Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

jb_j ::

Pac-Man ::
Turkey replies to Kiev's request to close Dardanelles for Russian warships
Ankara has said that international law allows Russian Navy vessels to cross the straits in order to return to their bases.
Erdo vrača kavbojcem, ker so mu sesuli turško liro :).
Erdo ima (tokrat) prav.
Vsem priporočam v branje, da ne boste več pisali bedarij o ameriških letalonosilkah v Črnem morju ipd.
Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jb_j ::
@redtech je danes ob 00:21:34 izjavil:
Turkey replies to Kiev's request to close Dardanelles for Russian warships
Ankara has said that international law allows Russian Navy vessels to cross the straits in order to return to their bases.
Erdo vrača kavbojcem, ker so mu sesuli turško liro :)
Tega je potrebno potegat in vse njemu blizu:
da so kavbojci sesuli turško liro.......
sesutje turške lire, so močno utrpeli slovenski in ostali gospodarstveniki
Turkey replies to Kiev's request to close Dardanelles for Russian warships
Ankara has said that international law allows Russian Navy vessels to cross the straits in order to return to their bases.
Erdo vrača kavbojcem, ker so mu sesuli turško liro :)
Tega je potrebno potegat in vse njemu blizu:
da so kavbojci sesuli turško liro.......
sesutje turške lire, so močno utrpeli slovenski in ostali gospodarstveniki
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()

FireSnake ::
Rad bi videl korenine rusofilov, ki tu gor tako poveličujejo ruse. Na vašo žalost se družim s samimi slovenci že od nekdaj, ki nimajo ne vem koliko rodov nebenih korenin iz juga ... vsi so proti rusiji ... v službi imam dva čefurja za sodelavca, oba poveličujeta ruse ... RT je pa njun glavni vir novic ... in taki isti modeli tu gor komentirajo kdo in kaj so rusija in zahod ...
A nismo rekli redno jemati tablete?
Slovnica? Je 'čtlca u drugem razredu umrla?
Ti še kar?
Kako ste smešni rusofili ... noben nikogar ne napada, razen rusi .. pa so še rusi najmanj krivi od vseh ... vam res ni pomoči ...
OŠ, si izpustil?
Poglej in se nasmej:

BorutO ::
Zaradi takih sranj vam ne bo nič pomagalo, če ste rusofili ali ne ... ko se bo rus odločil napasti slovenijo, boste bežali pred vašim ljubljencem ...
FireSnake ... če ti tako praviš, doktor znanosti ...
FireSnake ... če ti tako praviš, doktor znanosti ...

Grega3 ::
Baje da je cela štala, ker so razdelili orožje med civile. Baje se strelja vse povprek in tudi med seboj se streljajo civili, ker ni nobene organizacije

Pac-Man ::
Wasn't sure if to write this. It is blunt and will offend surely many but I have privilege and therefore, responsibility. It is also long and personal. I am writing for Germans, but in English. It will reach more people this way and my German is not good enough.
This here is Kyiv, 1941. The city where my grandmother and many relatives lived. Some escaped, some haven't. If you are German, you of course know that Germans did it. Let's be more specific. Chances are, someone in your immediate or extended family been there and done that This is not on you, of course. But something similar might happen now, already happening. This, in significant part, will be on you and because of you. Own it.
Because for years you and your government financed and tolerated a deadly autocracy, made yourself dependent on it, tolerated your former leaders corrupted by it.
You financed it, allowed it to rise and largely remained silent. And when shit hit the fan you disengaged because really confronting evil would cause economic inconvenience you so greatly fear
and because it would clash with the smug feeling of moral superiority that comes from saying "we were wrong then," we learned to say "sorry" and look the other way, peace-negotiations-deescalation blah blah blah even when people are already dying.
Killed by weapons your money bough and then you will feel good about yourself by taking in refugees and reaping the benefits of human capital you did nothing to create and depriving the victim country of it.
Because why do what is hard and feel emotional discomfort when you can delude yourself on the cheap.
It does not have be on you. Speak up. Write. Protest. Not in abstract. In Germany. In German. Not against the war, it is not specific. Against your government doing so little to make a difference. Make noise, cause disturbance. People are dying. You can make a difference.
Why you, of all people? Because if there is anyone Russians really care about, it is you. In the warped ethnic hierarchy of the world that exists in their brain you are up there at the top together with the French.
And because you can grab them by the wallets and the ego like no one can. And because, chances are, some of your relatives were in Kyiv in 1941 and you do not have to share their shame.
If you are silent, disturbed but passive, never speak to me again. Don't invite for a talk or to write a chapter, don't ask to meet at conferences,
and never tell me how wrong it was that some abstract Germans (though curiously, never your relatives) murdered dozens and dozens of mine in Ukraine simply because they were Jewish.
If you are quiet now, you have learned nothing from history. At least nothing that matters.
If you learned something, do something. Do and be proud of what you do and of learning from the past. And even though it is impossible to know, I hope my dead grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles and other relatives would be proud of what you do as well. Here, I said it.
Wasn't sure if to write this. It is blunt and will offend surely many but I have privilege and therefore, responsibility. It is also long and personal. I am writing for Germans, but in English. It will reach more people this way and my German is not good enough.
This here is Kyiv, 1941. The city where my grandmother and many relatives lived. Some escaped, some haven't. If you are German, you of course know that Germans did it. Let's be more specific. Chances are, someone in your immediate or extended family been there and done that This is not on you, of course. But something similar might happen now, already happening. This, in significant part, will be on you and because of you. Own it.
Because for years you and your government financed and tolerated a deadly autocracy, made yourself dependent on it, tolerated your former leaders corrupted by it.
You financed it, allowed it to rise and largely remained silent. And when shit hit the fan you disengaged because really confronting evil would cause economic inconvenience you so greatly fear
and because it would clash with the smug feeling of moral superiority that comes from saying "we were wrong then," we learned to say "sorry" and look the other way, peace-negotiations-deescalation blah blah blah even when people are already dying.
Killed by weapons your money bough and then you will feel good about yourself by taking in refugees and reaping the benefits of human capital you did nothing to create and depriving the victim country of it.
Because why do what is hard and feel emotional discomfort when you can delude yourself on the cheap.
It does not have be on you. Speak up. Write. Protest. Not in abstract. In Germany. In German. Not against the war, it is not specific. Against your government doing so little to make a difference. Make noise, cause disturbance. People are dying. You can make a difference.
Why you, of all people? Because if there is anyone Russians really care about, it is you. In the warped ethnic hierarchy of the world that exists in their brain you are up there at the top together with the French.
And because you can grab them by the wallets and the ego like no one can. And because, chances are, some of your relatives were in Kyiv in 1941 and you do not have to share their shame.
If you are silent, disturbed but passive, never speak to me again. Don't invite for a talk or to write a chapter, don't ask to meet at conferences,
and never tell me how wrong it was that some abstract Germans (though curiously, never your relatives) murdered dozens and dozens of mine in Ukraine simply because they were Jewish.
If you are quiet now, you have learned nothing from history. At least nothing that matters.
If you learned something, do something. Do and be proud of what you do and of learning from the past. And even though it is impossible to know, I hope my dead grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles and other relatives would be proud of what you do as well. Here, I said it.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jernejl ::
Ti poišči moj post kjer izrecno trdim, da invazija ni mogoča in jaz bom napisal svoj zadnji post v tej temi, ki se bo glasil: Motil sem se, ko sem trdil, da invazija ni mogoča.
Ne vem sicer kako definiraš "izrecno trditev", če po rusko, potem je logično, da je ne boš nikdar priznal.
Je pa dejstvo, da toliko posmehovanja in neumnosti o napovedih invazije in sami invaziji, kot smo jih slišali od tebe, ki si očitno popolnoma opran s strani ruske propagande, že dolgo nismo bili deležni.
Tako kot so si izmislili invazijo, tako so si izmislili da je ne bo zaradi nekih groženj razštelanega zahoda. Če ne bo napada na Donbas, ne bo Ruskega povračila. To je to.
Breaking news: ZDA bodo proti Rusiji uvedle nove sankcije, če ta ne bo nemudoma napadla Ukrajine.![]()
Nimam iluzij, da bi Rusija lahko napadla in potem tudi srednjeročno ali dolgoročno držala zahodni del Ukrajine. Vzhodni del je že drugačna zgodba. Ampak Rusom ni v interesu agresivna vojna, bodo pa posredovali če Ukrajina napade Donbas, to so jasno povedali in v to nihče ne bi smel dvomiti.
Ukrajinski;dr ne invazija, da provokacije & hibridna vojna:Torej je vse tisto kar so nabijali politiki in mediji v ZDA in UK ena velika propaganda in laž. Saj ne, da vam to ves čas poskušamo dopovedati.
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
Torej glede na zanesljive vire znotraj Kremlja, je jutri zgodaj zjutraj invazija.
Invazija v17.42
British Minister says tens of thousands could die if #Russia invades #Ukraine - But they didn't.
No,kje je ta invazija. Kam se je skrila? Rusi posredujejo kot mirovne sile v LNR/DNR, nič več kot to.
Mislim da je našteto zgoraj več kot dovolj dober dokaz, da lahko kandidiraš za opranoglavca 21. stoletja.

Pac-Man ::
kliknzi za fotke, se mi ne da lepit
Tracking the NASA FIRMS map, which is usually used to trace wildfires, gives us a broad view of significant fighting since the invasion. The coordinates are not precise, but in the right area.
Below: Hostomel airport area, southeastern Kherson, northern Kharkiv, Ivankiv
Tracking the NASA FIRMS map, which is usually used to trace wildfires, gives us a broad view of significant fighting since the invasion. The coordinates are not precise, but in the right area.
Below: Hostomel airport area, southeastern Kherson, northern Kharkiv, Ivankiv
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Grega3 ::

jb_j ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
So Why We Only Follow,
POP TV as major TV News service.....
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
So Why We Only Follow,
POP TV as major TV News service.....
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()

Voss ::
Air Force Command of the Ukraine Armed Forces claims:
- Ukrainian Su-27 shot down Russian Su-25 flying towards Vinnytsia
- Ukrainian S-300 air defences shot down a Russian Su-25 and helicopter
- Ukrainian Su-27 shot down a Russian IL-76 near Vasylkiv
Russia seem to be having a horrible time in the air losing multiple aircraft to Ukrainian defences.
- Ukrainian Su-27 shot down Russian Su-25 flying towards Vinnytsia
- Ukrainian S-300 air defences shot down a Russian Su-25 and helicopter
- Ukrainian Su-27 shot down a Russian IL-76 near Vasylkiv
Russia seem to be having a horrible time in the air losing multiple aircraft to Ukrainian defences.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

Buggy ::
Zaradi takih sranj vam ne bo nič pomagalo, če ste rusofili ali ne ... ko se bo rus odločil napasti slovenijo, boste bežali pred vašim ljubljencem ...
FireSnake ... če ti tako praviš, doktor znanosti ...
fajresnejka ignoraj, ima ze lep cas tezave s samopodobo, pa se se isce kot najstnik ceprav je ze zavaljen star dec, ki bi moral biti vsaj na pol formiran in nekaj pokazat v zivljenju. Bo ze odrastu enkrat, vsaj upam tako ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Buggy ()

korenje3 ::
Turkey replies to Kiev's request to close Dardanelles for Russian warships
Ankara has said that international law allows Russian Navy vessels to cross the straits in order to return to their bases.
Erdo vrača kavbojcem, ker so mu sesuli turško liro :).
rusija ima skoraj 100 letno pogodbo s turčijo, da lahko ruske ladje prestopajo
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

jb_j ::
Turkey replies to Kiev's request to close Dardanelles for Russian warships
Ankara has said that international law allows Russian Navy vessels to cross the straits in order to return to their bases.
Erdo vrača kavbojcem, ker so mu sesuli turško liro :).
rusija ima skoraj 100 letno pogodbo s turčijo, da lahko ruske ladje prestopajo
lej ne vem...... (to branje sem izpustil)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()

coffeetime12 ::
Kako ste smešni rusofili ... noben nikogar ne napada, razen rusi .. pa so še rusi najmanj krivi od vseh ... vam res ni pomoči ...
V tem zapisu se lepo vidi, kako CNN akademija vzgaja amerofile. Samo tako naprej. A si preko Romunije že dostavljen na bojišče? Sporoči kakšna je hrana.

jb_j ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kako ste smešni rusofili ... noben nikogar ne napada, razen rusi .. pa so še rusi najmanj krivi od vseh ... vam res ni pomoči ...
V tem zapisu se lepo vidi, kako CNN akademija vzgaja amerofile. Samo tako naprej. A si preko Romunije že dostavljen na bojišče? Sporoči kakšna je hrana.
Pod CNN akademijo, pa spada tudi sam POPTV....
In vse njihove tv hiše......
CME Group obvladuje lastnik,
ki je povezan z WarnerMedia....
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()

Voss ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kako ste smešni rusofili ... noben nikogar ne napada, razen rusi .. pa so še rusi najmanj krivi od vseh ... vam res ni pomoči ...
V tem zapisu se lepo vidi, kako CNN akademija vzgaja amerofile. Samo tako naprej. A si preko Romunije že dostavljen na bojišče? Sporoči kakšna je hrana.
Pod CNN akademijo, pa spada tudi sam POPTV....
In vse njihove tv hiše......
Ker obsojamo dejanja Putina smo amerofili? Bom tudi njih obsodil, ko bodo spet si našli državo za vojaške vaje. Agresor tukaj je Rusija. Večina vas je pisala, da napada ne bo ali pa, da bodo šli maksimalno na seperatistično območje.
No zdaj jim pa letala padajo po Ukrajini :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

raceboy ::

Buggy ::
sure...vse razen vam priljubljeni tweeti in tiktok posnetki so pa legit, MSM sux 111!!!! Great deception at finest


Voss ::

Buggy ::
sure...vse razen vam priljubljeni tweeti in tiktok posnetki so pa legit, MSM sux 111!!!! Great deception at finest![]()
Kaj ni legit? Invazija Rusov?
Putin je napadel Ukrajino...nah

repliciram na idiote, ki vidijo spet neke zarote zahoda s tem pa opravicujejo Putlerja!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Buggy ()

jb_j ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kako ste smešni rusofili ... noben nikogar ne napada, razen rusi .. pa so še rusi najmanj krivi od vseh ... vam res ni pomoči ...
V tem zapisu se lepo vidi, kako CNN akademija vzgaja amerofile. Samo tako naprej. A si preko Romunije že dostavljen na bojišče? Sporoči kakšna je hrana.
Pod CNN akademijo, pa spada tudi sam POPTV....
In vse njihove tv hiše......
Ker obsojamo dejanja Putina smo amerofili? Bom tudi njih obsodil, ko bodo spet si našli državo za vojaške vaje. Agresor tukaj je Rusija. Večina vas je pisala, da napada ne bo ali pa, da bodo šli maksimalno na seperatistično območje.
Nisem jaz napisal tega!!!!
Jaz sem pod citat, da smo amerofili:
Podal samo dejstvo, da je eden izmed lastnikov POPtvja, tudi lastnik družbe, bi tudi obvladuje CNN.....
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()

Voss ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kako ste smešni rusofili ... noben nikogar ne napada, razen rusi .. pa so še rusi najmanj krivi od vseh ... vam res ni pomoči ...
V tem zapisu se lepo vidi, kako CNN akademija vzgaja amerofile. Samo tako naprej. A si preko Romunije že dostavljen na bojišče? Sporoči kakšna je hrana.
Pod CNN akademijo, pa spada tudi sam POPTV....
In vse njihove tv hiše......
Ker obsojamo dejanja Putina smo amerofili? Bom tudi njih obsodil, ko bodo spet si našli državo za vojaške vaje. Agresor tukaj je Rusija. Večina vas je pisala, da napada ne bo ali pa, da bodo šli maksimalno na seperatistično območje.
Nisem jaz napisal tega!!!!
Jaz sem pod citat, da smo amerofili:
Podal samo dejstvo, da je eden izmed lastnikov POPtvja, tudi lastnik družbe, bi obvladuje CNN.....
Seveda je. Pa tudi N1 obvladujejo. Mi je to popolnoma jasno, mi pa to ne zamegli pogleda na trenutno situacijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

Pac-Man ::
Tole je bila razpaljotka preden je strela povozila avto. Ukrajina pravi da saboterji, ampak zelo verjetno fraticid
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

jb_j ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kako ste smešni rusofili ... noben nikogar ne napada, razen rusi .. pa so še rusi najmanj krivi od vseh ... vam res ni pomoči ...
V tem zapisu se lepo vidi, kako CNN akademija vzgaja amerofile. Samo tako naprej. A si preko Romunije že dostavljen na bojišče? Sporoči kakšna je hrana.
Pod CNN akademijo, pa spada tudi sam POPTV....
In vse njihove tv hiše......
Ker obsojamo dejanja Putina smo amerofili? Bom tudi njih obsodil, ko bodo spet si našli državo za vojaške vaje. Agresor tukaj je Rusija. Večina vas je pisala, da napada ne bo ali pa, da bodo šli maksimalno na seperatistično območje.
Nisem jaz napisal tega!!!!
Jaz sem pod citat, da smo amerofili:
Podal samo dejstvo, da je eden izmed lastnikov POPtvja, tudi lastnik družbe, bi obvladuje CNN.....
Seveda je. Pa tudi N1 obvladujejo. Mi je to popolnoma jasno, mi pa to ne zamegli pogleda na trenutno situacijo.
Če bi bil lastnik Lojze Peterle, kakšno mnenje bi potem imel.....
(ni pa lastnik)

Voss ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kako ste smešni rusofili ... noben nikogar ne napada, razen rusi .. pa so še rusi najmanj krivi od vseh ... vam res ni pomoči ...
V tem zapisu se lepo vidi, kako CNN akademija vzgaja amerofile. Samo tako naprej. A si preko Romunije že dostavljen na bojišče? Sporoči kakšna je hrana.
Pod CNN akademijo, pa spada tudi sam POPTV....
In vse njihove tv hiše......
Ker obsojamo dejanja Putina smo amerofili? Bom tudi njih obsodil, ko bodo spet si našli državo za vojaške vaje. Agresor tukaj je Rusija. Večina vas je pisala, da napada ne bo ali pa, da bodo šli maksimalno na seperatistično območje.
Nisem jaz napisal tega!!!!
Jaz sem pod citat, da smo amerofili:
Podal samo dejstvo, da je eden izmed lastnikov POPtvja, tudi lastnik družbe, bi obvladuje CNN.....
Seveda je. Pa tudi N1 obvladujejo. Mi je to popolnoma jasno, mi pa to ne zamegli pogleda na trenutno situacijo.
Če bi bil lastnik Lojze Peterle, kakšno mnenje bi potem imel.....
(ni pa lastnik)
Lojze Peterle predvidevam, da obsoja ta napad. Torej?

jb_j ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kako ste smešni rusofili ... noben nikogar ne napada, razen rusi .. pa so še rusi najmanj krivi od vseh ... vam res ni pomoči ...
V tem zapisu se lepo vidi, kako CNN akademija vzgaja amerofile. Samo tako naprej. A si preko Romunije že dostavljen na bojišče? Sporoči kakšna je hrana.
Pod CNN akademijo, pa spada tudi sam POPTV....
In vse njihove tv hiše......
Ker obsojamo dejanja Putina smo amerofili? Bom tudi njih obsodil, ko bodo spet si našli državo za vojaške vaje. Agresor tukaj je Rusija. Večina vas je pisala, da napada ne bo ali pa, da bodo šli maksimalno na seperatistično območje.
Nisem jaz napisal tega!!!!
Jaz sem pod citat, da smo amerofili:
Podal samo dejstvo, da je eden izmed lastnikov POPtvja, tudi lastnik družbe, bi obvladuje CNN.....
Seveda je. Pa tudi N1 obvladujejo. Mi je to popolnoma jasno, mi pa to ne zamegli pogleda na trenutno situacijo.
Če bi bil lastnik Lojze Peterle, kakšno mnenje bi potem imel.....
(ni pa lastnik)
Lojze Peterle predvidevam, da obsoja ta napad. Torej?
zakaj izkrivljaš dejstva?

korenje3 ::
Jaz imam dostop do discord kanala (še iz časa sirske vojne), kjer dobivam zadnje informacije, ki jih običajno ne vidite.
Sicer pa:
Sicer pa:
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

Voss ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kako ste smešni rusofili ... noben nikogar ne napada, razen rusi .. pa so še rusi najmanj krivi od vseh ... vam res ni pomoči ...
V tem zapisu se lepo vidi, kako CNN akademija vzgaja amerofile. Samo tako naprej. A si preko Romunije že dostavljen na bojišče? Sporoči kakšna je hrana.
Pod CNN akademijo, pa spada tudi sam POPTV....
In vse njihove tv hiše......
Ker obsojamo dejanja Putina smo amerofili? Bom tudi njih obsodil, ko bodo spet si našli državo za vojaške vaje. Agresor tukaj je Rusija. Večina vas je pisala, da napada ne bo ali pa, da bodo šli maksimalno na seperatistično območje.
Nisem jaz napisal tega!!!!
Jaz sem pod citat, da smo amerofili:
Podal samo dejstvo, da je eden izmed lastnikov POPtvja, tudi lastnik družbe, bi obvladuje CNN.....
Seveda je. Pa tudi N1 obvladujejo. Mi je to popolnoma jasno, mi pa to ne zamegli pogleda na trenutno situacijo.
Če bi bil lastnik Lojze Peterle, kakšno mnenje bi potem imel.....
(ni pa lastnik)
Lojze Peterle predvidevam, da obsoja ta napad. Torej?
zakaj izkrivljaš dejstva?
Kakšna dejstva človek? Postavljaš neumna vprašanja. Lej se mi ne da naprej pregovarjat, ker to ne pelje nikamor.

jb_j ::
WarnerMedia izvaja takšne ukrepe:
Medtem je pa lastnik POPtvja:
Gerhard Zeiler @ Wikipedia
isto in enako dejansko povezan z Warner Media
Medtem je pa lastnik POPtvja:
Gerhard Zeiler @ Wikipedia
isto in enako dejansko povezan z Warner Media
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()

Buggy ::
Ta vlada je trenutno se bolj zmedena in nefunkcionalna kot je bila v casih korone, s tem da tokrat je agresor oprijemljiv in ne neviden sovraznik iz ne vem kje.
Bi rekel, da si prizgimo microvalovke, pa dajmo not kokice, a zal je tokrat stvar resna, bolj kot si forumski vojscaki upajo priznati.
Zdej je na tnalu se kaksen penis z jajcki, ki bo moral dejansko zagovarjat stalisce drzave z orozjem v roki!
Bi rekel, da si prizgimo microvalovke, pa dajmo not kokice, a zal je tokrat stvar resna, bolj kot si forumski vojscaki upajo priznati.
Zdej je na tnalu se kaksen penis z jajcki, ki bo moral dejansko zagovarjat stalisce drzave z orozjem v roki!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Buggy ()

jb_j ::
Ta vlada je trenutno se bolj zmedena in nefunkcionalna kot je bila v casih korone, s tem da tokrat je agresor oprijemljiv in ne neviden sovraznik iz ne vem kje.
Bi rekel, da si prizgimo microvalovke, pa dajmo not kokice, a zal je tokrat stvar resna, bolj kot si forumski vojscaki upajo priznati.
Veliko bolj resna stvar.........
Ampak boli nas.........
Gremo na party, pa dejmo se ga za ekstizirat, tko, kot včasih..........

Voss ::
Russian troops have stopped near the northeast city of Konotop (250km from Kyiv) after suffering heavy losses during a fight, Ukraine's land forces have said.
"They have a problem with fuel and supply."
"They have a problem with fuel and supply."

Buggy ::
Ta vlada je trenutno se bolj zmedena in nefunkcionalna kot je bila v casih korone, s tem da tokrat je agresor oprijemljiv in ne neviden sovraznik iz ne vem kje.
Bi rekel, da si prizgimo microvalovke, pa dajmo not kokice, a zal je tokrat stvar resna, bolj kot si forumski vojscaki upajo priznati.
Veliko bolj resna stvar.........
Ampak boli nas.........
Gremo na party, pa dejmo se ga za ekstizirat, tko, kot včasih..........
ko bova vpoklicana, bos svojo robo lahko prodajal, jaz te bom pa po gobcu
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Buggy ()

coffeetime12 ::
Ker obsojamo dejanja Putina smo amerofili? Bom tudi njih obsodil, ko bodo spet si našli državo za vojaške vaje. Agresor tukaj je Rusija. Večina vas je pisala, da napada ne bo ali pa, da bodo šli maksimalno na seperatistično območje.
No zdaj jim pa letala padajo po Ukrajini :)
Glede -filov; Lepijo jih večinoma privrženci zahodnih prinašalcev svobode, katerih bombe ubijajo na mehak način, na +50 let podlage in 'upravičenim' razlogom. Če se nekdo ne strinja z zahodnim upravljanjem bivših, kot tudi novih kolonij, ter agresorskimi posegi po celi polobli, še ni rusofil. Je tako? Jep, RF se je odločila kot se je in v mednarodni politiki velja za agresorja, enako velja za zahodni Svet z ZDA na čelu, ja? Večina ljudi ima ravno v primeru zahodnih agresij občutek, da je tu prepad v dojemanju in obsojanju. Medtem velesile igrajo svojo realpolitiko [ne geopolitiko]. V ozadju se dogajajo stvari, ki navadnim plebejcem niso in ne bodo razkrite, zato prehitro tipkanje večkrat škoduje kot koristi. Glede padanja letal pa; Marsikdo te bo spomnil ravno na to, kar očitaš drugim, namreč, 'večina vas je pisala'. Poglej si PacMan-a, ki je, kot vidim, tu našel zatočišče

Voss ::
Kazakhstan, one of Russia's closest allies and a southern neighbor, is denying a request for its troops to join the offensive in Ukraine, officials say.

korenje3 ::
12 min ago
Heavy fighting reported to the south of Kyiv
From CNN's Jonny Hallam
Ukrainian armed forces have reported heavy fighting around Vasylkiv, a city located about 18 miles south of the country's capital, Kyiv.
"Heavy fighting is currently underway in the town of Vasylkiv in the Kyiv region, where the occupiers are trying to land a landing party," the armed forces said.
Russian forces are also advancing toward Kyiv from both the north and the east.
Heavy fighting reported to the south of Kyiv
From CNN's Jonny Hallam
Ukrainian armed forces have reported heavy fighting around Vasylkiv, a city located about 18 miles south of the country's capital, Kyiv.
"Heavy fighting is currently underway in the town of Vasylkiv in the Kyiv region, where the occupiers are trying to land a landing party," the armed forces said.
Russian forces are also advancing toward Kyiv from both the north and the east.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

coffeetime12 ::

Voss ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kazakhstan, one of Russia's closest allies and a southern neighbor, is denying a request for its troops to join the offensive in Ukraine, officials say.
Kazakhstan, one of Russia's closest allies and a southern neighbor, is denying a request for its troops to join the offensive in Ukraine, officials said Friday.
Additionally, the former Soviet republic said it is not recognizing the Russia-created breakaway republics upheld by Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, as a pretext for its aggression in Ukraine.
Despite ceasefire accords covering the disputed land, Putin on Monday declared Russia's recognition of Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) and the Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) as independent states.
The surprising development from a traditional ally of Russia has the support of the United States.
"We welcome Kazakhstan's announcement that they will not recognize the LPR and DPR," the National Security Council said in a statement. "We also welcome Kazakhstan's refusal to send its forces to join Putin's war in Ukraine."
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Voss ()

coffeetime12 ::
coffeetime12 je izjavil:
Kazakhstan, one of Russia's closest allies and a southern neighbor, is denying a request for its troops to join the offensive in Ukraine, officials say.
Kazakhstan, one of Russia's closest allies and a southern neighbor, is denying a request for its troops to join the offensive in Ukraine, officials said Friday.
Additionally, the former Soviet republic said it is not recognizing the Russia-created breakaway republics upheld by Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, as a pretext for its aggression in Ukraine.
Despite ceasefire accords covering the disputed land, Putin on Monday declared Russia's recognition of Luhansk People's Republic (LNR) and the Donetsk People's Republic (DNR) as independent states.
The surprising development from a traditional ally of Russia has the support of the United States.
"We welcome Kazakhstan's announcement that they will not recognize the LPR and DPR," the National Security Council said in a statement. "We also welcome Kazakhstan's refusal to send its forces to join Putin's war in Ukraine."
Dajva dodat ščepec soli zaenkrat

jb_j ::
Ta vlada je trenutno se bolj zmedena in nefunkcionalna kot je bila v casih korone, s tem da tokrat je agresor oprijemljiv in ne neviden sovraznik iz ne vem kje.
Bi rekel, da si prizgimo microvalovke, pa dajmo not kokice, a zal je tokrat stvar resna, bolj kot si forumski vojscaki upajo priznati.
Veliko bolj resna stvar.........
Ampak boli nas.........
Gremo na party, pa dejmo se ga za ekstizirat, tko, kot včasih..........
ko bova vpoklicana, bos svojo robo lahko prodajal, jaz te bom pa po gobcu
Deal, jaz nikoli nisem robe prodajal.....
Vi ste pa služili miljone in miljarde........
Sedaj povej, če želiš vojno in da vse gori....
Ali, da se zavzemamo za mir, ne glede na zločine, ki ste jih zagrešili......
Ta vlada je trenutno se bolj zmedena in nefunkcionalna kot je bila v casih korone, s tem da tokrat je agresor oprijemljiv in ne neviden sovraznik iz ne vem kje.
Bi rekel, da si prizgimo microvalovke, pa dajmo not kokice, a zal je tokrat stvar resna, bolj kot si forumski vojscaki upajo priznati.
Veliko bolj resna stvar.........
Ampak boli nas.........
Gremo na party, pa dejmo se ga za ekstizirat, tko, kot včasih..........
ko bova vpoklicana, bos svojo robo lahko prodajal, jaz te bom pa po gobcu
Deal, jaz nikoli nisem robe prodajal.....
Vi ste pa služili miljone in miljarde........
Sedaj povej, če želiš vojno in da vse gori....
Ali, da se zavzemamo za mir, ne glede na zločine, ki ste jih zagrešili......
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()

Buggy ::
miljoni in miljarde bodo v globalnem smislu izgubljene pri vseh vpletenih, ker se je enemu diktatorcku zjutraj koncno kurec dvignil in je sanjal mal prevec intenzivno.

FilipF ::
Sindikalni izlet:
Baje so odlični sogovorniki za oborožene civiliste.
Baje so odlični sogovorniki za oborožene civiliste.

Voss ::
Italy open to banning Russia from SWIFT system -foreign minister
Italijani so se torej premislili :)
Italijani so se torej premislili :)