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Ukrajina Part II

Ukrajina Part II

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VladarP ::

gazibo je izjavil:

Zgleda se lahko ukrajinci poslovijo od dostopa do morja za vecne case. zacasno lol

So 8 let ovirali dotok sveze vode na Krim. Drugega si nacisti ne zasluzijo.

V Kijevu pravkar odmevajo serije močnih eksplozij. Kijev tudi nocoj ne bo spal. 8-)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()

jernejl ::

VladarP je izjavil:

So 8 let ovirali dotok sveze vode na Krim. Drugega si nacisti ne zasluzijo.
Nacisti s krima si zaslužijo še marsikaj drugega kakor oviran dotok vode k njim. Najbrž je samo vprašanje časa, kdaj bo ta sveža voda pritekla tja zastrupljena.

VladarP ::

Vrhovni Božiček v Ukrajino pošilja najelitnejše Božičke.


jernejl je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

So 8 let ovirali dotok sveze vode na Krim. Drugega si nacisti ne zasluzijo.
Nacisti s krima si zaslužijo še marsikaj drugega kakor oviran dotok vode k njim. Najbrž je samo vprašanje časa, kdaj bo ta sveža voda pritekla tja zastrupljena.

Da ne pride do tega, bodo osvobodili celo Ukrajino in jo naredili prijetno za vse ne samo za naciste.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()

Cepimose ::

gazibo je izjavil:

obozujem ko gledam videje zajetih jukrejn nacistov k kazejo tatuje pred rusko vojsko. skor ti jih je zal k ves kako se bo koncal z njimi :)

VladarP ::

Cepimose je izjavil:

gazibo je izjavil:

obozujem ko gledam videje zajetih jukrejn nacistov k kazejo tatuje pred rusko vojsko. skor ti jih je zal k ves kako se bo koncal z njimi :)

:)) in kaj si dosegel ze z tem :))

VladarP ::

Kancler Scholz: Nemčija ne bo bojkotirala
Nemški kancler Olaf Scholz je danes znova zavrnil pozive Nemčiji k bojkotu ruskih energentov zaradi ruskega napada na Ukrajino.

Ve svaba, da je bolj prijetno se ogrevati na plin, kot dopustovati z Husqvarno v gozdu

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: VladarP ()

jernejl ::

VladarP je izjavil:

Vrhovni Božiček v Ukrajino pošilja najelitnejše Božičke.
Super, smrtnost rusov v ukrajini je trenutno izjemno visoka. Čimveč elitnih nacistov naj pošljejo tja, da bo njihovo življenje do prvomajskih praznikov storilo konec. Ukrajinci so ravno v dar dobili cel kup letečih božičkov, ki z neba mečejo darila.

Da ne pride do tega, bodo osvobodili celo Ukrajino in jo naredili prijetno za vse ne samo za naciste.
Bojda že sestavljajo reflektorje in peči, ki jih bodo rabili, ker če bodo s tako hitrostjo osvajali tuje ozemlje, kot to počno sedaj, bo sonce prej ugasnilo.

Mimogrede, zakaj še nisi v prijetni rusiji? Če boš predolgo čakal v evropi, se bodo tuji borci iz ukrajine vrnili domov, na seznamu pa te tako že imajo. Zgodovina uči, da se izdajalcem, kakršen si ti, po vojni ni dobro godilo.

Reycis ::

tomlin je izjavil:

Še tri dni in ruski vojaki bodo na kolenih, ne vidijo smisla Putinove vojaške avanture, so brez hrane in municije, "k vragu pa še putana Putin", pravijo. Ponavlja se scenarij filma "deja vu SFRJ propad jugo JNA v Sloveniji".


Zmotili so se. Še 14 dni bo trajalo. Ampak samo še 14 dni morajo potrpet Ukrajinci in bo vsega konec. Naslednjih 14 dni je ključnih.
Diversity is our greatest strength

gazibo ::

Ze cel mesec poslusamo ukrajinci morajo zdrzat samo se 7 teden, ruska morala na konju lol

sir_mha ::

Rusi sledijo svoji zviti strategiji.

?Russia, North Korea discuss developing bilateral relations.
Deputy FM Igor Morgulov ?? met with ??'s ambassador to Russia and discussed developing relations "in the context of changes happening on the international arena," Moscow says.

Comandante ::

sir_mha je izjavil:

Rusi sledijo svoji zviti strategiji.

?Russia, North Korea discuss developing bilateral relations.
Deputy FM Igor Morgulov ?? met with ??'s ambassador to Russia and discussed developing relations "in the context of changes happening on the international arena," Moscow says.

Saj je smiselno, da se obe Severni Koreji, mala in velika, povezeta.

sir_mha ::

Comandante je izjavil:

sir_mha je izjavil:

Rusi sledijo svoji zviti strategiji.

?Russia, North Korea discuss developing bilateral relations.
Deputy FM Igor Morgulov ?? met with ??'s ambassador to Russia and discussed developing relations "in the context of changes happening on the international arena," Moscow says.

Saj je smiselno, da se obe Severni Koreji, mala in velika, povezeta.

Res je. Mala S. Koreja ima ogromno izkušenj, kako iz lastne države naresti zapor za svoje državljane, ki jih bo sedaj lahko delila z Rusi.

MadMicka ::

Putina lahko iz Ukrajine vržejo samo Rusi. Dokler ga ne bodo, bo vojna.

sir_mha ::

To se sedaj že nekaj časa dogaja, in počasi res postaja vsakdan fronte.

"The Russians are changing their tactics to those that are more attritional and subject Ukrainians to air and artillery bombardment," a western official said.

The reliance on dumb bombs and heavy artillery also feeds into a strategy of attrition that includes "the reckless and indiscriminate use of firepower", said James Hockenhull, the UK's defence intelligence chief.

"This kind of illegal, brutal warfare is exactly what Russia has been practising in Syria for the past few years and . . . in almost every conflict they have been involved in for decades," said General Sir Richard Barrons, former head of the UK's Joint Forces Command.


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: sir_mha ()

Pac-Man ::

Nit za dobro jutro, VP naj se skoncentrira na del o kadirovcih.


The minority factor in Russian army is vastly underrated when discussing the course of Ukrainian war. Firstly, ethnic minorities are not so much a minority there. Judging from the casualty lists, minorities are wildly overrepresented on the battlefields as the cannon fodder
We don't have aggregated data for the entire Russian army. But we can get some idea of who fights in Ukraine from this list of wounded Russian soldiers lying in Rostov hospital. More than half are clearly Dagestani. Magomed (Muhammad) - the most common name in the list of wounded

How do you get to the Russian army? Well, first you need to be drafted. Affluent people are selected out at this stage. People with social capital view military service as the fate of losers. So it's the poor and naive who don't know how (or why) to dodge who are drafted

Then you need to sign a contract. They'll be persuading, shaming, luring, seducing you into signing a contract. A person with social capital who accidentally got drafted will avoid it at all cost, call his lawyers, human rights advocates. So they probably let him go
While signing the contract is usually voluntary (though not always), they heavily concentrate on rural bumpkins. First, it's easier to pressure them, they don't know their rights. Second, it's easier to bribe them with salary prospect, they don't have career anyway. Thirdly, they are disposable. Imagine kids of Moscow intelligentsia getting killed in Ukraine - that's a headache. Their families gonna call lawyers, media, human rights organizations, give interviews. Meanwhile rural bumpkin moms will cry in the pillow and that's it. AMAZING

My recommendations to encourage defection and sabotage should be considered in this context. Very soon Russian army will be filled by a number of people who don't share Russian imperial mythos and got there absolutely accidentally. Their motivation will be very, very low. The same was true in WWII. These cases were not published to maintain the illusion about the "unity of Soviet people" but in fact morale of Central Asian troops was very low and they were defecting to Germans en masse, much more than Russians. They didn't see it as their war.
That makes sense. Imagine you are a rural Uzbek. Do you view yourself as Russian? Ofc not. Do you believe in Communism? Well, you have to perform all the rituals because authorities demand it but it's not very much interiorised. I like this photo of dekulakization in Uzbekistan.
NB: I'm telling about regular minorities and not about Chechens. Chechnya is different. Chechnya is more a vassal kingdom in personal union with Russia and Chechen troops play more an NKVD than regular army role. They are to check and control, not to fight. Strelkov confirms it
Kadyrov had to personally deny that Chechens don't fight:
"I often read as Chechen fighters are accused in inaction, in gowing only in a second or third echelon. Or in just taking recordings with civilians and skipping the real fights"
And posted a "real fight" footage
Doesn't look too persuasive to be honest. By his posture and muscles, the dead is probably dead for several hours. Most probably a fresh and clean Chechen came there much later to take a footage of how Chechens really fight so Kadyrov can post it in Telegram [video maširanja med trupli, brez izstreljenega strela]

Funny fact: a Donbass levy field commander Khodakovsky accused Chechens in skipping the real fights. So Kadyrov's henchman Delimkhanov "talked" with him. Ofc Khodakovsky confirmed Chechens absolutely do fight and said "Akhmad Sila" on camera. Kadyrov's troops are more like NKVD [video]

Alexander Khodakovsky @ Wikipedia

There's a real fighting Chechen force, not on Russian side though. It is a Sheikh Mansur batallion composed from Ichkeria emigres and fighting for Ukraine. Notice the difference with Kadyrov's footages. These are real soldiers, not PR & security troops of Kadyrov [video]

Z-invasion is when (non-Chechen) minorities fight and die for the Russian ethnonationalist project. What do they get in return? Well, assimilation. Notice this poster - it's like "I'm Welsh but today we're all English". For your sacrifice you're allowed to abandon your identity
From the minority perspective Z-invasion looks like a worst trade deal in the history of trade deals ever. They'll bear disproportionate burden of war, taking huge number of casualties. If Z-invasion succeeds, they'll get forced assimilation and will be losing their autonomy

Z-invasion is largely the Russian ethnonationalism run amok. If allowed to succeed in Ukraine it will obviously choose Russian minorities as the next target, that's just too predictable. Why would they need to support it? That's the question many are asking today.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

gazibo ::

Belarus and Poland making moves. Coup rumours heat up. Update 2

zeljonski dete bo letelo

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: gazibo ()

VladarP ::

Je kdo videl Zelenskega na fronti s svojimi?

sir_mha ::

VladarP je izjavil:

Je kdo videl Zelenskega na fronti s svojimi?

Je kdo videl Putina, da se upa usesti za normalno mizo s svojimi sodelavci :)

Drugač pa razumem, zakaj se ti sanja o Zelenskem.

Pac-Man ::

Še ena nit


Senior US defense official background briefing thread -
"Not a whole lot of changes today either... no real changes by the Russians on the ground near Kyiv; still hold them to be about 15 kilometers to the northwest, and still about 30 to the east."


"I can't verify the accounts of them [Ukrainians] taking back a suburb [Makariv]. I did ask that question this morning anticipating that you would, but we can't confirm it, can't refute it either, but we can't independently verify it."

"What I can say is we have seen, if it is true, it's certainly of a piece of efforts that we have seen Ukrainian endeavor in the last few days to try to take back territory that the Russians have gained, such as I mentioned yesterday in Kherson."


[On the subject of Russian reinforcements] "Again... of the battalion tactical groups that Mr. Putin has available to him across Russia, he has used about 75 percent in this particular operation.
So I think our assumption would be he'd pull from outside the country first."


"we've picked up some indications that some of their soldiers are suffering from frostbite because they lack the appropriate cold-weather gear for the environment that they're in, they haven't, in addition to food and fuel, even in terms of personal equipment...for some of their troops they're having trouble, and we've picked up indications that some troops have actually suffered and taken out of the fight because of frostbite."

"they are having continued logistics and sustainment issues, and again, because the Ukrainians have done a good job frustrating their efforts to resupply, as well as because we don't think they properly planned for logistics and sustainment on the level that they needed to"

"We also still assess... that they're [Russia] having command-and-control challenges of being able to communicate with one another, and without communications, it's hard to, again, get things like logistics and sustainment moving."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VladarP ::

sir_mha je izjavil:

VladarP je izjavil:

Je kdo videl Zelenskega na fronti s svojimi?

Je kdo videl Putina, da se upa usesti za normalno mizo s svojimi sodelavci :)

Drugač pa razumem, zakaj se ti sanja o Zelenskem.

To z mizo ne zastopm

VladarP ::

Ukrajinska vojska se na fronti sooča s kroničnim pomanjkanjem čelad, taktičnih neprebojnih jopičev in druge opreme. To je medijem povedal poveljnik 206. bataljona kijevske TO Aleksander Pogrebski.
#FrontUkraine #Ukraine

l0g1t3ch ::

V nedeljo sem bral da bo Mariupol v dveh dneh, denacificiran in ruski.

Danes je sreda...

VladarP ::

Po uradnih informacijah iz osvobojenega Hersona bo od 1. aprila uradna valuta v mestu RUSKI RUBEL.

Odlok o menjavi kovanca je sprejela nova mestna uprava.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()

gazibo ::

Hungary refuses to allow weapons transit to Ukraine

nism vedu da mađari odjebavajo ukrajince

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: gazibo ()

Invictus ::

Seveda jih, saj bodo drugače postali tarča za Rusijo.

BTW, nekje sem prebal, da Poljska načrtuje mirovno operacijo v Ukrajini. Mislim, da si bodo Ukrajino razdelili Poljaki in Rusi, tako kot so si Poljsko leta 1939 nemci in Sovjeti...
"Life is hard; it's even harder when you're stupid."


wcpapir ::

Invictus je izjavil:

Seveda jih, saj bodo drugače postali tarča za Rusijo.

BTW, nekje sem prebal, da Poljska načrtuje mirovno operacijo v Ukrajini. Mislim, da si bodo Ukrajino razdelili Poljaki in Rusi, tako kot so si Poljsko leta 1939 nemci in Sovjeti...

Tudi naši rinejo po svoj kos:))

l0g1t3ch ::

gazibo je izjavil:

Hungary refuses to allow weapons transit to Ukraine

nism vedu da mađari odjebavajo ukrajince

Repostaš skoraj 4 tedne staro novico.

Očitno nimaš bolj pametnega :))

gazibo ::

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

gazibo je izjavil:

Hungary refuses to allow weapons transit to Ukraine

nism vedu da mađari odjebavajo ukrajince

Repostaš skoraj 4 tedne staro novico.

Očitno nimaš bolj pametnega :))

Ocitno ti ne funkcionira kognitivnost in interpretacija

PrimoZ_ ::

gazibo je izjavil:

l0g1t3ch je izjavil:

gazibo je izjavil:

Hungary refuses to allow weapons transit to Ukraine

nism vedu da mađari odjebavajo ukrajince

Repostaš skoraj 4 tedne staro novico.

Očitno nimaš bolj pametnega :))

Ocitno ti ne funkcionira kognitivnost in interpretacija

Jaz bi rekel, da s postanjem starih novic kot novih poskušaš ustvariti vtis, da se je Madžarska v zadnjem času nekaj premislili, da usiha podpora UA.

Res upam, da te vsaj plačajo, da nisi zastonj ruska kurba.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: PrimoZ_ ()

gazibo ::

Na placajo nic, tvojo staro mi nastavjo.

PrimoZ_ ::

Kijev je bil 3 tedne nazaj 2 dni od zavzetja.
Mariupol pa je bil to nedeljo dva dni pred popolno rusko prevlado.

Čas je zares relativen :))

Pac-Man ::

VladarP je izjavil:

To z mizo ne zastopm

Naj ti narišem.


Putin je bogatejši Trump. Vlada z dekreji, ko gredo stvari narobe so pa krivi vsi drugi.
Na začetku omenjen zapis sem prilepil tudi sem, ampak vmes pozabil nanj.


In January, the head of a group of serving and retired Russian military officers declared that invading Ukraine would be “pointless and extremely dangerous.” It would kill thousands, he said, make Russians and Ukrainians enemies for life, risk a war with NATO and threaten “the existence of Russia itself as a state.”


In Russia, the slow going and the heavy toll of President Vladimir V. Putin’s war on Ukraine are setting off questions about his military’s planning capability, his confidence in his top spies and loyal defense minister, and the quality of the intelligence that reaches him. It also shows the pitfalls of Mr. Putin’s top-down governance, in which officials and military officers have little leeway to make their own decisions and adapt to developments in real time.


The lack of progress is so apparent that a blame game has begun among some Russian supporters of the war — even as Russian propaganda claims that the slog is a consequence of the military’s care to avoid harming civilians. Igor Girkin, a former colonel in Russia’s F.S.B. intelligence agency and the former “defense minister” of Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, said in a video interview posted online on Monday that Russia had made a “catastrophically incorrect assessment” of Ukraine’s forces.

“The enemy was underestimated in every aspect,” Mr. Girkin said.

The Russian forces’ poor performance has also surprised analysts, who predicted at the start of the war that Russia’s massive, technologically advanced military would make short work of Ukraine. Mr. Putin himself seems to have counted on his troops quickly seizing major cities, including the capital, Kyiv, decapitating the government and installing a puppet regime under the Kremlin’s control.

“Take power into your own hands,” Mr. Putin urged Ukrainian soldiers on the second day of the invasion, apparently hoping Ukraine would go down without a fight.

Instead, Ukraine fought back. Nearly a month has passed, and Russian troops appear bogged down in the face of relentless attacks from a much weaker, though far more maneuverable, Ukrainian military.

“There was probably the hope that they wouldn’t resist so intensely,” Yevgeny Buzhinsky, ​​a retired lieutenant general and a regular Russian state television commentator, said of Ukraine’s forces. “They were expected to be more reasonable.”

As if responding to criticism, Mr. Putin has said repeatedly in his public comments about the war that it is going “according to plan.”

“We can definitively say that nothing is going to plan,” countered Pavel Luzin, a Russian military analyst. “It has been decades since the Soviet and Russian armies have seen such great losses in such a short period of time.”


The failures in Ukraine have started to create fissures within Russian leadership, according to Andrei Soldatov, an author and expert on Russia’s military and security services. The top Russian intelligence official in charge of overseeing the recruitment of spies and diversionary operations in Ukraine has been put under house arrest along with his deputy, Mr. Soldatov said. Even Russia’s defense minister, Sergei K. Shoigu, who vacations with Mr. Putin and has been spoken of as a potential presidential successor, has suffered a loss of standing, according to Mr. Soldatov’s sources.

“It looks like everybody is on edge,” Mr. Soldatov said.

Mr. Soldatov’s claims could not be independently verified, and some independent experts have challenged them. But Mr. Shoigu has not been shown meeting with Mr. Putin in person since Feb. 27, when he and his top military commander, Gen. Valery Gerasimov, sat at the end of a long table as Mr. Putin, on the opposite end, ordered them to place Russia’s nuclear forces at a higher level of readiness.

“The war has shown that the army fights poorly,” Mr. Luzin, the Russian military analyst, said. “The defense minister is responsible for this.”

The battlefield deaths of senior Russian commanders also reflect poorly on the Kremlin’s war planning. Captain Andrei Paliy, the deputy commander of Russia’s Black Sea fleet, died in combat over the port city of Mariupol, Russian officials said on Sunday.


There was also Maj. Gen. Oleg Mityayev, among the Russian military’s most seasoned commanders. He had led Russia’s largest foreign military base in Tajikistan and was second in command of Russia’s forces in Syria. When Mr. Putin ordered his troops to invade Ukraine, General Mityayev was tapped to lead the storied 150th Motorized Rifle Division, whose soldiers helped take the Reichstag building in Berlin precipitating Nazi Germany’s defeat in 1945.

According to Kyiv, he lasted less than three weeks in Ukraine. After he was killed in battle, either Russian forces left his body behind, or it was captured by the far-right Azov Battalion, which posted a photo of the bloody corpse on Telegram with the caption, “Glory to Ukraine.”


For Russia’s generals, part of the problem is that many of them have spent recent decades fighting a different type of war. In Chechnya at the beginning of the 2000s, Russia succeeded in pacifying a separatist uprising in a small territory by resorting to scorched-earth decimation of entire cities. More recently in Syria, Russia’s operations have been driven by airstrikes against a population that lacks sophisticated weapons or even a regular army.


Throughout Ukraine, Russian forces have now largely stalled. But analysts caution that the military setbacks will not deter Mr. Putin — who has cast the war at home as an existential one for Russia, and is increasingly signaling to the Russian public to prepare for a long fight.


“The Russian leadership can’t lose,” said Andrei Kortunov, director general of the Russian International Affairs Council, a research organization close to the Russian government. “No matter what, they will need to end this whole story with some kind of victory.”
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

gazibo ::

O moj bog model, dej spel se z to diarejo.

Ze tko sm te dobu vcer kako postas ukrajinsko novacenje kot rusko. smrad

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: gazibo ()

VladarP ::

Britanski aktivist in radijski voditelj Maajid Usman Nawaz:...Vsi vedo, da sem Putinov nasprotnik, toda kar se dogaja v Ukrajini, smo vsi v primežu propagande na državni ravni. Seveda načeloma podpiramo Ukrajino, to je res. Toda vsi vedo, da je Zelensky pokvarjen uradnik in diktator. Poleg tega imajo v Ukrajini moč nacisti. Poudarjam - to niso neonacisti, ampak pravi nacisti. So inkarnacije nacistov, kot vemo, ko jih preučujemo v zgodovini. Bandera, človek, ki ga častijo, je bil navaden nacist. Naredili so ga za narodnega heroja in ikono ...

Novice v živo

Ruska vojska je v Kijevu uničila APU SAM S-300 "Favorit"

Ruski raketni napad na protiletalski raketni sistem S-300 "Favorite" ukrajinske vojske na severu Kijeva.

Videoposnetek telegram:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: VladarP ()

gazibo ::

Pac-Man ::

gazibo je izjavil:

Ze tko sm te dobu vcer kako postas ukrajinsko novacenje kot rusko. smrad

Dipšit, kdo fura Z kot novodobni kljukasti križ?


Pac-Man je izjavil:

Zjevci fehtajo robo, vojska nima dnarja.

Their getting desperate even begging on Telegram for donations of batteries and assorted stuff, drones, any old laptop etc.
What sort of organisation is going on here were troops have to beg and steal.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

VladarP ::

Po vojni se morajo z Rusi, Poljaki, Belorusi, Slovaki, Romuni in Madzari dogovorit kako si bodo Ukrajino razdelili, ker Ukrajine v taki obliki kkt je zdaj ne bo vec

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()

gazibo ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

verbalna diareja

dej model sam stfu, postas kao neke poste kako rusi rabjo drone in neves kaj ker se ruska vojska razpadan in potem dva posta poznej postas ukrajinsko vojsko z novimi droni in nevem kaj. kje so jih pa dobl ? na ebayu morbit

feget lažniv

Idemo dalje:

Russian Ministry of Defense:

- The Russian Armed Forces destroyed a large arsenal with weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 14 km from Rovno with sea-based precision weapons.

- Helicopters of the RF Armed Forces during night strikes destroyed 8 tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 5 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, three pillboxes, 7 field artillery guns and mortars.

- Russian aviation destroyed 97 Ukrainian military facilities in a day, including two Tochka-U launchers near Kiev.

- In Ukraine, since the beginning of the special operation, 184 aircraft and helicopters, 246 UAVs and 189 air defense systems have been destroyed.

- Russian air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian Su-24 and 16 drones in a day, including three Bayraktar TB-2s.

- Aviation and missile forces of the Russian Federation destroyed 8 Ukrainian air defense systems in a day, including 6 Buk and one S-300

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: gazibo ()

cias ::

Zakaj je med naciji toliko crossdresserjev?

The Azov militants are trying to leave Mariupol, disguised as women. Apparently, they were trained by British instructors, they also fled from Afghanistan. True, more successful.

PrimoZ_ ::

VladarP ::

cias je izjavil:

Zakaj je med naciji toliko crossdresserjev?

The Azov militants are trying to leave Mariupol, disguised as women. Apparently, they were trained by British instructors, they also fled from Afghanistan. True, more successful.

Bolje da si kolektivno posljejo krogle v glavo, ker svobode azovci vidli vec ne bojo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: VladarP ()

l0g1t3ch ::

Gazibo in VladarP sta spet polno aktivna.

Očitno gre Rusiji slabo.

Kul :)

gazibo ::

VladarP je izjavil:

cias je izjavil:

Zakaj je med naciji toliko crossdresserjev?

The Azov militants are trying to leave Mariupol, disguised as women. Apparently, they were trained by British instructors, they also fled from Afghanistan. True, more successful.

Bolje da si kolektivno posljejo krogle v glavo, ker svobode azovci vidli vec ne bojo.

simfonija za moja usesa. nacisti zapuscajo svet :D v mukah

Defakto v ruskih rokah in to zelo konzervativne ocene


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: gazibo ()

Motion ::

gazibo je izjavil:

Pac-Man je izjavil:

verbalna diareja

dej model sam stfu, postas kao neke poste kako rusi rabjo drone in neves kaj ker se ruska vojska razpadan in potem dva posta poznej postas ukrajinsko vojsko z novimi droni in nevem kaj. kje so jih pa dobl ? na ebayu morbit

feget lažniv

Idemo dalje:

Russian Ministry of Defense:

- The Russian Armed Forces destroyed a large arsenal with weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 14 km from Rovno with sea-based precision weapons.

- Helicopters of the RF Armed Forces during night strikes destroyed 8 tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 5 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, three pillboxes, 7 field artillery guns and mortars.

- Russian aviation destroyed 97 Ukrainian military facilities in a day, including two Tochka-U launchers near Kiev.

- In Ukraine, since the beginning of the special operation, 184 aircraft and helicopters, 246 UAVs and 189 air defense systems have been destroyed.

- Russian air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian Su-24 and 16 drones in a day, including three Bayraktar TB-2s.

- Aviation and missile forces of the Russian Federation destroyed 8 Ukrainian air defense systems in a day, including 6 Buk and one S-300

Za razliko od tebe vsaj ne reciklira 14 dni starih novic v upanju da kdo nasedu ruski propagandi. Ne rabiš brat zahodnih medijev da vidiš kakšna beda je velika ruska armija.

VladarP ::

Vazno je osvobodit Kijev, Harkov in Odeso. Zahodna Ukrajina se bo itak razkosala.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: marjanmb ()

gazibo ::

Motion je izjavil:

se vec diareje

zahodni mediji + ukrajinska jalova propaganda je edini vir "ruske razpadajoce se armije"
tko da sam sebe kontradiktiras


tipo dobesedno posta fejk stvari, za razliko od mene :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: gazibo ()

cias ::

Vsaj en protvladni ameriški protestnik je na varnem.

Motion ::

gazibo je izjavil:

Motion je izjavil:

se vec diareje

zahodni mediji + ukrajinska jalova propaganda je edini vir "ruske razpadajoce se armije"
tko da sam sebe kontradiktiras


tipo dobesedno posta fejk stvari, za razliko od mene :)

Sam Lavrov pravi da niso napadli Ukrajine, tako da mora bit cela vojan fake, tako da tudi vse kar ti limaš je fejk... .....


gazibo ::

Ne znas interpretirat oz. delas to selektivno


VladarP ::

Ce bi bral zahodne medije bi tudi sam bil preprican, da je prasanje casa kdaj bo Rusija kapitulirala.... pa ne bo nikoli, taka drzava ne more kapitulirat. O Rusiji trosijo neumnosti ljudje, ki je nisi obiskali nikoli. Najvecja neumnost izrecena je pa to da jim bo zmanjkalo streliva. Streliva imajo dovolj da se streljajo 50 let pa ga ne bodo porabili.
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