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Kateri router kupiti?

Kateri router kupiti?

ramiz?! ::

Linija na kablu je 100 downloada in 10 uploada. Zdej me pa zanima kateri router bi mi omogočil enako povezavo, torej, da bi mi tudi preko routerja downloadalo 10mb/s...
Never regret anything, there's always a reason things happen.

broken/link ::

ziggy89 ::

GTX970 ::

ziggy89 ::

GTX970 je izjavil:

Tale bo dovolj:

Okej, nisem ravno stručko ampak če ima 100mbps linijo in ta router, ki si ga nalimal ima tak performance:

"In the throughput test, where we tested the router in its most throughput-speed-favored settings, the TL-WR741ND scored 31.8Mbps, just a little bit slower than the 33.2Mbps of the D-Link DIR-615 or the 32.2Mbps of the super expensive Apple Time Capsule; both are dual-stream routers. At this speed, the TL-WR741ND can finish transmitting a 500MB of data in about 126 seconds.

In our range test, where the router was put 100 feet away from the client, the TL-WR741ND registered 21.7Mbps, which is also comparable to that of some high-end dual-stream 802.11n routers.

Finally, in the mixed-mode test, where the router was set up to work with clients of multiple wireless standards including 802.11n and 802.11g, the TL-WR741ND scored 24.7Mbps, another good number for this type of router."

Že zaradi standarda je problem: "In the real world no-one ever gets close to theoretical speeds and the fastest 802.11ac real world speeds recorded in testing are around 720Mbps (90MBps). By contrast 802.11n tops out at about 240Mbps (30MBps) so the 3x estimate is still true, just much lower." (vir:http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly...

Ravno sam sem gledal za routerji zato imam linke pri roki. Je pa verjetno odvisno kateri standard mu podpira računalnik in na kakši razdalji - razen, če bo na kablu.

Še review: http://www.trustedreviews.com/linksys-e...

če pa najde kdo še kak drug cenejši n router pa naj napiše - range pa rabim čez dvoja vrata - cca 6 metrov, ker pri ciscotu od Telemacha mi pade hitrost na cca 30Mpbs in bi res imel v spalnici malo bolj stream-friendly hitrost.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: ziggy89 ()

GTX970 ::

Tole je za wifi.
Wan to lan zmore 94 mbps.

Vidim da nisi gledal teme "Kateri router?", stran 12.


druga opcija:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: GTX970 ()

ziggy89 ::


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