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sam sem v soboto narocil racunalnik iz strani computeruniverse s smartpaycard predplačniško mastercard. vendar sem
dobil mail:
Dear xy
Thank you for your order which we have recently received. Due to the fact that it is your first order with us we must validate the order for your protection. Because the credit card issuing bank could unfortunately not provide any info, we're sorry to say that we cannot accept credit card payment for this order.
We'll keep the order reserved for you for three days in order to rule out any availability problems or price changes. Within this time frame please let us know how you'd like to proceed. We could for example change the payment method (e.g. PayPal or advance payment by bank transfer).
sem jim napisal da jim lahko poslem skenirano kreditno kartico in osebni dokument da preverijo da so podatki pravi ker je pač kartica predplačniška in zato ni nobenih podatkov o meni in banki. denar so mi vseeno odtegnili kar me malo skrbi saj so napisali da nemorejo sprejeti plačila. ker je to moj prvi vecji nakup ali mislite da bo slo plačati s to kartico ali bom denar dobil nazaj in bom moral dvigniti in plačati preko nakazila? je že kdo imel podoben problem?
dobil mail:
Dear xy
Thank you for your order which we have recently received. Due to the fact that it is your first order with us we must validate the order for your protection. Because the credit card issuing bank could unfortunately not provide any info, we're sorry to say that we cannot accept credit card payment for this order.
We'll keep the order reserved for you for three days in order to rule out any availability problems or price changes. Within this time frame please let us know how you'd like to proceed. We could for example change the payment method (e.g. PayPal or advance payment by bank transfer).
sem jim napisal da jim lahko poslem skenirano kreditno kartico in osebni dokument da preverijo da so podatki pravi ker je pač kartica predplačniška in zato ni nobenih podatkov o meni in banki. denar so mi vseeno odtegnili kar me malo skrbi saj so napisali da nemorejo sprejeti plačila. ker je to moj prvi vecji nakup ali mislite da bo slo plačati s to kartico ali bom denar dobil nazaj in bom moral dvigniti in plačati preko nakazila? je že kdo imel podoben problem?
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