samuel ::

arnecan1 je izjavil:

Če to pomeni milijone beguncev v Evropi, ogrožajo naše interese in preživetje.

Zakaj pa potem v Nemčiji fali kakšen miljonček delavcev? Evropejci namreč nočejo delat. A bomo še enkrat ponovili debato, ki smo jo imeli tukaj ne dosti nazaj.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Berserker ::

Samuel je izjavil:

arnecan1 je izjavil:

Če to pomeni milijone beguncev v Evropi, ogrožajo naše interese in preživetje.

Zakaj pa potem v Nemčiji fali kakšen miljonček delavcev? Evropejci namreč nočejo delat. A bomo še enkrat ponovili debato, ki smo jo imeli tukaj ne dosti nazaj.

Fali miljon visokokvalificiranih delavcev ne navadnih radnikov plus da se Nemci premalo razmnožujejo. Konec je obdobja nekvalificiranih delovnih mest, ker jih bo nadomestila avtomatizacija in specializacija. Kako točno se bo v tem znašel folk z srednjeveško mentaliteto mi ni jasno. Pomeni zgolj, da bo morala Nemčija plačevat jizyo muslimanom za nastanitev ali pa naj se pripravi na nemire.

Poldi112 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Fritz je izjavil:

Hudič je, da je možakar že enkrat doživel ameriško nategovanje in laganje in jim sedaj ne verjame na besedo.


O tvojem 'kemiku' in njegovi karieri v ameriški vojski in vladi pa imaš lepo citirano.
2 administraciji nazaj. Od takrat se je precej spremenilo, med drugim so ZDA priznale napake.

Trenutno je aktivno rusko nategovanje.

Kaj konkretnega se je spremenilo? Ja, priznali so par stvari, po tistem, ko je bilo vsem jasno da je tako. Neke spremembe v politiki ni bilo opaziti. Irak so zrušili (po planu), zdaj so v Siriji, sledi verjetno Iran, vsaj glede na vso propagando, ki jo gonijo.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Pac-Man ::

Recimo to, da je šel po Iraku slavni plan v smeti.

Dinastija Assad/Iran/hezbolah so pa stare zamere za trenutno ekipo v pentagonu, sploh marince. Sicer profesionalci, ampak gre za mojo največjo skrb okrog njih. Upam, da bodo lahko ohranili hladne glave.

1983 Beirut barracks bombings @ Wikipedia

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Poldi112 ::

In kaj je bil ta slavni plan?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

zmaugy ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

In kaj je bil ta slavni plan?

7tom1ja ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

Mimogrede, glede na to, da uporabljaš twitter, zakaj recimo ne vprašaš Dr. Gregoriča kaj si misli o tem, vsekakor bolj kompetentna oseba kot en defence contractor iz Londona


V zadnjih 24h je retvitnil The Duran, UKIP, Nino Byzantino (bivšo? ženo Richarda "Heil Trump" Spencerja) in SouthFront. Ne rabim spraševat, poznam odgovor.

Poleg tega ni ekspert na kemičnem, temveč jedrskem področju.


Kaszeta je ravno "kemik".

je takšen ekspert, da je bil nekaj časa šef inšpektorjev v Iraku, tvoj defence contractor IZ LONDONA je nobody, ki je zelo verjetno plačan s strani "the syria campaign" za svoje razmišljanje
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

7tom1ja ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Fritz je izjavil:

Hudič je, da je možakar že enkrat doživel ameriško nategovanje in laganje in jim sedaj ne verjame na besedo.


O tvojem 'kemiku' in njegovi karieri v ameriški vojski in vladi pa imaš lepo citirano.
2 administraciji nazaj. Od takrat se je precej spremenilo, med drugim so ZDA priznale napake.

Trenutno je aktivno rusko nategovanje.


Če je bil dober za RBK zaščito ameriškega predsednika, bo dober tudi za analizo sirskega kemičnega programa.

Prav nič se ni sprmenilo, nadaljujejo s strateško geopolitiko (Clark) ne glede na to kdo je predesednik.
Najbolj me pa razp.... ko nekdo govori, da so "zda priznale napake"; kdo od amero golazni trenutno sedi v celici v Haagu ? Napaka je če rečes da je 2+2 enako 5, napad na državo z izmišljenim razlogom NI napaka.
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

7tom1ja ::

AQ is on our side in Syria"--email from policy advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Feb 2012)

Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

zmaugy ::

Pac-Man ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

AQ is on our side in Syria"--email from policy advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Feb 2012)


"Otherwise, things have pretty much turned out as expected." si zgrešil.

Smrekar1 ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

AQ is on our side in Syria"--email from policy advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Feb 2012)


To bi bilo udarno, če temu ne bi sledilo "med ostalimi novicami ni nič nepričakovanega".

Kontekst pač.

7tom1ja ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

AQ is on our side in Syria"--email from policy advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Feb 2012)


"Otherwise, things have pretty much turned out as expected." si zgrešil.

ja coup je leta 2012 dobro napredoval

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

7tom1ja je izjavil:

AQ is on our side in Syria"--email from policy advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Feb 2012)


To bi bilo udarno, če temu ne bi sledilo "med ostalimi novicami ni nič nepričakovanega".

Kontekst pač.

zanimivo, da sta se od vseh komentatorjev na wikileaks strani samo vidva obesila na "kontekst", ki ga jasno razmeta enako :-)
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Poldi112 ::

Ja, tako dobro, da so celo zavrnili ruski predlog za mir brez Assada:

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Mr.B ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Ja, tako dobro, da so celo zavrnili ruski predlog za mir brez Assada:


Ja no poldi, vem da Slovnci patite na NAj BI, baje, bab arekla, itd, potem vam ga pa JJ tutne. Ampak tudi zadna OZN resolucija je bila definirana v tekstu z besedo "alleged" s kredibilnim virom Bele celade ak zmerni uporniki.
Oprosti, ampak taka kajbojska mednarodna politika, pač ne more funkcionirati.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

7tom1ja ::

Meanwhile in free #Idlib ,women rights have been taken to a whole new level


P.S. upam, da se tole ne da razmeti v kakšnem drugem kontekstu
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7tom1ja ()

Poldi112 ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Ja, tako dobro, da so celo zavrnili ruski predlog za mir brez Assada:


Ja no poldi, vem da Slovnci patite na NAj BI, baje, bab arekla, itd, potem vam ga pa JJ tutne. Ampak tudi zadna OZN resolucija je bila definirana v tekstu z besedo "alleged" s kredibilnim virom Bele celade ak zmerni uporniki.
Oprosti, ampak taka kajbojska mednarodna politika, pač ne more funkcionirati.

Kredibilnim? Bela hiša je ene toliko kredibilna kot Kremelj. Bele čelade pa tudi. Ampak hej, skoraj vam je ratalo demokracijo iz Iraka razširiti še na Sirijo. Good work. :)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Smrekar1 ::

7tom1ja je izjavil:

zanimivo, da sta se od vseh komentatorjev na wikileaks strani samo vidva obesila na "kontekst", ki ga jasno razmeta enako :-)

To precej pove predvsem o komentatorjih na omenjeno stran.

SimplyMiha ::

Syria: U.S.-led Airstrike Hit ISIS Chemical Weapons Cache, Killed Hundreds

Če uporabimo dosedanjo retoriko, so ZDA ravnokar s kemičnim orožjem ubile več sto civilov.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Smrekar1 ::

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

Syria: U.S.-led Airstrike Hit ISIS Chemical Weapons Cache, Killed Hundreds

Če uporabimo dosedanjo retoriko, so ZDA ravnokar s kemičnim orožjem ubile več sto civilov.

Članek izgubi kredibilnost najkasneje v tej točki:

The Syrian army said ...

fikus_ ::

Vem, da za tebe bi moralo biti "USA said", potem bi verjel! Meni je pa vseeno, obe strani jemljem z rezervo!

Smrekar1 ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

Vem, da za tebe bi moralo biti "USA said", potem bi verjel! Meni je pa vseeno, obe strani jemljem z rezervo!

Jaz vse jemljem z rezervo, je pa res, da je pri nekaterih ta rezerva precej večja kot pri drugih.

SAA je namreč zatrdila, da so žrtvev veliko in da je večina žrtev civilistov. Precej impresivno, glede na to da gre za sovražnika in da je bilo to kvječemu nekaj ur po napadu. Povedano drugače, niti prepričljivo ne znajo lagati.

SimplyMiha ::

ISIS rad drži prebivalstvo za talce, sploh v bližini strateških objektov. Ko jih fašejo, koj priletijo bele čelade in se pofotkajo z žrtvami.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Smrekar1 ::

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

ISIS rad drži prebivalstvo za talce, sploh v bližini strateških objektov.

Saj to je klasična taktika. Vseeno je impresivno, da jim uspe ugotoviti, da je bila "večina" žrtev civilistov brez da bi prišli tja in prešteli koliko je katerih.

Skoraj kot da bi si zadevo izmislili od A do Ž. Le zakaj.

Mr.B ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

ISIS rad drži prebivalstvo za talce, sploh v bližini strateških objektov.

Saj to je klasična taktika. Vseeno je impresivno, da jim uspe ugotoviti, da je bila "večina" žrtev civilistov brez da bi prišli tja in prešteli koliko je katerih.

Skoraj kot da bi si zadevo izmislili od A do Ž. Le zakaj.

Sej vem alleged , pa to. Do danes niso uspeli dostaviti ....
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

windigo ::

Magnetogram skupne tiskovne konference Tillersona in Lavrova bi bil zabavno branje, če se ne bi ob vsej razglašenosti in divergentnosti in njenih morebitnih posledicah zraven še malo ježila koža. No, vsaj pogovarjajo se še.

sivistol ::

Ce trump tweeta ob 3 zjutri , bo pa ze dvignu fon ca ga bo vlad klicu ane,
Zih bo za leto dni vlad prisel na eno partijo golfa v marlagu

Samuel ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

Vem, da za tebe bi moralo biti "USA said", potem bi verjel! Meni je pa vseeno, obe strani jemljem z rezervo!

V zadnjih dveh dneh koalicijska letali niso sploh letela niti ciljala kakršne koli cilje na tej lokaciji. Pač ponovno bebava ruska propaganda (sproducirana s strani sirijske SANE), v smislu: "mi smo grbi, vi ste tudi grdi". Videno neštetokrat.
SAA sploh nima svojih vojakov na tem območju, da bi karkoli lahko dokazovala.

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

ISIS rad drži prebivalstvo za talce, sploh v bližini strateških objektov. Ko jih fašejo, koj priletijo bele čelade in se pofotkajo z žrtvami.

ISIS je ISIS, Bele čelade so pa FSA. Belih čelad na področju ISISa ni. Kaj že spet blodiš??


Sem že gor napisal, da je moralo biti nekaj takega. NSA je vdrla v kriptirane komunikacije sirske vojske:
American military and intelligence community intercepted Syrian government communications related to Khan Sheikhoun

In ko je Trump to dobil na mizo, je ukazal napad.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Poldi112 ::

Senior us official said... Res kredibilno. 50 let vas že na isti način nategujejo, pa jim še kar verjamete. :)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

oo7 ::

Teli Nemci so prav smešni.

Prijeti Iračan je bil član Islamske države, vendar ni povezan z napadom

Nemški tožilci so ugotovili, da je pridržani moški leta 2014 v Iraku postal član Islamske države in da je tudi poveljeval enoti, ki je štela okoli deset džihadistov, zato so zahtevali zaporni nalog.

"Cilj enote je bilo pripravljanje ugrabitev, umorov in izsiljevanja," je pojasnilo tožilstvo. Moški je marca 2015 prispel v Turčijo in v začetku leta 2016 v Nemčijo, kjer je ohranil stike z Islamsko državo.


Namci so ujeli nedolžnega Isisovca. Danke and willkomen al kako ?

Samuel ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Senior us official said... Res kredibilno. 50 let vas že na isti način nategujejo, pa jim še kar verjamete. :)

Ta občutek moraš ti dobro poznat. :))
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

konspirator ::

Samuel je izjavil:

arnecan1 je izjavil:

Če to pomeni milijone beguncev v Evropi, ogrožajo naše interese in preživetje.

Zakaj pa potem v Nemčiji fali kakšen miljonček delavcev? Evropejci namreč nočejo delat. A bomo še enkrat ponovili debato, ki smo jo imeli tukaj ne dosti nazaj.

Ker preveč verjameš propagandi MSM


Samuel ::

Za tiste, ki fantazirate o ameriški podpori pri nastanku ter širitvi ISISa, je tukaj nekaj iz prve roke:

Iraqi MP Ahmed Al-Jabari - corruption in #Iraq army and government led to #IS occupation of #Mosul

konspirator je izjavil:

Ker preveč verjameš propagandi MSM

Ne, jaz samo pogledam podatke, koliko Bosancev in Hrvatov je odšlo v Nemčijo, pa mi je vse jasno.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Fritz ::

Samuel je izjavil:

arnecan1 je izjavil:

Če to pomeni milijone beguncev v Evropi, ogrožajo naše interese in preživetje.

Zakaj pa potem v Nemčiji fali kakšen miljonček delavcev? Evropejci namreč nočejo delat. A bomo še enkrat ponovili debato, ki smo jo imeli tukaj ne dosti nazaj.

Ja lahko ponovimo kakšno debato, ker vidim, da poleg ameriške fopaš tudi neoliberalno propagando.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

oo7 ::

US denies claim by Syrian army that coalition air strike hit Isis gas supplies releasing substance that 'killed hundreds'


Samuel ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Ja lahko ponovimo kakšno debato, ker vidim, da poleg ameriške fopaš tudi neoliberalno propagando.

Ne vem, kaj ti fopaš in koga fopaš, ampak brat verjetno znaš:

Samuel je izjavil:

Fritz je izjavil:

Ja lahko ponovimo kakšno debato, ker vidim, da poleg ameriške fopaš tudi neoliberalno propagando.

Ne vem, kaj ti fopaš in koga fopaš, ampak brat verjetno znaš:

German Unemployment Rate Steady At 36-Year Low
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Fritz ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Fritz je izjavil:

Ja lahko ponovimo kakšno debato, ker vidim, da poleg ameriške fopaš tudi neoliberalno propagando.

Ne vem, kaj ti fopaš in koga fopaš, ampak brat verjetno znaš:

Samuel je izjavil:

Fritz je izjavil:

Ja lahko ponovimo kakšno debato, ker vidim, da poleg ameriške fopaš tudi neoliberalno propagando.

Ne vem, kaj ti fopaš in koga fopaš, ampak brat verjetno znaš:

German Unemployment Rate Steady At 36-Year Low

In na podlagi česa so gospod zaključili, da je to zaradi beguncev in migrantov (katerih veliko sploh nima dovoljenja za delo)?
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::


Anatomy of a Sarin Bomb Explosion (Part I)

Part I: The Bomb, its contents, and their likely fate

(...)This first part addresses the contents of the bomb and how these components interact with the environment.

What’s in an air-dropped Sarin bomb? A Sarin bomb will contain more than just Sarin.

Sarin. The nerve agent Sarin will be in liquid form. However, no chemical reaction makes pure Sarin and no weapon system known to date contained just pure Sarin.
Unreacted Components: It is highly unlikely that any Sarin binary mixing done before loading will be absolutely 100% effective.
Degradation products : Sarin, unless made properly, degrades quickly. And Sarin degrades in the presence of moisture.
Additives: Anything additional added, such as acid scavengers and anti-corrosion inhibitors

Design and Intent of the weapon

Non-persistent nerve agents, such as Sarin are used for immediate production of casualties, as their ability to produce contamination is time-limited. As such, Sarin weapons generally function on the principle of producing as much aerosol (a finely divided mist of droplets) as possible. Persistent nerve agents, such as VX, are designed to contaminate terrain and equipment, and cause immediate­­ casualties primarily by skin contact.

How big an explosive charge?

(...)Sarin decomposes at higher temperatures. At its boiling point, around 150 deg C, it decomposes rapidly. A large amount of high explosives would easily heat much of the Sarin in a bomb to 150 deg C.


The US Mk94 bomb held 49kg of Sarin and had a 7.3 kg burster. The Weteye bomb appears to have contained 159 kg of Sarin and had a large bursting charge, around 27 kg, leading one to deduce that it had a much thicker case. I can find no comparable statistics for USSR-produced systems.

Air-burst versus ground burst

(...)Non-persistent agents are designed with production of casualties in mind and keeping the aerosol at or near ground level helps to maintain a higher concentration of the chemical agent than detonating in the air. The latter serves to dilute the concentration a little or a lot, depending on local conditions. With persistent agents, the idea is to have a wider radius of dispersal of droplets to cause contamination of terrain and equipment.


However, decomposition due to hydrolysis is the primary mechanism by which the Sarin disappears under most conditions. A US Army study showed that 99% of Sarin would be gone within 2.5 to 24 hours depending on variables.


Sarin absorbed into surfaces will desorb over time. Temperature is a key variable in that rate of desorption as is the nature of the material. A US government study showed that after 4 hours, about 95% of the liquid Sarin in carpet is gone.

Fritz ::

@ Pac-man
In kaj strupoznanstvo iz fotelja v Londonu pove definitivnega o tem, kdo je odgovoren za napad v Siriji?
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

oo7 ::

US drops largest non-nuclear bomb on Afghanistan, first time used in combat

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