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Ukrajina Part II

Ukrajina Part II

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horsemask ::

Zheegec je izjavil:

Pa se začenja (spet). Russian troops massively shelling Ukrainian city Avdiivka by rockets and artillery, Ukraine prepared to evacuate 12 000 civilians

Russian militants fire Grad rockets from Donetsk residential area. VIDEO

Mater, ti "neodvisni uporniki" so vmes zgradili tovarne za te raketne sisteme? Dobri so.

so ukrajinske para milice začele prve obstreljevat, ena vas v bližini donetska je brez stroma

Zheegec ::

In so šli "uporniki" hitro v trgovino po GRAD rakete, ane :)
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

horsemask ::

Zheegec je izjavil:

In so šli "uporniki" hitro v trgovino po GRAD rakete, ane :)

čak tile niso uporniki v siriji pa so al kako ?

Zheegec ::

horsemask je izjavil:

Zheegec je izjavil:

In so šli "uporniki" hitro v trgovino po GRAD rakete, ane :)

čak tile niso uporniki v siriji pa so al kako ?

Ne vem, zakaj me to sprašuješ, glede na to, da Sirije nisem omenjal? V Siriji so v glavnem ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, ki nasprotujejo Assadu. Saudijci oborožujejo ISIS, Američani pa ostale islamiste. Samo res ne štekam povezave z Ukrajino?
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

horsemask ::

Zheegec je izjavil:

horsemask je izjavil:

Zheegec je izjavil:

In so šli "uporniki" hitro v trgovino po GRAD rakete, ane :)

čak tile niso uporniki v siriji pa so al kako ?

Ne vem, zakaj me to sprašuješ, glede na to, da Sirije nisem omenjal? V Siriji so v glavnem ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, ki nasprotujejo Assadu. Saudijci oborožujejo ISIS, Američani pa ostale islamiste. Samo res ne štekam povezave z Ukrajino?

zakaj pa pol slišim neke moderate rebels al neki ?

Zheegec ::

Kje si to slišal od mene? Citat prosim, ali pa STFU.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014

Šimpanz ::

Rusi samo podpirajo zmerne upornike v Ukrajini, ki se upirajo klavcu Porošenku.

joze67 ::

Zheegec je izjavil:

In so šli "uporniki" hitro v trgovino po GRAD rakete, ane :)

Ne razumem čisto tvojega problema. Imajo odprt supply line, imajo ga že od 2014 naprej. Sisteme GRAD ipd imajo tudi dolgo časa.

Pac-Man ::

Givi je bivši, spet "teroristi".


konspirator ::

UK pošilja v Črno morje svoj rušitec najmodernejšega razreda v floti:
HMS Diamond will lead a Nato task force and help protect 650 British troops who are involved in secret exercises in Ukraine – a country invaded by Russian-backed rebels in 2014.

Zgodovina sprememb…

fikus_ ::

Gredo testirat novo opremo.:D

konspirator ::

Samo da se ne bodo motorji spet pregreli :D.

In še bonus:
The RAF is also sending Typhoon fighter jets to Romania.

JaVonTech ::

Pahor je spodbudil k rešitvi spora, tako da lahko zapremo temo :P

Brane22 ::

Ukrajina - "Balkan Info" ( Teša Tešanović) se je odpravil na Krim na pogovor z relativno znanim srpskim borcem, ki se je bojeval kot snajperist in ostal tam.

Domnevam, da bo mnogim zanimiv presenetljivo širok in dokaj detaljen vpogled v dogajanje in kontekst:

INTERVJU: Dejan Berić

Pac-Man ::

 novinarski ščit

novinarski ščit

Colt1911 ::

Saj ma pokrovčke gor na fagotu.
Za atraktiven posnetek je potrebno tudi nekaj narediti.

Pac-Man ::

Malo nasploh in malo o zanesljivosti prič.


Just met some great Slovak journalists who set up their own newspaper after their prior paper was bought out by local oligarchs. They were able to fund-rase 100 k from their FUTURE readers BEFORE they even launched their new newspaper. I think that's a precedent. They are publishing a supplement magazine for high-school students teaching them how to identify and ignore fake news. Great idea.

They recently returned from Avdiivka (Ukraine), the center of renewed shelling by separatist locations. Said half of residents so zombified by RU TV that they believe *Right Sector* is shelling them despite seeing missiles flying from separatist territory.

Podobno izkušnjo sem imel ob raketiranju Mariupola na MMC-ju.

Pac-Man ::


RU activist submits criminal complaint re: Girkin's "mercenary work abroad" (felony per RU law); gets reply: "Not a crime if outside Russia". Catch 22: Russian edition: "A crime that can only be committed overseas, is not a crime if not commited in Russia"

Vanich ::

Vse najboljše Krimu ob jutrišnji tretji obletnici ponovne združitve z matično Rusijo! :))

Starodavni ::

Misliš, tretji obletnici bede življenaj pod Rusijo?

sivistol ::

Starodavni je izjavil:

Misliš, tretji obletnici bede življenaj pod Rusijo?

kolko vem se je krimu drastično zvišal standard življenja kot prej ko so bli pod nacisti ukrajinci

dice7 ::

Krimeja zaseda 76 mesto od 85 ruskih regij glede na standard zivljenja.


According to official data of the RF Ministry of Economic Development, the cost of the minimum food basket per month on average in Russia at the end of December 2015 amounted to 3 589.9 rubles. The figure is higher in Crimea and amounted to 3 698.5 rubles. It is noteworthy that the same set of products is cheaper in the Central Federal District (the capital - Moscow) than on the occupied peninsula and is 3 656.3 rubles.

According to local residents, many visitors from major Russian cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg complained that prices were "very close to those in the capital city" in Crimea. And the situation is like that on the background of weak service, infrastructure and low wages (compared to metropolitan areas of the Russian Federation).

Ne ravno spodbudno

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: dice7 ()

sivistol ::

dice7 je izjavil:

Krimeja zaseda 76 mesto od 85 ruskih regij glede na standard zivljenja.


According to official data of the RF Ministry of Economic Development, the cost of the minimum food basket per month on average in Russia at the end of December 2015 amounted to 3 589.9 rubles. The figure is higher in Crimea and amounted to 3 698.5 rubles. It is noteworthy that the same set of products is cheaper in the Central Federal District (the capital - Moscow) than on the occupied peninsula and is 3 656.3 rubles.

According to local residents, many visitors from major Russian cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg complained that prices were "very close to those in the capital city" in Crimea. And the situation is like that on the background of weak service, infrastructure and low wages (compared to metropolitan areas of the Russian Federation).

Ne ravno spodbudno

sam še vseno bolše kot pa neka ukrajina,

sicer pa kolko sm govoril z eno ruskinjo,
sej jim standard precej zvisal z prihodom putina, tako da se jim ne zdi slab

Pac-Man ::

Standard se je zvišal zaradi nafte nad 100 dolarjev, Putin z njegovo mafijo standard tlači dol. 50 mrd $ za zimske olimpijske in podobne rabote.

Vanich ::

Počakajmo še most - do konca 2018 naj bi bil končan - potem bo pa Krim absolutno in popolnoma neodvisen od Ukrajine in pa popolnoma povezan in integriran v Rusijo.

Starodavni ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Standard se je zvišal zaradi nafte nad 100 dolarjev, Putin z njegovo mafijo standard tlači dol. 50 mrd $ za zimske olimpijske in podobne rabote.

In veliko milijard, ki jih je sam pobasal pa njegova tolpa.

Ruski standard bi bil veliko višji in boljši če bi na oblasti bil kdo drug kot Putin in oligarhi in če bi bila korupcija močno zmanjšana.

Pa cel uspeh Putinove vladavine je bil močno pogojen z visokimi cenami nafte in nič drugega. Zdaj pa se to vse počasi podira, ko od poleti 2014 cene nafte niso več nad 100 $ temveč varirirajo med 45 in 60 $ sodček

SimplyMiha ::

Ruski standard bi bil veliko višji in boljši če bi na oblasti bil kdo drug kot Putin in oligarhi in če bi bila korupcija močno zmanjšana.

Ne, ne bi bil. So drugi še bolj koruptivni.

Vanich ::

Vanich ::

Pac-Man ::

Vanich je izjavil:

ihhhihi: Ukrajina prepovedala nastop ruske tekmovalke na letošnji Evroviziji.

Otročje, ampak bodimo točni. Nastopa lahko, ne sme pa v Ukrajino, ker je ilegalno prestopila mejo. Kavelj 22.

Če misliš, da to ni bil direktni ruski plan ob nominaciji brez predizbora, si močno naiven.

Pac-Man ::

Rusi so v bližino Mariupola poslali povsem sveže T-72B3 M2016.


These are Relikt ERA side screens (not skirts). Installed on T-72B3 starting from 2016. In February ~ two dozens put in service in 1 Tank Army. Total 32 T-72B3 M2016 produced.

Zgolj v vednost, če rudarji & traktoristi poskusijo s kakim večjim prebojem.

Pac-Man ::


This is what Ukraine's Euromaidan was all about - breaking away from dead end of post-Soviet authoritarianism and striving for better future

Okej, Dubaj ni ravno krasen primer protiavtoritatizma.

sivistol ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:


This is what Ukraine's Euromaidan was all about - breaking away from dead end of post-Soviet authoritarianism and striving for better future

Okej, Dubaj ni ravno krasen primer protiavtoritatizma.

Ko zmanka naftice je z arabci konec

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • predlagal izbris: SaXsIm ()

sivistol ::

lahk rečem da bo putin trumpa pojedel za zajtrk če bo šlo tako dalje

Pac-Man ::

S takimi "brati" si lahko bolj malo pomagaš.


Ukrainian Patriotism Has Halted Putin’s Ill-Conceived Invasion

Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine is now entering its fourth year, but there was a time when few expected it to last even four weeks. The virtually bloodless seizure of Crimea, which fell to Russian troops in early 2014 without a fight, led most observers to conclude that Ukraine was effectively defenseless and at Moscow’s mercy. This was the consensus view in Moscow, where many of the bolder voices began speaking of celebrating the traditional May holidays in Kiev itself.


The interim Ukrainian government that hastily replaced Yanukovych’s administration lacked constitutional legitimacy and was in no position to risk a military confrontation with the mighty Russian Federation. A clear window of opportunity had opened for Moscow to reassert itself in mainland Ukraine. Encouraged by the stunning success of his initial gamble in Crimea, President Vladimir Putin decided to raise the stakes and take arguably the biggest risk of his entire career. The subsequent operation that unfolded in March and April 2014 envisaged the conquest of half of Ukraine through a series of localized uprisings supported by hybrid Russian forces. These newly acquired territories were to become Novorossiya, or “New Russia.”

Leaked telephone conversations and hacked emails of senior Kremlin advisers, including Vladislav Surkov and Sergey Glazyev, have since provided considerable detail on Russia’s efforts to seize control of regional administrations in key Ukrainian cities throughout the south and east of the country, including Dnipro, Kharkiv, Kherson and Odesa.


However, the much-feared Russian march to the Dnipro never materialized. Instead, Russian uprisings were stifled across southeast Ukraine, and the Kremlin found itself restricted to a small bridgehead within the boundaries of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts in Ukraine’s easternmost borderlands.


Why did Putin’s ambitious plans for a new empire in mainland Ukraine fall so dramatically short of expectations? Perhaps understandably, Russian planners underestimated Ukraine’s capacity to fight back. Ukraine had only 6,000 combat-ready troops available in spring 2014.


What Moscow failed to anticipate was the wave of patriotic emotion that surged across Ukraine in the wake of Russia’s hybrid assault. Thousands of Ukrainians took up arms in the spring of 2014, forming volunteer battalions that bolstered the country’s paper-thin defenses and stopped the Russian advance in its tracks.

Behind them stood an army of civilian volunteers who provided improvised logistical support in the form of everything from food and uniforms to ammunition. This military miracle saved Ukraine and left the Kremlin in its current predicament.

It is hardly surprising that Russia failed to predict the backlash its attack would provoke. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Kremlin’s Ukraine policy had been driven by a toxic and self-defeating blend of wishful thinking and colonial condescension.


In 2008, the Russian leader reportedly told U.S. President George W. Bush that Ukraine was “not even a country.” Over the years, Putin also repeatedly stated that Ukrainians and Russians were “one people.”


As a new generation emerged in Ukraine with no personal experience of the shared Soviet past, Russian policymakers consistently refused to acknowledge changing tides of opinion or recognize the growing importance of Ukrainian identity. Famously, they have attributed Ukraine’s two post-Soviet popular uprisings almost exclusively to insidious Western influences, despite the decisive role played by millions of ordinary Ukrainians in both the 2004 Orange Revolution and the 2014 Euromaidan. These comforting fictions led Russia to the disastrous miscalculations of the Novorossiya campaign. Based on its own carefully curated vision of Ukraine, there was every reason to expect a warm welcome when Kremlin agents seized control of entire regions and began calling for Russian military support. When this welcome did not materialize, Russia placed the blame on a motley crew of phantom fascists, CIA agents and other international villains.


Putin’s hybrid attack was supposed to end what many in Moscow continue to see as the aberration of Ukrainian independence. Instead, it has cemented Ukraine’s place on the European map after centuries in Russia’s shadow.

Brane22 ::

Mah, poecni propagandaq, namenjena pumpanju publike.

Kao "PUtin has failed to take into account X" a niti besede o wihfull thinkingu Kijeva.

Niti stavka o tem kako so ob vsem tem patriotizmu zgubili Krim pa še kaj BREZ IZSTRELJENEGA NABOJA.

Podobno, mogoče bi lahko rekli kaj na temo zakaj se vojna toliko vleče tudi sami.

MIslim, ob tem Ukrajinskem patriotimu, zakaj jih niso povozili ?

Je to mogoče zato, ker je masa tega ozmelja prorusko usmerjenega ?

In ta zaključek kot da je bil pisan v kaki tročrkovni agenciji za inteligenco.

Kao s tem je zacementiral Ukrajino v EU- strukturo ki razpada.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Brane22 ::

Še eno vprašanje o teh "prostovoljcih".

Po celi EU so kao "zaskrbljeni" zaradi porasta desnice.

Ampak zanimivo, pri Ukrajini jih to ne skrbi.

Kaj misliš, kateri profil bi lahko čutil izrazito željo za vstop na fronto in koliko tega je v smislu "osvobodimo Ukrajino" ( od koga ? - če jih je velika večina od folka, ki tam živi), koliko pa "Ubij, zakolji etcetc" ?

Starodavni ::

Kaj ti bodo ukrajinski fašistični bataljoni, če je cela Rusija od vladajoče klike do vojske en sam fašizem :)

To vi rusofili pozabljate, da je Rusija še veliko bolj fašistična država kot pa Ukrajina sama in da imate na oblasti monarha, ki je naropal milijarde $ premoženja in denarnega toka lastni državi in lastne prebivalstvu, ter jih pahnil v še večjo revščino kot sicer.

Rusija bo prej propadla kot Evropska Unija. sploh pa ima Rusija sama polno težav - od zanič demografske slike, večajoče muslimanske populacije, pešajočo ekonomijo ki preveč temelji na nafti in plinu in kliko, ki bogati, medtem ko revne babuške brskajo po kontejnerjih, da bi še en dan preživele.

Zgodovina sprememb…

Brane22 ::

IN seveda demokratičnemu zahodu je tako zelo veliko za revne babuške, da počne vse to samo zanje :))

Pac-Man ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Niti stavka o tem kako so ob vsem tem patriotizmu zgubili Krim pa še kaj BREZ IZSTRELJENEGA NABOJA.

Precej specifična trditev. V capsih. Potem so to odlični specialni efekti?

Kokurin ni bil ustreljen, lažna novica?
2014 Simferopol incident @ Wikipedia
Serhiy Kokurin @ Wikipedia

Če ni za kugle, se pa zabije nož v oko
Re%C5%9Fat Amet @ Wikipedia


Pozabljaš tudi, da je od takrat prišlo na dan, kako je zahod v primeru Krima Ukrajino držal nazaj.


A newly-published transcript of Ukrainian crisis talks two years ago indicates that EU powers and the US urged Kiev not to resist Russia’s invasion of Crimea. The document, published by a Ukrainian parliament committee on Tuesday (23 February) contains the official minutes of Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council on 28 February 2014.


Turchynov wanted to declare a state of war and fight back. But ministers and others warned him that Ukraine couldn’t do it alone and that the West wouldn’t help.
“We’re not ready for full-scale war. We need time. We need help. We need a tough reaction by the world, the international community. I’ll speak frankly. Today we have no army. It was systematically destroyed by Yanukovych and his entourage,” the defence minister, Ihor Tenyukh, said.


Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the then PM, who had taken office just one day earlier, told Turchynov that the country had no money for a war because Yanukovych had stolen it.
“We have a treasury account with no money in it at all,” he said.
Yulia Tymoshenko, a former prime minister who had just been freed from jail and who attended the meeting in an informal capacity, said that if Ukraine began moving its army toward Crimea it would cause “panic.”


Yatsenyuk went on to say it’s “a pity” that the US Sixth Fleet pulled back two warships which had been stationed in the Black Sea, in a sign of Western intentions.
Asked by Turchynov if Nato is “afraid” to help Ukraine, the PM replied: “In today's environment, clearly.”


He added that if Ukraine declared a state of emergency or state of war, then Russia would take it as meaning that it’s “declaring war on Russia.” “Right after we do this, there will be a Russian statement on ‘defending Russian citizens and Russian speakers who have ethnic ties with Russia.’ That’s the script the Russians have written,” he said.


“He [Russian leader Vladimir Putin] is just waiting for us to give him a reason. Remember how Saakashvili swallowed his bait and lost?”, Tymoshenko said.

Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, Turchynov’s intelligence chief, echoed her warning. “The Americans and Germans - all of them in one voice - are asking us not to start any action because, according to their intelligence, Putin will use it to start a large-scale land invasion,” he said.


At one point, Tymoshenko said: “We have to become the most peaceful nation on the planet, to behave like doves of peace.” Turchynov said: “Are you really suggesting we do nothing?”.

Da, čista poceni propaganda, namenjena pumpanju publike.

Brane22 je izjavil:

MIslim, ob tem Ukrajinskem patriotimu, zakaj jih niso povozili ?

Ker profesionalci s T-90 tanki povozijo patriotizem, duh.

7tom1ja ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Ukrajina - "Balkan Info" ( Teša Tešanović) se je odpravil na Krim na pogovor z relativno znanim srpskim borcem, ki se je bojeval kot snajperist in ostal tam.

Domnevam, da bo mnogim zanimiv presenetljivo širok in dokaj detaljen vpogled v dogajanje in kontekst:

INTERVJU: Dejan Berić

zelo zanimivo, hvala za tole
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Brane22 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Precej specifična trditev. V capsih. Potem so to odlični specialni efekti?

Zanemarljiv nitpick. Je bil ta warning shot bistven del odcepitve ?

Kokurin ni bil ustreljen, lažna novica?

None of the accounts of this event could be verified independently.

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ker profesionalci s T-90 tanki povozijo patriotizem, duh.

Kako to ? Vse kar rabijo, je slovenski slavni strokoovnjak za Srbe in šnelkurs, da ga ukalibirajo na Ruse. Ali vsaj pravoslavce, da se ne bomo jebali kdo je turist in kdo ne.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Brane22 ::

In smešno je sploh omenjanje Timošenkove.

Po vsem tistem pokradenem denarju za plin itd je sedaj ona izvor modrosti. Da oslaih konspiratorjev ne omenjamo.

Pac-Man ::

Novo zame. Odličen posnetek Tor-M1 s sneto gosenico. Krasnodon, LNR, 3.9.2015.

Ukrajina jih je upokojila/prodala l. 2001.

Tor missile system @ Wikipedia

celotna zbira dokumentiranih opažanj ruskih sistemov zračne obrambe v Ukrajini


Brane22 ::

Nov intervju, če koga zanima.

Balkan Info duo se je spet odpravil na Krim, tokrat na pogovor z Zaherjem Prilepinom:

INTERVJU: Zahar Prilepin - Rusija nije na vreme shvatila šta će se desiti sa Ukrajinom! (24.04.2017)

Pac-Man ::

Sankcije šmankcije


Russia's $1.3 billion plan to build two new power plants in Crimea aimed to show that Moscow could complete high-tech projects on the annexed peninsula despite Western technology sanctions.

But two years after its approval, the plan, which would supply Crimea's residents with power they once got from Ukraine, has been knocked off course by an obstacle thrown up by the same sanctions, four sources familiar with the plans told Reuters.

The plants were designed to house gas turbines made by a unit of Siemens. But the German engineering firm risks violating sanctions if it delivers them. With no turbines, the project faces delays, the sources said. Siemens officials have always said there were no plans to supply the turbines.


"The power stations were designed for Siemens turbines," said Alexei Chaliy, a Crimea lawmaker who in 2014 was one of the two most senior local officials under Moscow's de facto rule.

"In 2014 I warned there would be problems. Over the past 20 years, Russia has lost the ability to produce turbines of that capacity. And so it ended badly."


The foundations of the two power plants were designed to accommodate 160-187 megawatts turbines which can deliver the 940 megawatts in extra electricity that Russia promised Crimea to end frequent power cuts.

The only Russian producer of such turbines is a Siemens joint venture in St Petersburg. Three sources said that Russian officials and people involved in the power plant project had concluded that, because of the sanctions, it was not possible to buy the Siemens turbines.


Two of the sources familiar with the project said that the energy ministry was exploring whether it could install 25-megawatt turbines made by ODK, part of the Rostec group.

The sources said there was no consensus on doing this and any decision would need to be swift.


Russian officials have said they are exploring buying large turbines from a country that does not support the sanctions. Rostec head Sergei Chemezov, an old friend of Putin's, has said negotiations were underway with Iran.

However, two sources in the Russian engineering sector said that any large capacity turbines in Iran would either have been manufactured under license from a big global engineering firm, or bought from one of these big firms. Those firms might resist because of the sanctions risk.

A third option, voiced this month by Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, is to use Western-made turbines already in Russia which are lying idle.

A source in Russia's power sector said it could be hard to find enough compatible turbines from a single manufacturer. Even if a full set was found the manufacturer would need to get them working -- potentially falling foul of sanctions.

"A person needs to come from the manufacturer with a thumb drive and a laptop to start it up," said the source.

"I cannot imagine how you can hide that."

Starodavni ::

To vse kaže, kako je pomembna globalna trgovina, da dobiš stvari, ki jih sam ne moreš proizvest, ali pa bi bila proizvodnja iz niča predraga.

Izolirane države so na veliko, veliko slabšem kot odprte in s trgovskimi tokovi prepletene.

Pac-Man ::

Donetsk, 28. april 2014


Toliko o nasilnežih z balaklavami. Ruska propagandna mašinerija je svojo nalogo opravila odlično.

Obilo videov, tudi po 1+ uro


Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Brane22 ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Sankcije šmankcije

Your point ?

Da so imeli definitivno neko škodo s tem - to je bilo že takrat očitno. So what ?

Al si mislu to, da so se širokoustili s tem, da bodo sankcije izkoristili kot vzpodbudo za lastni razvoj ?

Če je to zadnje, no ja, premaknili so se poššteno na mnogo področjih.

Če se ne motim, so temeljito vzbudili proizvodnjo hrane in v samo treh letih postali največji izvoznik pšenice na svetu. Izdelka, ki so ga prej uvažali.

Počasi premagujejo stopnico za stopnico. In z vsako stopnico se oži krog izdelkov in stroitev, ki jih potrebujejo od drugih, torej tudi od nas. Medtem ko mi podpiramo interese tam nekih skritih igralcev.

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Donetsk, 28. april 2014

Tole je imelo potencial sveže novice, dokler nisem prebral datuma.

Tri leta nazaj je bil nek del proti odcepitvi, tudi v Donetsku.
So what ?

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Brane22 ()

Samuel ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Počasi premagujejo stopnico za stopnico. In z vsako stopnico se oži krog izdelkov in stroitev, ki jih potrebujejo od drugih, torej tudi od nas.

To ne funkcionira več v letu 2017. Mogoče 40 let nazaj. Zdaj pa več ne. Tudi ZDA ne proizvajajo vsega, ker je drugje ceneje.
Enostavno ne moreš biti konkurenčen. Sploh pa ne v državi, ki je bila 80 let pod komunističnim jarmom. Mentaliteta ljudi je pač takšna.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
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