Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
fur80 ::
Pa kje se najdejo ti "posebneži"? Eden je bil v vseh vojnah, drugi hodi po svetu, trenutno je v Braziliji, tretji je v Indiji, skupno jim pa je, da zagovarjajo Ruse? Je to vse en človek iz kake ustanove mogoče?
Poldi112 ::
Po kakšni logiki bo rezultat miru več mrtvih Ukrajincev?Miru v narekovajih, ker če zapreš oči in se delaš da s tem prispevaš k miru, bi pač Rusi potamanili Ukrajince. Ukrajinci se ne bi vdali in bi bilo precej več mrtvih.
Če ne bi rinili v NATO, rusi ne bi imeli razloga, da jih napadejo. Kako točno bi bil ta scenarij za njih slabši?Že 5000x omenjeno v tej temi, NATO je samo izgovor, ki so ga tudi Rusi hitro nehali uporabljati, ko so ugotovili, kako je butast. Še štiriletnik bi to pogruntal - če jih moti NATO za sosede, zakaj hudiča ONI RINEJO v smeri NATA?
Samo tukaj na forumu še kar odmeva ...
Kdaj so rusi prenehali uporabljati NATO "izgovor". Glede tega so jasni in glasni že desetletja preko vseh administracij, tudi letos boš brez težav našel več citatov (ti lahko pomagam).
Kako drugače bi lahko preprečili vstop Ukrajine v NATO, razen z napadom? Koliko let bi moral zgolj nemočno gledati, kako CIA oborožuje in trenira ukrajince za eventuelno "osvojitev" Krima?
Kaj bi imeli rusi od tega, da "potamanijo" ukrajince? Ter zakaj tega potem niso storili že po 2. svetovni, oziroma še prej?
Rusi enostavno želijo prorusko sosedo. IDENTIČNO kot vsaka velesila - še posebej USA, ki ne dominira le izključno svoje neposredne okolice, ampak tudi neposredno okolico ostalih velesil, katerih ne dominira/okupira.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
korenje3 ::
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()
Pac-Man ::
@parada, tudi v Moskvi jim malo škripa. Ne dvomim, da bo OSINT folk ugotovil kaj je manjkajočih 62 kosov.
The scope of the Victory Parade in #Moscow on May 9 will be reduced. Instead of 191 military vehicles in 2021, only 129 pieces of military equipment will take part. The number of participants will be reduced from 12,000 people to 10,000, @BBCNews reports.
The scope of the Victory Parade in #Moscow on May 9 will be reduced. Instead of 191 military vehicles in 2021, only 129 pieces of military equipment will take part. The number of participants will be reduced from 12,000 people to 10,000, @BBCNews reports.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
koyotee ::
Poljske oblasti nameravajo Ukrajini dobaviti več kot 200 sovjetskih tankov serije T-72, od katerih naj bi jih večina že prečkala mejo in prispela na ukrajinsko ozemlje.
Jim bojo Ukrajinci posodili tanke
Jim bojo Ukrajinci posodili tanke
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!
Pac-Man ::
dobra nitka
The now infamous open letter by 'intellectuals & artists' calling on #Germany to stop supporting #Ukraine [&, effectively, for 🇺🇦's capitulation to #Russia] is very revealing. As well as being patronising as hell & totally wrong I think its shows something else too
Many of us have been truly inspired by #Ukraine's incredible struggle to survive, but for others it seems that this rare show of courage, & decency and the valiant defence of country, values, rights & ideals is deeply troubling. Why?
Because it shines a light on their own unwillingness to do so. It threatens to reveal the deep cowardice, cynicism & selfish will for an easy life (never mind the suffering of others or the lost potential for progress at home) that is all too common
Like the obnoxious complaints (in #Germany but also around Western Europe & in the Brussels bubble) about #Ukraine's "excessive nationalism" - supposedly incompatible with the #EU & 'European values' - 'We've overcome all that nasty outdated stuff - but look [down] at them.
Its that attitude of false superiority & patronising selfishness, combined with a lack of will to actually fight (metaphorically & literally) for progress - or to spread its benefits more widely - that is the real danger to #Germany & #Europe's future not - WW3.
The now infamous open letter by 'intellectuals & artists' calling on #Germany to stop supporting #Ukraine [&, effectively, for 🇺🇦's capitulation to #Russia] is very revealing. As well as being patronising as hell & totally wrong I think its shows something else too
Many of us have been truly inspired by #Ukraine's incredible struggle to survive, but for others it seems that this rare show of courage, & decency and the valiant defence of country, values, rights & ideals is deeply troubling. Why?
Because it shines a light on their own unwillingness to do so. It threatens to reveal the deep cowardice, cynicism & selfish will for an easy life (never mind the suffering of others or the lost potential for progress at home) that is all too common
Like the obnoxious complaints (in #Germany but also around Western Europe & in the Brussels bubble) about #Ukraine's "excessive nationalism" - supposedly incompatible with the #EU & 'European values' - 'We've overcome all that nasty outdated stuff - but look [down] at them.
Its that attitude of false superiority & patronising selfishness, combined with a lack of will to actually fight (metaphorically & literally) for progress - or to spread its benefits more widely - that is the real danger to #Germany & #Europe's future not - WW3.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Pac-Man ::
še ena o splošni mobilizaciji
This is a point worth examining. We have lots of stress on what if Russia goes for societal mobilization now (normally by the way by those who argued that Russia would conquer Ukraine quickly). However, societal mobilization is not easy under the best of conditions.
People seem to be forgetting that societal mobilization and long war has enormous political, economic and military risks for Russia. Its not just about calling soldiers to the ranks--its about training them and equipping them. Russia is not in the best position to do this at all.
Russia has no training system to handle some mass infusion of untrained personnel. They already have called up this year's normal conscript soldiers (Only 135k because of Russia's demographic crisis) and they are right now being trained.
If they want to train more--they need to set up a training system first to handle more soldiers. This normally takes many months in an efficient system. Only once you have the training system, can you start actually creating your new army.
Just as an example, it takes the US in WWII, even with preparations under way. more than 6 months to start expanding significantly its pool of trained personnel. and its not til more than a year that the numbers really take off.
So the Russians need to train the trainers, then train the new soldiers. According to this @ISW report, Russian training takes somewhere between 3-6 months. ...
So under exceptionally efficient systems, you might expect a large army expansion with well trained soldiers in 9 months. Could RUssia do that--doubtful. Probably poorly trained, unmotivated conscripts could be produced, but thats it.
Then you have to equip them. Again, all this blase talk about Russia going to full mobilization misses the fact that Russia is economically weak and now operating under sanctions.
The Russians are already suffering shortfalls in replenishment. It would again take a very efficient and well planned economy to ramp up production under these sanctions. SO arming the new mass army with new weapons will be hard.
Sure, they can get all their oodles of equipment that has been sitting around in storage for years, not being maintained, etc. Their front line stuff has already shown weaknesses. Imagine what the second-line stuff is like
Ukraine is already upgrading its training and will beat the Russians to the punch by getting better prepared soldiers to the front lines months earlier--and thats if Russia acts now.
So understand Russian societal mobilization is not something that can be simply bandied about. It requires action and preparation that the Russian government is clearly reluctant to do. Stop talking about it like its easy and Russia is some large power. Neither is true.
Interesting time reference by Pres Biden in the announcement of the massive $33billon aid package. Wants to make sure Ukraine has significant success within 5 months. Ie before Russia could do a wide scale mobilisation, were it so inclined.
This is a point worth examining. We have lots of stress on what if Russia goes for societal mobilization now (normally by the way by those who argued that Russia would conquer Ukraine quickly). However, societal mobilization is not easy under the best of conditions.
People seem to be forgetting that societal mobilization and long war has enormous political, economic and military risks for Russia. Its not just about calling soldiers to the ranks--its about training them and equipping them. Russia is not in the best position to do this at all.
Russia has no training system to handle some mass infusion of untrained personnel. They already have called up this year's normal conscript soldiers (Only 135k because of Russia's demographic crisis) and they are right now being trained.
If they want to train more--they need to set up a training system first to handle more soldiers. This normally takes many months in an efficient system. Only once you have the training system, can you start actually creating your new army.
Just as an example, it takes the US in WWII, even with preparations under way. more than 6 months to start expanding significantly its pool of trained personnel. and its not til more than a year that the numbers really take off.
So the Russians need to train the trainers, then train the new soldiers. According to this @ISW report, Russian training takes somewhere between 3-6 months. ...
So under exceptionally efficient systems, you might expect a large army expansion with well trained soldiers in 9 months. Could RUssia do that--doubtful. Probably poorly trained, unmotivated conscripts could be produced, but thats it.
Then you have to equip them. Again, all this blase talk about Russia going to full mobilization misses the fact that Russia is economically weak and now operating under sanctions.
The Russians are already suffering shortfalls in replenishment. It would again take a very efficient and well planned economy to ramp up production under these sanctions. SO arming the new mass army with new weapons will be hard.
Sure, they can get all their oodles of equipment that has been sitting around in storage for years, not being maintained, etc. Their front line stuff has already shown weaknesses. Imagine what the second-line stuff is like
Ukraine is already upgrading its training and will beat the Russians to the punch by getting better prepared soldiers to the front lines months earlier--and thats if Russia acts now.
So understand Russian societal mobilization is not something that can be simply bandied about. It requires action and preparation that the Russian government is clearly reluctant to do. Stop talking about it like its easy and Russia is some large power. Neither is true.
Interesting time reference by Pres Biden in the announcement of the massive $33billon aid package. Wants to make sure Ukraine has significant success within 5 months. Ie before Russia could do a wide scale mobilisation, were it so inclined.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
asdf_jklc ::
Trenutno v Ruiji sodeč po člankih ni toliko popularen sam nato, ampak večina člankov pise o invaziji Poljske, Moldavije in Bulgarije na Ukrajino. Kar bi si upal trditi z zahodom, da je to samo ruska propaganda in opravičevanje vojne.
Bo pa verjetno Rusija v kratkem napadla Moldavijo, saj velike EU drzave ze evakuirajo ljudi in veleposlanistva od tam.
Ukrajinci so na vzhodu porazeni, zato pa Rusija odpira napad na Moldavijo. Bravo zahod, tako dolgo so rinili v napad, da bo zadeva eskalirala po celotni Evropi.
Bo pa verjetno Rusija v kratkem napadla Moldavijo, saj velike EU drzave ze evakuirajo ljudi in veleposlanistva od tam.
Ukrajinci so na vzhodu porazeni, zato pa Rusija odpira napad na Moldavijo. Bravo zahod, tako dolgo so rinili v napad, da bo zadeva eskalirala po celotni Evropi.
gozdar1 ::
Če kaj so ukrajinci preprečili tak razvoj dogodkov, glede na tisti zemljevid morajo rusi najprej zasesti odeso, kar pa se ni in se očitno ne bo kaj kmalu zgodilo.
Trenutno še "operacija" v donbasu , dolgi ukrajinski in kratki ruski logistiki navkljub ne gre ravno, po načrtih.
Da rusiji ne gre po načrtih dokazuje tudi vsakodnevno rožljanje z jedrskim orožjem.
Trenutno še "operacija" v donbasu , dolgi ukrajinski in kratki ruski logistiki navkljub ne gre ravno, po načrtih.
Da rusiji ne gre po načrtih dokazuje tudi vsakodnevno rožljanje z jedrskim orožjem.
chucki ::
Borit se boste mogli fantje. Kam boste zbezali? Zda pa Avstralija bosta zaprli meje.
AMD Ryzen 5 5600/NZXT Kraken X62/Asus ROG Crosshair VI hero/DDR4 32gb/1TB SSD
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Gigabyte RTX 3060 Ti /SB Z/NZXT H440 case/ Asus ROG PG248Q
Samsung Q7FN65 + ASUS TUF A17 with RTX 3070 Ti
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: chucki ()
Pac-Man ::
Bo pa verjetno Rusija v kratkem napadla Moldavijo, saj velike EU drzave ze evakuirajo ljudi in veleposlanistva od tam.
Od kje?
Moldavija meji na Romunijo & Ukrajino, daleč od območij, ki jih okupira Rusija.
V Trasnistriji imajo pa nekaj ostankov iz sovjetskih časov, ki jih Moldavija z malo Romunske pomoči izi pizi pospravi.
Russian military presence in Transnistria @ Wikipedia
As a result of reduction in the strength of the Operational Group (commander General-Major Boris Sergeyev) the remaining strength as of 2006 is about 1,000 – 1,500 troops, and comprises:[21]
82nd and 113th Separate Peacekeeping Motor-Rifle battalions
Independent security and support battalion
A helicopter detachment
Several small administrative detachments
The operational group was as of June 2019 commanded by Colonel Dmitry Zelenkov of Russia and numbered 1,500 troops.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
sir_mha ::
"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Elie Wiesel
sir_mha ::
V Evropi so res malo prenaglili, ko so odpovedali gostoljubje Šostakoviču. Ampak v Rusiji pa seveda ne bo šlo tako softy, bodo kar prenovili celotno umetniško sceno.
Due to the fact that many stars left the country after the start of the special operation, ideas are already being expressed to provide the stage only to patriotic artists. Will it change our show business?
murrieta ::
Ste ze nasli svoj dnevni fiks smrti?
Mislim, da si s svojim bralnim razumevanjem predvsem ti poseben in bi moral biti v posebni ustanovi![:)](
Pa kje se najdejo ti "posebneži"? Eden je bil v vseh vojnah, drugi hodi po svetu, trenutno je v Braziliji, tretji je v Indiji, skupno jim pa je, da zagovarjajo Ruse? Je to vse en človek iz kake ustanove mogoče?
Mislim, da si s svojim bralnim razumevanjem predvsem ti poseben in bi moral biti v posebni ustanovi
Trenutno v Ruiji sodeč po člankih ni toliko popularen sam nato, ampak večina člankov pise o invaziji Poljske, Moldavije in Bulgarije na Ukrajino. Kar bi si upal trditi z zahodom, da je to samo ruska propaganda in opravičevanje vojne.
Bo pa verjetno Rusija v kratkem napadla Moldavijo, saj velike EU drzave ze evakuirajo ljudi in veleposlanistva od tam.
Ukrajinci so na vzhodu porazeni, zato pa Rusija odpira napad na Moldavijo. Bravo zahod, tako dolgo so rinili v napad, da bo zadeva eskalirala po celotni Evropi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: murrieta ()
Pac-Man ::
Mislim, da si s svojim bralnim razumevanjem predvsem ti poseben in bi moral biti v posebni ustanovi![]()
Isn't that ironic, slow-poke?
Despite the disturbing rhetoric coming out of the Kremlin, the facts are plain for all to see: We are not attacking Russia. We are helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression. And just as Putin chose to launch this brutal invasion, he could make the choice to end it.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
murrieta ::
Mislim, da si s svojim bralnim razumevanjem predvsem ti poseben in bi moral biti v posebni ustanovi![]()
Isn't that ironic, slow-poke?
Despite the disturbing rhetoric coming out of the Kremlin, the facts are plain for all to see: We are not attacking Russia. We are helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression. And just as Putin chose to launch this brutal invasion, he could make the choice to end it.
Si danes ze zazelel smrt drugemu cloveku? Si vriskal ob sezganih truplih v tankih? Orgazmiral na masovne grobove?
Potesil svojo zeljo po krvi (seveda samo tisti "pravicnisko" pridobljeni, ker "nepravicnisko" pridobljena ne steje, je samo pobarvana voda)?
Mimogrede, Biden samo pomaga Ukrajini, da se zadolzi za vse vecne case in postane v neskoncnost njihova suznja, v zameno za orozje iz njihovega orozarskega kompleksa. Pomaga jim pa z zadolzevanjem pri vojni, ki jo je sprozila ZDA z leti diplomatskih mesetarjenj.
No, ce skrajsam, vem, da vam razumevanje dela tezave:
Biden samo prodaja orozje.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagalo izbris: Motion ()
Pac-Man ::
Si danes ze zazelel smrt drugemu cloveku? Si vriskal ob sezganih truplih v tankih? Orgazmiral na masovne grobove?
Potesil svojo zeljo po krvi (seveda samo tisti "pravicnisko" pridobljeni, ker "nepravicnisko" pridobljena ne steje, je samo pobarvana voda)?
Zagovarjaš to, pacifist.
Ukraine: drone footage shows before war and after the invasion
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
sir_mha ::
Pithlit ::
Cas potovanja Sarmata do dolocenih ciljev.
Saj vemo da komaj čakaš.
Life is as complicated as we make it...
Pithlit ::
Mimogrede, še vedno mislite da bo Kitajska pomagala Rusiji?
Life is as complicated as we make it...
VladarP ::
Mimogrede, še vedno mislite da bo Kitajska pomagala Rusiji?
10 ur nazaj
"The United States bears undeniable responsibility for starting the crisis in Ukraine" - Chinese Foreign Ministry. The United States broke its promise and constantly pushed NATO to expand eastward.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: VladarP ()
murrieta ::
Mimogrede, še vedno mislite da bo Kitajska pomagala Rusiji?
Da. Beri spodaj.
"The United States bears undeniable responsibility for starting the crisis in Ukraine" - Chinese Foreign Ministry. The United States broke its promise and constantly pushed NATO to expand eastward.
Tako je.
Razen za spranoglavce v EU druzbi, ki nasede na ZDA nacrt, da oslabi Rusijo in EU na racun Ukrajine (za katere se jim gladko hebe).
Ce rata ZDA zjebat Rusijo, se bo sirila naprej, barabe pokvarjene ze kurijo Modija (Indija_, da naj se oborozuje zaradi "potencialnega" spopada z Kitajsko.
Pa bojo ljubitelji trupel in krvi na tem forumu dobili se kaksno truplo za obglodat. Se jim zagotovo ze ucki svetijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: phantom ()
murrieta ::
Čas je za praznovanje. Uničenih je več kot 1000 tankov.
In proxy morilec ljudi bi praznoval ob novih truplih. Da te ni sram.
Daj pojdi malo do fronte no, pizda mala, pojdi si pogledat kako to zares izgleda. Bebec.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: phantom ()
DarkSite ::
VladarP ::
Ma kaksnih 1000 tankov, ni nobenih dokazov ali pa so slikani iz 17 ih kotov.
Akhmat sila
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: frke ()
VladarP ::
???Russian special operation in Ukraine contributes to the liberation of the world from the oppression of the West -- Lavrov
"It is obvious that the attempts of the collective West to interfere with the natural course of history, to solve their problems at the expense of others, are doomed. Today's world has several decision-making centers, it is multipolar. We see how the states of Asia, Africa, Latin America are developing dynamically. Real freedom is emerging for everyone choice, including ways of development and participation in integration projects. Our special military operation in Ukraine also contributes to the process of liberating the world from the neo-colonial oppression of the West, heavily implicated in racism and an exclusiveness complex," the Russian Foreign Minister said in an interview.
Nebi nic dodal, razen da se bo zdaj vladalo iz Moskve, Pekinga, Teherana,... Evropo pa vrnit v kameno dobo z cimvecjim stevilom afroazijskim migrantom, do Dunaja pa dat vse Turkom.
Akhmat sila
Poldi112 ::
dobra nitka
The now infamous open letter by 'intellectuals & artists' calling on #Germany to stop supporting #Ukraine [&, effectively, for 🇺🇦's capitulation to #Russia] is very revealing. As well as being patronising as hell & totally wrong I think its shows something else too
Many of us have been truly inspired by #Ukraine's incredible struggle to survive, but for others it seems that this rare show of courage, & decency and the valiant defence of country, values, rights & ideals is deeply troubling. Why?
Because it shines a light on their own unwillingness to do so. It threatens to reveal the deep cowardice, cynicism & selfish will for an easy life (never mind the suffering of others or the lost potential for progress at home) that is all too common
Seveda se hrabro borijo. Ni pa to absolutno nič nenavadnega- to delajo države po svetu vsakodnevno, mnoge od njih že stoletja. Samo MSM o tem ne poroča, ker cilj ni ozaveščenost, ampak indoktrinacija.
Hkrati pa je potrebno blatiti vse, ki si drznejo to resnico izpostavljati. Nič novega - ko smo bili proti invaziji na Irak smo tudi poslušali, kako zagovarjamo Saddama in njegove poboje. Pa ko smo bili proti invaziji na Afganistan smo bili tudi nemoralni zagovorniki kratenja pravic žensk s strani talibanov.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
gozdar1 ::
???Russian special operation in Ukraine contributes to the liberation of the world from the oppression of the West -- Lavrov
"It is obvious that the attempts of the collective West to interfere with the natural course of history, to solve their problems at the expense of others, are doomed. Today's world has several decision-making centers, it is multipolar. We see how the states of Asia, Africa, Latin America are developing dynamically. Real freedom is emerging for everyone choice, including ways of development and participation in integration projects. Our special military operation in Ukraine also contributes to the process of liberating the world from the neo-colonial oppression of the West, heavily implicated in racism and an exclusiveness complex," the Russian Foreign Minister said in an interview.
Nebi nic dodal, razen da se bo zdaj vladalo iz Moskve, Pekinga, Teherana,... Evropo pa vrnit v kameno dobo z cimvecjim stevilom afroazijskim migrantom, do Dunaja pa dat vse Turkom.
Rusija pa zadnja evropska kolonjalna sila, med tem ko se je zahod večinoma odpovedal svojim kolonijam rusi še kar držijio sibirijo,..v kolonjalnem odnosu.
Očitno v kremlju res kadijo nekaj močnega.
murrieta ::
Hkrati pa je potrebno blatiti vse, ki si drznejo to resnico izpostavljati. Nič novega - ko smo bili proti invaziji na Irak smo tudi poslušali, kako zagovarjamo Saddama in njegove poboje. Pa ko smo bili proti invaziji na Afganistan smo bili tudi nemoralni zagovorniki kratenja pravic žensk s strani talibanov.
Pa zagovorniki teroristov smo ze bili, pa ISISa,... skratka kadarkoli ZDA naredi nekje stalo se zacne medijsko bombandiranje mozganov povprecnezev z podobami, kjer potem pridejo ven napadi na vse, ki so proti vojni. ZDA pa profitira.
Rusija pa zadnja evropska kolonjalna sila, med tem ko se je zahod večinoma odpovedal svojim kolonijam rusi še kar držijio sibirijo,..v kolonjalnem odnosu. Očitno v kremlju res kadijo nekaj močnega.
Ti kadis nekaj mocnega, ce mislis, da se nas to kakorkoli tice. Bedarije, ki jih sprejemamo z javno podporo bedastih navijacev kot si sam, pa se NAS ticejo. In vse kar je zgoraj omenil Poldi tudi.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: phantom ()
VladarP ::
Hkrati pa je potrebno blatiti vse, ki si drznejo to resnico izpostavljati. Nič novega - ko smo bili proti invaziji na Irak smo tudi poslušali, kako zagovarjamo Saddama in njegove poboje. Pa ko smo bili proti invaziji na Afganistan smo bili tudi nemoralni zagovorniki kratenja pravic žensk s strani talibanov.
Pa zagovorniki teroristov smo ze bili, pa ISISa,... skratka kadarkoli ZDA naredi nekje stalo se zacne medijsko bombandiranje mozganov povprecnezev z podobami, kjer potem pridejo ven napadi na vse, ki so proti vojni. ZDA pa profitira.
Saj to vso skakanje Amerike ter klanje po Afriki in Aziji se Evropi danes zelo obrestuje. Polna je afroazijskih domorodcev, ki so prisli v Evropo po tisto kar so jim vzeli. Kosmicna pravica je da se komplet Evropa od Portugala do Grcije poislami oziroma poturči ali kako drugače.
Akhmat sila
Poldi112 ::
Rusija pa zadnja evropska kolonjalna sila, med tem ko se je zahod večinoma odpovedal svojim kolonijam rusi še kar držijio sibirijo,..v kolonjalnem odnosu.
Očitno v kremlju res kadijo nekaj močnega.
Ja? Katerim kolonijam se je pa zahod že odpovedal?
Tajvanu? Guamu? Kubi? Peurto Ricu? Iraku? Libiji? Latvijskim državam?
Kaj počno francozi v Afriki? Je nova angleška letalonosilka in AUKUS za obrambo? Mar ni Lis Truss ravno sanjala, da mora iti NATO globalno?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
gozdar1 ::
Hkrati pa je potrebno blatiti vse, ki si drznejo to resnico izpostavljati. Nič novega - ko smo bili proti invaziji na Irak smo tudi poslušali, kako zagovarjamo Saddama in njegove poboje. Pa ko smo bili proti invaziji na Afganistan smo bili tudi nemoralni zagovorniki kratenja pravic žensk s strani talibanov.
Pa zagovorniki teroristov smo ze bili, pa ISISa,... skratka kadarkoli ZDA naredi nekje stalo se zacne medijsko bombandiranje mozganov povprecnezev z podobami, kjer potem pridejo ven napadi na vse, ki so proti vojni. ZDA pa profitira.
Trenutno ima rusija svojo vejo isis-a poleg lastnih nacistov v ukrajini, rusofili celo navdušeni nad tem.
Mi smo proti vojn rusija očitno ni.
murrieta ::
Kaj počno francozi v Afriki?
Lol, pozabi, jim razgledanost niti do Ukrajine ne seze, kaj sele, da bi se se z francozi in centralno afriko ukvarjali.
Tile znajo samo parole ponavljati. Repetitorji brez mozganov.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: phantom ()
gozdar1 ::
Rusija pa zadnja evropska kolonjalna sila, med tem ko se je zahod večinoma odpovedal svojim kolonijam rusi še kar držijio sibirijo,..v kolonjalnem odnosu.
Očitno v kremlju res kadijo nekaj močnega.
Ja? Katerim kolonijam se je pa zahod že odpovedal?
Tajvanu? Guamu? Kubi? Peurto Ricu? Iraku? Libiji? Latvijskim državam?
Kaj počno francozi v Afriki? Je nova angleška letalonosilka in AUKUS za obrambo? Mar ni Lis Truss ravno sanjala, da mora iti NATO globalno?
Ne vem indiji hza začetek, afrika,..
Nič od zgoraj naštetega niso kolonije sploh v primerjavi z ruskimi, ki nimajo nobenih šans na samostojnost.
Kaj počnejo rusi v afriki ali pa v sibiriji če smo že pri tem? Tebi podobni bi status ruske kolonije tako žeželi vsem o vladivostoko, do berlina.
murrieta ::
Hkrati pa je potrebno blatiti vse, ki si drznejo to resnico izpostavljati. Nič novega - ko smo bili proti invaziji na Irak smo tudi poslušali, kako zagovarjamo Saddama in njegove poboje. Pa ko smo bili proti invaziji na Afganistan smo bili tudi nemoralni zagovorniki kratenja pravic žensk s strani talibanov.
Pa zagovorniki teroristov smo ze bili, pa ISISa,... skratka kadarkoli ZDA naredi nekje stalo se zacne medijsko bombandiranje mozganov povprecnezev z podobami, kjer potem pridejo ven napadi na vse, ki so proti vojni. ZDA pa profitira.
Trenutno ima rusija svojo vejo isis-a poleg lastnih nacistov v ukrajini, rusofili celo navdušeni nad tem.
Mi smo proti vojn rusija očitno ni.
Ne, klorofili predvsem stejete trupla in si zelite, da je cimvec ljudi pobitih in vojna cim daljsa.
Rusofilov pa v tej temi ni, ste samo klorofili in nekaj ljudi, ki zna razmisljati in je ze v zivljenju tudi kaj prebralo, bi se jih pa klorofili strasno radi znebili, ker izpadejo proti njim bebci, tu jim pa ego nagaja, da ne zmorejo priznati, da nimajo prav.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- predlagal izbris: phantom ()
VladarP ::
Russian air defense systems destroyed 18 Ukrainian UAVs over the settlements of Horlivka, Chervony Oskol, Petmanovo, Kramatorsk, Kozinka, Karpovka, Putilino, Novoakhtyrka, Bezliky Liman and Peremoga. Including 3 "Bayraktar TB-2".
During the night, Russian air defense systems shot down 2 Ukrainian rockets of the Smerch multiple launch rocket system over the settlements of Gorlovka in the DPR and Snezhkovka in the Kharkiv region.
Akhmat sila