Forum » Omrežja in internet » max dolžina UTP/FTP kabla - ne teorija, ampak praksa
max dolžina UTP/FTP kabla - ne teorija, ampak praksa

mrTwelveTrees ::
neki je bilo kle ze napisano o tem,... pa me zanima
če ima kdo od vas povezavo UTP/FTP kabla daljšo od 100m
kako to deluje (dobro, slabo, ...)
ali zmeraj najde računalnik na drugi strani - čas čakanja/izgube ?
zanima me v praksi - razlika med utp / FTP - kablom če se odnese ?
pa še to: koaksialni kabel - kok je max dolžina ?
prosim, čim manj teoretičnega mnenja,
ampak čim več preverjenjega :)
če ima kdo od vas povezavo UTP/FTP kabla daljšo od 100m
kako to deluje (dobro, slabo, ...)
ali zmeraj najde računalnik na drugi strani - čas čakanja/izgube ?
zanima me v praksi - razlika med utp / FTP - kablom če se odnese ?
pa še to: koaksialni kabel - kok je max dolžina ?
prosim, čim manj teoretičnega mnenja,


EjTi ::
kakšen je pa ftp kabel?
Čas čakanja - če si s tem mislil na ping, je le ta isti, seveda pa lahko prihaja do večin ping time-outov zaradi daljšega kabla.
Če se s FTP kablom mislil na stari koaksialen kabel z BNC konektorji (saj mislim da se jim tako reče) - tisti na 10Mbps mrežnih karticah. Teli kabli se pomoje lahko vlečejo na daljše razdalje.
Prakse pa ne poznam. Moja gre samo do 20 metrov.
Čas čakanja - če si s tem mislil na ping, je le ta isti, seveda pa lahko prihaja do večin ping time-outov zaradi daljšega kabla.
Če se s FTP kablom mislil na stari koaksialen kabel z BNC konektorji (saj mislim da se jim tako reče) - tisti na 10Mbps mrežnih karticah. Teli kabli se pomoje lahko vlečejo na daljše razdalje.
Prakse pa ne poznam. Moja gre samo do 20 metrov.

mrTwelveTrees ::
DSmidgy: FTP je isti kot UTP, samo da ima neko "folijo" ovito okoli 8 žil, .. kao za motnje ?
a je že ko vleku daljšo povezavo od 100 m ?
kok ste najdlje za koaksialnega - kok se še splača ?
a je že ko vleku daljšo povezavo od 100 m ?
kok ste najdlje za koaksialnega - kok se še splača ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mrTwelveTrees ()

frenk ::
"DSmidgy: FTP je isti kot UTP, samo da ima neko "folijo" ovito okoli 8 žil, .. kao za motnje ?
to ni ftp ampak STP(Shielded Twisted Pair)
to ni ftp ampak STP(Shielded Twisted Pair)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: frenk ()

Lith ::
Thin Ethernet ( COAX) tukaj, 185m, 30 priključkov oziroma UTP tukaj ali :
Comparsion between 4 different types of cables
1. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
- No physical shield but use balancing and filtering techniques through media filters .
- Light, thin and flexible
- Reliable and inexpensive
- Simple to install
- UTP do not have problem of grounding practice and need for properly shield connector and foil shield
2. STP (Shielded Twisted Pair )
- Effective only at preventing radiation or blocking interference as long the entire end to end link is shielded and properly grounded.
- Every component of a shielded cabling system must fully shield
- Heavier, thicker and hard to install
- Must confirm with strict shielding condition hence higher potential of degradation of emission
Note:! STP does not guarantee improve immunity to EMI. Conditions have to be met:
- Shield must be electrically continuous along the whole link
- All component in the link must be shielded. No UTP patch cord can be used.
- Shield must fully enclose the pair and the overall shield must fully enclose the core. Any gap will cause EMI leakage.
- Shield must be grounded at both ends of the link, and the building grounding system must conform to grounding standards (TIA/EIA -607)
3. FTP(Foil twisted pair )
- Also known as screened twisted pair (ScTP)
- Combination UTP and STP
- Basically is a 4 pair 100ohm UTP with a single foil surrounding all four pair
- May be used in Ethernet application same as UTP
- Strict Conditions for shielding
4. Coaxial Cable
- Use for widely for TV Industry
- Used in 10Base5 and 10 Base2
- Difficult to run and is generally more expensive then twisted pair cable.
Choosing the correct cable
- best choice for office environment (less EMI)
- Hospital, airports and communication center.
- Extra shield needed for EMI interference
- External field strength exceed 3 volts/m
Coaxial Cables
- Use for widely for TV Industry
Comparsion between 4 different types of cables
1. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
- No physical shield but use balancing and filtering techniques through media filters .
- Light, thin and flexible
- Reliable and inexpensive
- Simple to install
- UTP do not have problem of grounding practice and need for properly shield connector and foil shield
2. STP (Shielded Twisted Pair )
- Effective only at preventing radiation or blocking interference as long the entire end to end link is shielded and properly grounded.
- Every component of a shielded cabling system must fully shield
- Heavier, thicker and hard to install
- Must confirm with strict shielding condition hence higher potential of degradation of emission
Note:! STP does not guarantee improve immunity to EMI. Conditions have to be met:
- Shield must be electrically continuous along the whole link
- All component in the link must be shielded. No UTP patch cord can be used.
- Shield must fully enclose the pair and the overall shield must fully enclose the core. Any gap will cause EMI leakage.
- Shield must be grounded at both ends of the link, and the building grounding system must conform to grounding standards (TIA/EIA -607)
3. FTP(Foil twisted pair )
- Also known as screened twisted pair (ScTP)
- Combination UTP and STP
- Basically is a 4 pair 100ohm UTP with a single foil surrounding all four pair
- May be used in Ethernet application same as UTP
- Strict Conditions for shielding
4. Coaxial Cable
- Use for widely for TV Industry
- Used in 10Base5 and 10 Base2
- Difficult to run and is generally more expensive then twisted pair cable.
Choosing the correct cable
- best choice for office environment (less EMI)
- Hospital, airports and communication center.
- Extra shield needed for EMI interference
- External field strength exceed 3 volts/m
Coaxial Cables
- Use for widely for TV Industry

Mr.B ::
NE z utp-jem neboš šel čez 100m.
Na lokaciji imamo STP kable, meritve narejene s flukom za 5Msit, vse pass. Ko smo hoteli naresrti malenkost daljšo povezavo s prevezavami preko routerja , pa so bili packet losi. S tem da je bila povezava le 10Mps in ne 1Gbps.
Na lokaciji imamo STP kable, meritve narejene s flukom za 5Msit, vse pass. Ko smo hoteli naresrti malenkost daljšo povezavo s prevezavami preko routerja , pa so bili packet losi. S tem da je bila povezava le 10Mps in ne 1Gbps.
France Rejects Genocide Accusations Against Israel in Gaza,
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold
To accuse the Jewish state of genocide is to cross a moral threshold

mrTwelveTrees ::
potem praktično FTP kabel ni kaj boljši od UTPja...
no jaz ga mam na razpolago caa 150 m, rabim ga cca 140m...
potem mi ostane še koaksialni kabel,... pravte da to pa more delat...
je kdo vleku tako razdaljo koaksialnega ? čez 100m za LAN
če se ne motim mora bit 50 ohmski
a to deluje tudi z 70 ohmskim kablom ?
no jaz ga mam na razpolago caa 150 m, rabim ga cca 140m...
potem mi ostane še koaksialni kabel,... pravte da to pa more delat...
je kdo vleku tako razdaljo koaksialnega ? čez 100m za LAN
če se ne motim mora bit 50 ohmski
a to deluje tudi z 70 ohmskim kablom ?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: mrTwelveTrees ()

gumby ::
75 ohmski kabel je za tv in satelitsko... pa tudi debelejši je od 50-ohmskega in verjetno ne bo pasal na bnc konektor.

Lith ::
no, mogoče debeli COAX (v vsakem primeru 50 ohmski, drugače ni pretoka signalov - prevelike izgube), povezava tukaj

tha_man ::
UTP 5e kabel dolžine 120 metrov pri nas dela normalno. Povezan sem s sosedom. Čekni mojo spletno stran
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd
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