Forum » Problemi človeštva » Ukrajina Part II
Ukrajina Part II
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Pac-Man ::
SimplyMiha je izjavil:
Glede ICC-ja, ne Rusija ne Ukrajina nista ratificirali Rimskega statuta. Tisto o tožbi na ICC so zgolj mokre sanje.
Preliminary Jurisdictional Issues
150. Ukraine is not a State Party to the Rome Statute. However, pursuant to the two article 12(3) declarations lodged by the Government of Ukraine on 17 April 2014 and 8 September 2015, the Court may exercise jurisdiction over Rome Statute crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine from 21 November 2013 onwards. Ukraine’s acceptance of the exercise of jurisdiction by the ICC was made, in both cases, on the basis of declarations of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the Parliament of Ukraine), urging acceptance of the exercise of jurisdiction by the Court in respect of crimes allegedly committed during the relevant periods.
Film hollywoodskega milijonarja, ki je šel po informacije o ukrajinski revoluciji do Putina in Janukoviča? Obama je bil predaleč?

7tom1ja ::
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

7tom1ja ::
Na linku je zaslonska slika AFPjevega prispevka, ti pa praviš, da se ne poroča?
nič ne vidim na CNN
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

morbo ::
Haha, Saka je pravi politik! Tip se bo prerinil na oblast in poskusil še enkrat napasti Rusijo, tokrat z večjo državo in vojsko, kot je bila njegova spodletela gruzinska eskapada l.2008.
Saka for EU president 2020!!
Saka for EU president 2020!!

Pac-Man ::
nič ne vidim na CNN
Ker je čez vikend, ko imaš v naslovnicah Fidela v prahu in tvite novoizvoljenega ameriškega predsednika o milijonih neveljavnih glasovnic, poročanje o Gruzijcu, ki je v Ukrajini ustanovil novo politično gibanje, res odlična taktika za izrinjenje Fox News s 1. mesta. Ali nekaj takega.

fikus_ ::
Manjka jim kilometrine v demokraciji. Na ~50+~20 podlage komunizma ne moreš kar tako prešaltati na demokracijo.
Pa tudi sami s sabo imajo velike probleme (korenine v WW2).
Pa tudi sami s sabo imajo velike probleme (korenine v WW2).

Starodavni ::
Poljska je imela od 1945 do 1989 hardcore komunizem, pa poglej kje so trenutno. Samo pravi kader rabiš in lustracijo s katero upokojiš staro sodrgo, da nima več možnosti se politično udejstvovati.
To bi morali v Sloveniji po osamosvojitvi narediti - staro gardo upokojiti in izbrati nov kader, ki prej ni bil politično prepoznan.
Zaradi tega imamo v Sloveniji in še kje drugje probleme. Poljaki, Čehi, Slovaki in še kdo so pa naredili lustracijo in počistili s preteklostjo ter tako bolje in sveže začeli. Zdaj pa žanjejo velike uspehe, ki se bodo tudi naprej nadaljevali.
Slovenija na drugi strani pa je naletela na zavoro. Ukrajina pa se komaj 2 leti šele ukvarja s tem, a sem optimist in sem prepričan da bodo s časom postali izboljšali svojo situacijo.
Rusija na drugi strani pa bo začela stagnirati in crkovati. Cikel se bo pri njih resetiral in ponovil, novi padec je neizbežen.
Poljska je imela od 1945 do 1989 hardcore komunizem, pa poglej kje so trenutno. Samo pravi kader rabiš in lustracijo s katero upokojiš staro sodrgo, da nima več možnosti se politično udejstvovati.
To bi morali v Sloveniji po osamosvojitvi narediti - staro gardo upokojiti in izbrati nov kader, ki prej ni bil politično prepoznan.
Zaradi tega imamo v Sloveniji in še kje drugje probleme. Poljaki, Čehi, Slovaki in še kdo so pa naredili lustracijo in počistili s preteklostjo ter tako bolje in sveže začeli. Zdaj pa žanjejo velike uspehe, ki se bodo tudi naprej nadaljevali.
Slovenija na drugi strani pa je naletela na zavoro. Ukrajina pa se komaj 2 leti šele ukvarja s tem, a sem optimist in sem prepričan da bodo s časom postali izboljšali svojo situacijo.
Rusija na drugi strani pa bo začela stagnirati in crkovati. Cikel se bo pri njih resetiral in ponovil, novi padec je neizbežen.

fikus_ ::
Ja saj pravim, po razpadu komunizma so imeli ~20 let še vedno komunizem. Sedaj se pa gredo turbo kapitalizem! Vsak naj pograbi, koliko zmore! Raja naj se pa znajde.
Podobno je v SLO.
Okrog krima pa je tako, kakršenkoli referendum je/bi bil, Rusi so/bi dobili Krim! Rusi so večinsko prebivalstvo!
Podobno je v SLO.
Okrog krima pa je tako, kakršenkoli referendum je/bi bil, Rusi so/bi dobili Krim! Rusi so večinsko prebivalstvo!

T-h-o-r ::
Starodavni je izjavil:
Poljska je imela od 1945 do 1989 hardcore komunizem, pa poglej kje so trenutno.
a je fajn pisat o stvareh, ki jih ne poznaš in predstavljati zgodovino kot en enoten, homogen monolit
Polish October @ Wikipedia
zaradi tega imamo v Sloveniji in še kje drugje probleme. Poljaki, Čehi, Slovaki in še kdo so pa naredili lustracijo in počistili s preteklostjo ter tako bolje in sveže začeli.
govoriš o Slovaški, kjer premočno vlada Ficova stranka, naslednica komunistične partije?
Koga pa bi v Sloveniji lustriral?
Why have a civilization anymore
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
if we no longer are interested in being civilized?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: T-h-o-r ()

Pac-Man ::
ZDA aktivno problemizirajo težave z elitami in korupcijo v Ukrajini.
Dokler so bili na oblasti "njihovi", je bilo Rusiji popolnoma vseeno.
A Ukrainian corruption watchdog has changed its position on whether President Petro Poroshenko should have declared ownership of a Spanish seaside villa, raising questions about the state agency's independence from the presidential administration.
Poroshenko's ownership of the multimillion-dollar luxury villa was discovered during an investigation conducted by RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service. The investigation, published on November 10, also uncovered Spanish properties owned by two of Poroshenko's close political allies.
Daria Kalenyuk, executive director of the Kyiv-based NGO Anticorruption Action Center, wrote to RFE/RL, saying the NAPC's about-face reveals that "we might have a serious loophole in [the] law which allows officials to hide their luxurious property behind shell corporations and avoid criminal liability."
Dokler so bili na oblasti "njihovi", je bilo Rusiji popolnoma vseeno.

Pac-Man ::
Odlična jara kača o italijanskem Movimento 5 Stelle (Beppe Grillo & co.) in njihovi vlogi pri širjenju lažnih novic, v tej temi bi bil zanimiv ta del
Najbolj severno ležeča bencinska črpalka je nekomu dala posojilo...
One of the most striking aspects of the coverage on M5S-controlled sites has been the shift in their attitude to Vladimir Putin and Russia, which appears to go beyond publishing unsubstantiated claims from Sputnik, RT, and other pro-Kremlin sources.
Until 2014, the network’s coverage was minimal and mostly critical. The party, and Grillo, took a tough stance on Russia’s regressive attitude to LGBT rights and its crackdown on the media and NGOs.
When Russian President Putin visited Italy in November 2013, M5S called on the Italian prime minister to go to parliament to explain the government’s “obscure dealings with the Russian Tsar”.
As late as March 2014, M5S MPs were describing events in Ukraine as a Russian invasion, and blaming Italy and the EU for standing by because they didn’t want to risk gas deals with Putin.
Just a few months later, however, the party’s position appears to have changed substantially. A post shared by Grillo at the end of 2014 tells the story of a factory’s workers saved by Putin: “What would Renzie have done? Putin facts. Renzie slogans.” (Grillo’s deliberate misspelling of the PM’s surname is a reference to a meme he started comparing Renzi to Fonzie from the sitcom Happy Days.)
Senior M5S MPs who sit on the parliament’s foreign affairs committee, including Alessandro Di Battista and Di Stefano, met Russian officials earlier this year. M5S MPs also attended the party conference of Putin’s United Russia in June. There, Di Stefano claimed a coup had taken place in Kiev, and that the EU and the US were involved in a campaign of disinformation and interference.
In addition to publishing pro-Kremlin and anti-NATO messages across its web properties, M5S has called for sanctions to be dropped, accepted the annexation of Crimea, and, in July 2015, tabled a parliamentary question calling for relations with Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad to be normalised. Last month the party protested against Italian troops being used in a NATO training exercise in the Baltic.
One M5S MP went as far as claiming in parliament that she was aware of evidence of concentration camps in Ukraine operated by the government there, as well as of the torture on Russian nationals in the country. Both claims are unsubstantiated.
She also falsely alleged there was evidence of cannibalism in Ukraine on the basis of a photo she had seen. The image was actually taken from a movie, but the MP retracted the claim only after it had been widely shared on social media.
Najbolj severno ležeča bencinska črpalka je nekomu dala posojilo...

Pac-Man ::
Tale Azov=ISIS zgodba je bila na začetku leta popularna med ruskimi propagandisti
Saj ne, da ni šlo za prozoren fejk, vseeno pa je zdaj postalo jasno še, kje so zadevo posneli. V bivšem kulturnem centru Izolatsya v Donetsku, na teritoriju DNR.
Zanimivo, da so se trudili z novim airsoft? orožjem, ko pa je na voljo obilo kalašov. Obupano prizadevanje, da se v zgodbo vključijo ZDA?
Saj ne, da ni šlo za prozoren fejk, vseeno pa je zdaj postalo jasno še, kje so zadevo posneli. V bivšem kulturnem centru Izolatsya v Donetsku, na teritoriju DNR.
Zanimivo, da so se trudili z novim airsoft? orožjem, ko pa je na voljo obilo kalašov. Obupano prizadevanje, da se v zgodbo vključijo ZDA?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Colt1911 ::
Tale Azov=ISIS zgodba je bila na začetku leta popularna med ruskimi propagandisti
Saj ne, da ni šlo za prozoren fejk, vseeno pa je zdaj postalo jasno še, kje so zadevo posneli. V bivšem kulturnem centru Izolatsya v Donetsku, na teritoriju DNR.
Zanimivo, da so se trudili z novim airsoft? orožjem, ko pa je na voljo obilo kalašov. Obupano prizadevanje, da se v zgodbo vključijo ZDA?
Ma ne , to ni fejk propaganda , to je umetnost!

Pac-Man ::
9K37 je bolje znan kot Buk, ker so opazili z UAV obstaja video.
Lahko nič posebnega, prazna škatla ukrajinske vojske, vseeno pa zanimivo in za preverit. Ampak dvomim, da jim bodo dovolili.
Povezave z MH17 verjetno ni, tisti lanser je skoraj gotovo prišel čez mejo z naloženimi raketami.
based on information received as of 19:30, 4 December 2016
An SMM mini unmanned aerial vehicle spotted a canister probably of a surface-to-air-missile system (9K37, 400mm), a military-type truck and at least two armed men at a compound in an “LPR”-controlled area about 8km north-west of Luhansk city centre on 29 November.
9K37 je bolje znan kot Buk, ker so opazili z UAV obstaja video.
Lahko nič posebnega, prazna škatla ukrajinske vojske, vseeno pa zanimivo in za preverit. Ampak dvomim, da jim bodo dovolili.
Povezave z MH17 verjetno ni, tisti lanser je skoraj gotovo prišel čez mejo z naloženimi raketami.

Pac-Man ::
Euromaidan press je pljunil ven lepo serijo videov.
Da, (so)financiral jih je Soros :)
International Renaissance Foundation @ Wikipedia
Da, (so)financiral jih je Soros :)
International Renaissance Foundation @ Wikipedia

7tom1ja ::
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Pac-Man ::
Trumpy postane predsednik, Rusi pa iskreni. 3 minute, sicer v ruščini, ampak se razume, sploh če prej prebereš spodnje tvite.
Moscow State Institute of International Relations @ Wikipedia
Mikhail je pa malo zmuzljivca
Strah pred ameriško okupacijo Ukr, ROFLOL. Projekcija.
Expert from #Russian University of MFA publicly discusses (necessity) of Russian Air Forces bombing raids on #Ukraine. Peaceful neighbour.
Russian state university MGIMO professor Mikhail Aleksandrov openly says #Ukraine army must be bombed is they violate ATO ceasefire.
Aleksandrov urges to use the whole #Syrian campaign missile capability on ATO forces including ballistic missiles.
MGIMO expert After massive bombardment Donbas army advances will eradicate last pockets of resitance of UKR army.
MGIMO expert says Ukraine has plenty of pro-Russian forces who can lead Ukraine admitting the goal IS & HAS BEEN political obedience.
MGIMO professor Mikhail Aleksandrov of Institute for Strategic Studies openly calls annexing whole #Ukraine /w no clear political goals.
Ukraine has so many technological & industrial advantages Russia can feast on them & exploit them for Russian economical benefit & success.
Moscow State Institute of International Relations @ Wikipedia
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (often abbreviated МГИМО, MGIMO) is an academic institution run by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, which is widely considered the most elite university in Russia.[1] It was dubbed the "Harvard of Russia" by Henry Kissinger, because it educates so many of Russia's political, economic, and intellectual elite. Currently, it has the lowest acceptance rate and the highest test scores of any university in the country.
The Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS) is a major scientific-research and analytical centre established by the President of the Russian Federation.
The main task of RISS is to provide information support to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, the State Duma and the Security Council as well as to Government offices, ministries and departments. RISS provides expert appraisals and recommendations and prepares analytical materials for those bodies.
Mikhail je pa malo zmuzljivca
Born in Moscow in 1960.
In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of International Relations MGIMO.
Till 1993 - serving USSR Foreign Ministry / system of Russia. He worked in the embassies in New Zealand and Zimbabwe, held various positions in the central office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In 1990 he defended his thesis at MGIMO on the issue of the US Strategic Defense Initiative.
In 1994 he enrolled in a doctoral program at the Australian National University in Canberra.
In 1997 he defended his doctoral thesis there on the subject of Russian-Kazakh relations. Then, for several years he worked as a consultant at the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology Australia. He worked on space policy, including relations between Australia and Russia in space.
It is one of the authors of the Russian-Australian agreement on cooperation in the use of outer space for peaceful purposes. He has numerous publications in Russian and foreign press. He is the author of the books "The foreign policy of Stalin's doctrine" (Moscow: "The Universe Publishing», 1995), «Uneasy Alliance: Relations Between Russia and Kazakhstan in the Post-Soviet Era» (Westport: «Greenwood Press», 1999), "The Battle for the Caucasus : 2004 - 2008 "(Moscow: Institute of CIS, 2010). In 2003 - 2009 years. He worked as head of the Caucasus Department of the CIS Countries Institute.
Currently head of the Caucasus Department of the CIS Institute.
Strah pred ameriško okupacijo Ukr, ROFLOL. Projekcija.

Pac-Man ::
Še ena iz poglavja projekcija.
februar 2014
februar 2014
Vladimir Putin just hates fracking—at least, he hates it when other countries do it. As the Russian president told an economic conference last year, in places where companies are fracking to extract natural gas, they turn on the faucet and “black stuff comes out of the tap.” Consider the environment, he begged his audience.
To be sure, there are environmental issues with fracking(...)But, just as surely, the environment is not Putin’s main concern. (P.S. Russia isn’t exactly opposed to do a little fracking of its own.)
If the natural gas reserves in Ukraine are anything like as large as analysts believe—and that is a big “if,” but far from an impossibility—then the geopolitical and economic position of the former Soviet republic could be transformed; its independence from Moscow assured; its value to the West unquestioned.
Even the ousted President Viktor Yanukovych understood that. (He was never so reliable a Putin ally as his opponents painted him.) Last November, Yanukovych’s government signed a $10 billion deal for shale gas exploration and exploitation with the American-based multinational Chevron, following on another massive deal with Royal Dutch Shell. Together, Yanukovych claimed, those agreements would enable Ukraine “to have full sufficiency in gas by 2020 and, under an optimistic scenario, even enable us to export energy.”
You can imagine how happy Putin was about that.
Just a week later, Yanukovych was supposed to sign a deal with the European Union that would take his country further into the Western orbit when, suddenly, under ferocious pressure from Putin and with the promise of $15 billion in loans and cheap gas, Yanukovych walked away from the European deal.
In the delicate efforts to stabilize Ukraine that lie ahead, shale gas will not be very important over the short term. The country is on the verge of bankruptcy. A sovereign default “would be shocking,” says Thomas Blau of the European Council on Foreign Relations.
But over the medium term, uncovering and exploiting Ukraine’s energy resources will be vital if it wants to get back on its feet. Putin has jerked the country around like a yo-yo over the last decade, cutting off its gas supplies in 2006 and 2009 to drive hard bargains. The Ukraine had no choice but to pay up or shut up—or both. The Russian deals corrupted one top official after another. And Moscow’s ruthlessness even served to intimidate the powerhouses of Western Europe, which had come to depend on Russian gas delivered by the pipelines crossing Ukraine.
The strategic implications if the Russian lock on those markets is broken are lost on no one, least of all Putin.
Already, the fracking revolution in the United States threatens Russian dominance on several fronts.
Moscow tried hard to downplay the challenge. Just a year ago, Alexei Miller, chairman of the Russian energy behemoth Gazprom, said he thought the American shale gas production was “unprofitable” and the boom in the United States would prove to be a “bubble.”
As an article on “the geopolitical consequences of the shale revolution” in the current issue of Foreign Affairs points out, of all the governments hit hard by the new American power in energy markets, “Moscow has the most to lose.” Even if American LNG exports don’t completely free the Europeans from dependence on Russian supplies, Gazprom’s customers will gain leverage when they negotiate their deals. And if they can tap into their own gas fields, all bets are off.
Last Christmas, the Russians signed a deal with the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad staking their claim to the gas that may lie off his shores. (Just one of the many reasons they want to keep him in power.)

morbo ::
Slišim da so Ukropi neki drezali pri Deblcevu in si polomili zobe.
Glede na vedno bolj katastrofalno stanje Ukrajinskega gospodarstva, pričakujem da bo Kijevski režim spet zanetil konflikt. Dokler vsi boja sposobni moški ne zbežijo delat na črno v Poljsko :)
Glede na vedno bolj katastrofalno stanje Ukrajinskega gospodarstva, pričakujem da bo Kijevski režim spet zanetil konflikt. Dokler vsi boja sposobni moški ne zbežijo delat na črno v Poljsko :)

Samuel ::
Slišim da so Ukropi neki drezali pri Deblcevu in si polomili zobe.
Glede na vedno bolj katastrofalno stanje Ukrajinskega gospodarstva, pričakujem da bo Kijevski režim spet zanetil konflikt. Dokler vsi boja sposobni moški ne zbežijo delat na črno v Poljsko :)
Ukrajini ta konflikt samo škodi. Rusiji pa ustreza za odvračanje domačih problemov. Tako da, že spet mimo, morbo, kot vedno do sedaj.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

morbo ::
Ukrajini ta konflikt samo škodi.
Povej to oblastem v Kijevu, ker se tega ne zavedajo. Ukrajinskim državljanom 100% škodi, elitam na oblasti pa niti ne, dokler lahko še plenijo državo. Ukrajina je še ena lutka, kateri je bilo obljubljeno da bo postala članica uglednih zahodnih klubov, dobili pa so le opustošeno državo in poligon za ZDA vojaške igrice proti Rusiji.

Samuel ::
Ukrajini ta konflikt samo škodi.
Povej to oblastem v Kijevu, ker se tega ne zavedajo. Ukrajinskim državljanom 100% škodi, elitam na oblasti pa niti ne, dokler lahko še plenijo državo. Ukrajina je še ena lutka, kateri je bilo obljubljeno da bo postala članica uglednih zahodnih klubov, dobili pa so le opustošeno državo in poligon za ZDA vojaške igrice proti Rusiji.
Dobili so razrušeno državo zaradi pritlehne in dobro organizirane ruske agresije. Hoteli so se rešiti ruskega nazadnjaškega jarma in se pridružit zahodnim integracijam. Kakšna napaka!! Pod Rusijo nihče ne prosperira. NIHČE!
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

fikus_ ::
Ukrajinci nimajo med sabo razpucano! Če bila kriva samo ZSSR in Rusija, bi jim sedaj bolje šlo, na pa slabše!
Zamere do Rusije se vlečejo že od carske Rusije, medtem ko razkol ukrajinskega naroda traja od WW2, ko so mnogi Ukrajinci paktirali z veliko Germanijo.
Zamere do Rusije se vlečejo že od carske Rusije, medtem ko razkol ukrajinskega naroda traja od WW2, ko so mnogi Ukrajinci paktirali z veliko Germanijo.

Samuel ::
Ukrajinci imajo sedaj zelo dobro razpucano. Rusov nočejo več.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Samuel ::
Marsikdo ima sam s sabo probleme, med drugim tudi Rusija. Muslimanska populacija jim rapidno raste, borcev ruske nacionalnosti ISISa je tudi visoko. Dejansko je edini razlog zakaj bi sam osebno zagovarjal Putina ravno strah pred islamizacijo Rusije. Tega šita nam pa res ni treba.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()

morbo ::
Ukrajinci imajo sedaj zelo dobro razpucano. Rusov nočejo več.
Vladajoča elita ki je prišla na oblast s pučem, je tista ki Rusov noče več (medtem ko se še vedno hočejo poceni plin ;).
Ljudi pa bolj kot ideološko bluzenje zanima inflacija, korupcija trenutne oblasti, službe in toneče gospodarstvo. Sedenje v sprejemni čakalnici uglednih zahodnih klubov (katerih Ukropija še dolgo ne bo videla), je slaba zamenjava za zamujajoče penzije.

morbo ::
Nihče noče Ukrajinskega gospodarstva, niti za bakšiš
Flagship Ukraine privatization flops as plant attracts no bids
Nihče noče Ukrajinskega gospodarstva, niti za bakšiš
Flagship Ukraine privatization flops as plant attracts no bids
A second attempt to auction Ukraine's state-owned Odessa Portside Plant failed to attract any bids, the State Property Fund said on Wednesday - a major setback for the country's Western-backed push for privatization and reform.
Analysts said investors were deterred in part by the plant's debt of over $200 million owed to exiled tycoon Dmytro Firtash and an ownership dispute with a Ukrainian group controlled by billionaire Ihor Kolomoisky.
The continued influence of powerful vested interests in politics and business, and weak rule of law, are repeatedly cited as key obstacles on Ukraine's path to reform.

Samuel ::
Nihče noče Ukrajinskega gospodarstva, niti za bakšiš
Flagship Ukraine privatization flops as plant attracts no bids
A second attempt to auction Ukraine's state-owned Odessa Portside Plant failed to attract any bids, the State Property Fund said on Wednesday - a major setback for the country's Western-backed push for privatization and reform.
Analysts said investors were deterred in part by the plant's debt of over $200 million owed to exiled tycoon Dmytro Firtash and an ownership dispute with a Ukrainian group controlled by billionaire Ihor Kolomoisky.
The continued influence of powerful vested interests in politics and business, and weak rule of law, are repeatedly cited as key obstacles on Ukraine's path to reform.
Primerjava brez pomena. Ponovno morbo. Takšnih dražb smo tudi mi imeli v Sloveniji kolikor hočeš. Ampak, jebat ga. Ne spoznaš se na stvari, ki jih komentiraš.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

morbo ::
Ej, glavno da je na oblasti proti-ruski režim, pa četudi bodo ukrajinci kmalu jedli le skorjo, ko Poroš in kompanija oplenijo vse kar se da. Medtem kijev izvaja slepilne manevre, kot je bil ta v Debalcevu, da ima ukro pleb kaj debatirati po netu.
Dobrovoljac se pritožuje da Poroš ne da niti za sanitetna vozila, in da morajo svoje mrtve ter ranjene vozit v osebnih avtomobilih. jeba
Dobrovoljac se pritožuje da Poroš ne da niti za sanitetna vozila, in da morajo svoje mrtve ter ranjene vozit v osebnih avtomobilih. jeba

Samuel ::
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Pac-Man ::
Ruska parlamentarna stranka ( Rodina (political party) @ Wikipedia ) z zanimivimi povezavami z združeno rusijo je organizirala razpravo, kjer je govorec dejal, da za Ukrajino obstajata samo 2 scenarija
1) Aneksija in likvidacija par mio ljudi
2) Razparceliranje. Vzhod aneksirajo, center deukrainizirajo in agrikultizirajo, zahod dobi Poljska.
Rusizem je živ, zdrav in iz omare.
Ruska parlamentarna stranka ( Rodina (political party) @ Wikipedia ) z zanimivimi povezavami z združeno rusijo je organizirala razpravo, kjer je govorec dejal, da za Ukrajino obstajata samo 2 scenarija
1) Aneksija in likvidacija par mio ljudi
2) Razparceliranje. Vzhod aneksirajo, center deukrainizirajo in agrikultizirajo, zahod dobi Poljska.
Rusizem je živ, zdrav in iz omare.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::
Mikhail Leonidovich Khazin (b. On May 5 1962 , Moscow , RSFSR , USSR ) - Russian economist ( macroeconomics ), analyst , journalist , political analyst , blogger , TV and radio host, former official of the Presidential Administration . Permanent member of the " Izborsk Club " [1] . Member of the Supreme Council of the International Eurasian Movement [2] . He was one of the leading program "Dialogue" on RBC and was the presenter of the program "Economy in Russian" to " Russian news service ". One of the leading program "Economics" at the radio station " Moscow speaking ". Author of numerous publications in "journals Profile ", " Expert ", " however ". In repeatedly acted as a guest expert on radio " Echo of Moscow ", a television program, " however, " and a variety of online channels .
In 2003 , in collaboration with A. Kobyakov has written a book - "The Decline of the empire dollar and the end of the Pax The Americana », in which he described the financial crisis of 2007-2008 in the United States and the subsequent global economic crisis .
Since the autumn of 2002 until the spring of 2015 was the president of "expert consulting company" Neocon "." In 2015 he founded the "Foundation for Economic Studies Mikhail Khazin" [12] .
Hazin is a member of the Expert Council of "Economics and Ethics" at the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia [13] .
Mikhail Khazin is also a member of the Public Council of the Federal Tariff Service (FTS of Russia) [14] .
In August 2015, the SBU contributed Khazin in the list of artists whose activities threaten the national security of Ukraine [15] .
In 2016 came a political party " Rodina " and participated in the elections to the State Duma in 2016 .

Pac-Man ::
Down the rabbit hole..
"Izborsky club" - a community of well-known experts (mostly conservative wing [1] ), specializing in the study of external and internal policy of Russia .
The club was founded by a group of Russian intellectuals in September 2012
It comprises the ultraconservative wing supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin [3] .
Offsite meeting of the club took place in Transnistria, Syria, Serbia, China, Iran and other countries.
In 2015, the organization received a presidential grant for non-profit organizations in the amount of 10 million rubles. The project description states that the organization will try to explain "what is Russian world"
The organization has considerable financial resources and ties to the Kremlin, at its meeting attended by Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medina, governors and presidents of many areas of the national republics (Yakutia, Dagestan, Chechnya). It is believed that "Izborsky club" reflects the views of the conservative part of the Russian elite [7] .
n May of 2015 by order of Izborsk Club was made "Reigning Icon of the Mother of God," which, along with Joseph Stalin, the Soviet marshals were depicted. The presentation took place in the course of awarding literary prize "Prokhorovka field" in the Belgorod region . Prokhanov Soviet historical figure compared with Moses , and Mao Zedong , calling it a victorious leader, a leader with the victory flag . Belgorod archdiocese disown involvement in the worship at the Prokhorovka field and opposed the definition of the image as an icon, as appearing on her people were not canonized [10] .

Pac-Man ::
Ukrajinsko cyber zavezništvo (ali kdo drug ;)) je vlomilo v UAV enoto LNR.
Par najboljših tvitov v nizu
Par najboljših tvitov v nizu
UCA (Ukraine Cyber Alliance) breached account of head of intelligence of 2nd #Luhansk Army Corp of People's Militia.
#Russian army UAV Orlan-10 is so primitive platform is uses Canon PowerShoot AS-series point-&-shoot cameras for intelligence gathering
This UI of #Russian army UAV Orlan-10 C&C & comms software is just priceless.
Russian army UAV units operate 3 types of UAVs 1 Takhion (Тахион (БПЛА)) 2 Eleron-3 (Элерон-3) 3 Olran-10 (Орлан-10)
#Russian army in battle for 🇺🇦 #Debaltseve, in August 2014, actively deployed all 3 types UAVs.
By end of 2014 🇷🇺 army formed in 🇺🇦 #Luhansk 3 UAV army units, /w total 12 UAVs: 4 Orlan-10 4 Eleron-3 2 Takhion
The additionally deployed #Russian army UAVs bolstered 2nd #Luhansk Army Corp of People's Militia might to 20 UAVs.
EVERY UAV @ #Luhansk Army 2nd Corp has been DOCUMENTED by THEMSELVES as ORIGINATING from #Russia, #Novocherkassk.
Real footage of #Russian army 100th GRU RSB unit #23511 UAV Orlan-10 #10258 recce mission in #Ukraine on Jan 13 2015

Pac-Man ::
Zelo amatersko so ga želeli sprehajat, ampak ni šel na led.
Kot kaže imajo inkrimatorne prisluhe/posnetke Porošenka in potrebujejo patsija, ki bi trdil, da so njegovi.
Amaterska izvedba in zelo podoben scenarij kot pri hacku Podeste, omenil sem ga v temi o ZDA.
Russia state TV asked me to take part in a propaganda operation. I recorded their call. Listen here:
Zelo amatersko so ga želeli sprehajat, ampak ni šel na led.
Kot kaže imajo inkrimatorne prisluhe/posnetke Porošenka in potrebujejo patsija, ki bi trdil, da so njegovi.
Amaterska izvedba in zelo podoben scenarij kot pri hacku Podeste, omenil sem ga v temi o ZDA.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

7tom1ja ::
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

mtosev ::
kaj naj bi te slike pomenile?
Core i9 10900X, ASUS Prime X299 Edition 30, 32GB 4x8 3600Mhz G.skill, CM H500M,
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013
ASUS ROG Strix RTX 2080 Super, Samsung 970 PRO, UltraSharp UP3017, Win 11 Pro,
Enermax Platimax 1700W | moj oče darko 1960-2016, moj labradorec max 2002-2013

Starodavni ::
Ja kontekst manjka, ne znamo vsi rusko...
Take objave ne bi sploh objavil brez dodatne razlage, kaj slike predstavljajo in kdaj ter kje se je zgodilo. Tako lahko rečem samo: insufficient data.
Take objave ne bi sploh objavil brez dodatne razlage, kaj slike predstavljajo in kdaj ter kje se je zgodilo. Tako lahko rečem samo: insufficient data.

konspirator ::
# Contrary to 1000 days
# Victims Poroshenko IGOS Depot
# Poroshenko, you are dreaming? Burn in hell!
# Contrary to 1000 days
# Victims Poroshenko IGOS Depot
# Poroshenko, you are dreaming? Burn in hell!

Cervantes ::
Čisto v redu Canon. Ne vem, kaj je narobe??
Moja ga ima, ga jako pohvali.
Moja ga ima, ga jako pohvali.
Ukrajinsko cyber zavezništvo (ali kdo drug ;)) je vlomilo v UAV enoto LNR.
Par najboljših tvitov v nizu
UCA (Ukraine Cyber Alliance) breached account of head of intelligence of 2nd #Luhansk Army Corp of People's Militia.
#Russian army UAV Orlan-10 is so primitive platform is uses Canon PowerShoot AS-series point-&-shoot cameras for intelligence gathering
This UI of #Russian army UAV Orlan-10 C&C & comms software is just priceless.
Russian army UAV units operate 3 types of UAVs 1 Takhion (Тахион (БПЛА)) 2 Eleron-3 (Элерон-3) 3 Olran-10 (Орлан-10)
#Russian army in battle for 🇺🇦 #Debaltseve, in August 2014, actively deployed all 3 types UAVs.
By end of 2014 🇷🇺 army formed in 🇺🇦 #Luhansk 3 UAV army units, /w total 12 UAVs: 4 Orlan-10 4 Eleron-3 2 Takhion
The additionally deployed #Russian army UAVs bolstered 2nd #Luhansk Army Corp of People's Militia might to 20 UAVs.
EVERY UAV @ #Luhansk Army 2nd Corp has been DOCUMENTED by THEMSELVES as ORIGINATING from #Russia, #Novocherkassk.
Real footage of #Russian army 100th GRU RSB unit #23511 UAV Orlan-10 #10258 recce mission in #Ukraine on Jan 13 2015
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Cervantes ()

Samuel ::
takole pa deluje demokracija v ukrajini
Zakaj so ti ljudje v kratkih rokavih sredi zime?
Čisto v redu Canon. Ne vem, kaj je narobe??
Moja ga ima, ga jako pohvali.
In kolk je stara ta tvoja?
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Samuel ()

7tom1ja ::
takole pa deluje demokracija v ukrajini
žrtve ukrajinskega obstreljevanja Donbasa, amerji bi rekli "poroshenko regime is killing its own people"
Na nas leži naloga, da naprej razvijamo našo samoupravno socialistično družbo,
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša
da jo gradimo na revolucionarnih temeljih, temeljih marksizma.
Brigada AVNOJ 77;Komisar Ivan Janša

Samuel ::
takole pa deluje demokracija v ukrajini
žrtve ukrajinskega obstreljevanja Donbasa, amerji bi rekli "poroshenko regime is killing its own people"
Tako pride, ko ti ruska vojska parkira haubico s katero strelja na ukrajinsko stran zraven civilnega objekta, potem se pa joka okol.
Sicer je pa bil tvoj namen prikazat kakšen nedavni napad, pa so te že spet nasrali tvoji ruski kameradi. To so stari posnetki.
If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is
noticably not worth noticing.
noticably not worth noticing.

Zheegec ::
Pa se začenja (spet). Russian troops massively shelling Ukrainian city Avdiivka by rockets and artillery, Ukraine prepared to evacuate 12 000 civilians
Russian militants fire Grad rockets from Donetsk residential area. VIDEO
Mater, ti "neodvisni uporniki" so vmes zgradili tovarne za te raketne sisteme? Dobri so.
Russian militants fire Grad rockets from Donetsk residential area. VIDEO
Mater, ti "neodvisni uporniki" so vmes zgradili tovarne za te raketne sisteme? Dobri so.
"božja zapoved pravi; <Spoštuj očeta in mater>,
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014
ne govori pa o spoštovanju sodstva."
Janez Janša, 29.04.2014