Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
Temo vidijo: vsi
gozdar1 ::
Ti bi očitno raje videl, da bi bili otroci, ker teroristi, nacist,... Njihovi starši so izdali so matuško, tako da zaslužijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()
Poldi112 ::
Sa to se zavedamo, da je ogromno tega, kar se dogaja, zrežirano za potrebe propagande?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Poldi112 ::
Sedaj smo že pri možnosti napada?
Lahko citiraš, kaj točno te je v tem prispevku pripeljalo do tega zaključka? Ker očiten odgovor je - naslov. :)
Kup enega nabijanja o ruski grožnji, edini citat pa:
In the absence of the readiness of the American side to agree on firm, legally binding guarantees of ensuring our security by the United States and its allies, Russia will be forced to respond, including through the implementation of military-technical measures,
Kar se bere, kot da bodo prisiljeni postavljati rakete na mejo, kar je povsem racionalno.
Še par citatov iz zgornjega linka:
Putin has complained about NATO's eastward expansion for years, ignoring the ways in which his aggressive behavior has pushed countries like Ukraine closer to the alliance and to the West more generally.
Bullshit. NATO se širi že leta, reakcija rusov je pa pričakovana. Prav tako kot odziv zahodne propagande, ki bo blejala pravljice o ruski agresiji.
Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and annexed Crimea, and since that year has supported rebels in a war against Ukrainian forces in the eastern Donbas region.
Simpatično. Koliko je bilo žrtev te invazije leta 2014 ter zakaj nikoli ne omenjajo referenduma? Ter vzrokov za upornike v Ukrajini?
Precej enostransko poročanje, se ti ne zdi? Remember Maine?
Russia on Thursday once again denied any plans to invade Ukraine, despite its massive military buildup on the border of its next-door neighbor.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Poldi112 ()
gozdar1 ::
Sedaj smo že pri možnosti napada?
Lahko citiraš, kaj točno te je v tem prispevku pripeljalo do tega zaključka? Ker očiten odgovor je - naslov. :)
Kup enega nabijanja o ruski grožnji, edini citat pa:
In the absence of the readiness of the American side to agree on firm, legally binding guarantees of ensuring our security by the United States and its allies, Russia will be forced to respond, including through the implementation of military-technical measures,
Kar se bere, kot da bodo prisiljeni postavljati rakete na mejo, kar je povsem racionalno.
Potem so ruske rakete na mejo ok, natove neobstoječe pa grožnja. Huda logika, podobno imajo rusi jedske rakete v kaliningradu in nihče drug v daljni okolici.
Ampak ogrožena je edino rusija, ne sosedje na katere so rakete usmerjene.
Poldi112 ::
Razmerje moči, kolega. Imeli smo ga tekom hladne vojne, sedaj je pa 1:10.
In ideja, da rusi tega ne bodo dojeli kot grožnjo je, milo rečeno - retardirana. Kapo dol zahodni propagandi.
In ideja, da rusi tega ne bodo dojeli kot grožnjo je, milo rečeno - retardirana. Kapo dol zahodni propagandi.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
gozdar1 ::
Rusi imajo svoj CSTO, pa zaradi tega nato država nič ne galamijo. Dejansko do 2014 praktično ni bilo nato vojske na vzhodu.
Predvsem kapo dol ruski propagandi, ki vas je uspela prepričat,da za vsem stoji ruska varnost in ne želja po obnovi vsaj dela vpliva na v. evrope.
Predvsem kapo dol ruski propagandi, ki vas je uspela prepričat,da za vsem stoji ruska varnost in ne želja po obnovi vsaj dela vpliva na v. evrope.
Fritz ::
A je CSTO v Mehiki ali pa je slučajno v neposredni bližini Rusije?
Pa koliko držav je CSTO že napadel?
Pa koliko držav je CSTO že napadel?
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Fritz ()
gozdar1 ::
A je CSTO v Mehiki ali pa je slučajno v neposredni bližini Rusije?
Pa koliko držav je CSTO že napadel?
Zakaj bi bila evropska obrambna organizacija v mehiki? Hočeš reči, da se mora csto odmaknit od poljske in meje baltskih držav?
Reciva, da je zadnja kriza ravno zato ker je ena od članic(oz. tista ki zares odloča) napadla ukrajino.
Pac-Man ::
Odličen pojasnilnik s stani ameriškega senatorja, triminutni video.
Najdem samo eno napako - volitve so bile par mesecev po invaziji, ampak detajli. Da imajo vodilni ameriški politiki tako poznavanje situacije je opogumljajoče.
Najdem samo eno napako - volitve so bile par mesecev po invaziji, ampak detajli. Da imajo vodilni ameriški politiki tako poznavanje situacije je opogumljajoče.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Maxlos ::
Odličen pojasnilnik s stani ameriškega senatorja, triminutni video.
Najdem samo eno napako - volitve so bile par mesecev po invaziji, ampak detajli. Da imajo vodilni ameriški politiki tako poznavanje situacije je opogumljajoče.
Sej sem rezerviral kokice za 20.2. do 1.4 je tudi upanje...
Poldi112 ::
Odličen pojasnilnik s stani ameriškega senatorja, triminutni video.
Najdem samo eno napako - volitve so bile par mesecev po invaziji, ampak detajli. Da imajo vodilni ameriški politiki tako poznavanje situacije je opogumljajoče.
Klasična propaganda - težko najdeš kaj, kar je res.
Če te zanima, kaj res mislijo, moraš brati wikileaks. Toje je zgolj PR za ovce.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
Walter Lippmann, leta 1922, o predpogoju za demokracijo.
fikus_ ::
Ti bi očitno raje videl, da bi bili otroci, ker teroristi, nacist,... Njihovi starši so izdali so matuško, tako da zaslužijo.
Lahko da so to storili rusi, lahko da niso, lahko da so to storili ukrajninci sami, da so poslali fotker v svet, . . . .
Že večkrat videno, da Z proprganda zavaja, tako da ne verjamem kar vsemu kar vidim. Si sami pljuvajo v lastno skledo z lažmi.
Učite se iz preteklosti, živite v sedanjosti in razmišljajte o prihodnosti.
Pac-Man ::
The town of #StanytsiaLuhanska in the #Donbas is in the news because of the brutal shelling it is undergoing from #Russia /separatist forces.
This is one of most important communities in the development work I've been involved in since 2015. Here's a bit about Stanytsia.
It is basically a rural suburb of Luhansk that functioned as the city's market garden. Most backyards are lined with plastic greenhouses for raising tomatoes and cucumbers.
This so central to local identity that town seal is 🍅 hovering over a Cossack fortress.
Stanytsia is across the Siversky Donets River from Luhansk. In 2014 became clear during brutal fighting that the river would become the stable front.
Stanytsia would be severed from its market in the industrial and coal cities in the south of the region.
The separation came in form of sustained, hellish fighting. Both sides pointed away on Stanytsia w/all calibers as changed hands between UA, the "Luhansk Peoples Republic", back.
Greenhouse farmers kept at their work, digging bombshelter ditches nearby to throw themselves into.
Meanwhile they struggled to maintain their markets. Vegetables flowed across the frontline but that flow was cut off as both sides formalized and sealed the "border".
Eventually regulated trade was allowed in absurd hand-carried format up and down a blown-up bridge.
Here that process was captured for the OSCE by phitographer Evheniy Maloletka. This trade went up and down, sometimes booming such that it attracted refugees from the fighting to return to Stanytsia and restart their greenhouses.
But the separatist authorities eventually threw up roadblocks to the trade, perhaps to protect their market for RU producers.
The strongest greenhouse farmers banded together to start a cooperative, and expand into new markets like Ukrainian supermarket chains.
Lots of well deserved foreign assistance for this. Worth every cent. No greenhouses, no Stanytsia.
The Ukrainian journalist Lesia Hanzha wrote movingly about these farmers feeding their neighbors and relatives across the front and all the trauma and pride of this community.
There are a lot of other stories of Stanytsia (ill do another thread about the foresters) but the trials of these greenhouse farmers really captures it for me.
Ideologically they are all over the place. Many wish they had never been separated from Luhansk.
Many experienced things in 2014-2015 that forever changed their relationship to Ukraine and Russia, the countries they lived on the border of literally and figuratively.
Livelihoods that depend on the national economy help stitch them back into Ukraine, but they need peace to process their trauma, get it acknowledged and their voices heard in big, plural and complicated #Ukraine.
They just really need peace.
The town of #StanytsiaLuhanska in the #Donbas is in the news because of the brutal shelling it is undergoing from #Russia /separatist forces.
This is one of most important communities in the development work I've been involved in since 2015. Here's a bit about Stanytsia.
It is basically a rural suburb of Luhansk that functioned as the city's market garden. Most backyards are lined with plastic greenhouses for raising tomatoes and cucumbers.
This so central to local identity that town seal is 🍅 hovering over a Cossack fortress.
Stanytsia is across the Siversky Donets River from Luhansk. In 2014 became clear during brutal fighting that the river would become the stable front.
Stanytsia would be severed from its market in the industrial and coal cities in the south of the region.
The separation came in form of sustained, hellish fighting. Both sides pointed away on Stanytsia w/all calibers as changed hands between UA, the "Luhansk Peoples Republic", back.
Greenhouse farmers kept at their work, digging bombshelter ditches nearby to throw themselves into.
Meanwhile they struggled to maintain their markets. Vegetables flowed across the frontline but that flow was cut off as both sides formalized and sealed the "border".
Eventually regulated trade was allowed in absurd hand-carried format up and down a blown-up bridge.
Here that process was captured for the OSCE by phitographer Evheniy Maloletka. This trade went up and down, sometimes booming such that it attracted refugees from the fighting to return to Stanytsia and restart their greenhouses.
But the separatist authorities eventually threw up roadblocks to the trade, perhaps to protect their market for RU producers.
The strongest greenhouse farmers banded together to start a cooperative, and expand into new markets like Ukrainian supermarket chains.
Lots of well deserved foreign assistance for this. Worth every cent. No greenhouses, no Stanytsia.
The Ukrainian journalist Lesia Hanzha wrote movingly about these farmers feeding their neighbors and relatives across the front and all the trauma and pride of this community.
There are a lot of other stories of Stanytsia (ill do another thread about the foresters) but the trials of these greenhouse farmers really captures it for me.
Ideologically they are all over the place. Many wish they had never been separated from Luhansk.
Many experienced things in 2014-2015 that forever changed their relationship to Ukraine and Russia, the countries they lived on the border of literally and figuratively.
Livelihoods that depend on the national economy help stitch them back into Ukraine, but they need peace to process their trauma, get it acknowledged and their voices heard in big, plural and complicated #Ukraine.
They just really need peace.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Maxlos ::
Sej obstaja newsroom show, tam je pred leti 2018 lepo povedano... Problem je le, da večina števil ne drži več, sem prepričan..
Ranking of Countries by Quality of Democracy
36 United States of America
24 Canada
19 France
Ranking of Countries by Quality of Democracy
36 United States of America
24 Canada
19 France
Fritz ::
British Minister says tens of thousands could die if #Russia invades #Ukraine - But they didn't. However One Million did die in #Iraq because a British Government led by war criminal #Blair supported lies about Saddam having Chemical Weapons. And who was held to account? Nobody.
Mick Wallace je poslanec Evropskega parlamenta.
Mick Wallace je poslanec Evropskega parlamenta.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Pac-Man ::
Če lahko eni, morajo tudi drugi?
Ker Kremelj je v zadnjem tednu resno zagrabil za celo zgodbo o genocidu.
Threats pretty explicit now. Russian ambassador to the US repeats absurd/offensive/untrue "genocide" claim, says protection of ethnic Russians is the only "guarantee of Ukrainian statehood and territorial integrity."
Ker Kremelj je v zadnjem tednu resno zagrabil za celo zgodbo o genocidu.
Threats pretty explicit now. Russian ambassador to the US repeats absurd/offensive/untrue "genocide" claim, says protection of ethnic Russians is the only "guarantee of Ukrainian statehood and territorial integrity."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
donvitoc ::
Fritz ::
Če lahko eni, morajo tudi drugi?
Ne. Je pa zanimivo, da najbolj vpijejo ravno tisti, ki imajo za sabo bližnjo zgodovino agresij in krvavo sled velikega števila žrtev.
Ker recimo ne vidim, da bi Avstrijci ali Italijani (uradni predstavniki države) zganjali takšno paniko.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Maxlos ::
dejmo reči sledeče...
Če 20tega ne bo invazije, bo vsak tvoj naslednji odgovor, čista blamaža zagovarjanja vsega kar misliš, da je potrebno zagovarjati... Tako da Američani in Britanci, bodo prave budile, če se ne bo zgodilo ... No naslednji teden, jutri naslednje leto...
dejmo reči sledeče...
Če 20tega ne bo invazije, bo vsak tvoj naslednji odgovor, čista blamaža zagovarjanja vsega kar misliš, da je potrebno zagovarjati... Tako da Američani in Britanci, bodo prave budile, če se ne bo zgodilo ... No naslednji teden, jutri naslednje leto...
donvitoc ::
Maxlos ::
Moraš malo tako pogledat...
Defense spending was $59.6 billion or 13% of gross state product
Military spending accounts for 44% of federal spending in Virginia
Virginia has the highest defense spending of any state per capita, providing the Commonwealth with around 900,000 jobs.[23][24] Approximately 12% of all U.S. federal procurement money is spent in Virginia, the second-highest amount after California.[24][25] Many Virginians work for federal agencies in Northern Virginia, which include the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense, as well as the National Science Foundation, the United States Geological Survey and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Many others work for government contractors, including defense and security firms, which hold more than 15,000 federal contracts.[26]
Sledijo californija, Texas,... Treba je gledat tudi koiliko same zvezne države proizvedejo v BDP-ju, toda tako na uč med 5-10% je vojska.
V tem času, ko grozi inflacija in dvig obresti, je zagon
, pač tudi s tveganjem nujnost.
Defense spending was $59.6 billion or 13% of gross state product
Military spending accounts for 44% of federal spending in Virginia
Virginia has the highest defense spending of any state per capita, providing the Commonwealth with around 900,000 jobs.[23][24] Approximately 12% of all U.S. federal procurement money is spent in Virginia, the second-highest amount after California.[24][25] Many Virginians work for federal agencies in Northern Virginia, which include the Central Intelligence Agency and the Department of Defense, as well as the National Science Foundation, the United States Geological Survey and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Many others work for government contractors, including defense and security firms, which hold more than 15,000 federal contracts.[26]
Sledijo californija, Texas,... Treba je gledat tudi koiliko same zvezne države proizvedejo v BDP-ju, toda tako na uč med 5-10% je vojska.
V tem času, ko grozi inflacija in dvig obresti, je zagon
Vanich ::
"Russia is checking information that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina to be sent to Donbass, Lavrov said in an interview with RT"
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Vanich ()
IgorCardanof ::
"Russia is checking information that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina to be sent to Donbass, Lavrov said in an interview with RT"
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Baje se plača po 3k neto na mesec, tako da ni bed.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Fritz ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
"Russia is checking information that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina to be sent to Donbass, Lavrov said in an interview with RT"
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Baje se plača po 3k neto na mesec, tako da ni bed.
Vprašaj plačance, ki so se borili v Čečeniji
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
gozdar1 ::
Who are the masked mercenaries in Ukraine.
Sicer pa zopet tipično rusko kazanje na druge, na vzhodu pa polno plačancev iz vseh vetrov. Recimo srbi Serbian mercenaries fighting in eastern Ukraine
Sicer pa zopet tipično rusko kazanje na druge, na vzhodu pa polno plačancev iz vseh vetrov. Recimo srbi Serbian mercenaries fighting in eastern Ukraine
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()
Vanich ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
"Russia is checking information that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina to be sent to Donbass, Lavrov said in an interview with RT"
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Baje se plača po 3k neto na mesec, tako da ni bed.
Ja, pa TOS 1A tudi poskrbi, da familiji ne bo treba plačat za prevoz trupla nazaj v SLO, niti ne bo pogrebnih stroškov, niti ne bo treba plačevati najem groba na britofu. Prihranki so ogromni, če malo pomisliš.
gozdar1 ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
"Russia is checking information that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina to be sent to Donbass, Lavrov said in an interview with RT"
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Baje se plača po 3k neto na mesec, tako da ni bed.
Ja, pa TOS 1A tudi poskrbi, da familiji ne bo treba plačat za prevoz trupla nazaj v SLO, niti ne bo pogrebnih stroškov, niti ne bo treba plačevati najem groba na britofu. Prihranki so ogromni, če malo pomisliš.
Kako so kmetje in rudarji prišli do TOS 1A?
Maxlos ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
"Russia is checking information that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina to be sent to Donbass, Lavrov said in an interview with RT"
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Baje se plača po 3k neto na mesec, tako da ni bed.
Ja, pa TOS 1A tudi poskrbi, da familiji ne bo treba plačat za prevoz trupla nazaj v SLO, niti ne bo pogrebnih stroškov, niti ne bo treba plačevati najem groba na britofu. Prihranki so ogromni, če malo pomisliš.
Kako so kmetje in rudarji prišli do TOS 1A?
Tako da so izgubili status etnične v manjšine.
gozdar1 ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
"Russia is checking information that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina to be sent to Donbass, Lavrov said in an interview with RT"
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Baje se plača po 3k neto na mesec, tako da ni bed.
Ja, pa TOS 1A tudi poskrbi, da familiji ne bo treba plačat za prevoz trupla nazaj v SLO, niti ne bo pogrebnih stroškov, niti ne bo treba plačevati najem groba na britofu. Prihranki so ogromni, če malo pomisliš.
Kako so kmetje in rudarji prišli do TOS 1A?
Tako da so izgubili status etnične v manjšine.
Torej pod seniki, skupaj s protiletalskimi sistemi in ruskimi posakami.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: gozdar1 ()
Maxlos ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
"Russia is checking information that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina to be sent to Donbass, Lavrov said in an interview with RT"
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Baje se plača po 3k neto na mesec, tako da ni bed.
Ja, pa TOS 1A tudi poskrbi, da familiji ne bo treba plačat za prevoz trupla nazaj v SLO, niti ne bo pogrebnih stroškov, niti ne bo treba plačevati najem groba na britofu. Prihranki so ogromni, če malo pomisliš.
Kako so kmetje in rudarji prišli do TOS 1A?
Tako da so izgubili status etnične v manjšine.
Torej pod seniki.
To da se Slovenci prodaja za en kronsko klobaso in se počutijo Avstrijci, je pač stvar narodne zavesti. Vem tega se ne sme več učiti v šoli.
gozdar1 ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
"Russia is checking information that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina to be sent to Donbass, Lavrov said in an interview with RT"
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Baje se plača po 3k neto na mesec, tako da ni bed.
Ja, pa TOS 1A tudi poskrbi, da familiji ne bo treba plačat za prevoz trupla nazaj v SLO, niti ne bo pogrebnih stroškov, niti ne bo treba plačevati najem groba na britofu. Prihranki so ogromni, če malo pomisliš.
Kako so kmetje in rudarji prišli do TOS 1A?
Tako da so izgubili status etnične v manjšine.
Torej pod seniki.
To da se Slovenci prodaja za en kronsko klobaso in se počutijo Avstrijci, je pač stvar narodne zavesti. Vem tega se ne sme več učiti v šoli.
Kaj ima tos z narodno zavestjo in ruskimi emigranti na zahodu?
donvitoc ::
Tipkovniški bojevniki na slotechu bojo vsi imeli ugovor vesti ko se bo treba iti bojevat za ukrajino da jim prinesemo naše največje vrednote.
IgorCardanof ::
Zagotovo se ne bom boril za Ukrajino in ne za ZDA. Bom med prvimi, ki bo zviznil v lepše kraje.
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
gozdar1 ::
ŠE vedno ne vem, kdo naj bi se boril glede na to da je nato zavrnil to možnost. Za plačance je pa vedno prostor na obeh straneh.
Fritz ::
Vredno ogleda, čeprav je dolgo:
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Maxlos ::
IgorCardanof je izjavil:
"Russia is checking information that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina to be sent to Donbass, Lavrov said in an interview with RT"
Se je prijavil tudi že kdo s tega foruma? Bo imel fino družbo.
Baje se plača po 3k neto na mesec, tako da ni bed.
Ja, pa TOS 1A tudi poskrbi, da familiji ne bo treba plačat za prevoz trupla nazaj v SLO, niti ne bo pogrebnih stroškov, niti ne bo treba plačevati najem groba na britofu. Prihranki so ogromni, če malo pomisliš.
Kako so kmetje in rudarji prišli do TOS 1A?
Tako da so izgubili status etnične v manjšine.
Torej pod seniki.
To da se Slovenci prodaja za en kronsko klobaso in se počutijo Avstrijci, je pač stvar narodne zavesti. Vem tega se ne sme več učiti v šoli.
Kaj ima tos z narodno zavestjo in ruskimi emigranti na zahodu?
Sej si sam napisal, da , kljub podanim linkom , kjer je jasno pokazano, da se je nekdo zmotil, ko je na večinsko ruskem ozemlju z dekretom ukinil ruski jezik, se pač ni čuditi, da so se fantje, kljub temu odločili, da se je proti nacijem potrebno boriti, z vsemi sredstvi. Ne skrbi, tudi Izraelcem dolgo ne bo šlo z deratizacijo, kot so si zamislili..
IgorCardanof ::
ŠE vedno ne vem, kdo naj bi se boril glede na to da je nato zavrnil to možnost. Za plačance je pa vedno prostor na obeh straneh.
Katera je najbolj varna država, vkolikor se zgodi večji spopad, pa da je še dokaj vredu razvita?
Najbrž kaka južna amerika, Nova zelandija ali pa morda kksne države v tihem oceanu?
Retail investor, Simp, Crypto analyst, Cardano hejtr
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Ne odgovarjam na DM.
Pac-Man ::
OI se končujejo, DNR pa prazni. Pušilin je napovedal, da bodo VSE civiliste evakuirali v Rusijo, menda je že dogovorjeno z RF. Video na povezavi, bistvo od 1:40:
Pušilin je tudi en falot. MLM-jevec, ki je decembra 2013, ko je po Ukrajini že precej vrelo, na volitvah dobil 0,08% glasov. Zdaj pa predsednik republike. Failing upwards :)
Denis Pushilin @ Wikipedia
On 7 September 2018, after his predecessor Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in a bomb blast,[2] Pushilin was appointed acting Head of the DPR; a position which he held until elections on 11 November 2018 when the position became permanent.[3]
In 2011–2013 Pushilin volunteered for a recent successor of the Russian Ponzi scheme company MMM, which in 1990s cost its customers millions of dollars before it was disbanded in 1994 and revived in 2011.[6][7][4] Pushilin never denied involvement with the company.[8] Despite the MMM's record, the Ministry of Justice allowed registration of the MMM party in Ukraine.
As a member of the newly created MMM-party and part of the MMM Global as an abbreviation for "We Have One Goal" (Ukrainian: Ми Маємо Мету), Pushilin failed to win a seat in the 15 December 2013 repeat elections of the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary election in simple-majority constituencies number 94 (located in Obukhiv) because got only 0.08% of the votes.[9][10] Pushilin's (only 1 page long) election program did not contain any statement on a wanted change of Ukraine's current borders.[1][5] According to his election information, in December 2013 Pushilin was "temporarily not working".[1][5]
On 19 May 2014 Pushilin became the self-declared Chairman of the Supreme Council (Speaker of parliament) of the Donetsk People's Republic, and therefore, under the draft Constitution adopted on May 15, the self-declared republic's head of state.[citation needed]
Denis Pushilin, the self-proclaimed chairman of the republic stated that he does not envision the Donetsk People's Republic becoming an independent state, instead preferring to join a renewed Russian Empire.[11]
Pušilin je tudi en falot. MLM-jevec, ki je decembra 2013, ko je po Ukrajini že precej vrelo, na volitvah dobil 0,08% glasov. Zdaj pa predsednik republike. Failing upwards :)
Denis Pushilin @ Wikipedia
On 7 September 2018, after his predecessor Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in a bomb blast,[2] Pushilin was appointed acting Head of the DPR; a position which he held until elections on 11 November 2018 when the position became permanent.[3]
In 2011–2013 Pushilin volunteered for a recent successor of the Russian Ponzi scheme company MMM, which in 1990s cost its customers millions of dollars before it was disbanded in 1994 and revived in 2011.[6][7][4] Pushilin never denied involvement with the company.[8] Despite the MMM's record, the Ministry of Justice allowed registration of the MMM party in Ukraine.
As a member of the newly created MMM-party and part of the MMM Global as an abbreviation for "We Have One Goal" (Ukrainian: Ми Маємо Мету), Pushilin failed to win a seat in the 15 December 2013 repeat elections of the 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary election in simple-majority constituencies number 94 (located in Obukhiv) because got only 0.08% of the votes.[9][10] Pushilin's (only 1 page long) election program did not contain any statement on a wanted change of Ukraine's current borders.[1][5] According to his election information, in December 2013 Pushilin was "temporarily not working".[1][5]
On 19 May 2014 Pushilin became the self-declared Chairman of the Supreme Council (Speaker of parliament) of the Donetsk People's Republic, and therefore, under the draft Constitution adopted on May 15, the self-declared republic's head of state.[citation needed]
Denis Pushilin, the self-proclaimed chairman of the republic stated that he does not envision the Donetsk People's Republic becoming an independent state, instead preferring to join a renewed Russian Empire.[11]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()
Pac-Man ::
Razumi, da ni fiksne ure, ampak vse se po gruzijskem scenariju vrti v nepravo smer.
Alarming! Same happened in 2008 in Georgia when russian proxies started to evacuate civilian population from parts of South Ossetia controlled by them when Georgia declares and observed unileteral cease fire!
Tam je Sakašviliju počil šrauf in so šli po mesecih provociranja v oluji podobno invazijo, kar je bil Rusom dovolj dober izgovor za posredovanje.
Russo-Georgian War @ Wikipedia
Drugo je, kaj bi Rusija s tem pridobila, trenutna situacija jim ustreza. Morda Pušilin solira, še enkrat z wikija
Denis Pushilin, the self-proclaimed chairman of the republic stated that he does not envision the Donetsk People's Republic becoming an independent state, instead preferring to join a renewed Russian Empire.[11]
Alarming! Same happened in 2008 in Georgia when russian proxies started to evacuate civilian population from parts of South Ossetia controlled by them when Georgia declares and observed unileteral cease fire!
Tam je Sakašviliju počil šrauf in so šli po mesecih provociranja v oluji podobno invazijo, kar je bil Rusom dovolj dober izgovor za posredovanje.
Russo-Georgian War @ Wikipedia
Drugo je, kaj bi Rusija s tem pridobila, trenutna situacija jim ustreza. Morda Pušilin solira, še enkrat z wikija
Denis Pushilin, the self-proclaimed chairman of the republic stated that he does not envision the Donetsk People's Republic becoming an independent state, instead preferring to join a renewed Russian Empire.[11]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Fritz ::
Alarming! Same happened in 2008 in Georgia when russian proxies started to evacuate civilian population from parts of South Ossetia controlled by them when Georgia declares and observed unileteral cease fire!
Tam je Sakašviliju počil šrauf in so šli po mesecih provociranja v oluji podobno invazijo, kar je bil Rusom dovolj dober izgovor za posredovanje.
Aaaa, torej so Rusi krivi, da je šla Gruzija v napad. Kaj vse človek izve. A so tudi NATO in kosovski Albanci krivi, da je šla Srbija v napad?
Davainvajsetojni vatli, as usual.
Še enkrat bom prilepil tisti video, kjer je jasno razloženo, da so blodnje o imperiju in invaziji Ukrajine nekaj, kar bi bilo za Rusijo pogubno. In še vedno se mi zdi, da je ves hype namenjen temu, da bi opravičili napad Ukrajine na Donbas in morda odvrnili ruski odgovor, ki bo temu sledil.
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Telbanc ::
Razumi, da ni fiksne ure, ampak vse se po gruzijskem scenariju vrti v nepravo smer.
Umikajo se civilisti, pol bo pa štala. To se vid iz avijona. Zgleda da bo Rusija poravnala račune za nazaj, poleg tega so evropejci začeli silit v Belorusijo in Kazastan in zaj bo izstavljen račun. Za bzanje po interesni sferi Rusije.
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
sheeshkar ::
Aaaa, torej so Rusi krivi, da je šla Gruzija v napad. Kaj vse človek izve. A so tudi NATO in kosovski Albanci krivi, da je šla Srbija v napad?
Ampak ZDA/NATO so pa seveda krive za Rusko aneksacijo Krima, pa za Donbas, pa za sodelovanje z nacisti v 2.SV...
Bogi Rusi, nikoli nič krivi, vedno žrtve, ampak vedno izven svojih meja...
Maxlos ::
Aaaa, torej so Rusi krivi, da je šla Gruzija v napad. Kaj vse človek izve. A so tudi NATO in kosovski Albanci krivi, da je šla Srbija v napad?
Ampak ZDA/NATO so pa seveda krive za Rusko aneksacijo Krima, pa za Donbas, pa za sodelovanje z nacisti v 2.SV...
Bogi Rusi, nikoli nič krivi, vedno žrtve, ampak vedno izven svojih meja...
Ja moraš biti naci, s podporo USA, kot Izrael, da začneš nepriznavanje večinskega Ruskega prebivalstva, kjer se zadnjih nekaj let konstantno govori... Ampak to so naredili Naciji, sedaj pa se čudite...
Zaenkrat čakamo 20.2.
NMH ::
Razumi, da ni fiksne ure, ampak vse se po gruzijskem scenariju vrti v nepravo smer.
Umikajo se civilisti, pol bo pa štala. To se vid iz avijona. Zgleda da bo Rusija poravnala račune za nazaj, poleg tega so evropejci začeli silit v Belorusijo in Kazastan in zaj bo izstavljen račun. Za bzanje po interesni sferi Rusije.
Daj mal povej o tej Boleorusiji ter Kazahstanu, kaj počne Evropa s tema dvema vukojebinama.
Pac-Man ::
Še enkrat, invazijo je ukazal Sakašvili. Po mesecih bolj ali manj resnih provokacij. Zares se je začelo avgusta.
Russo-Georgian War @ Wikipedia
South Ossetian separatists began intensively shelling Georgian villages on 1 August. This caused Georgian peacekeepers and servicemen in the area to return fire.[32][33][34][35][139][140] Grenades and mortar fire were exchanged during the night of 1/2 August.
Nikolay Pankov, the Russian deputy defence minister, had a confidential meeting with the separatist authorities in Tskhinvali on 3 August.[142] An evacuation of Ossetian women and children to Russia began on the same day.[113] According to researcher Andrey Illarionov, the South Ossetian separatists evacuated more than 20,000 civilians, which represented more than 90 percent of the civilian population of the future combat zone.[143]
Mortar and artillery exchange between the South Ossetian and Georgian forces erupted in the afternoon of 6 August across almost the entire front line, which lasted until the dawn of 7 August. Exchanges resumed following a brief gap in the morning.[141][146] South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoity announced that the South Ossetian armed forces were ready to go on the offensive in the next few hours.[152] At 14:00 on 7 August, two Georgian peacekeepers in Avnevi became casualties of Ossetian shelling.[153][154][146][50] At about 14:30, Georgian tanks, 122 mm howitzers and 203 mm self-propelled artillery began heading towards South Ossetia to dissuade separatists from additional attacks.[155]
At around 19:00, Georgian President Saakashvili announced a unilateral ceasefire and no-response order.[161] The ceasefire reportedly held for about three hours.[162] The separatists bombarded Tamarasheni and Prisi. They razed Avnevi and a police building in Kurta, the centre of the Provisional Administrative Entity of South Ossetia. The escalated assaults forced Georgian civilians to flee their homes.[163][164] A high-ranking officer of the Georgian Ministry of Defence said late on 7 August that his country was going to "restore constitutional order" in response to the shelling.[165]
According to Pavel Felgenhauer, the Ossetians intentionally provoked the Georgians, so Russia would use the Georgian response as a pretext for premeditated military invasion.
Georgian artillery launched smoke bombs into South Ossetia at 23:35 on 7 August. This was followed by a 15-minute intermission, which purportedly enabled the civilians to escape, before the Georgian forces began bombarding hostile positions.[162] Georgian military intentionally targeted South Ossetian military objects, not civilian ones. Although Georgian military had pledged safety to the Russian peacekeepers for their neutrality, the Russian peacekeepers had to follow the Russian command to attack the Georgian troops.[173]
Georgian forces started moving in the direction of Tskhinvali following several hours of bombardment and engaged South Ossetian forces and militia near Tskhinvali at 04:00 on 8 August, with Georgian tanks remotely shelling South Ossetian positions.
At around 16:00 MSK, it became known that two heavy armoured columns of the 58th Army passed the Roki Tunnel and Java and were on the road to Tskhinvali. According to Kommersant, the column had begun moving towards South Ossetia at the same time as President Medvedev was giving a televised speech. At around 17:00 MSK, Russian tank columns surrounded Tskhinvali and began bombing the Georgian positions.[166] The Russian Air Force mounted attacks on Georgian infantry and artillery on 8 August, but suspended sorties for two days after taking early losses from anti-aircraft fire.[182][183]
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.
Maxlos ::
Razumi, da ni fiksne ure, ampak vse se po gruzijskem scenariju vrti v nepravo smer.
Umikajo se civilisti, pol bo pa štala. To se vid iz avijona. Zgleda da bo Rusija poravnala račune za nazaj, poleg tega so evropejci začeli silit v Belorusijo in Kazastan in zaj bo izstavljen račun. Za bzanje po interesni sferi Rusije.
Daj mal povej o tej Boleorusiji ter Kazahstanu, kaj počne Evropa s tema dvema vukojebinama.
Vprašaj Evropo ?
Fritz ::
Še enkrat, invazijo je ukazal Sakašvili. Po mesecih bolj ali manj resnih provokacij. Zares se je začelo avgusta.
No, vemo kdo je začel. In vemo, da je po ruskem posredovanju mir.
Rusi so verjetno vedeli vnaprej kaj se bo zgodilo in se na to pripravili. Ali se ti ne zdi, da je sedanja situacija podobna?
"Težav ne moremo reševati z isto miselnostjo,
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
kot smo jo imeli, ko smo jih ustvarili."
A. Einstein
Chalky ::
NOW - Sirens sound in #Donetsk after separatist leader announced the evacuation of civilians to Russia.
Heavy traffic on the roads connecting Donbass to Russia as evacuation underway.
Poljska je ravnokar podpisala vojaški posel težak kar 6 milijard dolarjev in sicer bodo kupili 250 najnovejših Ameriških M1A2 Abrams tankov. Poljska je pred tem podpisala tudi 12 milijard težak vojaški posel in nakup 34 bojnih letal F-35. Na poljsko prihaja tudi 5000 dodatnih Ameriških vojakov, in jih bo tako zdaj tam 10.000. Poleg tega Poljska gradi tudi novo vojaško bazo za katero bodo odšteli 2 milijardi dolarjev. Trenutno je v Evropi že preko 80.000 Ameriških vojakov. Včeraj so Američani v Nemčijo poslali še ducat bojnih letal F-35.
'What Mr. Putin did not want': U.S. approves $6B tank deal with Poland
US sends F-35 fighter jets to Germany to bolster NATO defenses
Ameriški obrambni minister je danes obiskal Poljsko vojaško bazo kjer so prisotni Ameriški vojaki.
Heavy traffic on the roads connecting Donbass to Russia as evacuation underway.
Poljska je ravnokar podpisala vojaški posel težak kar 6 milijard dolarjev in sicer bodo kupili 250 najnovejših Ameriških M1A2 Abrams tankov. Poljska je pred tem podpisala tudi 12 milijard težak vojaški posel in nakup 34 bojnih letal F-35. Na poljsko prihaja tudi 5000 dodatnih Ameriških vojakov, in jih bo tako zdaj tam 10.000. Poleg tega Poljska gradi tudi novo vojaško bazo za katero bodo odšteli 2 milijardi dolarjev. Trenutno je v Evropi že preko 80.000 Ameriških vojakov. Včeraj so Američani v Nemčijo poslali še ducat bojnih letal F-35.
'What Mr. Putin did not want': U.S. approves $6B tank deal with Poland
US sends F-35 fighter jets to Germany to bolster NATO defenses
Ameriški obrambni minister je danes obiskal Poljsko vojaško bazo kjer so prisotni Ameriški vojaki.
Telbanc ::
Še enkrat, invazijo je ukazal Sakašvili. Po mesecih bolj ali manj resnih provokacij. Zares se je začelo avgusta.
No, vemo kdo je začel. In vemo, da je po ruskem posredovanju mir.
Rusi so verjetno vedeli vnaprej kaj se bo zgodilo in se na to pripravili. Ali se ti ne zdi, da je sedanja situacija podobna?
Sedanjo situacijo oblikuje Rusija. Tko ko je Amerika oblikovala javno mnenje z "napadom na Sarajevsko tržnico", metanje dojenčkov iz inkubatorjev v Kuvajtu, innscenirani Raačak, Pawel v ZN maha z epruveto....tko da američanom ni lih za verjet, in rusi to zaj izkoriščajo. Kaj se bo pokazalo po vojni v Ukrajini, pa itak ne bo več važno, ker bo svet postavljen pred dejstvo, tko ko so bli recimo Srbi, ko so jih bombandirali z lažnim povodom.
Hvala bogu, nisem cepljen za covid-19.
NMH ::
Še enkrat, invazijo je ukazal Sakašvili. Po mesecih bolj ali manj resnih provokacij. Zares se je začelo avgusta.
No, vemo kdo je začel. In vemo, da je po ruskem posredovanju mir.
Rusi so verjetno vedeli vnaprej kaj se bo zgodilo in se na to pripravili. Ali se ti ne zdi, da je sedanja situacija podobna?
Sedanjo situacijo oblikuje Rusija. Tko ko je Amerika oblikovala javno mnenje z "napadom na Sarajevsko tržnico", metanje dojenčkov iz inkubatorjev v Kuvajtu, innscenirani Raačak, Pawel v ZN maha z epruveto....tko da američanom ni lih za verjet, in rusi to zaj izkoriščajo. Kaj se bo pokazalo po vojni v Ukrajini, pa itak ne bo več važno, ker bo svet postavljen pred dejstvo, tko ko so bli recimo Srbi, ko so jih bombandirali z lažnim povodom.
Ej, daj mal povej o umešavanju EUja v Belorusijo in Kazahstan... Ker v Kazahstan se vmešavata Kitajska pa Turčija