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AMD ZEN - nova X86 Jedra

AMD ZEN - nova X86 Jedra

Temo vidijo: vsi
140 / 623

Predator X ::

hojnikb je izjavil:

in kaj je narobe z 3770k ?

i7 3770. Ni ravno za 144Hz...
Glaven razlog pa je, da ga bom uporabljal. Zdej, ko je šla AM3+ po "gobe".
Pa tud rad bi probal ryzena 8-).

D3m ::

Najprej moramo videti kam po lestvici paše R5.


Na hojko tukaj imaš še Win 7 support od Gigabyte Aorus X370 Gaming K7


+ ECC support.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

hojnikb ::

i7 3770. Ni ravno za 144Hz...

delid pa zaklenat na najvišjo turbo frekvenco

D3m ::

No hojko sedaj imaš Win 7 support.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Predator X ::

hojnikb je izjavil:

i7 3770. Ni ravno za 144Hz...

delid pa zaklenat na najvišjo turbo frekvenco

Mam dobr cooler. Je na najvišji stock/turbo frekvenci. Mislm, da bi več pridobil, če bi plata podpirala 2400MHz DDR3.

Zgodovina sprememb…

hojnikb ::

men je delid zbil 20C na dobri noctui, tko da se v vsakem primeru splača.

Mislm, da bi več pridobil, če bi plata podpirala 2400MHz DDR3.

plata nima multiča za 2400MT ?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: hojnikb ()

Predator X ::

hojnikb je izjavil:

men je delid zbil 20C na dobri noctui, tko da se v vsakem primeru splača.

Mislm, da bi več pridobil, če bi plata podpirala 2400MHz DDR3.

plata nima multiča za 2400MT ?

Nikakor niso stabilni. Vse nad 1600MHz je problem. Na Am3+ je šlo do 2133MHz brez problema. Dobr lj sej i7 3770 je zelo supr proc, ampak kokr sm reku AM3+ je crknla. Bom nujno rabim nekej za ugodno ceno.


hojnikb ::

katera plata ?
Mogoče bo treba malo razrahljat platence pa malo bumpat voltažo. Skor neverjamem da katerakol plata nebi šla čez 1600MT

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: hojnikb ()

Predator X ::

hojnikb je izjavil:

katera plata ?
Mogoče bo treba malo razrahljat platence pa malo bumpat voltažo. Skor neverjamem da katerakol plata nebi šla čez 1600MT

Sem se že preveč hecal. Pa tud zdej lihk mrtvega rama nerabm 8-).
Zdej čakam na GTX 1080 Strix :D bom raje to malce potestiral :D
PS: Ni zame.

Zgodovina sprememb…

frudi ::

Prepirajte se, kolikor hočete, mene čaka sestavljanje:



Rami so kar eni, ki sem jih imel od prej, bom videl, če in koliko so sploh kompatibilni z Ryzenom :S
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

ziga1990 ::

zakaj 1700X ?
Ryzen 1700, 16gb RAM, GTX1070, NH-D15, Bequiet Darkbase pro 900

Predator X ::


frudi ::

ziga1990 je izjavil:

zakaj 1700X ?

Ker sem ga ujel, ko ga je imel amazon.fr znižanega na 410€ :P
1ACDoHVj3wn7N4EMpGVU4YGLR9HTfkNhTd... in case I've written something useful :)

D3m ::

Poglej, če imaš zadnji BIOS verzijo.

F5 je najnovejša.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

tikitoki ::

NightHawk je izjavil:

Predator X je izjavil:


Ta tvoja beseda najbolj povzame delo AMDja v zadnjih letih.

Dej ne bluzi, vse ostale firem tudi ne pslavijo celotne serije isti dan.

Predator X ::

D3m je izjavil:

Poglej, če imaš zadnji BIOS verzijo.

F5 je najnovejša.

Glej tud F2 lepo podpira 3200MHz out of the box.
edin (tRC) je visok.

Zgodovina sprememb…

smrko ::

AMD Releases Community Update on Several Ryzen CPU Concerns

Since AMD released the Ryzen CPUs two weeks ago there have been a host of rumors and speculations trying to explain various issues reported in reviews and by people on the Internet. Now the company has released a statement on several of these concerns via a Ryzen community update.

The first topic tackled is if there is an issue with the Windows 10 thread scheduler, which is the part of the OS that decides what CPU core, physical or logical, runs a given thread, and is also what decides to shuffle threads around to other cores. There has been speculation the scheduler is degrading performance in some cases, but after investigating these claims AMD has concluded the thread scheduler is "operating properly for Zen" and the company does not believe there is an issue with the scheduler "utilizing the logical and physical configurations of the architecture." However it was also discovered that an outdated version of Sysinternals Coreinfo utility was producing incorrect topology data for Ryzen CPUs, but version 3.31 does provide correct results. Also, if you saw reports of significant performance differences between Windows 7 and Windows 10, AMD has concluded this is not related to scheduling differences but to the different software architectures of the operating systems.

The second topic addressed concerns temperature readings. Apparently the Ryzen 7 1700X and 1800X both carry a +20 ?C offset to the reported T Control (tCTL) temperature and the actual junction temperature. The purpose of the offset is to give all Ryzen processors a consistent fan policy, but it has also confused some temperature monitoring applications that failed to subtract the offset from the tCTL measurement. The Ryzen 7 1700 (non-X) is not affected by this as it does not have a tCTL offset.

AMD has also confirmed the recommendations to use the High Performance power plan offered in Windows 10. This turns off core parking, making idle CPU cores available for the thread scheduler and allows the CPU to alter its voltage and frequency states at the 1 ms intervals Ryzen supports, while Balanced may take longer as the software tries to participate in the power state changes. An update to optimize the power policy parameters for the Balanced plan is expected by the first week of April.

Finally, there have been reports of SMT (Simultaneous Multi-threading) reducing performance in some games. AMD's expectation is that games should generally see a neutral or positive benefit from SMT being enabled, and it has been tested in various titles. For those games that have been reported as performing worse, AMD suggests this indicates opportunities to improve the codebases of these games to better address the Zen architecture. Some simple changes have already been identified to improve how a game understands Zen's core/cache topology, and there should be a status update when these are ready.

Source: AMD

globoko grlo ::

Se pravi današnji špili na Ryznu so tko kot naši vlakci na japonskih tirih?
Gigabyte B460M DS3H | I5 - 10400F | 16GB | 6700XT | P2 m.2 500GB

Predator X ::

globoko grlo je izjavil:

Se pravi današnji špili na Ryznu so tko kot naši vlakci na japonskih tirih?

Probleme oziroma optimizacijo rabijo 6C/8C Ryzeni.

D3m ::

smrko je izjavil:

AMD Releases Community Update on Several Ryzen CPU Concerns

Since AMD released the Ryzen CPUs two weeks ago there have been a host of rumors and speculations trying to explain various issues reported in reviews and by people on the Internet. Now the company has released a statement on several of these concerns via a Ryzen community update.

The first topic tackled is if there is an issue with the Windows 10 thread scheduler, which is the part of the OS that decides what CPU core, physical or logical, runs a given thread, and is also what decides to shuffle threads around to other cores. There has been speculation the scheduler is degrading performance in some cases, but after investigating these claims AMD has concluded the thread scheduler is "operating properly for Zen" and the company does not believe there is an issue with the scheduler "utilizing the logical and physical configurations of the architecture." However it was also discovered that an outdated version of Sysinternals Coreinfo utility was producing incorrect topology data for Ryzen CPUs, but version 3.31 does provide correct results. Also, if you saw reports of significant performance differences between Windows 7 and Windows 10, AMD has concluded this is not related to scheduling differences but to the different software architectures of the operating systems.

The second topic addressed concerns temperature readings. Apparently the Ryzen 7 1700X and 1800X both carry a +20 ?C offset to the reported T Control (tCTL) temperature and the actual junction temperature. The purpose of the offset is to give all Ryzen processors a consistent fan policy, but it has also confused some temperature monitoring applications that failed to subtract the offset from the tCTL measurement. The Ryzen 7 1700 (non-X) is not affected by this as it does not have a tCTL offset.

AMD has also confirmed the recommendations to use the High Performance power plan offered in Windows 10. This turns off core parking, making idle CPU cores available for the thread scheduler and allows the CPU to alter its voltage and frequency states at the 1 ms intervals Ryzen supports, while Balanced may take longer as the software tries to participate in the power state changes. An update to optimize the power policy parameters for the Balanced plan is expected by the first week of April.

Finally, there have been reports of SMT (Simultaneous Multi-threading) reducing performance in some games. AMD's expectation is that games should generally see a neutral or positive benefit from SMT being enabled, and it has been tested in various titles. For those games that have been reported as performing worse, AMD suggests this indicates opportunities to improve the codebases of these games to better address the Zen architecture. Some simple changes have already been identified to improve how a game understands Zen's core/cache topology, and there should be a status update when these are ready.

Source: AMD

Jup scheduler dela, samo Ryzen ima problem, ker ga scheduler ne razume. ;)
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Lonsarg ::

Ne, v bistvu če prav lepo članek prebereš scheduler od Windowsov menda(po AMDjevo) pravilno deluje, scheduler od iger pa je tisti, ki rabi optimizacijo, ker so proizvajalci nekaterih iger spisali logiko, ki če zazna AMD vklopi optimizacijo za Buldožer arhitekturo, ki je konkretno drugačna od Zen.

Dodatno tukaj zvemo da pride W10 update, ki bo balance power profile naredil hitrejši, še vedno pa neka razlika med balance in high performance bo ostala, je namreč tudi pri Intelu.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Lonsarg ()

AapocalypseE ::

ryzen, če bi se navijal kot se Intel, ne bi bilo nobenega problema :))

D3m ::

Lonsarg je izjavil:

Ne, v bistvu če prav lepo članek prebereš scheduler od Windowsov menda(po AMDjevo) pravilno deluje, scheduler od iger pa je tisti, ki rabi optimizacijo, ker so proizvajalci nekaterih iger spisali logiko, ki če zazna AMD vklopi optimizacijo za Buldožer arhitekturo, ki je konkretno drugačna od Zen.

Dodatno tukaj zvemo da pride W10 update, ki bo balance power profile naredil hitrejši, še vedno pa neka razlika med balance in high performance bo ostala, je namreč tudi pri Intelu.

Naj pa CPUID spremenijo v Intel pa bo performance poskočil. :))
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Lonsarg ::

CPUID v Intel in dobijo tisoče vrstic balastne optimizacijske kode v igrah za Intel optimizacije.

D3m0r4l1z3d ::

D3m je izjavil:

Kaj se sedaj ti vpletaš odgovarjaš neumnosti?


Thank you.

Neumnost je na win7 označevati kot boost. Glede na kaj, referenca, je*ote.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Register?referrer=Anymalus

D3m0r4l1z3d ::

AMD Ryzen 7 1700
The most value flavored 8-core AMD processor your money can get you.
Od kdaj pa fx 8 serija ni 8 jedrna? Pa še 200 eur je cenejši.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Register?referrer=Anymalus

D3m0r4l1z3d ::

Predator X je izjavil:

hojnikb je izjavil:

in kaj je narobe z 3770k ?

i7 3770. Ni ravno za 144Hz...
Glaven razlog pa je, da ga bom uporabljal. Zdej, ko je šla AM3+ po "gobe".
Pa tud rad bi probal ryzena 8-).

ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Register?referrer=Anymalus

ziga1990 ::

D3m0r4l1z3d je izjavil:

AMD Ryzen 7 1700
The most value flavored 8-core AMD processor your money can get you.
Od kdaj pa fx 8 serija ni 8 jedrna? Pa še 200 eur je cenejši.

Saj FX ni pravi 8 jedernik res da ima 8 jeder samo se obnaša kot 4 jedrnik
Ryzen 1700, 16gb RAM, GTX1070, NH-D15, Bequiet Darkbase pro 900

FireSnake ::

AapocalypseE je izjavil:

ryzen, če bi se navijal kot se Intel, ne bi bilo nobenega problema :))

Če, če, če ....

Če bi ti vklopil možgane ne bi pisal neblouz. Navija manj, kot 1% uporabnikov. Kako se zadeva navija je povsem nepomembno.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

AapocalypseE ::

Jaz mam trenutno možgane na off...

Se pravkar vozim na Münchensko letališče 8-)

FireSnake ::

Mi se ne spomnimo, kdaj si jih nazadnje imel na on.

A na letališče se pelješ? Wooooow!!!!! Smo lahko tvoji prijatelji?
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

LuiIII ::

Glede konkurenčnosti AMD R7 bi rekel, da je nekje v sredi, ko bomo primerjali Intel ponudbo z R5 in Naples. R5, če bo samo scaledown R7 ne bo toliko konkurenčen kot je R7, Naples pa bo, kot danes kaže, še bistveno bolj konkurenčen kot je danes R7.

mahone ::

R5 launch date 11. April :D

D3m0r4l1z3d ::

ziga1990 je izjavil:

D3m0r4l1z3d je izjavil:

AMD Ryzen 7 1700
The most value flavored 8-core AMD processor your money can get you.
Od kdaj pa fx 8 serija ni 8 jedrna? Pa še 200 eur je cenejši.

Saj FX ni pravi 8 jedernik res da ima 8 jeder samo se obnaša kot 4 jedrnik

Na škatli piše 8 cores.
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Register?referrer=Anymalus

Sami ::

D3m0r4l1z3d je izjavil:

ziga1990 je izjavil:

D3m0r4l1z3d je izjavil:

AMD Ryzen 7 1700
The most value flavored 8-core AMD processor your money can get you.
Od kdaj pa fx 8 serija ni 8 jedrna? Pa še 200 eur je cenejši.

Saj FX ni pravi 8 jedernik res da ima 8 jeder samo se obnaša kot 4 jedrnik

Na škatli piše 8 cores.

Sej dejansko 8 jeder FX ima, samo zapakirano v 4ih modulih.
970A-UD3P,AMD FX 8350,16GB DDR3\1600,RX480 8GB,Tt 750W

mahone ::

D3m ::


Throughout this process we also discovered that F1™ 2016 generates a CPU topology map (hardware_settings_config.xml) when the game is installed. This file tells the game how many cores and threads the system's processor supports. This settings file is stored in the Steam™ Cloud and appears to get resynced on any PC that installs F1™ 2016 from the same Steam account. Therefore: if a user had a 4-core processor without SMT, then reused that same game install on a new AMD Ryzen™ PC, the game would re-sync with the cloud and believe the new system is also the same old quad core CPU.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

D3m ::

No fantje očitno je windows scheduler problem. In sam smatram, da bo popravljen potihoma.

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

AapocalypseE ::

Nekam dolgo popravljajo win 10 zaradi ryzena. Zgleda se dosti napak nabralo. Me zanima koliko jih bodo rešli :))

D3m ::

MS ne bo rešil AMD.

I think what the PR blog is saying is that Microsoft is not going to put the effort of rewriting the scheduler behavior for AMD. They don't have the market share or the money to send their own engineers to Microsoft to hold their hands through the code. Optimizations being done on a per app basis is probably AMD's strategy right now, it's easier to have a handful of engineers float around to different devs giving them help where it's needed vs being forced to do the heavy lifting for a project as big as an OS scheduler. The other option could be through microcode updates changing CPUID information that the OS sees, then they can give a short list of priorities to Microsoft to implement once the OS sees that a chip is Ryzen based.


Edino Linux je popravil svoj scheduler za Ryzen.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: D3m ()

D3m ::

LLVM 5.0 Should Offer Better AMD Ryzen Performance

|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|

hojnikb ::


D3m0r4l1z3d ::

Dobre cene, viva la AMD
ETN Wallet addr.: etnkGuvhDzR7Dh8us4e69VStubGbmQHrh5pe2fnpNDhEhX5
Cryptopia ref. link: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Register?referrer=Anymalus

Cveto ::

Bomo videli. Mene najbolj zanimajo testi kako se navija 1400-ka in kakšni so rezultati v gamingu. Naviti bi s moralo bolj od večjedernih (vsaj ponavadi je tako), gaming bi pa moral biti tudi podoben rezultat kot pri večjedrnih, saj igre težko izkoriščajo več kot 4 jedra.

FireSnake ::

Sploh petica 1600 X ... zelo zanimiva zadeva.
Poglej in se nasmej: vicmaher.si

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: FireSnake ()

hojnikb ::

r5 1400 bi se pomoje mogu podobno navit k 1700

SimplyMiha ::

FireSnake je izjavil:

Sploh petica 1600 X ... zelo zanimiva zadeva.

Tale X bi lahko losali...

AapocalypseE ::

AMD "Pinnacle Ridge" to feature up to 8 Zen2 cores


globoko grlo ::

A je možno, da R5 (4/8) ne bodo imeli takih težav z winsi kot R7?
Pa sej to so isti proci, tko da navijal se bojo glih tolk kot R7, al se motim?
Gigabyte B460M DS3H | I5 - 10400F | 16GB | 6700XT | P2 m.2 500GB

D3m ::

Načeloma ne bi smeli imeti težav, kot R7 zaradi CCX.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
140 / 623