Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi

Fritz ::
Sedanjo situacijo oblikuje Rusija. Tko ko je Amerika oblikovala javno mnenje z "napadom na Sarajevsko tržnico", metanje dojenčkov iz inkubatorjev v Kuvajtu, innscenirani Raačak, Pawel v ZN maha z epruveto....tko da američanom ni lih za verjet, in rusi to zaj izkoriščajo. Kaj se bo pokazalo po vojni v Ukrajini, pa itak ne bo več važno, ker bo svet postavljen pred dejstvo, tko ko so bli recimo Srbi, ko so jih bombandirali z lažnim povodom.
Ne glede na to kaj si mislimo o legalnosti NATO operacije zoper Srbijo, bi bila Srbija bombardirana že dosti prej, če bi bilo kaj pravice na tem svetu. Bil je čas, ko so jih tudi Rusi imeli poln kufer a so Američani šli preveč po kavbojsko. Ker so lahko, ker Srbija ni nek nasprotnik in ker je albanski lobi zelo močan v ZDA. Ni pa Srbija nobena žrtev. Posamezni Srbi so bili žrtve, Srbija pa je v zadnjih vojnah bila to, kar sta bili NDH in Nemčija v 2. sv. vojni. Fašistična genocidna država s podaljški na Hrvaškem in v BiH.
Račak kot prizorišče je morda bil insceniran a trupel mrtvih civilistov, ki so jih za seboj puščale srbske oborožene formacije, je bilo dovolj za kaj takšnega. Bilo jih je toliko, da so jih s hladilniki vozili v Srbijo in zakopavali na različnih krajih.
Markale so bile medijsko razvpite a so se dejansko zgodile in niso bile edini tak masaker v BiH.
Kuvajt in dojenčki so res izmišljena zgodba vendar mi gre res na živce, ko se v to meša srbsko opravičevanje zločinov, ki je čista laž, ker so se zločini zgodili, bili so obsežni in bili so del načrta etnično čistega srbskega prostora, kar je jasno razvidno iz zapisnikov Narodne skupščine Republike srpske.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Tole gre ekspresno v kuratz.
Residents of the Republics began to receive SMS messages with evacuation instructions. Perhaps the howling of sirens is related to this Picture of the evacuation buses posted by the Russian news outlet Izvestia The office of Rostov’s regional governor tells @znak_com that they were not informed of plans to evacuate Donbas residents to the region — they heard Pushilin’s announcement on the news. Accordingly, they have no info about evacuee accommodation centers.
Russia is very concerned about the latest developments in Donbas, the suffering of people must be stopped - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister
The Foreign Ministry of the #LPR and the #DPR said they reject #Kyiv proposals for an extraordinary meeting of the contact group
TASS: Russian President Putin instructed the acting head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to fly to the Rostov Oblast to organize shelter for the civilians evacuating from Donbas.
BREAKING: Large explosion heard in central #Donetsk, no further details - RIA
BREAKING: Explosion reported near the #DPR government building
Residents of the Republics began to receive SMS messages with evacuation instructions. Perhaps the howling of sirens is related to this Picture of the evacuation buses posted by the Russian news outlet Izvestia The office of Rostov’s regional governor tells @znak_com that they were not informed of plans to evacuate Donbas residents to the region — they heard Pushilin’s announcement on the news. Accordingly, they have no info about evacuee accommodation centers.
Russia is very concerned about the latest developments in Donbas, the suffering of people must be stopped - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister
The Foreign Ministry of the #LPR and the #DPR said they reject #Kyiv proposals for an extraordinary meeting of the contact group
TASS: Russian President Putin instructed the acting head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to fly to the Rostov Oblast to organize shelter for the civilians evacuating from Donbas.
BREAKING: Large explosion heard in central #Donetsk, no further details - RIA
BREAKING: Explosion reported near the #DPR government building
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
In še en zelo uravnotežen. Militantni Ukrajinci ga pogosto obtožujejo ruskega imperializma, par tednov nazaj je bil en tak bust up, sem že pozabil okrog česa.
What Putin’s Kosovo cosplay - mass exodus and claims of genocide - involves, I am afraid, is an implicit threat of bombardment.
Whether Putin intends to start a war or not, he is now doing his best to convince everyone that he does. He is definitely the only one who is escalating at this point.
Kremlin’s intention appears to be stepping up the escalation until Ukraine’s will to resist the of implementation Minsk agreements breaks. But it will probably demand more with each subsequent step. What in Russian criminal jargon is called поставить на счётчик.
What Putin’s Kosovo cosplay - mass exodus and claims of genocide - involves, I am afraid, is an implicit threat of bombardment.
Whether Putin intends to start a war or not, he is now doing his best to convince everyone that he does. He is definitely the only one who is escalating at this point.
Kremlin’s intention appears to be stepping up the escalation until Ukraine’s will to resist the of implementation Minsk agreements breaks. But it will probably demand more with each subsequent step. What in Russian criminal jargon is called поставить на счётчик.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::
Zakaj bi Putin umikal civiliste iz Donbasa, če itak misli zavzeti celotno Ukrajino? Prej se mi zdi, da pričakujejo napad ali večjo provokacijo. Vsekakor je bolje civiliste v vsakem primeru zaščititi.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Da misli zavzet Ukrajino? Nismo govorili "samo" o napadu?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::
Zakaj bi napadel, če ne bo zavzemal? Torej bo napadel, če bo Ukrajina napadla Donbas in v tem primeru je bolje, da civilisti niso območju, kjer potekajo boji.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Da, UAZ. Land Cruiserja zgleda niso želeli uničiti. Tarče ni bilo v avtu, kar prav tako nakazuje, da je zadeva v produkciji lokalcev. Če bi bili vpleteni Rusi, bi šlo po scenariju Zakarčenka, Givija in Motorole.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Telbanc ::
Sedanjo situacijo oblikuje Rusija. Tko ko je Amerika oblikovala javno mnenje z "napadom na Sarajevsko tržnico", metanje dojenčkov iz inkubatorjev v Kuvajtu, innscenirani Raačak, Pawel v ZN maha z epruveto....tko da američanom ni lih za verjet, in rusi to zaj izkoriščajo. Kaj se bo pokazalo po vojni v Ukrajini, pa itak ne bo več važno, ker bo svet postavljen pred dejstvo, tko ko so bli recimo Srbi, ko so jih bombandirali z lažnim povodom.
Ne glede na to kaj si mislimo o legalnosti NATO operacije zoper Srbijo, bi bila Srbija bombardirana že dosti prej, če bi bilo kaj pravice na tem svetu. Bil je čas, ko so jih tudi Rusi imeli poln kufer a so Američani šli preveč po kavbojsko. Ker so lahko, ker Srbija ni nek nasprotnik in ker je albanski lobi zelo močan v ZDA. Ni pa Srbija nobena žrtev. Posamezni Srbi so bili žrtve, Srbija pa je v zadnjih vojnah bila to, kar sta bili NDH in Nemčija v 2. sv. vojni. Fašistična genocidna država s podaljški na Hrvaškem in v BiH.
Račak kot prizorišče je morda bil insceniran a trupel mrtvih civilistov, ki so jih za seboj puščale srbske oborožene formacije, je bilo dovolj za kaj takšnega. Bilo jih je toliko, da so jih s hladilniki vozili v Srbijo in zakopavali na različnih krajih.
Markale so bile medijsko razvpite a so se dejansko zgodile in niso bile edini tak masaker v BiH.
Kuvajt in dojenčki so res izmišljena zgodba vendar mi gre res na živce, ko se v to meša srbsko opravičevanje zločinov, ki je čista laž, ker so se zločini zgodili, bili so obsežni in bili so del načrta etnično čistega srbskega prostora, kar je jasno razvidno iz zapisnikov Narodne skupščine Republike srpske.
Pač če si kar naprej izmišljuješ povode za nasilne vojaške intervencije, ne smeš biti preveč presenečen, če ti noben ne verjame več. Pozabil sem omenit še Libijo, začetek vojne z še je tega. Markale so ble masaker, vprašanje pa, kdo ga je naredil. Meni se albanci ne zdijo nič boljši ko srbi. Zato ker so ujete srbe enostavno raztrančirali in prodali za dele.
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Telbanc ()

Maxlos ::
Da, UAZ. Land Cruiserja zgleda niso želeli uničiti. Tarče ni bilo v avtu, kar prav tako nakazuje, da je zadeva v produkciji lokalcev. Če bi bili vpleteni Rusi, bi šlo po scenariju Zakarčenka, Givija in Motorole.
A tako kot v vrtcu ?

Jarno ::
Ljudi ki furajo te bote, je treba poslat v prvo linijo za šodr
Seveda. Vse šlo narobe.
Chuck Norris je med števili 0.999... in 1 uspel vriniti konstanto imenovano CN.

Pac-Man ::
A tako kot v vrtcu ?
Ne, zgleda bodo poskusili prodat, da je bil zdronan s TB-2.
BTW, kontrola teh dronov gre preko turških satelitov.
Ups, to je funkcija pri TB2S
Baykar Bayraktar TB2 @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

IgorCardanof ::
Umikajo civiliste, kee jih hocejo zascitit pred vojno?
Ce rusija napade, ukrajina pade v parih tednih.
Ce rusija napade, ukrajina pade v parih tednih.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.

Pac-Man ::
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

mtosev ::
Zdaj vido na CNNu o tem.
Zdaj vido na CNNu o tem.
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Fritz ::
Pač če si kar naprej izmišljuješ povode za nasilne vojaške intervencije, ne smeš biti preveč presenečen, če ti noben ne verjame več. Pozabil sem omenit še Libijo, začetek vojne z še je tega. Markale so ble masaker, vprašanje pa, kdo ga je naredil. Meni se albanci ne zdijo nič boljši ko srbi. Zato ker so ujete srbe enostavno raztrančirali in prodali za dele.
Ne glede na laži in propagando Zahoda je treba poznavati posamezne primere in ne vse jemati kar počez. NATO operacijo zoper Srbijo so npr. podprle države, ki niti pod razno niso podprle napada na Irak. Za Markale se precej dobro ve kdo jih je povzročil, kot tudi kar nekaj podobnih primerov drugod po BiH. Gre za tisto stran, ki je imela premoč v orožju in je rada s hribov streljala po mestih, kjer so bili manjvredni ljudje in morda kak 'izdajalski' Srb. Seveda so Albanci tudi svojega denarja vredni a to Srbije ne opravičuje pri njenih zločinih in največji odgovornosti za vse kar se je dogajalo na tleh ex-Yu. Srbija ima velike težave pri soočanju s svojo preteklostjo in to radi zapakirajo v nek upor proti zahodu. Šlo je pa samo in izključno za tole:
Nazaj na Ukrajino:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()

NMH ::
5m ago
The US has obtained intelligence that Russia is building lists of Ukrainian political figures and other high-profile political opponents to be targeted for either arrest or assassination in the event of a Russian assault on Ukraine, Foreign Policy reports.
Four people familiar with US intelligence told the website that if Russia moves forward with plans to invade Ukraine, it may target prominent political opponents, anti-corruption activists, and Belarusian and Russian dissidents living in exile.
A fifth person, a US official who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the US has been downgrading its intelligence classification in order to share threats to specific groups within Ukraine with Ukrainian government officials and other partners in the region.
The US official said:
As we've seen in the past, we expect Russia will try to force cooperation through intimidation and repression.
These acts, which in past Russian operations have included targeted killings, kidnappings/forced disappearances, detentions, and the use of torture, would likely target those who oppose Russian actions, including Russian and Belarusian dissidents in exile in Ukraine, journalists and anti-corruption activists, and vulnerable populations such as religious and ethnic minorities and LGBTQI+ persons.
The report comes after US secretary of state Antony Blinken hinted that Russia would target political opponents with arrest or assassination in a speech at the United Nations yesterday. "We have information that indicates Russia will target specific groups of Ukrainians," Blinken said, without providing details.
The US has obtained intelligence that Russia is building lists of Ukrainian political figures and other high-profile political opponents to be targeted for either arrest or assassination in the event of a Russian assault on Ukraine, Foreign Policy reports.
Four people familiar with US intelligence told the website that if Russia moves forward with plans to invade Ukraine, it may target prominent political opponents, anti-corruption activists, and Belarusian and Russian dissidents living in exile.
A fifth person, a US official who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that the US has been downgrading its intelligence classification in order to share threats to specific groups within Ukraine with Ukrainian government officials and other partners in the region.
The US official said:
As we've seen in the past, we expect Russia will try to force cooperation through intimidation and repression.
These acts, which in past Russian operations have included targeted killings, kidnappings/forced disappearances, detentions, and the use of torture, would likely target those who oppose Russian actions, including Russian and Belarusian dissidents in exile in Ukraine, journalists and anti-corruption activists, and vulnerable populations such as religious and ethnic minorities and LGBTQI+ persons.
The report comes after US secretary of state Antony Blinken hinted that Russia would target political opponents with arrest or assassination in a speech at the United Nations yesterday. "We have information that indicates Russia will target specific groups of Ukrainians," Blinken said, without providing details.

Fritz ::
Tole je vrednost US obtained intelligence (spodnja fotografija je fake).
Lahko si pa tudi pogledaš film, ki so posneli po knjigi nekdanje operativke CIA:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()

Pac-Man ::
Ne morš, da verjameš:
Širjenje fejk njuz je simpls, zdravljenje posledic pa precej bolj kompleksno do nemogoče.
Pismo se vas lahko nategne, ponavadi ravno razne z lastno glavo razmišljujoče & neodvisne mislece.
To sploh ni kul, še posebej ob trenutnem zaostrovanju.
How dumb the spread of disinformation can be; some Twitter rando photoshops a picture from yesterday's nursery shelling, quickly admits it was a photoshop, and now people are sharing it like it's legit.
Half expect it to appear in a Russian MoD press conference by this evening. Even after I made that tweet people are still sending me it as if it's some amazing trump card. Just demonstrates how easily disinformation gets out there and how hard it is to stop it once it does when there's an audience willing to lap it up
Within minutes, another. It doesn't even have to be sophisticated disinformation to start doing the rounds:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

NMH ::
Tole je vrednost US obtained intelligence (spodnja fotografija je fake).
Lahko si pa tudi pogledaš film, ki so posneli po knjigi nekdanje operativke CIA:
Limanje 20+ let starih slikic nič ne bo pomagalo.
Rusko iskanje vzroka za napad na Ukrajino se voha sem do Slovenije in naprej.

NMH ::
And video message posted by head of LNR about evacuation is from two days ago, lmao

Pac-Man ::
Jup, ravno želel napisat. To je kakovost kadra, ki si ga Rusija lahko privošči.
Ampak na žalost vseeno ustvarja psihozo, detajli niso važni
Head of the LNR posted a video about evacuation on the state news outlet, but the metadata shows that the file was created two days ago (Telegram retains metadata). Testing some other videos on the channel to see other creation dates, will post below.
aaaaaaaaaa Pushilin did the same thing! So both the LNR and DNR announcements about evacuations were apparently recorded on Wednesday.
They just had to pick the only popular social network on earth where you can actually look at a video's metadata to upload the original files for the evacuation announcements. Thanks LDNR geniuses!
Ampak na žalost vseeno ustvarja psihozo, detajli niso važni
Head of the LNR posted a video about evacuation on the state news outlet, but the metadata shows that the file was created two days ago (Telegram retains metadata). Testing some other videos on the channel to see other creation dates, will post below.
aaaaaaaaaa Pushilin did the same thing! So both the LNR and DNR announcements about evacuations were apparently recorded on Wednesday.
They just had to pick the only popular social network on earth where you can actually look at a video's metadata to upload the original files for the evacuation announcements. Thanks LDNR geniuses!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Telbanc ::
Pač če si kar naprej izmišljuješ povode za nasilne vojaške intervencije, ne smeš biti preveč presenečen, če ti noben ne verjame več. Pozabil sem omenit še Libijo, začetek vojne z še je tega. Markale so ble masaker, vprašanje pa, kdo ga je naredil. Meni se albanci ne zdijo nič boljši ko srbi. Zato ker so ujete srbe enostavno raztrančirali in prodali za dele.
Ne glede na laži in propagando Zahoda je treba poznavati posamezne primere in ne vse jemati kar počez. NATO operacijo zoper Srbijo so npr. podprle države, ki niti pod razno niso podprle napada na Irak. Za Markale se precej dobro ve kdo jih je povzročil, kot tudi kar nekaj podobnih primerov drugod po BiH. Gre za tisto stran, ki je imela premoč v orožju in je rada s hribov streljala po mestih, kjer so bili manjvredni ljudje in morda kak 'izdajalski' Srb. Seveda so Albanci tudi svojega denarja vredni a to Srbije ne opravičuje pri njenih zločinih in največji odgovornosti za vse kar se je dogajalo na tleh ex-Yu. Srbija ima velike težave pri soočanju s svojo preteklostjo in to radi zapakirajo v nek upor proti zahodu. Šlo je pa samo in izključno za tole:
Nazaj na Ukrajino:
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.

Telbanc ::
"Vlada prihvatila Plan pripravnosti na radiološki ili nuklearni izvanredni događaj"
Hrvati že migajo.
"Vlada prihvatila Plan pripravnosti na radiološki ili nuklearni izvanredni događaj"
Hrvati že migajo.

Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Telbanc ()

Pac-Man ::
Tole naj bi bila raw footage borbe s saboterji
@0:13 je eksplozija, ki jo na koncu kar odreže. Spet amatersko.
@0:13 je eksplozija, ki jo na koncu kar odreže. Spet amatersko.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Ragozin v zadnjih par urah.
RIA: Putin orders to issue 10K rubles to each refugee coming from Donbas. €114, what an incentive to leave home for a bogus reason.
“We are on the verge of a military resolution of Donbas conflict”, Solovyev quotes “Luhansk republic” representative in the contact group as saying.
Vladimir Solovyov (journalist) @ Wikipedia
Nit o logistiki evakuacije:
Evacuation of civilians from D/LPR: we may be talking about 1,5-2mln civilians (women, children and elderly). For 4mln Rostov oblast accept - even transit - so many ppl would be logistical nightmare. Not all would like to leave, but 10tk RU promised by Putin may stimulate some.
"Here's the situation: people in Donetsk aren't rushing to 'evacuate'. They're afraid of looters, and they just don't have the money to go off somewhere. Almost no one believes [de-facto head] Pushilin." (NB ppl call him "Chepushilin")
RIA: Putin orders to issue 10K rubles to each refugee coming from Donbas. €114, what an incentive to leave home for a bogus reason.
“We are on the verge of a military resolution of Donbas conflict”, Solovyev quotes “Luhansk republic” representative in the contact group as saying.
Vladimir Solovyov (journalist) @ Wikipedia
Nit o logistiki evakuacije:
Evacuation of civilians from D/LPR: we may be talking about 1,5-2mln civilians (women, children and elderly). For 4mln Rostov oblast accept - even transit - so many ppl would be logistical nightmare. Not all would like to leave, but 10tk RU promised by Putin may stimulate some.
"Here's the situation: people in Donetsk aren't rushing to 'evacuate'. They're afraid of looters, and they just don't have the money to go off somewhere. Almost no one believes [de-facto head] Pushilin." (NB ppl call him "Chepushilin")
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Fritz ::
So delali false flage ampak ne Markale. Saj ti lepo piše.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Telbanc ::
So delali false flage ampak ne Markale. Saj ti lepo piše.
Sej to je poanta vsega. Piše. Tam piše tko, ti pišeš tko. Bereš tist kar ti paše, tist kar ti ne pa ne. In pol to trosiš okol.
V vsaki vojni je prva žrtev resnica. Tko ko bo v tej ki prihaja tud. Sam zaj so amerikanci naleteli na sebi enakovrednega lokalnega nasilneža in bojo držal goflo skup. Seveda se bojo borili do zadnjega ukrajinca. In pol tem revežem dajo stingerje, ki grejo do 5 km.
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Telbanc ()

Fritz ::
So delali false flage ampak ne Markale. Saj ti lepo piše.
Sej to je poanta vsega. Piše. Tam piše tko, ti pišeš tko. Bereš tist kar ti paše, tist kar ti ne pa ne. In pol to trosiš okol.
V vsaki vojni je prva žrtev resnica. Tko ko bo v tej ki prihaja tud. Sam zaj so amerikanci naleteli na sebi enakovrednega lokalnega nasilneža in bojo držal goflo skup. Seveda se bojo borili do zadnjega ukrajinca. In pol tem revežem dajo stingerje, ki grejo do 5 km.
Ne primerjaj nepotrjenih navedb brez resnih virov z uradnimi zapisniki skupščine srbske paradržave, kjer je popolnoma jasno, da so načrtovali zločine, etnično čiščenje in genocid. Če bi Rusi tako delali v Ukrajini, ne bi nikoli rekel dobre besede o njih.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein

Pac-Man ::
Almost no one believes [de-facto head] Pushilin." (NB ppl call him "Chepushilin")
Njegov edini živi predhodnik, nastavljen direktno iz Moskve, v intervjuju 13.8.2014:
On 13 August, he interviewed in Donetsk Aleksandr Boroday, the former “prime minister” of the self-declared “Donetsk People’s Republic” who had just resigned from his post.
Kanygin: But you yourself just recently spoke about federalization. And so did your comrade-at-arms, [Denis] Pushilin [who also recently resigned—The Interpreter]:
Boroday: Nonsense-ilin (smiles) [Literally “Chepushilin” — he is making a play on the name of Pushilin–The Interpreter]. You simply have to understand, that’s it, the times have changed. Yes, not long ago, it seemed that some sort of agreements were possible. But when a bloody war began, the time for such decisions passed irrevocably.
Alexander Borodai @ Wikipedia
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Zdaj so v zrak vrgli en precej soliden nafto/plinovod. Še ni povsem jasno kaj.
Tudi ena možnost:
So Russia issues a high alert in their town of Rostov? Is Russia planning of committing an attack on their town Rostov and blame someone who came in with “refugees” Russia decided to relocate for their show and one of their false flag ops
Tudi ena možnost:
So Russia issues a high alert in their town of Rostov? Is Russia planning of committing an attack on their town Rostov and blame someone who came in with “refugees” Russia decided to relocate for their show and one of their false flag ops
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Pretty wild! At the height of tensions over Ukraine, Russia begins strategic nuclear forces exercise.
The exercise will include test-launches of ICBMs, SLBMs, bombers as well as Northern/Black sea fleets and southern military district.
The irony is that Russians, going back to the Soviet days, have a particular paranoia about their enemies launching attacks under the cover of exercises.
Everything I ever knew about the Soviet Union feels relevant again. I do not say this happily.
This isn't coincidence, let me tell you that. If Russia is to attack, it could happen during Grom.
in to, Alexander S. Vindman z impič slave:
This is standard fare for Russian strategic signaling. It’s part & parcel of Reflexive Control doctrine.
Planned set of inputs, nuclear exercises, alerts, civil defense drill to force U.S. leaders to primal decision-making… i.e. self-deterrence. Scary… it almost always works!
In this case, there is no runway for further self deterrence. The U.S. has already clearly expressed no appetite and zero willingness for risk for a bilateral confrontation with Russia and a readiness to defend NATO art. V.
That’s why @POTUS said both “no boots in Ukraine” and also positioned U.S. forces to secure NATO.
Putin is not a madman, he’s just an experienced and skilled bully. Russia has zero interest in a bilateral conflict.
No one wins a nuclear war and Putin looses a conventional confrontation against NATO.
He is bluffing and the U.S. must not be rattled by his nuclear posturing.
Pretty wild! At the height of tensions over Ukraine, Russia begins strategic nuclear forces exercise.
The exercise will include test-launches of ICBMs, SLBMs, bombers as well as Northern/Black sea fleets and southern military district.
The irony is that Russians, going back to the Soviet days, have a particular paranoia about their enemies launching attacks under the cover of exercises.
Everything I ever knew about the Soviet Union feels relevant again. I do not say this happily.
This isn't coincidence, let me tell you that. If Russia is to attack, it could happen during Grom.
in to, Alexander S. Vindman z impič slave:
This is standard fare for Russian strategic signaling. It’s part & parcel of Reflexive Control doctrine.
Planned set of inputs, nuclear exercises, alerts, civil defense drill to force U.S. leaders to primal decision-making… i.e. self-deterrence. Scary… it almost always works!
In this case, there is no runway for further self deterrence. The U.S. has already clearly expressed no appetite and zero willingness for risk for a bilateral confrontation with Russia and a readiness to defend NATO art. V.
That’s why @POTUS said both “no boots in Ukraine” and also positioned U.S. forces to secure NATO.
Putin is not a madman, he’s just an experienced and skilled bully. Russia has zero interest in a bilateral conflict.
No one wins a nuclear war and Putin looses a conventional confrontation against NATO.
He is bluffing and the U.S. must not be rattled by his nuclear posturing.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Chalky ::
Biden ravnokar iz Bele hiše:
BIDEN: "We have reason to believe that Russian forces are planning and intend to attack Ukraine in the coming week--coming days." "We believe that they will target Ukraine's capital Kyiv..."
NOW - Biden: "As of this moment I'm convinced he [Putin] made the decision," to invade Ukraine.
BIDEN: "We have reason to believe that Russian forces are planning and intend to attack Ukraine in the coming week--coming days." "We believe that they will target Ukraine's capital Kyiv..."
NOW - Biden: "As of this moment I'm convinced he [Putin] made the decision," to invade Ukraine.

Pac-Man ::
Refleksivna kontrola:
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

redtech ::
Zdaj so v zrak vrgli en precej soliden nafto/plinovod. Še ni povsem jasno kaj.
Tudi ena možnost:
So Russia issues a high alert in their town of Rostov? Is Russia planning of committing an attack on their town Rostov and blame someone who came in with “refugees” Russia decided to relocate for their show and one of their false flag ops
Teroristi? Ne
Res nevrjetno očitno, kako zelo si US želi te vojne, vse bi dali :D

lay2er ::
Fanta, vidva sta čisto preveč obsedena s tole situacijo. Saj razumem ukrajinske korenine, golo navijaštvo ali pa pomankajne kritičnega mišlenja. Ampak na koncu pa bo izgubila Ukrajina in to v vsakem primeru. Naj zahod sprovocira Rusijo v kakšen premik ali pa ne. Demografska slika čez dvajset let vemo kakšna bo. Če bo na področju živelo 10mio bo to ogromno.
Problem, ki ga tu vidim pa je, da tudi mi na veliko izgubljamo z vsakim konfliktom. In to je resnično sranje, ki ga povzeočajo ZDA. Če bo čez 1 leto 30% manjša zaposlenost v Sloveniji in nore cene energentov, ne bom krivil UA ali RU, bom pa US. Njim je vojna seveda (kot vedno) v interesu.
Problem, ki ga tu vidim pa je, da tudi mi na veliko izgubljamo z vsakim konfliktom. In to je resnično sranje, ki ga povzeočajo ZDA. Če bo čez 1 leto 30% manjša zaposlenost v Sloveniji in nore cene energentov, ne bom krivil UA ali RU, bom pa US. Njim je vojna seveda (kot vedno) v interesu.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: lay2er ()

Pac-Man ::
Refleksivna kontrola:
Zna bit, da je popoln umik ZDA iz Ukrajine rezultat refleksivne kontrole in zmaga za Rusijo.
Most countries participating in the eFP battlegroups have imposed restrictions on their contingents, in some cases including the restriction to stay in barracks except during organized tours.[39] The measures are largely a reaction to Russian information operations, discrediting NATO presence in the Baltic region and eastern Europe at every possible opportunity. Incidents involving NATO service members are, of course, exploited to the full extent by Russian media outlets like RT and Sputnik.[40]
However, by restricting the movement and visibility of personnel, NATO contingents are possibly more or less alienating their units from their environment. This development, in turn, might make it easier for Russia to continue its relentless stream of negative coverage regarding NATO in the very same countries, because people have a tendency to fear or distrust anyone they do not know.
Restricting the freedom of movement of NATO service members does not at all prevent the Russian government from releasing false stories about misconduct. Alienating NATO contingents from their environment by imposing restrictions on freedom of movement could be exactly the outcome Russia has been aiming for all the time. So, it is possible NATO itself is unwillingly creating a new example of successful Russian implementation of RC against the alliance for historians to reflect upon later.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Ce navedbe da Ukrajinci terorizirajo Ruse na ozemlju Ukrajine drzijo, zakaj se ostali mesajo v medsosedski spor. Naj Rusija popapca Ukrajino ali se slednji naj zacnejo obnašati drugače do velesile.
Con il Milan nel cuore!
Forza ragazzi!
Forza ragazzi!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: IL_DIAVOLO ()

korenje3 ::
Če ja nato lahko bombardiral jugoslavijo, zakaj si potem rusija tega ne more privoščit?
Praktično enaka situacija samo razlika je ta, da je ukrajina vazalna država.
Praktično enaka situacija samo razlika je ta, da je ukrajina vazalna država.
i9-12900k; 32GB DDR5-6000 CL36; Nvidia RTX 3080 ti;
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W
Gigabyte Aorus z690 master; Be Quiet Dark Power 12 1000W

gozdar1 ::
Edina napaka ukrajine je da so "izdali" matuško s tem, ko so se obrnili na zahod in prenehali biti ruska vazalna država. Ostalo je večina ruska propaganda in izkoriščanje manjšine za doseganje ciljev. V tem primeru destabilizacijo ukrajine. Podobne zgodbe sta moldavija in gruzija.

Pac-Man ::
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Ce navedbe da Ukrajinci terorizirajo Ruse na ozemlju Ukrajine drzijo, zakaj se ostali mesajo v medsosedski spor. Naj Rusija popapca Ukrajino ali se slednji naj zacnejo obnašati drugače do velesile.
Navedbe ne držijo.
Če bi terorizirali Ruse bi v zadnjih 8ih letih pričakoval nek blazen eksodus, nje? Kot Judi pred 2. sv. vojno.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

Pac-Man ::
Del dnevnika na 1. kanalu ruske nacionalke, 6 minut, povzetek v 1. minuti
Obstreljevanje, tanki, poljsko govoreči diverzanti, vse skupaj spremljajo lažni posnetki.
Kje točno so se ZDA motile?
Obstreljevanje, tanki, poljsko govoreči diverzanti, vse skupaj spremljajo lažni posnetki.
Kje točno so se ZDA motile?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.

NMH ::
Zdaj so v zrak vrgli en precej soliden nafto/plinovod. Še ni povsem jasno kaj.
Tudi ena možnost:
So Russia issues a high alert in their town of Rostov? Is Russia planning of committing an attack on their town Rostov and blame someone who came in with “refugees” Russia decided to relocate for their show and one of their false flag ops
Teroristi? Ne
Res nevrjetno očitno, kako zelo si US želi te vojne, vse bi dali :D
A lahko elaboriraš, kako si z opozarjanjem tega Američani želijo te vojne? Pa kaka bedarija je to?
Rusi konstruirajo false flage, pripeljali so 150-20k vojakov na mejo in zdaj si Američani želijo te vojne. WTF je z enim folkom tukaj!?