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Ukrajina Part II

Ukrajina Part II

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PacificBlue ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Keyboard warrior:). Verjetno te vojna tolk fascinira, da si ga mečeš na roko.

Vemo, kdo je začel z nacizmom in kaj pomeni slavospevi tej ideologiji. Boš rekel, da imas tudi pri sebi aksne simbole? ampak ker so rusi tam odzunaj, to nima veze?

Oh, zagotovo vemo, kdo je začel s financiranjem skrajnih desničarskih organizacij/strank po Evropi takoj po letu 2000. In ne, to ni bila Ukrajina. To je bil Putler.

Kaj hočeš rečti, da je Putin finaciral azov bataljon..??

tolk še pa jaz nisem retardiran.

Poldi112 ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

PIČKA, Putler ne priznava ukrajinskega naroda. Očitno nočeš zastopit, da je to definicija nacizma in superiorne nacije.

Tudi američani ne priznavajo indijanskega naroda. Pa Izrael palestincev.

Aja, točno, indijanci so bili stoletja nazaj in z današnjo razsvetljeno ameriko, ki na lastne stroške širi svobodo po svetu, nima silne zveze.

Medtem ko Izrael nesebično brani palestince pred napadi Hamasa?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Poldi112 ()

TezkoDihanje ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Keyboard warrior:). Verjetno te vojna tolk fascinira, da si ga mečeš na roko.

Vemo, kdo je začel z nacizmom in kaj pomeni slavospevi tej ideologiji. Boš rekel, da imas tudi pri sebi aksne simbole? ampak ker so rusi tam odzunaj, to nima veze?

Oh, zagotovo vemo, kdo je začel s financiranjem skrajnih desničarskih organizacij/strank po Evropi takoj po letu 2000. In ne, to ni bila Ukrajina. To je bil Putler.

Kaj hočeš rečti, da je Putin finaciral azov bataljon..??

tolk še pa jaz nisem retardiran.

Ti si samo izrazito neinformiran

Putin Is Infiltrating European Politics With Shocking Effectiveness

Putin has become shockingly effective at influencing European politics through a host of far-right parties.

Zgodovina sprememb…

l0g1t3ch ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Ukrajina bo ruska, če ne bo pristala na nevtralnost.

Če bo Rusija zmagala (velik če).

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Če bo, bo pa ruski cilj dosežen - zaustavitev NATO širitve.

Zaustavitev NATO širitve ? Pa dve državi se bosta pridružili v NATO in to državi ki imata mejo z Rusijo. Zanimiva definicija ustavtve širjenja nata.

To bomo še videli. Neizpodbitno dejstvo pa ostaja, da je napredovanje imperija v ključni državi zaustavljeno.

To ni še dejstvo.
V za Rusijo najslabšem scenaijo se stvar konča tako
1) nato dobi dve novi članici, ki mejita na rusijo
2) UA ostane izven NATO, ampak se vključi v EU in se gospodarsko/politično integrira v EU.

Prava pirova zmaga rusije :D

Pac-Man ::

CoolBits je izjavil:

Nekaj zanimivosti po javni tv.


Solovjov je malo kisel, ker so mu v Italiji zasegli 2 vili.



In 2019, before he was poisoned and imprisoned, opposition activist Alexei Navalny and his team released a video report that revealed state TV host Vladimir Soloviev owns not one, but two villas in Italy down the road from George Clooney’s beloved estate on Lake Como. His neighbors have protested since he bought the property, even launching a petition in 2019 to try to get the local authorities to make sure he didn’t obtain Italian citizenship through his residency. The Kremlin mouthpiece known for constantly condemning Europe and the West for their supposed perversion and decay was thus exposed as an absolute hypocrite.


During Friday’s edition of The Evening With Vladimir Soloviev, the host raged: “I was told that Europe is a citadel of rights, that everything is permitted, that’s what they said… I know from personal experience about the so-called ‘sacred property rights.’ With every transaction I was bringing paperwork demonstrating my official salary, income, I did it all. I bought it, paid crazy amount of taxes, I did everything. And suddenly someone makes a decision that this journalist is now on the list of sanctions. And right away it affects your real estate. Wait a minute. But you told us that Europe has sacred property rights!”

The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

fur80 ::

Sedaj so objavili celoten posnetek! Dva šusa! ;)

Military brotherhood. On April 21st, Ukrainian paratroopers shot down a russian helicopter with a Stinger. And when the second helicopter arrived, it was shot down by Marines. Ukrainian Armed Forces are strong, both on the ground and in the air.

TezkoDihanje ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Tudi američani ne priznavajo indijanskega naroda. Pa Izrael palestincev.
Aja, točno, indijanci so bili stoletja nazaj in z današnjo razsvetljeno ameriko, ki na lastne stroške širi svobodo po svetu, nima silne zveze.
Medtem ko Izrael nesebično brani palestince pred napadi Hamasa?

Od kdaj so pa indijanci mednarodno priznana država??
PS: Kurčevi whataboutizm, ki je zagotovo napačen (sam res nimam časa brskat po webu prav zate, ker vem kakšno pezde si)

Za Palestince pa dobro vemo, kdo jih futra odzadaj. Iranci.

TheBlueOne ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

Tudi američani ne priznavajo indijanskega naroda.

Kaj bi ti bilo kar Rusija pocne OK? Psiho? Ker naj bi ZDA nekaj, potem lahko vsak? Ker je nekdo nekoga kdaj ustrelil lahko tudi ti?


Native American recognition in the United States @ Wikipedia

koyotee ::

During Friday's edition of The Evening With Vladimir Soloviev, the host raged: "I was told that Europe is a citadel of rights, that everything is permitted, that's what they said... I know from personal experience about the so-called 'sacred property rights.' With every transaction I was bringing paperwork demonstrating my official salary, income, I did it all. I bought it, paid crazy amount of taxes, I did everything. And suddenly someone makes a decision that this journalist is now on the list of sanctions. And right away it affects your real estate. Wait a minute. But you told us that Europe has sacred property rights!"

Ostani v jebenem sočiju in pozdravi vladarja ko se vrne z brazilije :)):)):))
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Aston_11 ::

Poldi112 je izjavil:

To bomo še videli. Neizpodbitno dejstvo pa ostaja, da je napredovanje imperija v ključni državi zaustavljeno.
Bebci rusinaciji in rusifašiji ga ustavljajo tam, kjer ga še ni. Tako da očitno to ni razlog, temveč je preprost razlog, da so fašisti in da poldi podpira fašiste. Ruska koza te je že jahala danes?
Retardi poldiji pa morijo podpirajo.

VladarOvc jaha koze v Braziliji in menda tam nimajo interneta. Mora priti kao v Slovenijo, da se uplinka.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Aston_11 ()

TezkoDihanje ::

Aston_11 je izjavil:

Poldi112 je izjavil:

To bomo še videli. Neizpodbitno dejstvo pa ostaja, da je napredovanje imperija v ključni državi zaustavljeno.
Bebci rusinaciji in rusifašiji ga ustavljajo tam, kjer ga še ni. Tako da očitno to ni razlog, temveč je preprost razlog, da so fašisti in da poldi podpira fašiste. Ruska koza te je že jahala danes?
Retardi poldiji pa morijo podpirajo.

VladarOvc jaha koze v Braziliji in menda tam nimajo interneta. Mora priti kao v Slovenijo, da se uplinka.

pravzaprav VladarKoz™.

mackilla ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

Aston_11 je izjavil:

Poldi112 je izjavil:

To bomo še videli. Neizpodbitno dejstvo pa ostaja, da je napredovanje imperija v ključni državi zaustavljeno.
Bebci rusinaciji in rusifašiji ga ustavljajo tam, kjer ga še ni. Tako da očitno to ni razlog, temveč je preprost razlog, da so fašisti in da poldi podpira fašiste. Ruska koza te je že jahala danes?
Retardi poldiji pa morijo podpirajo.

VladarOvc jaha koze v Braziliji in menda tam nimajo interneta. Mora priti kao v Slovenijo, da se uplinka.

pravzaprav VladarKoz™.

Če se Mario(Cias) lahko javlja iz Indije zakaj se Urban(VladarKoz) ne more iz Brazilije?

TezkoDihanje ::

A ta dotičen drone so zdele skontruiral skupaj?

USA is giving UKR 121 new "Phoenix Ghost" drones designed specifically for war with RUS

koyotee ::

Lahko samo upamo, da pobije čimveč rusov za čimmanj denarja.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

Pac-Man ::

fur80 je izjavil:

Sedaj so objavili celoten posnetek! Dva šusa! ;)

Military brotherhood. On April 21st, Ukrainian paratroopers shot down a russian helicopter with a Stinger. And when the second helicopter arrived, it was shot down by Marines. Ukrainian Armed Forces are strong, both on the ground and in the air.


SAR gredo delat z enim Mi-8, ko vedo, da je bil prejšnji heli zelo verjetno sestreljen.
Tule bi jih rabili kakih 5, par oboroženih in še kak lovec z vodenimi projektili zrak-zemlja nad vsem.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

TezkoDihanje ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

A ta dotičen drone so zdele skontruiral skupaj?

USA is giving UKR 121 new "Phoenix Ghost" drones designed specifically for war with RUS

Pentagon develops drone system for Ukraine.
The Phoenix Ghost drone system was developed to meet Ukrainian needs, with a minimal amount of training needed for Ukrainian forces, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said. The new U.S. military aid package includes 121 such systems.


koyotee ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

fur80 je izjavil:

Sedaj so objavili celoten posnetek! Dva šusa! ;)

Military brotherhood. On April 21st, Ukrainian paratroopers shot down a russian helicopter with a Stinger. And when the second helicopter arrived, it was shot down by Marines. Ukrainian Armed Forces are strong, both on the ground and in the air.


SAR gredo delat z enim Mi-8, ko vedo, da je bil prejšnji heli zelo verjetno sestreljen.
Tule bi jih rabili kakih 5, par oboroženih in še kak lovec z vodenimi projektili zrak-zemlja nad vsem.

Džabe, ko so ukrajinci skriti v vsakem grmu, sploh če dobijo radar info od usa. Bomo videli česa bo prej zmanjkalo, pilotov ali železa.
Rear DVD collector!
JTD power!
Coming soon: bigger E-penis & new internet friendzzz!

sbawe64 ::

слава кокаину (RU)
слава кокаїну (UKR)

Eu "pomoč" bo prišla zelo prav
2020 is new 1984
Corona World order

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sbawe64 ()

scythe ::

Novi Googlovi satelitski posnetki so razbili Kremeljov mit o 10.000 tankih čez Ural
Ti ti ti Google!


X670F | 7700X | 2x16Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

fur80 ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

слава кокаину (RU)
слава кокаїну (UKR)

Eu "pomoč" bo prišla zelo prav

Kaj hočeš rečt, da si je take dolge lajne naredil? :D Poglej kaj so protibolečinske, amfetamini in uspavalne tablete naredile Putlerju. Čez 2-3 meseca ne bo več razsoden in potem samo še čajček, metek ali infarkt. ;)

dice7 ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

слава кокаину (RU)
слава кокаїну (UKR)

Eu "pomoč" bo prišla zelo prav

A te je strah da bo tanke v garazo parkiral?

TezkoDihanje ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

слава кокаину (RU)
слава кокаїну (UKR)

Eu "pomoč" bo prišla zelo prav

Hecno, par tednov nazaj so rekli, da ima $700M, a $1.2B je že nova cifra?

CoolBits ::


"In the basement of the two steel mills in Azovstal, about three thousand soldiers and fighters are still hidden. In the reconstruction provided by Escobar, the presence of several military advisors from the Atlantic Alliance countries is reported. The secret NATO facility is said to be under the command of U.S. Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier, who was arrested by DNR militias during an attempted escape by helicopter.

The Pit-404 laboratory, according to Escobar's reconstruction, was a structure dedicated to the study of chemical and biological weapons. More than three hundred military consultants would be trapped in the tunnels, officers from Germany, Canada, the United States, France, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Sweden and Greece.

It would be linked to the siege of the underground tunnels of Azovstal, to the dismissal of Eric Vido, head of French military intelligence. General Vido was dismissed after only seven months in office by President Macron "for shortcomings in intelligence work during the Ukrainian crisis." In recent days, a video posted on social networks, a green beret of the French Legion was found. The dramatic situation in the dungeons of Marioupol is enough to explain the diplomatic efforts of France and Germany to create humanitarian corridors useful for the exfiltration of foreign officers who should not be there.

Mariupol has become the epicenter of the confrontation and is so fiercely defended because it has been the center of aggression in the Donbass for years and one of the cornerstones of NATO in Ukraine. Under pressure from the Russian army, barricaded in the tunnels, so there would be not only Ukrainian troops but also NATO officers and consultants. "


mackilla ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

sbawe64 je izjavil:

слава кокаину (RU)
слава кокаїну (UKR)

Eu "pomoč" bo prišla zelo prav

Hecno, par tednov nazaj so rekli, da ima $700M, a $1.2B je že nova cifra?

TezkoDihanje ::

sama smetana

TASS Agency reports that Lavrov has conducted negotiations with a head of Hamas' political bureau. Well, these are the only friends of Russia: Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and Venezuela

l0g1t3ch ::

Pac-Man ::

sbawe64 je izjavil:

Eu "pomoč" bo prišla zelo prav

Kolega, tip je bil v prejšnjem življenju igralec in solastnik produkcijske hiše.

Kvartal 95 Studio @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

l0g1t3ch ::

bbbbbb2015 ::

fur80 je izjavil:

Sedaj so objavili celoten posnetek! Dva šusa! ;)

Military brotherhood. On April 21st, Ukrainian paratroopers shot down a russian helicopter with a Stinger. And when the second helicopter arrived, it was shot down by Marines. Ukrainian Armed Forces are strong, both on the ground and in the air.

Saj nič ne pravim čez Ukrajince, se zelo trudijo in so sploh fajn.

Samo licenco za Windowse si pa naj le kupijo. Ker imajo črno kopijo in nekako ne vem, umetniški vtis pade, res. Morda bi jim Američani v naslednjem paketu lahko dali 1000 licenc za Windowse, kot del pomoči.

Sorči, trenirani informatik - prodajalec ne morem iz svoje kože.

PacificBlue ::

fur80 je izjavil:

sbawe64 je izjavil:

слава кокаину (RU)
слава кокаїну (UKR)

Eu "pomoč" bo prišla zelo prav

Kaj hočeš rečt, da si je take dolge lajne naredil? :D Poglej kaj so protibolečinske, amfetamini in uspavalne tablete naredile Putlerju. Čez 2-3 meseca ne bo več razsoden in potem samo še čajček, metek ali infarkt. ;)

Njegova sprostitev je ribarjenje, jahanje konjev v prostranih ruskih stepah. Zelensky se pa sprosca v kokainu.
Kar nekaj trditev, ki jih je izrekel Putin v povezavi z ukrajinskim vodstvom se kažejo za resnične.
Ampak eh saj to ni važno. Zaupajmo Zelenskyemu še naprej. Po liniji(ali črtici) najmanjšega odpora. smrk.

dice7 ::

CoolBits je izjavil:



Betteridge%27s law of headlines @ Wikipedia

Pac-Man ::


we're often addressed by foreign media with questions about the language issue in Ukraine. So quick explainer here.

yes, Ukrainian is different from the Russian language. In some aspects it's closer to Belarusian and Polish. Russians need a substantial training to understand Ukrainian, and much more training to speak and write. Think of the difference btw Italian, French and Spanish.
Ukrainian was banned from the public use in the Russian empire for almost half of the century (1863-1905). No literature, theatre performances, cultural events in Ukrainian were alowed.
In the Soviet Union, it was "allowed" but with significant assimilative practices brining Ukrainian closer and closer to Russian (in dictionaries, language instructions etc). This practice is called "linguocide" by the Ukrainian scholars.
Soviet politics of identity presumed that a person could renounce his/her identity & cultural memory and take over a "Soviet" one, to get a better social status. Being a "correct" Soviet citizen demanded cultural "amnesia". People increasingly turned to the Russian language
In USSR, Russian language started dominating in big cities, especially industrial cities. While Ukraine was increasingly urbanized, Ukainian culture was increasingly de-urbanized. Soviet propaganda suggested that the Ukrainian culture is a culture of uneducated peasants
With Ukraine's independence, the Ukrainian language, victim of centuries of linguicide, found itself in much weaker positions than the Russian language. Only after decades of independence, Ukraine started to adopt laws giving more incentives to the Ukrainian language
Despite this dramatic history, Ukraine is NOT divided linguistically. Today, many defenders of Ukraine speak Russian. You can easily hear a conversation when one person speaks Russian, another one Ukrainian. Or they can speak both, or mixture between the two
by bombing mostly Russian-speaking cities like Kharkiv or by annihilating mostly Russian-speaking cities like Mariupol, Russia is alienating Ukrainian Russian speakers even more
at the same time, Ukrainian language becomes more and more popular as a language of both private and public use.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

PacificBlue ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:


we're often addressed by foreign media with questions about the language issue in Ukraine. So quick explainer here.

yes, Ukrainian is different from the Russian language. In some aspects it's closer to Belarusian and Polish. Russians need a substantial training to understand Ukrainian, and much more training to speak and write. Think of the difference btw Italian, French and Spanish.
Ukrainian was banned from the public use in the Russian empire for almost half of the century (1863-1905). No literature, theatre performances, cultural events in Ukrainian were alowed.
In the Soviet Union, it was "allowed" but with significant assimilative practices brining Ukrainian closer and closer to Russian (in dictionaries, language instructions etc). This practice is called "linguocide" by the Ukrainian scholars.
Soviet politics of identity presumed that a person could renounce his/her identity & cultural memory and take over a "Soviet" one, to get a better social status. Being a "correct" Soviet citizen demanded cultural "amnesia". People increasingly turned to the Russian language
In USSR, Russian language started dominating in big cities, especially industrial cities. While Ukraine was increasingly urbanized, Ukainian culture was increasingly de-urbanized. Soviet propaganda suggested that the Ukrainian culture is a culture of uneducated peasants
With Ukraine's independence, the Ukrainian language, victim of centuries of linguicide, found itself in much weaker positions than the Russian language. Only after decades of independence, Ukraine started to adopt laws giving more incentives to the Ukrainian language
Despite this dramatic history, Ukraine is NOT divided linguistically. Today, many defenders of Ukraine speak Russian. You can easily hear a conversation when one person speaks Russian, another one Ukrainian. Or they can speak both, or mixture between the two
by bombing mostly Russian-speaking cities like Kharkiv or by annihilating mostly Russian-speaking cities like Mariupol, Russia is alienating Ukrainian Russian speakers even more
at the same time, Ukrainian language becomes more and more popular as a language of both private and public use.

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:


we're often addressed by foreign media with questions about the language issue in Ukraine. So quick explainer here.

yes, Ukrainian is different from the Russian language. In some aspects it's closer to Belarusian and Polish. Russians need a substantial training to understand Ukrainian, and much more training to speak and write. Think of the difference btw Italian, French and Spanish.
Ukrainian was banned from the public use in the Russian empire for almost half of the century (1863-1905). No literature, theatre performances, cultural events in Ukrainian were alowed.
In the Soviet Union, it was "allowed" but with significant assimilative practices brining Ukrainian closer and closer to Russian (in dictionaries, language instructions etc). This practice is called "linguocide" by the Ukrainian scholars.
Soviet politics of identity presumed that a person could renounce his/her identity & cultural memory and take over a "Soviet" one, to get a better social status. Being a "correct" Soviet citizen demanded cultural "amnesia". People increasingly turned to the Russian language
In USSR, Russian language started dominating in big cities, especially industrial cities. While Ukraine was increasingly urbanized, Ukainian culture was increasingly de-urbanized. Soviet propaganda suggested that the Ukrainian culture is a culture of uneducated peasants
With Ukraine's independence, the Ukrainian language, victim of centuries of linguicide, found itself in much weaker positions than the Russian language. Only after decades of independence, Ukraine started to adopt laws giving more incentives to the Ukrainian language
Despite this dramatic history, Ukraine is NOT divided linguistically. Today, many defenders of Ukraine speak Russian. You can easily hear a conversation when one person speaks Russian, another one Ukrainian. Or they can speak both, or mixture between the two
by bombing mostly Russian-speaking cities like Kharkiv or by annihilating mostly Russian-speaking cities like Mariupol, Russia is alienating Ukrainian Russian speakers even more
at the same time, Ukrainian language becomes more and more popular as a language of both private and public use.

In short, Ukraine’s territorial and ethnic history is “complicated and complex,” Lenoe says. Of course, its history is closely intertwined with Russian history, he adds. But it’s also intertwined with Polish history, with the history of the Greek Orthodox Church, even Romanian history, and the history of the Turkic peoples on the Eurasian Steppe.

Zgodovina sprememb…

RedDrake ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

A ta dotičen drone so zdele skontruiral skupaj?

USA is giving UKR 121 new "Phoenix Ghost" drones designed specifically for war with RUS

To je samo izgovor, ker bodo sedaj F-35-ke začele pucat rusko "tehniko".
In to bo kao nek hi-tech kobajagi dron, ki ga nič ne vidi in ne zazna.
V realnosti pa jenksi v preplačanih jetih.

TezkoDihanje ::

Najboljš, da začnemo po celi Evropi zopet spreminjat meje. ;((

sir_mha ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

A ta dotičen drone so zdele skontruiral skupaj?

USA is giving UKR 121 new "Phoenix Ghost" drones designed specifically for war with RUS

Pentagon develops drone system for Ukraine.
The Phoenix Ghost drone system was developed to meet Ukrainian needs, with a minimal amount of training needed for Ukrainian forces, Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said. The new U.S. military aid package includes 121 such systems.


VAU. Naštudiral rusko rlektronsko motenje in izdelal nov dron 0_0

TezkoDihanje ::


The Air Force "rapidly" developed a secretive new drone for Ukraine to use in its fight against Russia, the Pentagon revealed April 21--but details on the platform are scarce.

The U.S. will deliver at least 121 of the new Phoenix Ghost tactical unmanned aerial systems to Ukraine as part of a new $800 million assistance package announced by Pentagon press secretary John F. Kirby. But, what is the Phoenix Ghost?

"What I can tell you about the Phoenix Ghost is: this was rapidly developed by the Air Force, in response, specifically, to Ukrainian requirements," a senior defense official reportedly told Pentagon reporters in a background briefing.

The official went on to compare the Phoenix Ghost to the Switchblade drone that the U.S. has already delivered to Ukraine. Switchblades are often referred to as "kamikaze drones" or "loitering munitions," because they are capable of flying over a target before crashing and detonating in a precision strike.

The Phoenix Ghost provides "the same sort of tactical capability" the senior defense official said, and is a one-way weapon.

Air Force public affairs declined all comment on Phoenix Ghost to Air Force Magazine, referring questions to the Pentagon. An employee of Aevex Aerospace, the California company producing the drone, also declined comment to Air Force Magazine.

It is unclear when development of the new platform began. Russia started amassing troops along the Ukrainian border in October 2021 and continued to do so for several months, before launching its invasion on Feb. 24, just shy of two months ago.

Since then, the Department of Defense has provided $3.4 billion worth of military aid to Ukraine, including an $800 million package in mid-March, followed by another $100 million in early April. Kirby previously said the contents of those packages would be fully delivered by mid-April.

In addition to Switchblades and the new Phoenix Ghost, DOD also has provided Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, Javelin anti-tank missiles, Mi-17 helicopters, Humvees, artillery, and millions of rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades, among other items.

This is not the first time the Air Force has moved fast to develop platforms and weapons. In 2008 and 2009, it took the service nine months from funding approval to delivery of the MC-12W to the U.S. Central Command theater. In 2003, it took the Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions Directorate nine weeks to develop the GBU-43 Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb in advance of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

darkolord ::

Questions look set to be asked after two Russian oligarchs, both linked to gas giants, apparently murdered their wives and daughters before killing themselves-within two days of each other.

Unconfirmed reports from El Punt Avui suggested some inconsistencies had been discovered at the Protosenya home, with the news site claiming the two women were stabbed as they slept leaving a pool of blood.

The deaths of two gas oligarchs, and their families, within two days of each other is likely to raise questions, despite the appearance of murder-suicides.

TezkoDihanje ::

#Ukraine: A Russian convoy was shelled by the Ukrainian artillery in #Donetsk Oblast - at least 5 T-72B3 tanks were damaged (detracked and hit with shrapnel). A UR-77 mine clearing charge launcher and another T-72B3 tank can also be seen abandoned.

Pac-Man ::

RedDrake je izjavil:

To je samo izgovor, ker bodo sedaj F-35-ke začele pucat rusko "tehniko".
In to bo kao nek hi-tech kobajagi dron, ki ga nič ne vidi in ne zazna.
V realnosti pa jenksi v preplačanih jetih.

Potlej pa pravijo da stelt ni nič vreden :D

Dajmo resno, F-35 se kot vsak drug vojaški reaktivec SLIŠI. Na začetku vojne ti je šel gotovo čez glavo kak F-16 iz Aviana, zadnje tedne so se umirili.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::


President Putin tells defense minister Shoigu he can't stand the 'long table' jokes

Bi znalo bit res, par tednov nazaj je bil Šojgu daaaaleč stran.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

BorutO ::

TezkoDihanje je izjavil:

SmolWhale je izjavil:

Danes Ruska vojska melje vse pred seboj. Gospod Putin napoveduje uporabo novega orožja! Bravo!



#Ukraine: Rare footage from #Zaporizhzhia Oblast today showing a Russian Ka-52 attack helicopter taken out by a Ukrainian 9K38 Igla MANPADS.

The footage above was filmed with a drone. However, there is an alternate angle from around the same place which may show the crash sites of 2 Helis- some sources mention an Mi-8 taken out too. As can be seen, an 9M39 missile for the 9K38 Igla system lies on the ground nearby.

KA-52 + MI-8 = CTRL+Z

Če bodo ukrajinci tako nadaljevali, bodo rusi ostali brez letal, helikopterjev in ladij. :)

scythe ::

A tank turret, which landed on the 5th floor of the residential building in #Mariupol. The absolute winner.


Kak bodo tole kupolo dol dobili :))
X670F | 7700X | 2x16Gb | 6000Mhz/CL30 | RTX3090FTW3 | HP X27i | Phanteks NV7|

wcpapir ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:


President Putin tells defense minister Shoigu he can't stand the 'long table' jokes

Bi znalo bit res, par tednov nazaj je bil Šojgu daaaaleč stran.

Posnetek je celo samo star posnetek, zvok pa dodan. A se je Vlado kaj javil danes?

PacificBlue ::

Priporočam ogled vsem, ki verjamemo medijski propagandi:
Oliver Stone- Ukraine on Fire(2016)

tomlin ::

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is under growing pressure at home and abroad to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine as Russia's invasion enters a new and potentially decisive phase.
Western allies and members of Scholz's governing coalition have become increasingly blunt in publicly criticizing the Social Democratic chancellor and urging him to send tanks, artillery and other matériel to Ukrainian forces.


Pac-Man ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Priporočam ogled vsem, ki verjamemo medijski propagandi:
Oliver Stone- Ukraine on Fire(2016)

Priporočam koledar. Stone na začetku marca:



Here is the full text of Stone’s most recent Facebook post:

Although the United States has many wars of aggression on its conscience, it doesn’t justify Mr. Putin’s aggression in Ukraine.
A dozen wrongs don’t make a right. Russia was wrong to invade. It has made too many mistakes

1) underestimating Ukrainian resistance
2) overestimating the military’s ability to achieve its objective
3) underestimating Europe’s reaction, especially Germany upping its military contribution to NATO, which they’ve resisted for some 20 years; even Switzerland has joined the cause. Russia will be more isolated than ever from the West.
4) underestimating the enhanced power of NATO, which will now put more pressure on Russia’s borders
5) probably putting Ukraine into NATO
6) underestimating the damage to its own economy and certainly creating more internal resistance in Russia
7) creating a major readjustment of power in its oligarch class
8 ) putting cluster and vacuum bombs into play
9) and underestimating the power of social media worldwide

But we must wonder, how could Putin have saved the Russian-speaking people of Donetsk and Luhansk? No doubt his Government could’ve done a better job of showing the world the eight years of suffering of those people and their refugees — as well as highlighting the Ukrainian buildup of 110,000 soldiers on the Donetsk-Luhansk borders, which was occurring essentially before the Russian buildup. But the West has far stronger public relations than the Russians.

Or perhaps Putin should’ve surrendered the two holdout provinces and offered 1-3 million people help to relocate in Russia. The world might’ve understood better the aggression of the Ukrainian Government. But then again, I’m not sure.

But now, it’s too late. Putin has allowed himself to be baited and fallen into the trap set by the U.S. and has committed his military, empowering the worst conclusions the West can make. He probably, I think, has given up on the West, and this brings us closer than ever to a Final Confrontation. There seems to be no road back. The only ones happy about this are Russian nationalists and the legion of Russian haters, who finally got what they’ve been dreaming of for years, i.e. Biden, Pentagon, CIA, EU, NATO, mainstream media — and don’t overlook Nuland and her sinister neocon gang in D.C. This will significantly vindicate the uber hawks in public eyes. Pointing out the toxicity of their policies (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, NATO expansion, breaking nuclear treaties, censoring and omitting crucial facts from the news, etc.) will be next to impossible. Pointing out Western double standards, including Kyiv and Zelenskyy’s bad behavior, will likewise fall on deaf ears as we again draw the wrong conclusions.

It’s easier now to smear those of us who tried to understand the Russian position through these last two decades. We tried. But now is the time, as JFK and Khrushchev faced down the perilous situation in Cuba in October 1962, for the two nuclear powers to walk this back from the abyss. Both sides need to save face.

This isn’t a moment for the U.S. to gloat. As a Vietnam War veteran and as a man who’s witnessed the endless antagonism of the Cold War, demonizing and humiliating foreign leaders is not a policy that can succeed. It only makes the situation worse. Back-channel negotiations are necessary, because whatever happens in the next few days or weeks, the specter of a final war must be realistically accepted and brokered. Who can do that? Are there real statesmen among us? Perhaps, I pray, Macron. Bring us the likes of Metternich, Talleyrand, Averell Harriman, George Shultz, James Baker, and Mikhail Gorbachev.

The great unseen tragedy at the heart of this history of our times is the loss of a true peaceful partnership between Russia and the U.S. — with, yes, potentially China, no reason why not except America’s desire for dominance. The idiots who kept provoking Russia after the Cold War ended in 1991 have committed a terrible crime against humanity and the future. Together, our countries could’ve been natural allies in the biggest battle of all against climate change. In its technical achievements alone, in large scale science, in its rocketry, heavy industries, and its most modern, clean nuclear energy reactors, Russia has been a great friend to man. Alas, in our century so far, man has failed to see or reach for the stars.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jb_j ::

happy birthday, for dealing lifetime diseases,

you may never get the cure............

Stikalo ::

bbbbbb2015 je izjavil:

fur80 je izjavil:

Sedaj so objavili celoten posnetek! Dva šusa! ;)

Military brotherhood. On April 21st, Ukrainian paratroopers shot down a russian helicopter with a Stinger. And when the second helicopter arrived, it was shot down by Marines. Ukrainian Armed Forces are strong, both on the ground and in the air.

Saj nič ne pravim čez Ukrajince, se zelo trudijo in so sploh fajn.

Samo licenco za Windowse si pa naj le kupijo. Ker imajo črno kopijo in nekako ne vem, umetniški vtis pade, res. Morda bi jim Američani v naslednjem paketu lahko dali 1000 licenc za Windowse, kot del pomoči.

Sorči, trenirani informatik - prodajalec ne morem iz svoje kože.

ej, nočejo uporabljati ruskih crackov! :D

koyotee ::

Lukoil shares listed in Moscow have lost roughly 28% of their value since the invasion. They fell more than 2% on Thursday.

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