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Ukrajina Part II

Ukrajina Part II

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AC_DC ::

A če hočejo rusi furati russia STRONK stil, pa naj bo tako, samo potem bodo pa posledice :) Pa še bral sem o tem, da je ogromen %, mislim da je 55% zadolženih s krediti, ki imajo oderuške obresti.


Slo 83% z oderuškimi obresti.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: AC_DC ()

Starodavni ::

zanimivo, se je že začelo nazadovanje.

Oh, pa tale delež dolga ti ne pomeni nič, ker če država ne dobi nekoga, ki bi ji posojal denarja, postane teh 15% hitro 80% :)

Avstrija ima višji dolg kot Slovenija, pa prosperira, ker pač ta dolg pametno uporabljajo, v Sloveniji pa se pretirano zadolžujejo zaradi tega, da bi vzdrževali tak standard kot je, kdaj se bo to končalo ne vem, upam le, da ne bo preveč boleč padec. Samo to je pa druga tema.

Point je v tem, da Rusija ni tako vsemogočna, kot se deklarira, ampak je slabša od Italije, J. Koreje, kaj šele Avstralije. Vse te države imajo manjšo populacijo in niso močno centralizirane na eno samo surovino, ampak imajo razpršeno ekonomijo.

Ruska pa se zaradi tega, ker je rudnik za svet sesuva in dolgoročno jih čakajo samo še težji časi. Samo če rus to želi, naj bo pa tako, kot pa da bi stremil k temu da si izboljša situacijo.

Pac-Man ::

T-90 na letališču v Luhansku, september 2014. Okrog dopustniki.


MIL.IN.UA, a Facebook page dedicated to the Ukrainian military and arms industry, has posted several photos that show a Russian T-90 tank, with fighters wearing irregular uniforms, one of them adorned with the St George's ribbon associated with separatist forces, purportedly near Lugansk airport.

The man in the middle of both the photos above, with the St George's ribbon, can be seen standing on the road in front of the demolished terminal of Lugansk Airport in the photo below:

Compare with this AFP photo:

While the tank is not photographed in any geolocatable location, all of the photos do appear to have been taken in the same area and time, based on the foliage, lighting and clothing.

Pac-Man ::

Ahaha, @EgoRZemtsoV je eden glavnih novoruskih propagandistov na twitterju, klikajte, dokler ne briše.:)





Piše: "Vojaki vojske LNR po napadu na Luhansko letališče."

V glavnem, tale ruska ideja, da so lahko hkrati mirovni posrednik in aktivni udeleženec bojev, se bi znala počasi končati.

Cervantes ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Ahaha, @EgoRZemtsoV je eden glavnih novoruskih propagandistov na twitterju, klikajte, dokler ne briše.:)





Piše: "Vojaki vojske LNR po napadu na Luhansko letališče."

V glavnem, tale ruska ideja, da so lahko hkrati mirovni posrednik in aktivni udeleženec bojev, se bi znala počasi končati.

Ma kje pa!
Če to ni maksimalno inventivno!
A ni Janša par let nazaj dobil eno nagrado od ene ameriške univerze, za nekaj podobnega?
Sicer pa, ne mesat redne vojske in vikendašev,

Pac-Man ::

In spet, Kovpak. Ni neposredno povezano z Ukrajino, ampak recimo, da se morajo tudi tam rešiti te sovjetske miselnosti. Ne bom krajšal, ker je relativno kratko in genialno.


This is why they’ll lose

Today’s post will be rather short, mainly because it should have been added to yesterday’s post covering the massive buttrage explosion over Eurovision. As it turned out, I saw the story in question only after publishing yesterday’s piece. The story was an otherwise mundane report on the decline of tourism in the Crimea in The Moscow Times. I never would have considered writing about it were it not for one of the last lines:

“The Crimean authorities have denied the falling popularity of the peninsula among Russian tourists. Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Ruslan Balbek, who oversees the tourism sector, said that Svyaznoy- Travel’s data don’t reflect the the real situation in the market.

“This is most likely either an information attack or a lack of knowledge. Crimea is one of the main tourist destinations in Russia,” Balbek was quoted as saying by the RIA Novosti news agency.”

“An information attack.”



A negative report on tourism is “most likely an information attack.” Yes, the CIA had a whole team of guys working on that cunning ruse!

Do you get a sense of what I mean when I say that Putin’s regime has reduced this society to the maturity level of children? This is by no means the first time we’ve heard this from Russian state officials. Indeed, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov couldn’t even wait for the Panama Papers to be released before warning audiences that the West was preparing an “information attack” against poor president Putin. Officials spotlighted by Navalny’s organization have claimed his investigations are “ordered by the West.” I don’t know about you, but if Navalny were falsely claiming that I own certain property I would just show who actually owns it, or I would show how I managed to afford said property via legitimate sources of income. But these days, all you have to do is say “information attack” and that will suffice.

This, dear reader, is yet another reason why that “New Cold War” you’ve been hearing about is going to be very, very short. There was a time when the whole “information war” thing was just pablum to feed the TV-watching masses, people for which the Russian ruling class has nothing but the deepest contempt. But in the past couple years it’s become increasingly clear that the leadership has been “getting high on its own supply,” so to speak. They are beginning to believe their own propaganda.

In systems where you have real, competitive democracy and political pluralism you may find seemingly hopeless gridlock and bickering, but it also means you always have a source of new ideas. Of course Western political systems are not immune to group-think or conventional wisdom. We saw what happens when such a system breaks down during the Bush administration. Sure, there was some intelligence showing that Iraq had WMDs. There were also a lot of qualifiers, unknowns, and contradictory evidence. Intent on going to war, the Bush administration decided it would only consider that evidence which supported its case, however flimsy. Since then American politics have shifted towards an anti-intervention, more isolationist position, even among conservative individuals. Trump’s success contrasted with Jeb’s spectacular failure bear witness to this fact. Essentially, no matter how limited the choices may look, the very idea that there should be dissent, pluralism, a “marketplace of ideas,” etc. would seem to ensure that no ideology can dominate indefinitely, and if some mode of thinking has been dominant long enough without achieving any positive results, it will eventually be replaced by other ideas.

The Kremlin regime doesn’t work this way. The only ideology is ambiguous “patriotism,” and patriotism is determined by loyalty to your superiors, ending with Putin at the top of the pyramid. Whereas in the West we admire people who followed their conscience, from Smedley Butler to Daniel Ellsberg, such individuals would be seen as nothing but traitors by the Russian elite and sadly, much of the Russian public. Even if you’re a die-hard Kremlin fan, even if you are on Putin’s side, dissent is a risky move. I for one have seen how pro-Kremlin writers who failed to be sufficiently supportive of Putin and his policies were viciously attacked by their own compatriots. Insufficient faith in the Dear Leader’s infinite wisdom is tantamount to treason. Depart from me, ye who work neo-conservatism!

The ultimate result of all this is that the system cannot reform in any meaningful way. Like the Bush administration years ago, the Kremlin is engaging in a behavior that has been termed “bending the map.” It refers to a tendency for people who are lost to mentally “adjust” their map so that they are not really lost or closer to safety than they actually are. While believing that there’s a town just over that next ridge is comforting, it is also delusional and likely to lead to disaster. On the other hand, knowing you’ve got ten or twelve miles to the nearest road means you can mentally prepare for that journey and anything that happens along the way. But whereas the Bush administration was bending the map, sometimes it seems like the Kremlin is simply crumpling it up into a ball and setting it on fire.

Unfortunately, there is little but bad news on the horizon for Russia, but every new report will likely be met in roughly the same way.

“It’s an information attack!”

“The West is behind this!”

“It’s the fifth column! No the sixth column!”

What about the poor sap who says “Maybe we’re doing something wrong?” Well he’s definitely a traitor, probably working for the Americans! Toss him out the window!

And that’s why they’ll ultimately lose. For all its faults, the West is made up of countries that adapt over time, more or less rejecting failed ideas and keeping what works. Russia, on the other hand, belongs to that club of authoritarian nations where adaptation is either off-limits or severely hampered. More alarmist purveyors of the New Cold War thesis often like to shout about how Russia is using the same tactics of the Soviet Union against the West. And that’s supposed to make us afraid? How effective were they last time, and how scary is it if in order to wage their little Cold War the Kremlin has to dredge up the very same outdated tactics that ultimately failed?


Dokler bodo negativno turistično statistiko odgovorni pojasnjevali z "informacijskimi napadi" se nimamo kaj preveč za bat. Hišica iz kart se bo sesula sama od sebe.

Smrekar1 ::

Zanimivo. V članku je tudi povezava na tole zadevo:


Kremelj bo kmalu dobil pravico, da "ekstremistom" prepove izhod iz države. Kot smo videli pred kratkim je za ekstremista dovolj, da se na družabnem omrežu strinjaš z nečim, kar ni po godu vladajoči kliki. Omenjeni 'zločin' ti v Rusiji zaenkrat priskrbi kaki dve leti aresta, verjetno pa ni več daleč dan, ko ti bo kupil kakih 10-20 let v vzhodni Sibiriji.

Načrt kako bi območje (re)kolonizirali je namreč res patetičen - hektar ozemlja na družinskega člana dobiš, če greš živet v divjino. Očitno so oblastniki res povsem izgubili stik z realnostjo.

Pac-Man ::

16. maj:


 Call me paranoid.... bridge over Kam'yanka river taken out delaying potential reinforcements to #avdiivka

Call me paranoid.... bridge over Kam'yanka river taken out delaying potential reinforcements to #avdiivka

to noč:


Avdiivka under severe Russian fire, private houses bombed, destroyed. Ukraine forces do not respond.- local accunts report.

več, @loogonda prevaja objave iz Ruščine:


01:51 #Avdiivka @LuftGanza I think, they were firing with tube artillery, probably MSTA #Donetsk @Ukr_Che No, Giatsynts

01:42 #Avdiivka @LuftGanza I can remember many things, but so many landings in such short period I didn't hear #donbasreports

01:33 #Avdiivka @fingerw80 Frequency is 60 pcs per minute, not less [=a landing each second]

01:33 #Avdiivka @tiamat007 It lands already uninterruptedly in the same direction. Wall vibrate like strings. How many landed there?100?200?

01:31 #Avdiivka @JuZolyshkaLia So far car alarms go off, damn, landings are heard one after another #donbasreports

01:25 #Avdiivka @fingerw80 Just hell here, incomings, it feels like at town's old part [=south], 120mm,very many of them, no such for a year

01:18 #Avdiivka @666_mancer [vk] Mom on the phone, at #3 & #5, #Levaneskoho, panes broke

23:20 #Avdiivka @patriot_petya [vk] "town's old part: f*ck-up, loudly, just over my head" "Damn, I can see a house burning"

23:04 #Avdiivka @owl_ok From #Promka direction, explosions reach us #donbasreports

22:45 #Avdiivka @LuftGanza 4 shells [landed] at #Promka, orcs' mortar detachment is at #Spartak #donbasreports

Pac-Man ::

Na Krimu, kjer so se tako zelo bali ukronacijev, sedaj podeljujejo medalje rusonacijem.


Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksenov participated in the work of the Council of Commanders of volunteer units of Donbass with the participation of the Russian President's aide Vladislav Surkov.

During the event, a ceremonial presentation of awards of the Republic of Crimea and the characters "Volunteer of Donbass" persons who took part in the Crimean spring, the protection of civilians in the Donbas and humanitarian assistance. In particular, Vladislav Surkov, presented state awards of the Republic of Crimea "For fidelity to duty." "Reliable team member of the President, who is always ready to be at the right time in the right place", - said the head of the republic awarded.


"I believe that the existence of such non-governmental organization that brings together volunteers who have the desire to prove himself at the service of the Fatherland, you need to maintain. What makes Alexander Yu - a lot of work. He is trying to understand the problems of each veteran, volunteer, find the approach to everyone. We agreed that we will support our colleagues, "- said the head of the Crimea.


levo Sergej Aksjonov - Goblin, bivši mafijec, premier Krima pod okupacijo

Sergey Aksyonov @ Wikipedia

desno Aleksej Milčakov, rusonaci iz Sankt Peterburga



Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man ::

Donetsk, maj 2016


Gubarevu prav tako ni dolgčas, športa

Pavel Gubarev @ Wikipedia

Da ne bo kakih dvomov o ideološki opredeljenosti, tole "društvo za slovansko unifikacijo in preporod" objavlja take:


"Slovani, množite se in rešite svoj rod"

 sila nacije/v naših otrocih

sila nacije/v naših otrocih

Novi oblasti gre antifašizem odlično od rok.

Pac-Man ::

Regiment nesmrtnih delajo že iz padlih v tej vojni


Mozgovoj, Dremov, Iščenko, Bednov.

Ironija vseh ironij je, da nihče od naštetih ni umrl na bojišču, ampak vsi v atentatih. Najverjetneje naročenih iz Kremlja ali vsaj od vodstva LNR. Pobiješ neposlušne in jih slaviš kot heroje, ki utrjujejo tvojo oblast. Tako se ustvarjajo miti.

Aleksey Mozgovoy @ Wikipedia
Republic of Stakhanov @ Wikipedia

Starodavni ::

@Pac-man, to me spominja na sceno iz filma starship troopres 2: hero of the federation, ko je vojak, ki ni upošteval ukazov nadrejenega, ker bi vse poslal v smrt, pa ga potem zaprejo v arest v tem stolpu. Na koncu pa reši ekipo in prepreči katastrofo federaciji, zaradi tega ga potem razglasijo za heroja federacije, čeprav je naredil zločin in je bil v očeh federacije izdajalec. A vse za propagando :)

Če to malo pogledat kakšni 2 minuti boste na koncu videli propagandni film, kjer je ta Dax omenjen in je za namenjen za rekreutacijo novih vojakov Federacije.

Tile ruski primadone so skoraj identični tejle Federaciji.

Pac-Man ::

2S4 "Tulipan", 240 mm samohodni minomet v vojski DNR (črn okvirček)


2S4 Tyulpan @ Wikipedia

Moral je priti iz Rusije, Ukrajina jih nima.


Several countries currently use and store the self-propelled mortar Tyulpan. Among them Russia with 120 mortars in storage and 8 active, North Korea (no quantity data available) and Syria with 24 mortars in active service. Currently, experts in Donbass region spotted four batteries of 240-mm Tyulpan mortars. Supposedly, they were introduced by two tactical groups from Russia, as soon as Ukraine army never possessed the 2S4 mortars. Mass media mentioned the use of Tyupans in the assaults of Lugansk and Donetsk airports. However, many people challenged that. But furhther pictures and videos shared by number of bloggers later on were supporting this version. You can find one of the mine types for Tulips (53-F-864) on the picture below.

Vanich ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Vanich ()

Smrekar1 ::

Vanich je izjavil:

Rusija z Ukrajino zamenjala obsojenega vojnega zločinca Savčenkovo za dva Rusa.
Savčenkova je že na letu za Ukrajino.

Povprečen ukrajinec je definitivno vreden za vsaj dva rusa. Savčenkova pa še kakšnega več, tule so Ukrajinci naredili kar dobro menjavo.

Vanich ::

Savčenkovi se je pri sprejemu čisto odpeljalo - domišlja si, da je Hitler, ali pa vsaj Bandera.
Verjetno je Porkošenku že kar malo žal, da jo je pripeljal nazaj, ker se prav lahko zgodi, da ga bo vrgla z položaja, hehehe...

Pac-Man ::

Saj vem, da je ruski šverc vojaške tehnike jasna zgodba, ampak tale je za v arhiv.

Pred oči mi je prišel Livejornal zapis o prvih par T-64 tankih v vojski Novorusije, modrih ducat po modrih številčnih označbah na IR reflektorju:


Spet, nič novega, razen malega detajla, ki so ga opazile ostre oči avtorja

Zgornja slika je iz dopustniškega albuma na VK, junij 2014


spodnja iz videa nalaganja T-64 na Il-76 v Sibiriji, maja 2014

Oba tanka imata identične poškodbe na reaktivnem oklepu. Totalno šalabajzarstvo.

Pac-Man ::

Staro, morda sem že lepil, ampak je zanimivo. 6 stopinj skrajne desnice :)


The Canada-based Centre for Research on Globalization is also interesting. It was founded and is now headed by Michel Chossudovsky; among the Centre's contributors are Neil Clark, Mahdi D. Nazemroaya and William Engdahl. Chossudovsky, Nazemroaya and Engdahl are members of the scientific committee of the Italian journal Geopolitica, which also includes John Laughland and Natalya Narochnitskaya. Geopolitica is edited by Tiberio Graziani, a fervent advocate of the Eurasian cooperation and a member of the High Council of the International Eurasian Movement led by Russian fascist Aleksandr Dugin. In 2008, Dugin called for the Russian occupation of Georgia, and even made a trip to South Ossetia together with his followers from the Eurasian Youth Union.

Geopolitica itself is an off-shoot from the Italian extreme right journal Eurasia, Rivista di Studi Geopolitici, published and edited by Italian Nazi-Maoist Claudio Mutti. The scientific board of Eurasia includes Aleksandr Dugin and William Engdahl. In the early January, Engdahl published a piece titled "The Belgrade US-Financed Training Group Behind the Carefully-Orchestrated Kiev Protests".

Natalija mi je znana, nekoč se je povsem osmešila na Al Jazeeri

morbo ::

Ukraine Declares War on Journalism

... in Ukraine right now, where critical journalism is especially necessary. Few reforms have gone fully into effect and the country has recently taken a hard turn back toward cronyism. President Petro O. Poroshenko installed a close ally as prime minister, breaking the division of legislative and executive power established after the Maidan Square protests in 2014 that led to the ouster of his predecessor. He also named a crony with no law degree as general prosecutor. As corruption and nepotism threaten the hope of Ukraine’s revolution, journalists are being told that they are helping the enemy just by doing their jobs.

Pac-Man ::

Svež material, zaenkrat delajo še vse VK povezave v livejournal članku, če bi kak nejevernež rad preverjal.

Pripadniki 200. motorizirane brigade ruske federacije iz Pečenge v murmanski oblasti so pretekli dve leti pogosto preživljali (ali ne ;) ) adrenalinski oddih na vzhodu Ukrajine. Najbolj aktivni so bili septembra 2014 v okolici luhanskega letališča in februarja 2015 okrog Debalceva, ravno, ko sta obe lokaciji padli v roke separatistov. Kaj hočeš, se zgodi.


gtranslate v angleščino:


Par bolj očitnih:

S T-72B3, specifičnim za rusko vojsko, na safariju okrog luhanskega letališča:

koordinate: 48°25'38.3 " N 39°22'46.8" E

Video posnet s T-72B3, med lovom kapitalnih ukrajincev na cesti do luhanskega letališča

Po vrnitvi domov so osvežili barvo svojih vozil, ampak je bilo denarja samo za en sloj. Premalo.

Tonguska 841 v službi oboroženih sil LNR s taktičnim znakom bataljona zračne obrambe 200. motorizirane brigade RF


in podobna Tonguska 9. maja 2013 v Pečengi, Rusija


Grad z napisom "Za Lugansk" na boku lanserja


in zelo podoben Grad doma v Pečengi


še z malo sveže barve


24. februarja 2015, po bojih za doneško letališče in Debalcevo, je murmanski portal severpost.ru objavil fotografiji poškodovanega grada s površno prebarvanim napisom "za otroke Donetska".


Narejeni sta bili v bližini železniške postaje v Koli. Koordinate 68°52'58.3"N 33°02'22.5"E.



za svoj trud so dobili več medalj, tako l. 2014 kot 2015. Seveda je bilo to potrebno deliti s prijatelji na družabnih omrežjih.

Najbolj dekoriran je postal poveljnik Evgen Trundajev, ki je za zasluge s 15. oktobra 2014 prejel kar naziv heroj ruske federacije

Hero of the Russian Federation @ Wikipedia



Novico o njegovi smrti v bližini Donetska so podrejeni in prijatelji seveda delili na družabnih omrežjih.



Poleg tega je dobil spominsko ploščo na oficirski šoli v Moskvi, kjer je diplomiral


in bronasti kip v prostorih enote v Pečengi


Pac-Man ::


novica o odkritju spomenika z vojaškimi častmi. Zraven je kar obsežna fotogalerija.



Inauguration of the monument to the Hero of Russia to Eugene Trundaevu held on 10 October at the Egorievske cemetery, the place of his burial.

At the opening ceremony of the memorial gathered relatives, friends Eugene and his colleagues, representatives of public organizations District Zarayskiy district administration.

Before the start of the opening of the monument to the rural dean of churches Zaraysk District Pyotr Spiridonov conducted a prayer service. Then he took the word of the head of Zaraysk district Viktor Pavlov. "It is painful and bitter to realize that life leave the best of the best, in the prime of life, full of hopes and plans. Nothing can make up for these losses. I express gratitude to parents, Valentin Petrovich and Vera Anatolievna for proper upbringing Eugene. The heroism and courage of your son will always be an example for us. Low bow to you and thank you so much! "- Viktor Pavlov said.

With heartfelt words to the crowd were also made ​​by the Chairman of the Board of the Moscow regional branch of the "Combat Brotherhood" public organization, member of the Moscow Regional Duma Sergei Knyazev, a company commander of the Moscow Military Command School Gregory Gorkovenko, captain of the military unit №08275 Balyura Alexander, brother of Eugene Dennis Trundaev.

At the end of the official statements by the grand opening of the monument to weapons volleys and laying flowers.

Trundaev Eugene was born in 1986 in Zaraysk. He graduated from the Moscow Higher Military Command School. There was a platoon commander of the 1st infantry battalion 200th separate motorized rifle brigade military part number 08 275 of the Murmansk region. Courageously defended the interests of their homeland.

Zanimiv ples okrog vrele kaše.


Dobil je še red za pogum

in medalje "za vrnitev Krima", eno za 10 let služenja (vsaj od 19ega leta) in eno splošno za zasluge 2. reda

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Pac-Man ()

Pac-Man ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

za svoj trud so dobili več medalj, tako l. 2014 kot 2015. Seveda je bilo to potrebno deliti s prijatelji na družabnih omrežjih.

Awards and emblems of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation @ Wikipedia

6x za odliko v boju

Awarded to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation who stand out for courage and dedication in carrying out combat assignments or special operations in life-threatening situations. For carrying out proactive and decisive action that contributed to the success of the mission, for successfully guiding the actions of subordinates in carrying out combat missions.

1x splošna za vojaško odličnost 2. reda

Awarded to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for excellent performance in training, for special distinction while performing normal military or combat duties, military exercises and manoeuvres; for courage, dedication and other merits as demonstrated in the performance of military duty. The 1st and 2nd classes are bestowed sequentially, 2nd class, then 1st class.

in 1x za pogum

List of orders, decorations, and medals of Russia @ Wikipedia

Awarded to military personnel as well as to employees of the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation, of the State Fire Service of the Russian Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief and other citizens for personal courage and bravery displayed: in combat in defence of the Fatherland and of the public interests of the Russian Federation; when performing special assignments to ensure the public safety of the Russian Federation; while protecting the state border of the Russian Federation; in the performance of military, official or civil duty while protecting the constitutional rights of citizens and in other circumstances involving a risk to life.

DarkSite ::

Pac-Man ::

Nič globljega, samo nekam bi shranil, če moderator briše.

Ta komentar je pod novico o izgredih na EURU objavila uporabnica J@st, ki je menda iz Mariupola in se od začetka maidana pritožuje čez ukrajinski fašizem.


# 14.06.2016 ob 21:01
Prijavi neprimerno vsebino

Ker so bili na stadionu pridni. Tudi Rusi gredo domov samo ob nadaljnjih problemih na stadionih. Kar se UEFE tiče, lahko po mestih streljajo s Šmeli ;)
Ma naj grejo. Vsaj grejo ponosno in ne kot posrani, pijani, razbijači angleži, ki znajo le razbijati tuji lokali, provocirati in se spravljati na tistih, ki se ne morejo postaviti zase.

ZbitaGrinta ::

Breedlove's war: Emails show ex-NATO general plotting US conflict with Russia https://www.rt.com/usa/349213-hacked-em...

to je samo dokaz da amerika hoče začeti vojno z rusijo preko NATA pakta na evropskih tleh
Živa resnica:https://www.rt.com/usa/339768-us-marines-aircraft-aging/

Zgodovina sprememb…

Pac-Man ::

Pogledamo še ne-RT verzijo?


Hacked Emails Reveal NATO General Plotting Against Obama on Russia Policy

Retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, until recently the supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe, plotted in private to overcome President Barack Obama’s reluctance to escalate military tensions with Russia over the war in Ukraine in 2014, according to apparently hacked emails from Breedlove’s Gmail account that were posted on a new website called DC Leaks.

Obama defied political pressure from hawks in Congress and the military to provide lethal assistance to the Ukrainian government, fearing that doing so would increase the bloodshed and provide Russian President Vladimir Putin with the justification for deeper incursions into the country.

Vse kar je želel je pomoč v orožju za Ukrajino. Če bi imeli poleti 2014 ali januarja 2015 visokozmogljive protitankovske sisteme, bi znala bit zgodovina nekoliko drugačna. Kot omenjeno, se je pred kratkim upokojil, tako da ni dosegel nič.

Ukrajina je dobila par neoboroženih HMMWVjev, protiartilerijskih radarjev in kodiranih radijskih postaj.

ZbitaGrinta ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Pogledamo še ne-RT verzijo?


Hacked Emails Reveal NATO General Plotting Against Obama on Russia Policy

Retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Philip Breedlove, until recently the supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe, plotted in private to overcome President Barack Obama’s reluctance to escalate military tensions with Russia over the war in Ukraine in 2014, according to apparently hacked emails from Breedlove’s Gmail account that were posted on a new website called DC Leaks.

Obama defied political pressure from hawks in Congress and the military to provide lethal assistance to the Ukrainian government, fearing that doing so would increase the bloodshed and provide Russian President Vladimir Putin with the justification for deeper incursions into the country.

Vse kar je želel je pomoč v orožju za Ukrajino. Če bi imeli poleti 2014 ali januarja 2015 visokozmogljive protitankovske sisteme, bi znala bit zgodovina nekoliko drugačna. Kot omenjeno, se je pred kratkim upokojil, tako da ni dosegel nič.

Ukrajina je dobila par neoboroženih HMMWVjev, protiartilerijskih radarjev in kodiranih radijskih postaj.

njegovi emaili potrjuejo vse tukaj si jih lahko prebereš http://dcleaks.com/index.php/portfolio_...

amerika je tista ki ustvartja pristisk med Evropo in Rusijo in hoče vojno
Živa resnica:https://www.rt.com/usa/339768-us-marines-aircraft-aging/

Smrekar1 ::

ZbitaGrinta je izjavil:

njegovi emaili potrjuejo vse tukaj si jih lahko prebereš http://dcleaks.com/index.php/portfolio_...

amerika je tista ki ustvartja pristisk med Evropo in Rusijo in hoče vojno

Daj, citiraj tisti e-mail, ki to tezo potrjuje.

Kot mi je to v navadi ti želim veliko sreče. Kaj drugega ti namreč ne more več pomagati :D

Spajky ::

ZbitaGrinta je izjavil:

..amerika je tista ki ustvartja pristisk med Evropo in Rusijo in hoče vojno...
Je samo orodje v rokah RdečeŠčitih ™ ...
"Bluzim na forumu, torej sem !" (še živ ) ...

Pac-Man ::

Samo po sebi nič novega, Rusija je bombardirala Ukrajino. Čez mejo.


A new report published by International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) together with the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) and the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (UHHRU) presents evidence of cross-border shelling and cross-border interventions carried out as part of the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, which proves that these hostilities can be qualified as an international armed conflict. The report also provides evidence of violations of international humanitarian law and international criminal law perpetrated in the context of the conflict.

International Partnership for Human Rights @ Wikipedia

International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) is an international non-governmental human rights organization with its seat in Brussels, Belgium. It was established in the spring of 2008.


IPHR finances its activities and projects through grants (from private and public donors, such as the European Commission[5]) and fees.

7982884e ::

teh bombardiranj je bilo precej, še na kamero so mirno snemali iz rusije, kako vzletajo rakete iz gradov v rusiji in padajo po ukrajini.

ZbitaGrinta ::

NATO will be punished' Russian diplomat threatens nuclear war over exercises in E Europe


nato je toliko časa drezal v medveda da ga je razpištoljil tistim državicam ob ruski meji bo pa še žal da so sploh v natu ker tiste če do tega pride jih bodo prve orng naj...
Živa resnica:https://www.rt.com/usa/339768-us-marines-aircraft-aging/

Pac-Man ::

Predvidevam, da gre za sandernisto, ki je nenadoma začutila potrebo po pisanju.


Renee Parsons has been a member of the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official, an environmental lobbyist and staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC.

In smo dobili tole pogrevanje tople vode:

To suggest that President Clinton II will surpass the current President’s support for armed conflict, despite his occasional reluctant warrior image while spreading more bombing, violence and chaos than his predecessor, is probably a safe bet.


As the US warship approached the Crimean peninsula skirting Russian waters, an unarmed Sukhoi SU-24 fighter jet, carrying only electronic gear, made several ‘close passes’ to the Cook and ultimately simulated numerous offensive maneuvers; thereby, according to the US State Department, ‘gravely demoralizing’ the Cook’s crew.

Tale o demoralizirani posadki je eksluzivno iz tin hat virov.

windigo ::

Za Smrekarja: Putler je prevzel nadzor nad Amnesty International in jim po novem diktira, kaj morajo pisati.
Za vse ostale: V Ukrajini obstajajo taborišča in sicer na obeh vojskujočih se straneh, kamor zapirajo določene vsakemu režimu nenaklonjene osebe brez sojenja in največkrat z grozljivimi razmerami in mučenjem.


Inu še google tranlslate za tiste, ki nam ne ležijo grabljice.

7982884e ::

Pac-Man je izjavil:

Predvidevam, da gre za sandernisto, ki je nenadoma začutila potrebo po pisanju.


Renee Parsons has been a member of the ACLU’s Florida State Board of Directors and president of the ACLU Treasure Coast Chapter. She has been an elected public official, an environmental lobbyist and staff member of the US House of Representatives in Washington DC.

In smo dobili tole pogrevanje tople vode:

To suggest that President Clinton II will surpass the current President’s support for armed conflict, despite his occasional reluctant warrior image while spreading more bombing, violence and chaos than his predecessor, is probably a safe bet.


As the US warship approached the Crimean peninsula skirting Russian waters, an unarmed Sukhoi SU-24 fighter jet, carrying only electronic gear, made several ‘close passes’ to the Cook and ultimately simulated numerous offensive maneuvers; thereby, according to the US State Department, ‘gravely demoralizing’ the Cook’s crew.

Tale o demoralizirani posadki je eksluzivno iz tin hat virov.

a je to slucajno kak hack? ker tako neumne novice ni bilo niti od ruskih medijev takrat, ko so pisali tele pravljice o magicnem su-24.
ce ni hack, mi je slabo, da lahko nekdo zganja tako "novinarstvo". studentje fdvja na 24ur.com so boljsi.

Pac-Man ::

Ukrajina je objavila 19 minut prisluhov, ki potrjujejo koordinacijo med Kremljem in "uporniki" pomladi 2014.

Čakam angleško verzijo, do takrat pa tole s twitterja


Phone intercepts of Putin's advisor from early 2014 prove Kremlin micromanaged & financed "referendum" in Crimea, uprisings in East Ukraine

 tole je v angleščini, klikni

tole je v angleščini, klikni

Sergey Glazyev, Reshetnikov & Malofeev supervisory directors of Katehon: anti-EU, anti-Ukraine, pro-Trump thinktank

 Katehon je Duginov think-tank, v zadnjih tednih se pogosto pojavlja v novicah v povezavi z ameriško predsedniško kampanjo

Katehon je Duginov think-tank, v zadnjih tednih se pogosto pojavlja v novicah v povezavi z ameriško predsedniško kampanjo

[Glazyev], Putin and Malofeev share "a spiritual leader" - Father Tikhon

March 1 2014. Odessa "rebel" asks "if we can count on support from Moscow". Glazyev:"Don't worry. Putin just signed decree for use of force"

"So don't worry. But it's essential that lots of people address Putin with plea for help from Russia"

"Third, it's essential that you take over regional councils and make deputies vote against legitimacy of Kiev rule"

"So we just force them to vote?" Glazyev: "yes, if any of them hesitate, drag them by the neck, as they did those"

And here's what the same Glazyev who engineered "uprisings" in Feb/March 2014 said recently

Brane22 ::

OK, bili so v zvezi s Kremljem.

So what ?

To je kao neki nevidenega in drugim nepojmljivega ?

Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

OK, bili so v zvezi s Kremljem.

So what ?

To je kao neki nevidenega in drugim nepojmljivega ?

No, vsekakor razbije mit o lokalnem uporu. Stiki 'upornikov' s Kremljem so jasen dokaz, da so bili dogodki zrežirani v Moskvi, ki je priskrbela tudi rekvizite in kaskaderje.

Brane22 ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Brane22 je izjavil:

OK, bili so v zvezi s Kremljem.

So what ?

To je kao neki nevidenega in drugim nepojmljivega ?

No, vsekakor razbije mit o lokalnem uporu. Stiki 'upornikov' s Kremljem so jasen dokaz, da so bili dogodki zrežirani v Moskvi, ki je priskrbela tudi rekvizite in kaskaderje.

En del dogodkov. Potem, ko so ukrajinski in zahodni režiserji poskrbeli za soliden uvod.

In ko je zahod po vsej silo hotel razkriti to povezavo, ko je še "vroča" in jo predati naklonjenim medijem, da lahko demonizirajo Ruse na vsej črti, pa jim ni ratalo. Vmes se je zgodil sirijski debakl, pa Turčija itd in sedaj cela stvar nekako postana za pogrevanje.

Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

En del dogodkov. Potem, ko so ukrajinski in zahodni režiserji poskrbeli za soliden uvod.

Nak, za uvod so kar lepo poskrbeli navadni ukrajinci, ki so se počutili izdane, ker vlada ni upoštevala njihovih želja in obljub.

Zanimivo, ampak po tvojih definicijah sodeč bi moral ploskati ukrajincem, ker so prakticirali čisto demokracijo. Ta standard pri tebi ne deluje, če se z njihovimi dejanji ne strinjaš ali kako?

In ko je zahod po vsej silo hotel razkriti to povezavo, ko je še "vroča" in jo predati naklonjenim medijem, da lahko demonizirajo Ruse na vsej črti, pa jim ni ratalo. Vmes se je zgodil sirijski debakl, pa Turčija itd in sedaj cela stvar nekako postana za pogrevanje.

Rusov nihče ne demonizira, temveč so dejanja njihovega poglavarja hudobna in smrdijo do neba.

Smrekar1 ::

windigo je izjavil:

Za Smrekarja: Putler je prevzel nadzor nad Amnesty International in jim po novem diktira, kaj morajo pisati.

Ne, to samo kaže, da je Amnesty International neodvisna organizacija.


Tko, za info. Seveda je potrebno pritisk izvajati na vse, ki izvajajo nečedne stvari, vendar bi bilo smotrno izvajati pritisk proporcionalno. Rusija je neprimerno večji kršitelj človekovih pravic, zato si zasluži neprimerno več pozornosti kot Ukrajina. Poleg tega bi uničenje ruskega fašizma tudi bistveno izboljšalo situacijo v Ukrajini. Težava v Ukrajini namreč ni to, da imajo fašistično oblast, temveč da se borijo proti fašistični državi, ki ima veliko in razvejano drevo vohunov, izdajalcev in plačancev, ki aktivno sabotirajo ukrajinsko demokracijo.
Proti takim se je težko boriti in hkrati spoštovati človekove pravice. Ni prav, da to počnejo, je pa rešitev za ta pereč problem v Rusiji in ne toliko v Ukrajini.

Dvomim, da boš razumel.

fikus_ ::

Jaz tudi ne razumem, kako se Ukrajinska fašistična oblast bori proti Ruski fašistični državi?! Fašisti proti fašistom?! Pa pravijo, da vrana vrani ne izkljuje oči!
Smrekar malo se zapletaš z besedami in pojmi.

Brane22 ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

En del dogodkov. Potem, ko so ukrajinski in zahodni režiserji poskrbeli za soliden uvod.

Saj. Režiserji so pa stali v ozadju. Saj to je znano in priznano, iz več enega vira.

Brane22 ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Zanimivo, ampak po tvojih definicijah sodeč bi moral ploskati ukrajincem, ker so prakticirali čisto demokracijo. Ta standard pri tebi ne deluje, če se z njihovimi dejanji ne strinjaš ali kako?

Zanimive so tvoje definicije "čiste demokracije".

Potem ko pridejo tja "demokratizatorski teami" iz USA pomagat domačim agentom in lovcem v motnem "organizirat" zadeve, ko smo lahko kar nekaj čistih manhuntov - lovov na ljudi, tokrat Ruse po Kijevskih ulicah ob sinhroniziranem pogledu vstran praktično vseh zahodnih medijev itd itd. To je kao "čista demokracija".

Ko pa se pa 80+% folka na Krimu izreče da bi bili v Rusiji, to je "Putlerovska propaganda".
Si pomislu mogoče na to, da če ne bi imeli ozadje v volji naroda, bi bili na Krimu že masovni punti ?
To da so se organizirali, hvala bogu. Če se ne bi in bi računali na "demokratičnost zahoda", bi prišli skozi tako kot Srbi. Bili bi dobesedno krivi, da so živi.

Brane22 ::

BTW, od kod ti to "ruski fašizem" ?

Fašizem in nacizem sta v bistvu definirana kot šovinistični nacionalizem - v smislu "rad imam svojo nacijo, ki je v človeškem pomenu kvalitetno vrednejša vrednejša od (vseh) drugih."

Nisem videl fašizma doslej v dejanjih ruske države. prej nasprotno. Kjer se le da, merijo na sodelovanje.

Smrekar1 ::

fikus_ je izjavil:

Jaz tudi ne razumem, kako se Ukrajinska fašistična oblast bori proti Ruski fašistični državi?! Fašisti proti fašistom?! Pa pravijo, da vrana vrani ne izkljuje oči!
Smrekar malo se zapletaš z besedami in pojmi.

Štos je samo v tem, da ne veš kaj fašizem je in kaj ni.

Naj ti predočim: Rusija je tipičen primer fašistične države. Ukrajina je tipičen primer države, ki ni fašistična.

Bo zdaj šlo?

Smrekar1 ::

Brane22 je izjavil:

Zanimive so tvoje definicije "čiste demokracije".

Pri uporabljeni definiciji demokracije ni nič mojega.


Prava politika je vedno tista, ki je večini všeč. To je v sami definiciji demokracije.
Turki imajo vlado, ki je večini všeč. To naj bi bilo edino merilo.

Zanimivo kako, heh, fluidna je tvoja definicija demokracije. Zakaj uporabljaš dvojna merila?

Ko pa se pa 80+% folka na Krimu izreče da bi bili v Rusiji, to je "Putlerovska propaganda".

Če bi se tako izrekli na demokratičnem referendumu bi to morda kaj štelo. Ker je bil referendum organizran v pogojih vojaške okupacije, brez volilnih imenikov, z ustrahovanjem in propagando, na hitro in brez možnosti debate, je zadeva demokratično vredna manj kot nič.

Če bi bili Rusi namreč prepričani v zmago bi referendum izvedli po demokratičnih načelih. Ker tega niso storili to kaže, da je obstajal upravičen dvom o javnem mnenju na Krimu.

Si pomislu mogoče na to, da če ne bi imeli ozadje v volji naroda, bi bili na Krimu že masovni punti ?

Se ni za bati. Sranje na Krimu so naredile izključno ruske okupacijske sile, pomoč lokalcev je bila zanemarljiva.

To da so se organizirali, hvala bogu. Če se ne bi in bi računali na "demokratičnost zahoda", bi prišli skozi tako kot Srbi. Bili bi dobesedno krivi, da so živi.

Ko že omenjaš Srbe, je pravilno, da je Kosovo samostojno ali ne? Po tvoje je to edino merilo na Krimu, ki na Kosovu ne velja. Lahko prosim obrazložiš od kje razlika v standardih?

Brane22 je izjavil:

BTW, od kod ti to "ruski fašizem" ?

Fašizem in nacizem sta v bistvu definirana kot šovinistični nacionalizem - v smislu "rad imam svojo nacijo, ki je v človeškem pomenu kvalitetno vrednejša vrednejša od (vseh) drugih."

Nisem videl fašizma doslej v dejanjih ruske države.

V pomoč:

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Smrekar1 ()

fikus_ ::

Smrekar, ne bo šlo! Par postov višje pišeš drugače!
Enkrat so fašisti, enkrat niso?! Sedaj pa ne vem kam veter piha? Na Z, na V, na . . .

Brane22 ::

Smrekar1 je izjavil:

Pri uporabljeni definiciji demokracije ni nič mojega.

Zanimivo kako, heh, fluidna je tvoja definicija demokracije. Zakaj uporabljaš dvojna merila?

Res ? Kjer drugje si videl definicijo čiste demokracije, ki jo sedaj uporabljaš ?

Samo sprašujem po kateri definiciji je čista demokracija tista, kjer v procesu odločanja prikriti faktorji, ki zastopajo tuje in nelegitimne interese in ki bistveno vplivajo na odločitve.
Ni mi jasno, kako je lahko tak demokratični proces "čist". Prosim za definicijo, ki si jo uporabil.
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