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Problemi z internetom?

Problemi z internetom?

toni2 ::

Pred 5 dnevi sem dobil optiko, imam postavljen wifi preko modema in od takrat naprej me zajebava internet oz. aplikacije povezane na splet. Npr. spletni brskalnik se mi zapre sam od sebe?.., najbolj mi teži bratec ker mu od trenutka ko smo dobili optiko zajebava igra League of Legends in sicer -->(upam da poznate)ko zaženem igro recimo 5v5 z drugimi igralci se zgodi sledeče: začne loadat in nekje sredi loadanja game crashne in pojavi se mi možnost please reconnect to the game in če pritisnem reconnect mi crashne spet VSE dokler vsem ostalim playerjom ne zlovda igre šele takrat se lahko connectam v game, ko pridem v game me po cca. 10 sec disconnecta in mi game sam reconecta ker ma neko možnost trying to reconnect, medtem sem imel prižgan TS ali skype, ki je delal normalno in ni disconectal, ko igraš igro mi umes še ene 3x zalaga na veliko čeprov se ping ne dvigne in ts dela ok. Ko sva to probala 3x sem mu formatiral računalnik in naložu LoL še enkrat težava ostaja. Na siolu so rekli, da nevidi nobenih problemov v moji povezavi in danes je celo zamenjal modem kar težave še vedno ni rešilo.... nevem kako naj mu pomagam ... Pisal sem na LoL suport pa so mi odpisal nekak tkole :

Based on your description of the issue, this seems like a problem with your connection to our servers. While there are several potential causes, typically these connection issues are caused by overzealous firewalls or anti-virus programs. Even if you have no active firewalls that you know of, many firewalls are installed automatically with Windows, so you may have as many as 3 and not even know it.

Additionally, many Firewalls have processes that run in the background after disabling them, which still cause significant interference with our game.

We have a detailed guide to help you configure your Firewalls to work properly with League of Legends:


Unfortunately, even when properly configured, the disabled modes or exceptions lists often do not function properly for third-party firewalls. It would be much quicker to temporarily uninstall your firewalls from your computer. This would allow me to quickly rule them out as a potential cause of the problem so I can help you get back into the game faster.

If you're uncomfortable uninstalling your anti-virus and firewalls, I recommend replacing your current software with Avast, which is free for home use. It even has a disabled/gaming mode for getting the most out of your system while playing League of Legends.


If the problem persists or if I need to clarify something, please don't hesitate to contact me. When you do, providing me with this information will allow me to help get you back into the Fields of Justice as quickly as possible. (Make sure to provide this information even if you have already done so. We need to get information that is as up to date as possible):

1) A Process List: https://support.leagueoflegends.com/ent...

2) Network Analysis: https://support.leagueoflegends.com/ent...

3) NetworkInfo Log: https://support.leagueoflegends.com/ent...

"I'll go to battle for the honor of all."

Warmest Regards,

Riot Games Player Support Specialist

probov sem vse s firewallom in antivirusnimi programi in nič ne pomaga, je imel kdo podobne težave oz. zna pomagat?

s6c-gEL ::

Pred 5 dnevi sem dobil optiko, imam postavljen wifi preko modema in od takrat naprej me zajebava internet.

Imaš modem z wifijem ? Model ? Tu bi jaz iskal razlog.
Na klient strani imaš kaj za wifi sprejem ?

toni2 ::

probal sem tudi kabelsko isti problemi ostajajo.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: toni2 ()

toni2 ::

khm, zdej sem pri sosedu in sem se priklopil na njegov wifi in mi LoL še skoz ne dela, kaj bi lahko bil problem?
računalnik je bil formatiran včeraj in naložena nova verzija LoLa tko da sploh nevem več kaj bi lahko bilo?

boogie_xlr ::

Sliši se kot okvara RAMa.

toni2 ::

kako nej pa to preverim?

boogie_xlr ::


toni2 ::

a je mogoče možno da nisem kšnga driverja instaliru?

meme test mi pokaže 0 ERRORS....

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: toni2 ()

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