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Konflikt v Siriji

Konflikt v Siriji

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Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

O mrtvih wagnerjevcih mislim še kaj napisat. Zaenkrat je potrjenih 6, cifre gredo tudi tja do 600.

En tak verjeten konsenz je okrog 100.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Samuel ::

If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Ko bi vidva nehala brati rumeni tisk, bi vama tudi kdaj kaj pomagalo, nje.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Če bi ti kakšen članek celo prebral, bi videl, da se sklicujejo na ruske in sirske vire.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

'Zaradi mene se lahko skilcuje na twixic vire.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

7982884e ::

ocitno je bila stvar se dosti resnejsa kot se je sprva govorilo


ruski in sirski viri porocajo o vec deset mrtvih in vecina teh naj bi bilo ruskih placancev iz firme Wagner

danes novi napadi

prevedeno porocilo enega izmed rusov na terenu:
On another transferred record, audio, a male voice comments on what happened: "Hello. What is shown in Syria ... In short, it's time ... (crushed) us. In short, in one company 200 two hundred, in another - another 10. About the third I do not know, but they are severely disheveled. Beat the "pindos". First, the "arta" was covered. Then they picked up four turntables and started the carousel, ... (they shot) from large-caliber ones. At ours besides automatic machines in general there was nothing, not speaking about MANPADS. Arranged hell. "Pindos" specifically knew that it was we Russians who were going. We went to the plant to squeeze out the plant, and they were sitting in this factory. In short, we ... (punches) got very tough. Our now sit on the base and thump. Many are missing. It's ... (all bad), in short. Another humiliation. With us no one counts, as with devils arrived. I think ours, our government, will now cut the back, and no one will make any answer for it. " (This record was previously published in the telegram channel WarGonzo).

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: 7982884e ()

Smrekar1 ::

7982884e je izjavil:

ocitno je bila stvar se dosti resnejsa kot se je sprva govorilo


ruski in sirski viri porocajo o vec deset mrtvih in vecina teh naj bi bilo ruskih placancev iz firme Wagner

danes novi napadi

prevedeno porocilo enega izmed rusov na terenu:
On another transferred record, audio, a male voice comments on what happened: "Hello. What is shown in Syria ... In short, it's time ... (crushed) us. In short, in one company 200 two hundred, in another - another 10. About the third I do not know, but they are severely disheveled. Beat the "pindos". First, the "arta" was covered. Then they picked up four turntables and started the carousel, ... (they shot) from large-caliber ones. At ours besides automatic machines in general there was nothing, not speaking about MANPADS. Arranged hell. "Pindos" specifically knew that it was we Russians who were going. We went to the plant to squeeze out the plant, and they were sitting in this factory. In short, we ... (punches) got very tough. Our now sit on the base and thump. Many are missing. It's ... (all bad), in short. Another humiliation. With us no one counts, as with devils arrived. I think ours, our government, will now cut the back, and no one will make any answer for it. " (This record was previously published in the telegram channel WarGonzo).

Tjah, streljati oborožene kmete in posiljevati koze je eno, boriti se proti izkušeni vojski, ki je zatrla ISIS, je nekaj precej drugega. Tovor 200 zna kmalu postati pomemben izvozni artikel.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

Mr.B ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

7982884e je izjavil:

ocitno je bila stvar se dosti resnejsa kot se je sprva govorilo


ruski in sirski viri porocajo o vec deset mrtvih in vecina teh naj bi bilo ruskih placancev iz firme Wagner

danes novi napadi

prevedeno porocilo enega izmed rusov na terenu:
On another transferred record, audio, a male voice comments on what happened: "Hello. What is shown in Syria ... In short, it's time ... (crushed) us. In short, in one company 200 two hundred, in another - another 10. About the third I do not know, but they are severely disheveled. Beat the "pindos". First, the "arta" was covered. Then they picked up four turntables and started the carousel, ... (they shot) from large-caliber ones. At ours besides automatic machines in general there was nothing, not speaking about MANPADS. Arranged hell. "Pindos" specifically knew that it was we Russians who were going. We went to the plant to squeeze out the plant, and they were sitting in this factory. In short, we ... (punches) got very tough. Our now sit on the base and thump. Many are missing. It's ... (all bad), in short. Another humiliation. With us no one counts, as with devils arrived. I think ours, our government, will now cut the back, and no one will make any answer for it. " (This record was previously published in the telegram channel WarGonzo).

Tjah, streljati oborožene kmete in posiljevati koze je eno, boriti se proti izkušeni vojski, ki je zatrla ISIS, je nekaj precej drugega. Tovor 200 zna kmalu postati pomemben izvozni artikel.

No enako kot bi se uprašal, koliko državljanov stare Evrope se je borilo na strani ISIS.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

'Zaradi mene se lahko skilcuje na twixic vire.

Ko je treba kaj citirat, so ti taki viri najbolj všeč.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

leiito ::

Medtem pa Bibi v težavah, NYT poroča, da:
"The Israeli police recommended on Tuesday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust, casting a pall over the future of a tenacious leader who has become almost synonymous with his country. The announcement instantly raised doubts about his ability to stay in office."

Pac-Man ::

Ena zadeva, ki jo verjetno velja imeti v mislih so že stara poročila, da so wagnerjevci plačani z 20 ali koliko letnim profitom naftnih in plinskih polj, ki jih uspejo spraviti pod vladno kontrolo. Nekako takole je šlo:

SDF in Američani so bili na naftnem nahajališču, ki so ga pred meseci osvobodili od IS, ko se je proti njim začela valit kolona neznane vojske. Okrog glavne baze so začele padat granate, zato so po liniji za dekonflikcijo poklicali Ruse, da povprašajo, kaj je to eno sranje. Tam (uradno) ne vedo ničesar, Američani pa si (ugibam, vsaj uradno) mislijo "Super, Sirci in Iranci streljajo po nas. Imamo še odprte račune, neki Slovenci govorijo o čistih računih, dobrih prijateljih, gremo čistit."

In so šli. Z vsem, kar se je dalo priklicati na bojišče.


@USAFCENT commanding general says Coalition strikes which killed at least 100 pro-regime fighters (including Russian contractors) lasted THREE HOURS, and involved artillery, F-15Es, Reaper drones, B-52 bombers, AC-130 gunships and Apache helicopters
Nauk štorije - hibridno vojskovanje te lahko občasno po pički.

Za uradne, večinoma anglosaksonske vire so fini


 In an action which also has implications for Turkey given its intentions towards Manbij, the Coalition says it struck pro-regime forces February 7th after they attacked an SDF HQ east of Syria's Euphrates River

In an action which also has implications for Turkey given its intentions towards Manbij, the Coalition says it struck pro-regime forces February 7th after they attacked an SDF HQ east of Syria's Euphrates River

According to reports citing a US military official, the Coalition fought a significant engagement with pro-regime forces Feb 7th, killing 100 of 500 assaulting troops who were supported by artillery, tanks, multiple-launch rocket systems and mortars

More local detail on the Feb 7th Coalition-Assad regime clashes. Strikes were reportedly focused near the towns of Khasham and Marat, resulting in the claimed deaths of 100 pro-government fighters. Local SDF says 9 artillery pieces, 8 tanks were destroyed
 So far, the casualties we don't think that there are any Russians, but I'm not confirming that, I'm just telling that's where we stand right now - Defense Secretary Mattis speaking overnight on the major Coalition-regime forces clash in Syria Feb 7th

So far, the casualties we don't think that there are any Russians, but I'm not confirming that, I'm just telling that's where we stand right now - Defense Secretary Mattis speaking overnight on the major Coalition-regime forces clash in Syria Feb 7th

 Russian reporter in Syria Roman Saponkov says he believes Russian PMC Wagner lost 20-25 fighters in yesterday's US airstrikes on regime forces in NE Syria. Raises question of what these forces were doing there/thinking in the first place.

Russian reporter in Syria Roman Saponkov says he believes Russian PMC Wagner lost 20-25 fighters in yesterday's US airstrikes on regime forces in NE Syria. Raises question of what these forces were doing there/thinking in the first place.

Varied reports are emerging about the number of Russian nationals killed last week by US strikes in Deir Ezzor in support of Kurdish forces, amid fighting with pro-Assad forces. Citing Russian sources, @bpolitics reports that "more than 200 contract soldiers, mostly Russians fighting on behalf of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad" were killed after a reported attack on a base controlled by US and Kurdish-led forces. Separately, a US official said the death toll was around 100, with 200 to 300 injured.

Russian press reports have also varied. Here, @novayagazeta reports that 13 Russians were killed, and 15 injured.

The @nytimes reports at least 4 Russian nationals, "and perhaps dozens more" were killed in the fighting. A Syrian military officer cited by the NYT put the Russian toll at around 100. Another source, a Russian businessman working in Syria, estimated the death toll at more than 200 -- mostly Russian.

Potem je tu še lennutrajektoor, ki spremlja runet. Ta nit je ultimativna zbirka informacij o spopadu in spremljajočem dogajanju, ampak upoštevaj, da kot Estonec ruskih hibridnih vojakov nima najbolj v čislih pa tudi sami Rusi radi nakladajo.


 War criminal #Girkin / #Strelkov says Russian MoD official statement no Russian army in the area of the USA strike is smoke cover. Russian army has 2 PMC Wagner tactical units. One of them is obliterated. The other is decimated. Casualties most likely close to 100.

War criminal #Girkin / #Strelkov says Russian MoD official statement no Russian army in the area of the USA strike is smoke cover. Russian army has 2 PMC Wagner tactical units. One of them is obliterated. The other is decimated. Casualties most likely close to 100.

 Per #Girkin / #Strelkov insider PMC Wagner loss after US army strike is 5 spearheading units, an armour and artillery unit at Himash settlement.

Per #Girkin / #Strelkov insider PMC Wagner loss after US army strike is 5 spearheading units, an armour and artillery unit at Himash settlement.

Per Mark Feyign sources PMC Wagner went to Kurds territory, deployed artillery, started to shell, immediately return fire with all the consequences followed. Wagner losses totalling by now at 215 KIA.
 Per PCM Wagner relatives confirming total loss in manpower and army assets say everyone got obliterated. No one survived. Very, very few. Claim only those few survived who had extensive combat experience.

Per PCM Wagner relatives confirming total loss in manpower and army assets say everyone got obliterated. No one survived. Very, very few. Claim only those few survived who had extensive combat experience.

 A survived Wagner unit commander says had 33 strong + 3 units armour + a tank. Every piece of armour was destroyed. No traces left of the tank. 17 escaped, 16 KIA. 9 combat ready, all else WIA. They had close combat with US troops but the main havoc was inflicted by helis. When helis came all hell broke loose. They only had time to run from ditch to ditch and house to house. Huge losses of artillery pieces on division level. They were knocked off by the UAVs in first 30 minutes. When US troops approached to Wagner mercs in Syria they opened return fire. After short skirmish the US troops fall back. Later combat helis kicked in and the true meat grinder began.

A survived Wagner unit commander says had 33 strong + 3 units armour + a tank. Every piece of armour was destroyed. No traces left of the tank. 17 escaped, 16 KIA. 9 combat ready, all else WIA. They had close combat with US troops but the main havoc was inflicted by helis. When helis came all hell broke loose. They only had time to run from ditch to ditch and house to house. Huge losses of artillery pieces on division level. They were knocked off by the UAVs in first 30 minutes. When US troops approached to Wagner mercs in Syria they opened return fire. After short skirmish the US troops fall back. Later combat helis kicked in and the true meat grinder began.

 PMC Wagner groupies report on Feb 7 253 strong merc army (the whole 5th company) were deployed at Deir ez-Zor. 217 are KIA. The Americans whacked the Wagners for 4h straight. Groupies scream the US did this unpunished. UNPUNISHED, Karl! The main complaint of PMC Wagner groupies is they didn't have any AA means, even not MANPADS.

PMC Wagner groupies report on Feb 7 253 strong merc army (the whole 5th company) were deployed at Deir ez-Zor. 217 are KIA. The Americans whacked the Wagners for 4h straight. Groupies scream the US did this unpunished. UNPUNISHED, Karl! The main complaint of PMC Wagner groupies is they didn't have any AA means, even not MANPADS.

The Pentagon estimated 500 strong force assembled on Feb 7 to shell Kurdish positions when US SOF advisors were visiting. Later called backup.
 After US army special operation in Syria on Feb 7 2018 the whole PMC Wagner 5th Corpus has been eliminated. They alone suffered 215 KIA.

After US army special operation in Syria on Feb 7 2018 the whole PMC Wagner 5th Corpus has been eliminated. They alone suffered 215 KIA.

 Survivors of Feb 7 US army counter operation in Syria say 3 birds came to take away around 150 WIAs.

Survivors of Feb 7 US army counter operation in Syria say 3 birds came to take away around 150 WIAs.

 Survived Wagner mercs shit bricks, complain they cherish their life more than the pay they receive. Blame in harsh profanity ridden statements the commanders sending them with no MANPADS to mission.

Survived Wagner mercs shit bricks, complain they cherish their life more than the pay they receive. Blame in harsh profanity ridden statements the commanders sending them with no MANPADS to mission.

 Majority of eliminated Wagner mercs on Feb 7 US army counter operation participated in war activities in 2014/2015 Ukraine. One of killed served as VDV SOF in Debaltseve, biggest defeat of Ukraine army, annexed Crimea.

Majority of eliminated Wagner mercs on Feb 7 US army counter operation participated in war activities in 2014/2015 Ukraine. One of killed served as VDV SOF in Debaltseve, biggest defeat of Ukraine army, annexed Crimea.

 On Feb 10 first funeral of Wagner mercs killed in Syria was held in St.Petersburg.

On Feb 10 first funeral of Wagner mercs killed in Syria was held in St.Petersburg.

 Retold eyewitness account which is inline with the Pentagon official report says on Feb 7 PMC Wagner mercs were engaged by F-22 Raport first followed by C-130 Spectre. First were hit Wagner's ammo vehicles. Shacking and deeply depressed survived Wagner mercs are baffled not just by the might of fire they were hit or that tear the armoured vehicles apart. They were blown away by precision of the fire. It was they have never experiences before.

Retold eyewitness account which is inline with the Pentagon official report says on Feb 7 PMC Wagner mercs were engaged by F-22 Raport first followed by C-130 Spectre. First were hit Wagner's ammo vehicles. Shacking and deeply depressed survived Wagner mercs are baffled not just by the might of fire they were hit or that tear the armoured vehicles apart. They were blown away by precision of the fire. It was they have never experiences before.

 After Russian army and PMC Wagner mercs fiasco on Feb 7 at Deir al-Zour Ramzan Kadyrov @RKadyrov called immediately off his 393 Military Police personnel from Syria declaring mission accomplished.

After Russian army and PMC Wagner mercs fiasco on Feb 7 at Deir al-Zour Ramzan Kadyrov @RKadyrov called immediately off his 393 Military Police personnel from Syria declaring mission accomplished.

 Russian journalist who have access to PCM Wagner casualties says she will abstain writing about the incident and even if there will be more information she won't comment it in public.

Russian journalist who have access to PCM Wagner casualties says she will abstain writing about the incident and even if there will be more information she won't comment it in public.

CNN unknowingly runs story of Russian PMC Wagner obliteration the day after Feb 7 skirmish.
 Russian Olgino online trolls have gone truly berserk attacking a true Russian devoted army serviceman for reporting his ex-OMON buddy to being blown to pieces and he'll post pictures of his funeral soon online. It's like uncontrolled spread of digital rabies.

Russian Olgino online trolls have gone truly berserk attacking a true Russian devoted army serviceman for reporting his ex-OMON buddy to being blown to pieces and he'll post pictures of his funeral soon online. It's like uncontrolled spread of digital rabies.

Russophobia! The guys just came to Syria to earn a little. For what they were killed for? For Russophobia!
 BREAKING Russian online trolls have dead seriously re-profiled to deny existence of PMC Wagner with the same devotion and modus operandi as they have used to in other campaigns against Western countries. This is the FSB level sweeping operation.

BREAKING Russian online trolls have dead seriously re-profiled to deny existence of PMC Wagner with the same devotion and modus operandi as they have used to in other campaigns against Western countries. This is the FSB level sweeping operation.

Troll #1 in PMC Wagner believe only fags & schizos with voices in their heads
Troll #2 There's no (PMC) Wagner nor ever has been.
Troll #1 concur, as I am constantly in contact with our troops from our structures, both current and former. pmc wagner is fruit of mentally deranged

Three new PMC Wagner mercs KIA in Syria on Feb 7 by US army counter operation has been ID'd. Both three has been active during war in Ukraine in 2014/2015. One of them went through all Russian war campaigns - Chechenya till Ukraine.
 Fourth PMC Wagner merc has been ID'd KIA in Syria on Feb 7. He's ultra-radical nationalist, member of Drugaya Rossiya party aka Limonov. Russian media report of his death.

Fourth PMC Wagner merc has been ID'd KIA in Syria on Feb 7. He's ultra-radical nationalist, member of Drugaya Rossiya party aka Limonov. Russian media report of his death.

 The whacked in Syria by US army as featureless PMC Wagner merc Cossack from Kaliningrad in 2014 chased down and beat to pulp with his pal Cossacks a person who protested against military intervention to Ukraine.

The whacked in Syria by US army as featureless PMC Wagner merc Cossack from Kaliningrad in 2014 chased down and beat to pulp with his pal Cossacks a person who protested against military intervention to Ukraine.

Russia's ultra-radical nationalist killed in Syria in undated video concludes joining Russia's war campaigns, which allows to kill at safe distance Ukrainians, is far safer than waving flags at rallies, which will lead you to 5 years in prison sentence.
Per friend of Kiril Ananyev, who got eliminated in Syria on Feb 7, he was during his tour in war with Ukraine commander of artillery division.
 PMC Wagner group admins in VK named #Girkin / #Strelkov as traitor of Donbas, former FSB officer indicating as inhuman act to report losses of the mercs. As of Feb 11 the VK group admin flat out denies there were any skirmish, denies casualties.

PMC Wagner group admins in VK named #Girkin / #Strelkov as traitor of Donbas, former FSB officer indicating as inhuman act to report losses of the mercs. As of Feb 11 the VK group admin flat out denies there were any skirmish, denies casualties.

Russian Cossack hetman confirms death of 217 PMC Wagner mercs killed along with Stas "Matvey". The figure is as of Feb 11. Russian news paper Zak has been in contact both with the widow and the hetman. It's also confirmed the PMC Wagner units deployed to Syria arrive there by Russian MoD transportation plane. Later the units will be assembled per arrived reinforcements.

  Russian Cossacks hetman confirms om Feb 7 in Syria KIA PMC Wagner merc Igor Kosoturov, who waged war in Ukraine in 2015 as volunteer on vacation, was prior a Russian army 12th GRU SOF Brigade operator.

Russian Cossacks hetman confirms om Feb 7 in Syria KIA PMC Wagner merc Igor Kosoturov, who waged war in Ukraine in 2015 as volunteer on vacation, was prior a Russian army 12th GRU SOF Brigade operator.

 Fifth PMC Wagner merc KIA in Syria on Feb 7 has been ID'd as Kharkiv resident Vladimir, call sign Apostol. Russian ultra radical and member of NGO RUS trinity member founded in 2004. In 2014 joined the DNR ranks.

Fifth PMC Wagner merc KIA in Syria on Feb 7 has been ID'd as Kharkiv resident Vladimir, call sign Apostol. Russian ultra radical and member of NGO RUS trinity member founded in 2004. In 2014 joined the DNR ranks.

Stolen excerpt from the CNN report has emerged on twitter showing Feb 7 incident with PMC Wagner mercs where the US army drone obliterates a Russian tank and artillery piece w the crew. Wonders of guided precision munition.
Please note the tactics of artillery battery to shell at close proximity to residential area or deep within is the tactics Russian army and their terrorists have employed in Ukraine. Pay attention where the Ural army truck is parked!

 Pentagon released footage of the PMC Wagner D-30 elimination side by side with @InformNapalm geolocation pictures.

Pentagon released footage of the PMC Wagner D-30 elimination side by side with @InformNapalm geolocation pictures.

 Russian IC, MoD, GS and Kremlin started to whitewash the quilt of PMC Wagner failure claiming they acted on their own w/o Syrian GS permission. This is essential acknowledgement of the operation on the highest level. This is typical Russian official behaviour when things go very sour. Expect Russian propaganda start to massively process domestic audience. Maybe even accusing the US army in meddling with the election / Putin's re-election.

Russian IC, MoD, GS and Kremlin started to whitewash the quilt of PMC Wagner failure claiming they acted on their own w/o Syrian GS permission. This is essential acknowledgement of the operation on the highest level. This is typical Russian official behaviour when things go very sour. Expect Russian propaganda start to massively process domestic audience. Maybe even accusing the US army in meddling with the election / Putin's re-election.

 Kremlin propaganda isn't afraid to to spin fake claim a brigade and half size army of men and equipment moved out on Feb 7 w no authorization being commanded by major business players in Syria supporting Assad. The so called anonymous source that spills the beans to to Russian media bluntly states PMC Wagner had 600 strong majority of whom were Russian speaking men. Russian speaking men, Karl! Karl!! The Russian media anonymous source claims due to the 600 strong, that moved out on the Kurd secured oil factory that PMC Wagner went to squeeze out, were mainly volunteers MoD didn't see the need to report on them and put out the losses on Assad army side. All reports in Russian media that cite anonymous sources are either fed by the Russian IC or the Kremlin propaganda i.e. Peskov have issued collateral damage ironing out statement.

Kremlin propaganda isn't afraid to to spin fake claim a brigade and half size army of men and equipment moved out on Feb 7 w no authorization being commanded by major business players in Syria supporting Assad. The so called anonymous source that spills the beans to to Russian media bluntly states PMC Wagner had 600 strong majority of whom were Russian speaking men. Russian speaking men, Karl! Karl!! The Russian media anonymous source claims due to the 600 strong, that moved out on the Kurd secured oil factory that PMC Wagner went to squeeze out, were mainly volunteers MoD didn't see the need to report on them and put out the losses on Assad army side. All reports in Russian media that cite anonymous sources are either fed by the Russian IC or the Kremlin propaganda i.e. Peskov have issued collateral damage ironing out statement.

In the light of fallout of 644 PMC Wagner merc demise the US army command have issued statement & a 48min press conference saying: "We don't intend to wage war in Syria aside with ISIS. Mattis said: "If you threaten us it will be your worst 24h". If US command in Syria is forced to make defending statements of their rightful actions in Syria one could only imagine what actually happens in Kremlin considering Putin suddenly fell ill, caught cold out of the blue before the staged election.

The unclassified video snipped of Feb 7 US army counter operation initially aired by CNN on destroying deeply drugged-in PMC Wagner T-72 and actively engaging D-30 howitzer battery.
Super slow-motion of elimination of PMC Wagner D-30 battery on Feb 7 in Syria. You can see how the reloading combatant runs with pole in his hand a moment before obliteration. I suspect some very dark dots in post explosion are body parts of the D-30 battery crew. I might be wrong but it seems so.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Zanimivo bo, ko bo asad zahteval da se amerkanci spokajo :

US has reiterated that has no plans to withdraw its forces from Manbij.

defence department requested $300m for Syrian "train and equip activities" and $250m for "border security requirements related to the counter ISIS mission

Razen če bodo pomirili turke.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Assad to ves čas zahteva, ampak enostavno ni faktor. Brez Irana in Rusov bi bil biognojilo.


Yelena Matveyeva was eagerly awaiting what she hoped would be her husband's return to Russia from Syria, where he had been allegedly fighting for months as a mercenary alongside forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.


Matveyeva said her friend asked her if she had heard anything from her husband or Igor Kosoturov, another military contractor from Asbest. "I said, 'I haven't been able to call him for three days,'" Matveyeva recounts. "Literally, in a minute he calls me back and says, 'Stasa [her husband Stanislav] and Igor are dead.'"


Russian officials either refused to confirm or flatly rejected that any Russians were killed in the February 7 strikes. A Russian Foreign Ministry source said on February 14 that such reports were nothing more than "classic disinformation."


According to Matveyeva, at least 30 others from Sverdlovsk fought alongside her husband in Syria, including nine from Asbest.

The Russian business daily Kommersant reports that 600 Russians had been contracted by the St. Petersburg-based PWC Vagner paramilitary group to fight inside Syria.


"I would like, first of all, that everyone knows about my husband. Not only him but all the guys who died there for no reason. It's all crazy. Wherever they sent them, there was no defense. They just threw them into battle like pigs," she contends. "The government should avenge them somehow. There should be something in their memory, so that the wives won't be ashamed of their husbands and their children can be proud."

Yelena shows reporters a video sent to her by the wife of another Russian mercenary reportedly killed in Deir al-Zor on February 7. She's convinced it shows the U.S. air strikes that hit her husband's convoy.

However, closer inspection suggests it is from a 2015 promotional for a video game called AC-130 Gunship Simulator: Special Op Squadron.


Matveyeva shows to reporters a Cross of St. George she says her husband received while fighting in eastern Ukraine, where a conflict between Russia-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces has left more than 10,300 dead since April 2014.

He was awarded it, an accompanying document from the Union of Cossack Fighters says, for "bravery and heroism in defending the Russian-speaking population of Novorossia."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

nsa_ag3nt ::

Nekrofil Makaron je dobil novo dozo mamil, posledično neizogibne so njegove izjave:

Ti bi bil tudi na ravni biognojila, če imel na drugi strani ZDA, UK, FR, Izrael, KSA, TR ki hočejo uvajati demokraCIO.

Na Siriji so padli v vodo vsi mednarodni pravni akti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()

Pac-Man ::


Even as the Kremlin denies any official link to them, scores of Russian mercenaries wounded in U.S. strikes in Syria are being treated at Defense Ministry hospitals.

The wounded were brought to military hospitals in Moscow and St. Petersburg, according to two people in contact with them, after more than 200 fighters died in last week’s failed assault on a base held by U.S.-backed forces in Syria’s eastern Deir Ezzor region. The death toll’s rising as some of the wounded succumb to their injuries, according to one of the people.


Fighters involved in the Feb. 7 assault in Syria were linked to Wagner, two people familiar with the matter said, a shadowy private military contractor which has a training camp at a commando base in southern Russia.

The U.S. Treasury named Dmitry Utkin as Wagner’s leader last June as it sanctioned him for sending fighters to eastern Ukraine. Utkin was photographed next to President Vladimir Putin at a Kremlin reception in late 2016, held to honor him and others for their service to Russia, for which they have received state awards, according to Peskov.


Wagner is made up of detachments that may be controlled by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a wealthy businessman who’s been dubbed “Putin’s Cook” because his company provides catering services to the Kremlin, according to the Fontanka news service.

Kot sem že večkrat omenil, Prigožin fura tudi slavne trol farme.

nsa_ag3nt je izjavil:

Ti bi bil tudi na ravni biognojila, če imel na drugi strani ZDA, UK, FR, Izrael, KSA, TR ki hočejo uvajati demokraCIO.

Spet ni faktor.

Predelali bi ga kar njegovi državljani.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Mr.B ::

Kaj pax man, te v drugihntemah ignoriramo. Pa poizkusas sedaj to v tej temi. Vprasi trumpija koliko ga je stala prostitutka, ki jo je za molk moral placati.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Nič, ima dobrosrčnega odvetnika. Je pa odvetnik precej butast.


Ne vem, kaj to pove o klientu.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Pac-Man ::

Kot rečeno, okrog 100 mrtvih je best guess. Kanonfutr, upam, da ne bo kakih poskusov maščevanja.


About 300 men working for a Kremlin-linked Russian private military firm were either killed or injured in Syria last week, according to three sources familiar with the matter.

A Russian military doctor said around 100 had been killed, and a source who knows several of the fighters said the death toll was in excess of 80 men.


The wounded, who have been medically evacuated from Syria in the past few days, have been sent to four Russian military hospitals, according to five sources familiar with the matter.

The military doctor, who works in a Moscow military hospital and was directly involved in the treatment of wounded men evacuated from Syria, said that as of Saturday evening there were more than 50 such patients in his hospital, of which around 30 percent were seriously wounded.

The doctor, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not allowed to disclose information about casualties, said at least three planeloads of injured fighters were flown to Moscow between last Friday and Monday morning.

He said they were flown back on specially equipped military cargo planes which can each accommodate two or three intensive care cases and several dozen less severely wounded patients.

//Zdravijo se v vojaških bolnišnicah, domov so jih spravili na vojaških letalih, ampak Kremelj ne ve nič.

A Kremlin spokesman, asked about Russian casualties on Thursday, said he had nothing to add to previous statements. The Kremlin said earlier this week it had no information on any casualties.


The source with ties to Wagner said they told him the force struck by the U.S.-led coalition was made up mainly of Russian contractors, with a few Syrians and Iranians in support roles.

He said that on Feb. 7 the force had advanced toward the settlement of Khusham, in Deir al-Zor province, into a zone designated as neutral under a deal between the Russian military and the U.S.-led coalition.

The aim was to test if the U.S.-led coalition would react. The force advanced to within less than 5 km (3 miles) of the SDF and American positions, he said.

He said that the U.S.-led forces, in line with procedure agreed with the Russians, warned Russian regular forces that they were preparing to strike. He does not know if the warning was passed on to the contractors.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

windigo ::

And the spoils of war go to ... Russia and Iran.

Rusom plin in vratarnico za vse (plinovode) naprej proti jugu in vzhodu, Irancem šnofljanje in rovarjenje proti Izraelu oziroma telekomunikacije.

Pac-Man ::

Za vse, ki točite solze za Gadafijem. Šminka & pudr, spodaj pa garje.


It's that time of year when Libyans remember the uprising that brought down a dictator who stayed in power for 42 years. He had a habit of torturing and hanging dissidents in public squares; wasting the country's wealth on endless wars aimed at destabilizing other countries
He initiated &publicly endorsed infamous "physical liquidation" policy sending death squads to other countries hunting down and killing suspected dissidents.Those not killed abroad were forcibly disappeared in dirty rendition deals, taken against their will to Libya to be killed.

Qaddafi shamelessly bankrolled various terrorist organizations globally. He was found responsible for ordering Pan Am airliner bombing over Lockerbie and UTA airliner over Niger, to name a couple. Arab regimes were enablers of Qaddafi's atrocities against his own people. They mocked him behind his back for his crazy antics but gladly accepte his money in exchange for handing over dissidents.

Qaddafi initiated his version of a cultural revolution burning all books deemed of "corrupt" effect, forbidding foreign language, and requiring school students to memorize his gibberish green book. Constitution was annulled, unions disbanded, political parties outlawed.

It is estimated that 1200 political prisoners were ordered killed in one single night in notorious Abu slim prison in June of 1996. Families of victims were not notified of their loved ones' deaths. For years, they'd showed up to prison to bring food and clothing.

In 2011, Libyans rebelled against injustice, oppression and tyranny. They deserve better than the current status quo and they sure as hell deserved better than Qaddafi. So stop using today's disappointments as excuse to rewrite history or romanticize Qaddafi's reign of terror
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

windigo ::

Kaj pa ti misliš Paco, so MBS in familija fani lika in dela Gadafija? Ker ga glede strahovlade najmanj emulirajo, če ne raje precej presegajo.

Mr.B ::

Pax man,
Sej v egiptu zapirajo vse kandidate za predsednika, dokler seveda ne ostane nas. Ta je, no bo demokraticno izvoljen.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

leiito ::

Ne moremo gledati na arabski svet skozi prizmo zahodnih vrednost razsvetljenstva in osebne svobode, kako pa vemo, da zanje ni boljša trda roka in da si tega tudi želijo?

Je pa tudi trda roka spekter nians, v nedavnem dokumentarcu, Crosshairs ali nekaj takega, operativec CIA pove, da če so želeli, da se ujetnika kakovostno izpraša, so ga poslali v Jordanijo, za vrhunsko mučenje je bil pravi naslov Sirija, za dokončne rešitve pa Egipt.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: leiito ()

arnecan1 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Za vse, ki točite solze za Gadafijem. Šminka & pudr, spodaj pa garje.


It's that time of year when Libyans remember the uprising that brought down a dictator who stayed in power for 42 years. He had a habit of torturing and hanging dissidents in public squares; wasting the country's wealth on endless wars aimed at destabilizing other countries
He initiated &publicly endorsed infamous "physical liquidation" policy sending death squads to other countries hunting down and killing suspected dissidents.Those not killed abroad were forcibly disappeared in dirty rendition deals, taken against their will to Libya to be killed.

Qaddafi shamelessly bankrolled various terrorist organizations globally. He was found responsible for ordering Pan Am airliner bombing over Lockerbie and UTA airliner over Niger, to name a couple. Arab regimes were enablers of Qaddafi's atrocities against his own people. They mocked him behind his back for his crazy antics but gladly accepte his money in exchange for handing over dissidents.

Qaddafi initiated his version of a cultural revolution burning all books deemed of "corrupt" effect, forbidding foreign language, and requiring school students to memorize his gibberish green book. Constitution was annulled, unions disbanded, political parties outlawed.

It is estimated that 1200 political prisoners were ordered killed in one single night in notorious Abu slim prison in June of 1996. Families of victims were not notified of their loved ones' deaths. For years, they'd showed up to prison to bring food and clothing.

In 2011, Libyans rebelled against injustice, oppression and tyranny. They deserve better than the current status quo and they sure as hell deserved better than Qaddafi. So stop using today's disappointments as excuse to rewrite history or romanticize Qaddafi's reign of terror

Saj to vemo. Ampak izgleda, da je boljša "demokracija" in na oblasti Islamska bratovščina ali pa z malo sreče celo ISIS.:))

leiito ::

Smolo imajo Arabci s temi svojimi vstajami, ali pa morda zahodna demokracija ni za vsako kulturo in nucajo trdo roko.

Mr.B ::

Po moje je problem bolj v fašistični sosedi.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

arnecan1 ::

leiito je izjavil:

Smolo imajo Arabci s temi svojimi vstajami, ali pa morda zahodna demokracija ni za vsako kulturo in nucajo trdo roko.

To smo že dali skozi. Tip Zahodne demokracije in Islam ne gresta skupaj. To verjamejo še samo naivneži in .....no, prepustite se domišljiji.

leiito ::

To itak, Islam absolutno zavrača demokracijo, to dvoje ne nezdružljivo, ampak nekatere države poskušajo biti glede tega pragmatične in sekularne in enim rata bolje, Maleziji npr., drugim manj.

Cervantes ::

Izvažat korkoli je totalni nesmisel.
Recimo Rusija.
Tam so imeli carje zadnjih 1000+ let. Ene prjazne, ene manj, ene bolj krute, o tem da je Stalin zasenčil še Ivana Groznega najbrž ne gre zgubljati besed. Danes jim vlada car Putin, in so kar zadovoljni, all considered.
Da bo pa tam Soroš implantiral enega Navalnega...
Miselnosti folka ne moreš spremenit čez noč, miljarda $$$ gor al dol.
Rezultat je lahko le Ukrajina ali Libija; podrobnosti so ujemajoče.
In kaj je "demokracija" prinesla Sloveniji?
Partizane in domobrance, razklanost zaradi stvari, katere smo že vsi pozabili.
Vlade, nesposobne vladanja, zaradi nujnosti sklepanja kompromisov s koalicijskimi "partnerji."
Tudi mi bi še vedno rabili kakšnega Habsburga.
Democracy stinks!
In dobiš Brexit. Pa Trumpa.

Pac-Man ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

In kaj je "demokracija" prinesla Sloveniji?

Članstvo v EU, NATO, Euro, Schengen in soliden standard ter človekove pravice.

Več ali manj vse, kar imamo.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Mr.B ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

In kaj je "demokracija" prinesla Sloveniji?

Članstvo v EU, NATO, Euro, Schengen in soliden standard ter človekove pravice.

Več ali manj vse, kar imamo.

Sej bodo volitve, zagotovo boš našel kakšne cvetke, ki bodo zanikal vse to. No morda zato, ker so včasih vedeli, kdo in koliko se sme ukrasti, danes ne veš ne eno ne drugo. Potem imaš pa podjetje tipa gorenje, ki ni uspelo spacati profita, ki bi bila ekvivalentna masi plač celotnega podjetja.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

nsa_ag3nt ::

Članstvo v EU, NATO, Euro, Schengen in soliden standard ter človekove pravice.

Vojska je na ravni hrvaške leta 92, za teuro dobiš vsak dan manj, Schengen se začne na At meji, Eu in pijani nesposobni Junker na čelu.
Vsekakor sami uspehi, tako kot država Kosovo ali Transnistria.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: nsa_ag3nt ()

Jarno ::

nsa_ag3nt je izjavil:

Članstvo v EU, NATO, Euro, Schengen in soliden standard ter človekove pravice.

Vojska je na ravni UCK/OVK 1999, za teuro dobiš vsak dan manj, Schengen se začne na At meji, Eu in pijani nesposobni Junker na čelu.
Vsekakor sami uspehi, tako kot država Kosovo ali Transnistria.

Fixed. Hrvaška vojska je 1991/1992 imela 1.5x več samo mrtvih kot znaša stalni sestav slovenske vojske. :)
Sicer pa je v teh časih bolje imeti dobro policijo in zanesljivo obveščevalno službo. Vojska je za Slovenijo takšna, kot nam ustreza.
Sicer pa je nemški zunanji minister pred kratkim govoril o nujnosti jačanja EU in njene vloge v svetu. Zakaj pa ne, če dajo "švabe" denar.

Pac-Man ::


A foreign volunteer from the Netherlands named Sjoerd Heeger, who once fought for the ultranationalist Right Sector militia in #Ukraine, was killed yesterday whilst fighting for the YPG in #Syria. What an unusual journey.


Today we remember our brother
Sjoerd Heeger
Callsign Duchess
KIA Syria 15. February 2018

Eternal Memory brother
till we meet again in Valhalla
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Samuel ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Izvažat korkoli je totalni nesmisel.
Recimo Rusija.
Tam so imeli carje zadnjih 1000+ let. Ene prjazne, ene manj, ene bolj krute, o tem da je Stalin zasenčil še Ivana Groznega najbrž ne gre zgubljati besed. Danes jim vlada car Putin, in so kar zadovoljni, all considered.

Baš Rusija. Rusija, ki je desetljetja izvažala svojo komunajzersko revolucijo po svetu.

In kaj je "demokracija" prinesla Sloveniji?

To, da lahko kadarkoli serješ po forumih in pišeš, kar ti pade na pamet.
Prenehaj, pa da vidimo.

Democracy stinks!

Oh wow. Potem se ne pišemo več tukaj!?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Cervantes ::

Jaz oziroma kdorkoli lahko serje po forumih kolikor hoče, spremenilo se zato ne bo nič.
Kdor misli, da je svoboda govora kaj drugega kot ventil za nezadovoljneže, še ni slišal za Deep State.
Sucks, not stinks.

Samuel ::

Cervantes je izjavil:

Jaz oziroma kdorkoli lahko serje po forumih kolikor hoče, spremenilo se zato ne bo nič.
Kdor misli, da je svoboda govora kaj drugega kot ventil za nezadovoljneže, še ni slišal za Deep State.
Sucks, not stinks.

Saj ni nič čudnega, zakaj po eni strani postavljaš vprašanja o demokraciji, po drugi stani ti je pa Rusija s Putinom tako všeč. Putin postaja (oziroma je že) center, kjer se združujejo razni totalitaristi (ti) ter nacisti (Mr.B). Res super druščina.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

Jaz oziroma kdorkoli lahko serje po forumih kolikor hoče, spremenilo se zato ne bo nič.
Kdor misli, da je svoboda govora kaj drugega kot ventil za nezadovoljneže, še ni slišal za Deep State.
Sucks, not stinks.

Saj ni nič čudnega, zakaj po eni strani postavljaš vprašanja o demokraciji, po drugi stani ti je pa Rusija s Putinom tako všeč. Putin postaja (oziroma je že) center, kjer se združujejo razni totalitaristi (ti) ter nacisti (Mr.B). Res super druščina.

Sej vem fasisti soo pa good guys, saj sirijo demokracijo.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Samuel ::

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

Jaz oziroma kdorkoli lahko serje po forumih kolikor hoče, spremenilo se zato ne bo nič.
Kdor misli, da je svoboda govora kaj drugega kot ventil za nezadovoljneže, še ni slišal za Deep State.
Sucks, not stinks.

Saj ni nič čudnega, zakaj po eni strani postavljaš vprašanja o demokraciji, po drugi stani ti je pa Rusija s Putinom tako všeč. Putin postaja (oziroma je že) center, kjer se združujejo razni totalitaristi (ti) ter nacisti (Mr.B). Res super druščina.

Sej vem fasisti soo pa good guys, saj sirijo demokracijo.

Pizda, a greš ti kdaj med folk, al samo ždiš vedno pred PCjem?
Sicer pa.. vprašaj tvoje frende Irance s svojim "death to Izrael". Žanjejo točno to, kar so sejali.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.

Cervantes ::

Ne bom vam pastal članka, tukaj imate link:
Trump vs. DeepState

Mr.B ::

Samuel je izjavil:

Mr.B je izjavil:

Samuel je izjavil:

Cervantes je izjavil:

Jaz oziroma kdorkoli lahko serje po forumih kolikor hoče, spremenilo se zato ne bo nič.
Kdor misli, da je svoboda govora kaj drugega kot ventil za nezadovoljneže, še ni slišal za Deep State.
Sucks, not stinks.

Saj ni nič čudnega, zakaj po eni strani postavljaš vprašanja o demokraciji, po drugi stani ti je pa Rusija s Putinom tako všeč. Putin postaja (oziroma je že) center, kjer se združujejo razni totalitaristi (ti) ter nacisti (Mr.B). Res super druščina.

Sej vem fasisti soo pa good guys, saj sirijo demokracijo.

Pizda, a greš ti kdaj med folk, al samo ždiš vedno pred PCjem?
Sicer pa.. vprašaj tvoje frende Irance s svojim "death to Izrael". Žanjejo točno to, kar so sejali.

Odloci se ze. Lahko gremo tud kej druzga debatirat. Ce nisi sposoben neke kulturne debate.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

Cervantes ::

OK. Vem, da članka na mojem linku niste šli brat, in ker nisem Paco, vam lenobam ne bom pastal celega.
Samo en zabaven citat:
...Acheson, Truman's secretary of state, presumably spoke for many elites (though perhaps too candidly) when he explained, "If you truly had a democracy and did what the people wanted, you'd go wrong every time."

My point exactly.

Zgodovina sprememb…

nevone ::

"If you truly had a democracy and did what the people wanted, you'd go wrong every time."

Če nimaš demokracije, kot jo imamo sedaj je po tvoje bolje? Je bolje, da se politični nasprotnki pobijajo med seboj?

Demokracija, kjer bi vsi hoteli isto dobro stvar jasno danes ne obstaja.

o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

Cervantes ::

Demokracija, kot jo poznamo danes, je zgolj sredstvo za ohranjanje socialnega miru.
Pesek v oči.
Tisti, ki res vladajo, slišijo na ime Kapital.
Eni sicer temu pravijo Deep State.
Tisto prvo preveč diši po Marxu.

Fritz ::

Da bi lahko govorili o demokraciji, bi morali prvo zagotoviti kolikor tolikšno enakost, ki jo predvideva že ustava - enako varstvo pravic, enakost pred zakonom, pravica do osebnega dostojanstva in varnosti, pravica do zbiranja in združevanja, pravica do zdravstvenega varstva ipd.

Na papirju imamo vse, v praksi pa nič od tega oz. če imaš veliko denarja, imaš vse to in še več, če pa nimaš za jesti, si lahko volilno pravico in svobodo govora nekam vtakneš. Nam danes ne gre tako hudo, gre pa za večino ljudi počasi vse slabše..amerikaniziramo se. In kot sem že velikokrat zapisal, povprečen Jugoslovan je dobil vsaj toliko izobrazbe, da je vedel kako zaplozan je bil jugoslovanski sistem, povprečen ameriški revež ne dobi niti toliko izobrazbe in možnosti, da bi razumel kak revež dejansko je in kako krivično je to do njega in vseh ljudi, ki so v takšnem položaju.

Islam, krščanstvo in judovstvo si čisto lepo delovali pod Assadom, dokler so priznavali nadvlado države v javnem in se držali verskih zadev. In tako je tudi prav. Vera je stvar odnosa med posameznikom in bogom, religija in njene dogme pa nimajo kaj iskati v domeni političnega, so help me god 8-)
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

nevone ::

kolikor tolikšno enakost,

Ja, saj to pravim. Edino _enakost_ je za ljudi sprejemljiva.

o+ nevone
Either we will eat the Space or Space will eat us.

Cervantes ::

Enakost ne obstaja.
Enakopravnost naj bi.
Pa seveda tudi ne.
Tisti z več denarja so precej bolj enakopravni, jasno.
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