Forum » Igre » Hellblade

oo7 ::
KnightMare je izjavil:
Kot sem zgoraj napisal, to je fake permadeath, ki ga v resnici sploh ni. :) Verjetno je imelo fajn psihološki vpliv na prve playerje, čeprav več k 10x pomojem v celemu špilu ne boš umrl. Po dveh dneh se je pa itak na vsaki strani razvedelo, da lahko tudi 50x umreš pa ni nič, ker se dark rot nekak sproti heala.
Aha potem je fake :)
Si ti že preigral, do konca ?

Tr0n ::
@KnightMare: Skoda, da si spoilal.
Igra je veliko bolj efektivna, ce igralec misli, da bo izgubil progression. :)
Igra je veliko bolj efektivna, ce igralec misli, da bo izgubil progression. :)

KnightMare ::
Sem končal, zadovoljen. :)
Eh, ta permadeath bi bil bolj efektiven, če bi bil combat težji. Ko ugotoviš, da Senua vstane, če pritiskaš X k je na tleh, praktično ne moreš umreti.
Eh, ta permadeath bi bil bolj efektiven, če bi bil combat težji. Ko ugotoviš, da Senua vstane, če pritiskaš X k je na tleh, praktično ne moreš umreti.

Tr0n ::
Dobri so tudi uradni dev diary, ce koga zanima bolj podrobno, kako je igra nastala.

oo7 ::
Sem preigral rabil sem dobrih 8 ur.
Grafika zelo lepa in zanimive lokacije in zanimiva tematika.
Bojevanje mi je bilo kar všeč.
So mi šle pa na živce uganke in iskanje run. Pa se vračanje nazaj pa še lik je počasen.
Sploh mi pa ni bilo všeč tisto blodenje po temnicah.
Na začetku je bilo zelo zanimivo proti koncu pa čedalje manj. Jaz bi ral igri oceno 6/10
Grafika zelo lepa in zanimive lokacije in zanimiva tematika.
Bojevanje mi je bilo kar všeč.
So mi šle pa na živce uganke in iskanje run. Pa se vračanje nazaj pa še lik je počasen.
Sploh mi pa ni bilo všeč tisto blodenje po temnicah.
Na začetku je bilo zelo zanimivo proti koncu pa čedalje manj. Jaz bi ral igri oceno 6/10
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

yayo ::
Drugi večer igram tole pa mi je kar malce dolgcajt. Sploh je FOV grozen, če ga pustiš original ti da dober občutek tesnobe ampak tudi motion sickness, če ga tweakneš po navodilih z neta ti ga prilagodi za ultrawide resolucijo, kar na 16:10 monitorju povzroči fish eye efekt in vzdušje iz turobnega prelevi v skoraj komično. Bomo videli... (je rekel slepi)

yayo ::
Se posipam s pepelom, na koncu sem videl luč glede Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice. Tole je odlična igra, ima malce počasen začetek ampak se kmalu izkaže za originalno (čustveno) izkušnjo s fantastičnim ozadjem vkoreninjenim v keltski in nordijski zgodovini/mitologiji in zgodbo, ki prikaže "warrior's journey" junakinje skozi umsko bolezen. (sem zabluzil, vem). Bolj kot igra je tole "izkušnja" za odraslega igralca z neko intelktualno radovednostjo. Narejena je bila v sodelovanju z raziskovalci psihiatrične stroke in njihovimi pacienti. Na Hard težavnosti je bojevanje kar konkreten izziv, seveda ne na nivoju SoulBorne iger, ampak kar zajebano. 

oo7 ::
Hellblade Hits 500K Sales in 3 Months (Half on PC), Generates Over $13 Million in Revenue

oo7 ::
Hellblade developer 'surprised so many people played the game with mouse and keyboard'
We did see this as primarily a PlayStation 4 title, and we thought that platform would be the bulk of our sales, and in fact it was pretty evenly split. So going forward, we will make sure that we get our interface and everything right for the PC audience as well.
We were so surprised that so many people played the game with mouse and keyboard, and we dropped the ball a little bit at the start. We patched it afterwards, but we dropped the ball with our mouse and keyboard support.
We did see this as primarily a PlayStation 4 title, and we thought that platform would be the bulk of our sales, and in fact it was pretty evenly split. So going forward, we will make sure that we get our interface and everything right for the PC audience as well.
We were so surprised that so many people played the game with mouse and keyboard, and we dropped the ball a little bit at the start. We patched it afterwards, but we dropped the ball with our mouse and keyboard support.

oo7 ::
scipascapa je izjavil:
spet hočejo slabo prodajo, kar iščejo.
Lansko leto je Microsoft kupil studijo, ki dela igro Hellblade.

oo7 ::
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II will be set in Iceland with highly realistic scenery

oo7 ::
Here's a cinematic lighting experiment for Senua's Saga: Hellblade II

oo7 ::
Hellblade razvijalci pravijo, da bo Hellblade igra v primerjavi z Hellblade kot ena mala indie igra

oo7 ::
Hellblade 2 Dev Announces Radical Changes to Combat System

oo7 ::
State of Unreal - Senua's Saga: Hellblade II | GDC 2023
We're pushing the boundaries of realtime facial animation in Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, as showcased at GDC 2023 with Unreal Engine.
We're pushing the boundaries of realtime facial animation in Senua's Saga: Hellblade II, as showcased at GDC 2023 with Unreal Engine.

oo7 ::
Hellblade 2 še letos ?
RUMOR: Hellblade 2 Could Release in 2023
Xbox Game Pass Ad Suggests a 2023 Release Window for Hellblade 2
RUMOR: Hellblade 2 Could Release in 2023
Xbox Game Pass Ad Suggests a 2023 Release Window for Hellblade 2

oo7 ::
Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga - Official Gameplay Trailer
Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga is coming to Xbox Series X and GamePass, PC in 2024.
Hellblade 2: Senua's Saga is coming to Xbox Series X and GamePass, PC in 2024.

ahac ::
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 will be a digital-only release costing $50
Developer_Direct 2024 - Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
Prvi del je pa trenutno na Steamu samo 3€!
Developer_Direct 2024 - Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
Prvi del je pa trenutno na Steamu samo 3€!
Slo-Tech Discord -

oo7 ::
Fans already plan to skip Senua's Saga Hellblade 2 due to digital-only release
Hellblade II and Alan Wake 2 Are Signs of A Worrying Trend
Moving forward, there's no guarantee that the next big console game will get a physical release
Hellblade II and Alan Wake 2 Are Signs of A Worrying Trend
Moving forward, there's no guarantee that the next big console game will get a physical release

ahac ::
Fans already plan to skip Senua's Saga Hellblade 2 due to digital-only release
Hellblade II and Alan Wake 2 Are Signs of A Worrying Trend
Moving forward, there's no guarantee that the next big console game will get a physical release
Konzole so tam kjer je bil PC pred 15 leti.

A prvi del ni bil samo digital na konzolah ob izidu?
Slo-Tech Discord -

oo7 ::

oo7 ::
Hellblade II igra bo dolga okoli 8 ur.
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II Is Like a Quality Indie Film, Says Developer; Will Feature Highly Cinematic Combat
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II Is Like a Quality Indie Film, Says Developer; Will Feature Highly Cinematic Combat

oo7 ::
How Hellblade 2 is Taking Immersion to the Next Level
How extensive real-life references, cutting-edge technology, and Unreal Engine 5 combined to build Hellblade 2's world.
How extensive real-life references, cutting-edge technology, and Unreal Engine 5 combined to build Hellblade 2's world.

oo7 ::
Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 Minimum PC Requirements
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 11
Processor: Intel i5-8400 | AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1070 | AMD RX 5700 | Intel Arc A580
Storage: 70 GB available space
Additional Notes: SSD Required
Igra izide 21 maja. Cena na Steamu 49,99 eur.
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 11
Processor: Intel i5-8400 | AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1070 | AMD RX 5700 | Intel Arc A580
Storage: 70 GB available space
Additional Notes: SSD Required
Igra izide 21 maja. Cena na Steamu 49,99 eur.

BlackFox101 ::
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 11
A to oni resno ?
Na tej strani pod MORE piše Windows 10 version 18362.0 or higher

oo7 ::
BlackFox101 je izjavil:
Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
OS: Windows 11
A to oni resno ?
Na tej strani pod MORE piše Windows 10 version 18362.0 or higher
Na Steamu pa še vedno samo 11. Ne vem zakaj ne popravijo

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