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Konflikt v Siriji

Konflikt v Siriji

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SimplyMiha ::

Saj lahko zbombardiraš pol sveta in temu rečeš obramba. Zgleda da deluje.

nevone ::

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

Saj lahko zbombardiraš pol sveta in temu rečeš obramba. Zgleda da deluje.

Že kar nekaj časa je večji del sveta v miru in nekaj ustvarja.

o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

SimplyMiha ::

Wars in the World

Ja, ne. Ni je države, ki ne bi bila vpletena v kakšen konflikt (niti mi nismo izjeme, ker imamo nekaj inštruktorjev v Afganistenu).

Če vojna ne bi bila dober posel, bi jo ukinili.

nevone ::

Ja, ne. Ni je države, ki ne bi bila vpletena v kakšen konflikt (niti mi nismo izjeme, ker imamo nekaj inštruktorjev v Afganistenu).

Pomembno je, da je večina sveta v poziciji, da mirno živi in lahko ustvarja.

o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

SimplyMiha ::


Fritz ::

nevone je izjavil:

Obramba je vedno dopustna.

o+ nevone

Obramba pomeni nujno potrebno obrambo proti istočasnem protipravnem napadu. 51. čl. UL OZN govori o tem, da za nujno samoobrambo ne potrebuješ mandata VS OZN, temveč se obraniš in potem prijaviš zadevo VS OZN.

Potencialne grožnje niso upravičen razlog za samoobrambno delovanje na teritoriju druge države temveč le priročen izgovor, saj gre za napad in ne obrambo. Ukrepe proti določeni državi lahko sprejme VS OZN, vključno z uporabo vojaške sile, zato ni izgovora, da se zadeve ne peljejo preko VS OZN.

Koalicija voljnih, ki je leta 2003 napadla in okupirala Irak, ni nič drugega kot mednarodna zločinska skupina, ki je nelegalno napadla in devastirala suvereno državo. Seveda je potem podobno ravnanje Ruske Federacije v primeru Gruzije in Ukrajine enako zločinsko ravnanje, za katerega je nekdo tlakoval pot in to počne še naprej.

Brez dogovora med stalnimi članicami VS OZN o tem kaj je dopustno in kaj ne, se bo to dogajalo še naprej in svet bo v čedalje nevarnejših razmerah.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Poldi112 ::

No, mal razlike je že, če delaš kot velesila red na svojih mejah (varnost), ali pa če okupiraš države na drugem koncu sveta, ker pač sedijo na ogromnih zalogah nafte (imperializem).
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

leiito ::

Pa ne samo na mejah, ampak v lokalitetah, ki so zgodovinsko ruske, kjer se ljudje razglašajo za Ruse in z referendumom potrdijo željo postati del očetnjave. Tko da se ne da primerjat voljnih in Rusije, Rusiji bi lahko kvečjemu očitali, če ne bi zaščitila svojih ljudi pred Banderisti.

Fritz ::

Ne, razlike ni. Tudi Ruska Federacija bi lahko peljala zadeve pred VS OZN. Enostransko poseganje v druge države je odpiranje Pandorine skrinjice, ki je pripeljala do 2. sv. vojne in zaradi katere so bile OZN, po debaklu Lige Narodov, sploh ustanovljene.

Seveda je vsaka situacija specifična a je bistveno pogledati, kdo je močnejši in kdo šibkejši. Proxy vojne so, žal, realnost a je odkrito poseganje večjih držav v druge, suverene države, zelo nevarno početje, ki se lahko sprevrže v konflikt širših razmer.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Fritz ::

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Mr.B ::

Koliko jih je v absurdu "alleged" umrlo v Siriji, preden je nelegalno bombardiral nekdo suvereno državo ? No poglejmo, kaj se dogaja, kjer se udejstvuje ameriška , naša demokratična, NATO stran.
In November 2017, Save the Children reported that 130 children were dying every day, with 50,000 children already believed to have died in 2017.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

7982884e ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

No, mal razlike je že, če delaš kot velesila red na svojih mejah (varnost), ali pa če okupiraš države na drugem koncu sveta, ker pač sedijo na ogromnih zalogah nafte (imperializem).

hahaha, kaksne to slisis.
itak, v ukrajini je varnost, v siriji ... pa tud varnost?
po drugi strani, ce so americani kjerkoli, je pa imperializem?

lepo te prosim, no. daj bodi vsaj tako odrasel, da pogledas z objektivnim pogledom in reces bobu bob. vse vojne in vojaske ekspedicije imajo geopoliticne interese zadaj. ukrajina ne bi napadla rusije, ce bi jo ta pustila na miru (in verjetno bi odnosi med drzavama bili na bistveno visjem nivoju). vse ima geopolitiko zadaj. zakaj so americani v siriji? da se omeji vpliv irana na bliznjem vzhodu. zakaj so rusi v ukrajini? da se omeji vpliv zahoda na ruskih mejah.

Poldi112 ::

Kaj je narobe z Iranom? Razen tega jasno, da so naredili revolucijo in spodili US marioneto?

A ni objektivno, če rečem, da se Rusi ukvarjajo s svojimi mejami, US pa s celim svetom? Koliko baz imajo Rusi izven svojih meja? Koliko v državah, s katerimi ne delijo meje?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

SimplyMiha ::

Preveč ruskih baz in premalo ameriških, če vprašaš amerofila.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Mr.B ::

? Rusi v ukrajini za omejitev vpliva nata na ruske meje ? No funkcijo ima enako kot xiper, pa tudi tam se tepejo, no ne tako kot včasih. Oboji pravijo da so narodnjaki, samo da so tam Ruski v večini.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

7982884e ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Kaj je narobe z Iranom? Razen tega jasno, da so naredili revolucijo in spodili US marioneto?

A ni objektivno, če rečem, da se Rusi ukvarjajo s svojimi mejami, US pa s celim svetom? Koliko baz imajo Rusi izven svojih meja? Koliko v državah, s katerimi ne delijo meje?

kaj je pa narobe z zahodom? razen tega jasno, da so naredili revolucijo in spodili rusko marioneto?

Poldi112 je izjavil:

A ni objektivno, če rečem, da se Rusi ukvarjajo s svojimi mejami, US pa s celim svetom? Koliko baz imajo Rusi izven svojih meja? Koliko v državah, s katerimi ne delijo meje?

in kaj je s tem narobe? pac eni imajo vecji vpliv kot drugi. eni so zadnjih 70 let evropo in jugovzhodno azijo peljali naprej, drugi pa nazaj.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7982884e ()

Samuel ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

No, mal razlike je že, če delaš kot velesila red na svojih mejah (varnost), ali pa če okupiraš države na drugem koncu sveta, ker pač sedijo na ogromnih zalogah nafte (imperializem).

Prav nič ni narobe:
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism @ Wikipedia

Vse ok.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Poldi112 je izjavil:

No, mal razlike je že, če delaš kot velesila red na svojih mejah (varnost), ali pa če okupiraš države na drugem koncu sveta, ker pač sedijo na ogromnih zalogah nafte (imperializem).

Prav nič ni narobe:
Iran and state-sponsored terrorism @ Wikipedia

Vse ok.

Sami dejjva si naliti čistega vina : 8-)Obama’s last gift to America: a global assassination program == Nobel Peace Prize President 8-)

No sej ko vpišem let me google that for you : US assassination program
Je pač samo bolj prefinjen način istega kovanca.

Recimo : temu se ne sme reči izvajanje terorja, temu se reče branjenje demokracije. Sami bo že znal strokovno povzeti...
Primer 1 : By 1972, Phoenix operatives had "neutralized" 81,740 suspected NLF operatives, informants and supporters, of whom between 26,000 and 41,000 were killed
Primer 2 : Targeted killing is defined as a form of assassination based on the presumption of criminal guilt....According to statistical analyses provided by Reprieve, 9 children have been killed for every targeted adult the United States has tried to assassinate, and, in numerous failed attempts to kill Ayman al-Zawahri, the CIA has killed 76 children and 29 adult bystanders.
Primer 3 : Obama, jih je verjetno dal ubiti več kot oa Buhija skupaj ...Use the term only if it involves the murder of a politically important or prominent individual by surprise attack.” Well, the dropping of bombs from unmanned aerial devices clearly qualifies as “surprise.” But are al-Qaeda operatives “politically important or prominent individuals
Primer 4 : he was in charge when America outsourced covert killing to a private company.
Primer 5 : Perceived benefits of assassinating insurgent leaders

Sami tega je POLNO. Ampak temu se reče demokracija, ker so na naši strani.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Mr. B.:

Brbljaš o zadevah, ki niso tema odgovora. Whataboutizm za autiste FTW.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr. B.:

Brbljaš o zadevah, ki niso tema odgovora. Whataboutizm za autiste FTW.

Sej res, tako kot smreki. Se na koncu zagovarjaš na...
Dejstvo je, da je Iranski terorizem, kot ga ti opisuješ, v celi zgodovini ki jo lahko TI najdeš ubil manj civilnih žrtev, kot samo eno leto operacij katerega uboj "ok ne pod ameriško semantično definicijo" odobritve operacij s strani Obame. Kaj šele da je celo to državno sponzorirano ubijanje, ki spet ni označeno kot terorizem, ....
Označevanje Irana kot sponzor terorizma, ker ne priznava Izraela, smešno glede na to da je, če grem iskati, koliko jih je fental Izrael, pod pretvezo preventivnih ubojev, no to spet ni terorizem.
V bistvu terorizem, kot kaže izvaja predvsem Amerika in Izrael na bližnjem zahodu, in to celo zelo učinkovito, recimo samo v Jemnu cca 100+ otrok na dan.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Fritz ::

Kazati na iranski državni terorizem s pozicije zagovornika državnega terorizma ZDA in Izraela...priceless :))
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Mr.B ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Kazati na iranski državni terorizem s pozicije zagovornika državnega terorizma ZDA in Izraela...priceless :))

Zgodovino pišejo zmagovalci. Oziroma v okolju zahodnega medijskega enomumja, kot je bil link v podobni temi nato-vs Rsusija.

PS :
ok zmagovlaca do konca naslednjega tedna še ni napisanega. Na eni strani je Amerika + Izrael
EU (ki ji amerika grozi s sakcijami) + Rusija (ki že ima sankcije) + Kitajska (ki dont give a shit na ameriške sankcije, glede na to da je v prvem kvartalu interna potrošnja explodirala)
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Fritz ::

Razmere v južnem Damasku:

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Samuel ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Kazati na iranski državni terorizem s pozicije zagovornika državnega terorizma ZDA in Izraela...priceless :))

Priceless je predvsem to, da se v primeru Siriji na veliko zagovarja Assada kot zagovornika moderne prozahodne družbe, medtem ko se po drugi strani sprašuje, kaj so Islamisti tako slabega naredili Iranu. Iran je bil pod Američani zelo razvita napredna družba.

Še en dokaz, da ne veš sploh kaj podpiraš. Bebček, pač. Kot vsak rusofilčič.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Poldi112 ::

A spet haluciniramo, kolega? Assad-a se tolerira, ker je neprimerno boljši kot "zahodna demokracija" v okoliških državah. Ti si tisti, ki misli, da se navija za našo proti njihovim. Kot da smo na jebeni fuzbal tekmi... Kar jasno razloži, da ti dol visi za žrtve zahodnega imperializma, hkrati pa je cel halo, če 5% tega izvaja kakšen diktator...
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

SimplyMiha ::

Ne. Assada se tolerira, ker je boljši kot "zmerni glavorezci".

Mr.B ::

SimplyMiha je izjavil:

Ne. Assada se tolerira, ker je boljši kot "zmerni glavorezci".

Asada bi že fentali, če nebi bilo Rusov. Upali so, da bodo zmerni glavorezci prišli do njega, tre ga fentali ali pa bi s pomočjo rusije zbežal in bi bil nepomemben. Sedaj ga lahko fenta le državno sponzoriran uboj, kar bi pa preveč pozornosti usmerilo na miroljubni Obama program.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

A spet haluciniramo, kolega? Assad-a se tolerira, ker je neprimerno boljši kot "zahodna demokracija" v okoliških državah. Ti si tisti, ki misli, da se navija za našo proti njihovim. Kot da smo na jebeni fuzbal tekmi... Kar jasno razloži, da ti dol visi za žrtve zahodnega imperializma, hkrati pa je cel halo, če 5% tega izvaja kakšen diktator...

Ko boš ravno na sredi svojega prvega fruteka, prelistaj to temo. Od začetka. Se boš nečesa novega naučil. Že spet.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Fritz ::

Children deaths in #Yemen in the past 22 months: 113,000 (Source: #SaveTheChildren, #UNICEF)

Children deaths in #Syria for past 7 years: 19,116 (Source: Pro-Rebel #SOHR)
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Fritz ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Children deaths in #Yemen in the past 22 months: 113,000 (Source: #SaveTheChildren, #UNICEF)

Children deaths in #Syria for past 7 years: 19,116 (Source: Pro-Rebel #SOHR)

Številka 113.000 je napihnjena kot provokacija, da bi kdo šel preverjati pravo številko. Ta je več tisoč ubitih in ranjenih otrok ter umrlih otrok zaradi podhranjenosti in bolezni. Ni točnih številk in ne približno točnih številk, ker je Savdski napad na Jemen, kot bi rekel naš bivši predsednik, drugorazredna tema za 'naše medije'. You know, if it's against Iran, everything is kosher. Everything! 8-)
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Fritz ::

Nekaj o tem, kako je Hezbollah teroristična organizacija, Izrael pa samo 'preventivno brani' svoje prebivalce:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Smrekar1 ::

Fritz je izjavil:

Nekaj o tem, kako je Hezbollah teroristična organizacija, Izrael pa samo 'preventivno brani' svoje prebivalce:


Zakaj kar direktno ne greš na Protokole starešin Ziona in odstraniš posrednike?

tasotusire ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Fritz je izjavil:

Nekaj o tem, kako je Hezbollah teroristična organizacija, Izrael pa samo 'preventivno brani' svoje prebivalce:


Zakaj kar direktno ne greš na Protokole starešin Ziona in odstraniš posrednike?

Spet muh feelz namesto argumentov.

Nauči se izjave spodbijati z argumenti ne pa because x then y ki nimajo veze.

Smrekar1 ::

tasotusire je izjavil:

Spet muh feelz namesto argumentov.

Če bi mi citiral the Onion bi odgovoril isto.

Tvoj edini 'argument' je povsem nekredibilen vir propagande. Kaj dosti drugega mi tu niti slučajno ni treba odgovoriti.

tasotusire ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

tasotusire je izjavil:

Spet muh feelz namesto argumentov.

Če bi mi citiral the Onion bi odgovoril isto.

Tvoj edini 'argument' je povsem nekredibilen vir propagande. Kaj dosti drugega mi tu niti slučajno ni treba odgovoriti.

Seveda, brez argumentov lahko tudi jaz rečem da si nekridibilen vir argumentov in sva zaključila. Po tvoji logiki lahko vsak zmaga. Vsaj v tvoji glavi.

Smrekar1 ::

tasotusire je izjavil:

Seveda, brez argumentov lahko tudi jaz rečem da si nekridibilen vir argumentov in sva zaključila.

Lahko rečeš, seveda.

Ampak to ni argument. Če ti ni jasno zakaj nisi usposobljen za uporabo spletnega foruma za debato.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

fikus_ ::

Škoda časa za prepiranje z usa&Co fanom. :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: fikus_ ()

Fritz ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

Škoda časa za prepiranje z usa&Co fanom. :D

Igzektli, trole se ignorira, sicer jim daješ prostor za nadaljnje nabijanje in brezplodno trošiš svoj čas, ker bo nabijal svoje ne glede na dejstva, argumente, temo ali karkoli drugega.

Mondoweiss @ Wikipedia

"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::



I've been a hawk on Iran since forever. I opposed JCPOA. But killing it now makes no strategic or political sense unless your ultimate aim is ANOTHER major war in the region, AKA Operation PERSIAN FREEDOM -- which is wanted by nobody sane.
REALITY: Tehran is never more than 1 Il-76 flight from Pyongyang away from having nukes. A flight which Western intelligence might (or might not) detect. Proceed accordingly. Everything else is cynical political game-playing.
On 10 SEP 2001, Iran's noxious regime was decently contained. The regional shifts that have enabled Tehran's rise to a serious Mideast power were executed by the USA. Nobody else. Never forget this. Maybe even learn from it.


I do recall

In the early days of the US Iraq Invasion of 2003, Iran was ready to negotiate with the US, with everything on the table. The Bush administration shunned the offers thinking they'd quickly conquer Iraq. Ironically, Iraq today is a virtue Iranian client state thanks to US.



Congressional source: Based on discussions with WH, Republican lawmakers are optimistic that Trump will fully or partly withdraw from Iran deal.

In to.


Report: Israel spots unusual movement of Iranian forces in Syria, instructs Golan residents to open their bomb shelters.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::

Plan ameriške administracije za Sirijo, ampak Trump seveda solira.

+ Bližnjevzhodni prajmer.

Da, Cervantes, dolgo je. Brez težav greš lahko brat original :D


Any way you cut it, the policy is a complicated one, and not the sort of thing Trump likes trying to explain to his base or, for that matter, having explained to him.

According to Tillerson, who outlined the original strategy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, there are five objectives:

1) ISIS and al-Qaeda must suffer an “enduring defeat” and Syria must never again become a platform for transnational terror organization that targets U.S. citizens;
2) Syria’s seven year-long civil war must draw to a close through a brokered diplomatic settlement;
3) Iran’s influence in Syria must be “diminished” and its “dreams of a northern arch…denied;”
4) The conditions should be created to allow Syrian refugees and internally displaced people to return to their homes;
5) Syria must be “free” of weapons of mass destruction.


If Washington pursues the the carefully wrought policy hammered out over the last year, as opposed to Trump’s off the cuff version, it will embark upon a far more ambitious project to create a de facto American protectorate in eastern Syria encompassing a sizable part of the Turkey-Syria border and the entirety of the Syria-Iraq border. And to do this, U.S. troops will remain in Syria indefinitely.

The end-game of this approach, as one senior U.S. official explained to us, is to keep Assad isolated diplomatically and paralyzed economically, confined to a precarious rump state, which will eventually prove prohibitively expensive for him to maintain and increasingly burdensome for his two state patrons, Iran and Russia, to underwrite.

As the original White House thinking went, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are not in Syria for charity. Both are looking to capitalize on the success of their client-state rescue mission. Putin seeks a permanent military presence in the Levant, a regime that can once again be self-financing instead kept afloat by foreign “loans” and oil shipments. Meanwhile, Khamenei and his powerful expeditionary military commander Qassem Soleimani want a direct line of communication for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and its manifold Shia proxies, the “northern arch” to which Tillerson alluded, sometimes also known as an Iranian “land-bridge” meant to stretch from Tehran all the way to the Mediterranean coastline.


The officials who originally crafted Trump’s policy, which he may now be trashing, wanted to ensure that the victory against terror in Syria remains a permanent one, unlike in Iraq where the U.S. withdrawal in 2011 enabled jihadists to snatch stunning victories in 2014 from what should have been a strategic defeat. It also seeks to block Moscow and Tehran from recouping their long-sought spoils, reflecting the Pentagon’s new defense doctrine, which has de-prioritized the global war on terror and emphasizes twentieth-century-style great power struggle as America’s foremost security challenge.


Just by announcing an indefinite U.S. troop deployment to Syria the administration had created unique momentum for building lasting trust and security relationships with the Sunni Arab tribes of the Euphrates River Valley, the bellwether constituency without whose support no occupying state or non-state power stands a chance.

Syria’s tribes can best be understood as confederations of families spread across a wide geographical area which form clan-based networks and practice consensus politics. Nationwide they account for 30 percent of the Syria’s population but inhabit more than 60 percent of its territory, including the most oil-rich region.


Tribes are famously conservative, cautious, and fickle. They deal with whichever power is seen to be both the dominant one and the most amenable to their long-term interests. Thus for centuries they have been crucial to colonial or native governments in rallying local support (or hostility), establishing credibility (or hatred) for civil and military administrations and, more recently, acting as either a bulwark against (or accelerant for) jihadist infiltration of their communities.

ISIS understood this anthropological reality all too well. Tribal alliances are not static, however, as demonstrated by the swift shift of Raqqa’s fealty from Assad in 2011 to the Syrian opposition in 2013 to ISIS in 2014, and now to the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.


In October 2017, the regime began to court and co-opt the tribes of Deir Ezzor with offers that included local autonomy for self-policing – an attempt to address the reluctance by tribal families to send their children off to join the badly attrited and incompetent Syrian army.


It was a shrewd move. Three well-placed tribal sources we spoke to who are currently working with the Syrian Democratic Forces said they found such a deal attractive and would be amenable to joining with the regime if it actually came to pass.

But that was before America displayed a willingness to hang around, these same sources have told us, saying they’d much prefer to cut a deal with Washington than with Damascus.


At a minimum, the Pentagon and State Department will need to establish their own tribal outreach mechanisms similar to those it employed in Iraq during the sahwa, or “Awakening,” which codified at the national level what local U.S. brigade commanders in the Sunni triangle witnessed of tribal caprices and opportunities. The Abu Risha tribe of Anbar province, for instance, went from facilitating the anti-American insurgency one week to partnering with the Americans to hunt down and kill the insurgents the next – not out of some romanticized sense of nobility but out of brute pragmatism. The Abu Risha came to judge the foreign jihadists an overweening and too-vicious partner. What gains were made from sahwa, solidified through the Petraeus-led U.S. troop surge, were then squandered owing to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s refusal to integrate the tribal militias into the Iraqi security establishment, as he’d promised, and the U.S. inability to force Maliki to make good on that promise.


If there was a fatal flaw in the Trump administration’s original plan it was in the demography and power structure of the Syrian Democratic Forces, as America’s chief counterinsurgent allies are known.


Many veteran PKK militants from Turkey and northern Iraq are in the YPG ranks, overseeing military checkpoints and occupying key command-and-control positions with America’s ostensibly “Syrian” proxy army. One of these, Abdi Ferhad Şahin, has got a $1 million bounty on his head, but that did not stop him from being photographed in northeast Syria under a U.S. military escort last year.


Nor is the PYD’s ideology – a mixture of Marxism, Kurdish separatism, intersectional feminism – the ideal recipe for a peacekeeping mission in one of the most religiously conservative Arab neighborhoods in the region. PYD propagandists have labeled their political opponents ISIS sympathizers or collaborators, including, notoriously, members of Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently, a grassroots activist corps whose members have been murdered by ISIS.


Half-hearted attempts at Anatolian assuagement have made America look duplicitous, weak, or both. When the Pentagon back-handedly announced that these ranks would be drawn from to create a new SDF “border guard,” Ankara decided to launch “Operation Olive Branch,” an air-and-land invasion of the PYD-controlled city of Afrin in Aleppo province, which lies well west of the U.S.-administered demesne.


Afrin has since become a rallying cry for Syrian Kurds, with SDF militants pouring across the Euphrates River – against Pentagon orders – to join their embattled confederates against the invasion of a U.S. ally, much to the delight of ISIS, which now has fewer counterinsurgents to contend with in the Jazira.


Afrin is now fallen to Erdogan, and although this military operation had no direct bearing on the coalition’s efforts east of the Euphrates, the consequence on U.S. interests has been threefold.

First, it has made the Kurds furious and reopened old wounds of American betrayal, a vulnerability ISIS is sure to appreciate and attempt to capitalize upon.

Second, the White House has now begun considering withdrawing the PYD militias from the city of Manbij and turning it into a joint U.S.-Turkish settlement.


Finally, for Sunni Arabs, whose cooperation is the sine qua non for deciding the success or failure of the U.S. Jazira strategy, this episode has become yet another journey through the looking glass of strategic incoherence. The world’s only superpower not only doesn’t back its friends in the region but shrugs when those friends make common cause with its enemies.


How will the anti-Assad component of this strategy work, if it work at all?


There are some signs that despite a dramatic upswing in the Syrian economy, following from the regime’s battlefield victories, there are palpable tensions between the Assadists and the Russians, who don’t want to bankroll Syria’s energy consumption and war machine indefinitely

The mad dash to recover out of reach resources in the Jazira has led Damascus and Moscow to test American resolve. A daring and remarkably stupid attempt by pro-regime forces in February, including an unknown number of “Wagner” unit Russian mercenaries, was staged to antagonize the SDF and U.S. Special Forces near the Conoco oil fields around Deir Ezzor. The result was a U.S. retaliatory strike which, for the first time since the war began, killed Russians.


In point of fact, the Syrian state-owned General Petroleum Corp. has promised the financier of Wagner a 25 percent cut of all oil-and-gas fields recaptured from ISIS—presumably, even those recaptured by the SDF.

As long as the U.S. allies hold onto those fields they give Washington economic leverage against the regime that it didn’t have prior to the 2014 intervention, when sanctions and diplomatic pressure were meant to strangle Assad into submission, but failed.

So if the tyrant can’t create a self-sustaining economy from the severed remains of its state, then who will finance his fiefdom?


This policy of slowly boiling the Ba’athist frog will include denying any Western aid to regime-held areas. Or trying to anyway, because the track record for keeping humanitarian necessities out of the hands of those who made them necessary in the first place has been abysmal.

Not only is the European Union at odds with the U.S. position and willing to offer Assad reconstruction money in exchange for peace talks, but U.N. relief aid that has been earmarked for opposition territory has been systematically stolen by the regime, which even boasts about it on social


Unless the U.S. plans to airdrop all aid to opposition zones, it will have to agree on ground routes via Turkey, which brings us back to our earlier problem of satisfying Erdogan’s demands regarding the PYD.


The risks of permanent U.S. presence in the Jazira are many and obvious. For starters, American forces and installations will now be juicy targets for ISIS. But U.S. patrols in SDF-occupied territory in northern Syria have (so far) proven to be safer than U.S. troop patrols ever were in Ramadi or Fallujah.


It has been a long-standing fear of American policy-planners that any effort to contain or deter Iranian expansionism in one country will be met with retaliation in the other. If the U.S., say, bombs a Hezbollah garrison in Deir Ezzor, will the PMFs in Anbar train their artillery on U.S. personnel stationed at al-Asad airbase?


A case can made for keeping U.S. troops in Syria to deter Iranian expansionism because the latter bears directly on the radicalization of Sunni Muslims who, seeing no other alternative to the Khomeinist yoke, opt for Sunni extremist groups such as ISIS, and threatens the interests of regional allies such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel.


A perhaps more compelling argument for staying put is that the U.S. did not spend billions of dollars destroying a terrorist network on behalf of a genocidal dictator who allowed that organization to proliferate and conquer a third of his country in the first place.


Congressional approval isn’t the only legal hurdle to surmount. How will the U.S. legitimize autonomy for the Jazira without international recognition?


More problematic for American designs is how a viable political system for governance at the local and centralized levels will be established. Not only will Washington have to oversee the diminishment of PYD influence in the SDF—assuming the PYD consents to give up that influence, which it gained through bloody sacrifice—but it will also have to reconcile Kurdish and Arab ambitions in a landlocked statelet surrounded on all sides by hostile forces.

We have been told by multiple U.S. military sources that the Pentagon fears that the PYD, disillusioned over Afrin, might strike a deal with the Assad regime or de-prioritize areas such as Deir Ezzor and Raqqa.


Northeastern Syria is the most oil-rich part of the country, but it is also has the poorest population. And livelihoods have been destroyed after years of insurgency and war. Many residents of the Jazira ended up joining ISIS because, as they told us, the coalition bombed the factories or facilities that had employed them and they simply had no other means of income. In its heyday, ISIS paid its fighters generously.


The U.S. is in effect superimposing itself onto the principal border-gateway for transnational jihadism outside of the AfPak theater, making it very much harder for ISIS to catch its breath, much less stage a comeback.


As one U.S. official put it, “It will be exceedingly difficult to try to accomplish our goals in Syria if we’re on a different page from our regional allies, namely Turkey, the Gulf states, Jordan, and Israel. If they are all orientated in the same direction, there is no power in the world that could challenge what the U.S. hopes to do in the northern Middle East.”

One reason to take seriously the idea of an American protectorate in the Jazira is that America will not be solely responsible for it, nor will it only serve American interests. Such a project would provide refuge for millions of Kurds and Arabs from sarin gas, barrel bombs, MiG missiles and sectarian death squads of either Sunni or Shia persuasion, while also creating the necessary if not sufficient preconditions for allowing the original impulses of the anti-Assad revolution to find succor under the Stars and Stripes. These would not be negligible achievements.

Je kdo presenečen, da gre za totalen mindfuck?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fikus_ ::

Pacota predlagam za knjigo rekordov za področje copy/paste!!!!! :D :D :D

Zheegec ::

Israel danes spet napadal položaje Sirske vlade. Sirija (menda) prvič direktno odgovarja z napadom na Golan planoto.

Israeli warplanes bomb Assad regime, including elements of the Lebanese Hezbollah militia on the outskirts of Hadar and Khan Arnabah.

#Assad state media confirm NO casualties after #Israel tanks, stationed in mount Avital (Tal Abu El-Nada) in the #Golan Heights, shelled a regime position in Al-Baath city in Quneitera south #Syria

Signs of significant, direct military engagement on the #Israel-#Syria border.

Regime air defense units are now noted active over the skies of #Damascus. Unknown if they are firing upon enemy aircraft or projectiles.

Al- Mayadeen reporting numerous Syrian army strikes (Mortars, Artillery) on Israeli positions near border with #Syria
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zheegec ()

Zheegec ::

"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Zheegec ::

Sources in Quneitra are reporting that Israel and regime/Iranian forces continue exchanging fire. This isn't over. 2 sources there are reporting that Israel launched missiles at targets in the direction of Damascus.

Syrian State media reporting dozens of missiles fired at #Israel from #Syria

The spokesperson said that the Israeli army considers it a severe Iranian attack and is preparing for various scenarios. No additional instructions to the home front at present.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Zheegec ()

Samuel ::

Le kaj so se pogovarjali na paradi v Moskvi?

Guess what...
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Samuel ::


[-]wittyusername[score hidden] pred 3 urami
Looks like it was planned , kinda. Apparently they were just waiting for Bibi to get back from Moscow with confirmation that Putin wouldn't try to stop them. Because go time was 20 min after he landed back in Israel.

Putin speach:

[-]RusskiJewsski [score hidden] pred 1 urama*
It was an interesting speech, actually really moving, began with what you would expect about the sacrifices of russian peoples and soldiers in war. But the last part of the speech was very interesting. In the first part he talked about the barbarity of nazism including the holocaust (he specifically mentioned it) and the sacrifices that took to destroy it. Then he mentioned that the world was facing a new threat of extreme nationalism, arrogance and that russia was open to cooperating with all sides for global peace. I am paraphrasing i cant remember the exact words. It could be viewed as a jab at ukrain or a jab at iran or both.

At least thats my impression. Netanyahu was sitting 10 meters away that could not be a coincidence. After the parade putin , netanyahu and the pm of serbia laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldiers. The military band played the anthems of of russia, serbia, AND israel. There where israeli military figures in the delegation. Make of that what you will. But as a message its pretty interesting.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Samuel ()

Mr.B ::

Extrim nationalisem .... aja to z judi nima veze. Tam je fašizem.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

tasotusire ::

Meni se zmeraj bolj zdi, da so čisto vsi stereotipi resnični.
A jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

T-h-o-r ::

nevone je izjavil:

čak, dopustno je, da smo mi navzven destruktivni do njih

Nobena destrukcija ni dopustna, ampak je pa prisotna. Ko bomo to lahko presegli bomo, prej pa če se usedeš dol, pa čisto miroljubno čakaš, te bo eden slej ko prej prišel pretepst. Nekateri imajo napačno predstavo, da je nasilje vedno zgolj odgovor na nasilje. To je daleč od resnice. Tudi šibkost nasprotnika je lahko vzrok za nasilje.

ko pa moramo začeti jesti juho, ki smo jo skuhali, pa to ni več dopustno? lmao

Obramba je vedno dopustna.

o+ nevone

No, ko nam bosta s Thomasom razrezala možgane, pol bomo pa res začeli verjeti, da je pobijanje civilistov in destabilizacija regij 10.000 kilometrov od doma "obramba". In verjetno še to, da naj tiste, ki pobegnejo od doma zaradi naših obrambnih in miroljubnih dejanj, pošljemo v taborišča.
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: T-h-o-r ()

Sakin ::

tasotusire je izjavil:

Meni se zmeraj bolj zdi, da so čisto vsi stereotipi resnični.
A jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Kvečjemu se smejimo, sploh jaz, k berem vaše nebuloze tu.
Na Nach Nachma Nachman Meuman!
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