Forum » Loža » Bolha scam ????
Bolha scam ????
Nikonja ::
tale email spodaj sem dobil danes za en izdelek katerega prodajem na bolhi. Vem da smrdi na scam ampak mi ni čist jasno kakšno škodo mi lahko naredi z temi podatki katere zahteva. Vaše mnenje ?
Sound Great, Thanks for your prompt reply well i Understood what you've all said However, I am from the UK and buy and sell all kind of electronics such as Mobile phones Computers Game consoles Watches and lots more in my shop in Italy. However, I've agreed with the price for this item Mentioned you and I'd be buying it. I want you to send me the details about the item as follow:
Full Name for the item:
Working condition:
Used / New?:
does the item came with the original Box?:
How many did you have in stock for sell?:
What's the full specification of the item?:
However, I want the item to be ship through Ems Post 2-3days Delivery and I'll add 50.00EUR to the price of the item to cover the shipping cost to my shop in Italy i hope it will cover it. However, If you've another item for sell please do let me know Moreover, about the payment for the item I've choose the best method of payment for paying the item. I'll be paying for the item through Paypal. So kindly send me your paypal details to follow:
Full Name:
Item Name:
Paypal E-mail:
Total Amount Offered:
PS if you've more quantity for this item or another item you've for sell please let me know. I hope to read from you again.
tale email spodaj sem dobil danes za en izdelek katerega prodajem na bolhi. Vem da smrdi na scam ampak mi ni čist jasno kakšno škodo mi lahko naredi z temi podatki katere zahteva. Vaše mnenje ?
Sound Great, Thanks for your prompt reply well i Understood what you've all said However, I am from the UK and buy and sell all kind of electronics such as Mobile phones Computers Game consoles Watches and lots more in my shop in Italy. However, I've agreed with the price for this item Mentioned you and I'd be buying it. I want you to send me the details about the item as follow:
Full Name for the item:
Working condition:
Used / New?:
does the item came with the original Box?:
How many did you have in stock for sell?:
What's the full specification of the item?:
However, I want the item to be ship through Ems Post 2-3days Delivery and I'll add 50.00EUR to the price of the item to cover the shipping cost to my shop in Italy i hope it will cover it. However, If you've another item for sell please do let me know Moreover, about the payment for the item I've choose the best method of payment for paying the item. I'll be paying for the item through Paypal. So kindly send me your paypal details to follow:
Full Name:
Item Name:
Paypal E-mail:
Total Amount Offered:
PS if you've more quantity for this item or another item you've for sell please let me know. I hope to read from you again.
111111111111 ::
Sicer ne vem koliko vreden predmet prodajaš, ampak nobeden ne bo dal kar tako 50€. Možnosti za prevaro je veliko:
- pošlješ predmet pa ti ga vrnejo z razlogom da se je uničil (dobiš uničeno zadevo nazaj in vrneš denar)
- še največja verjetnost pa je da obkljukajo, da niso odobrili plačila, ker nimaš dokazila in je izdelek (domnevam precenjen za 50€), ti paypal vzame denar nazaj. :)
- pošlješ predmet pa ti ga vrnejo z razlogom da se je uničil (dobiš uničeno zadevo nazaj in vrneš denar)
- še največja verjetnost pa je da obkljukajo, da niso odobrili plačila, ker nimaš dokazila in je izdelek (domnevam precenjen za 50€), ti paypal vzame denar nazaj. :)
Nikonja ::
pa najbolj smešno je da sem prejšnji teden za isti izdelek dobil email, ampak takrat je tip iz kanade in bi radi poslal to kot darilo sinu v Nigerijo !!!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Nikonja ()
user-pass ::
Na ebayu (samo za primer) se prodaja na tone mobitelov in nekdo v Sloveniji res pomisli, da pride kaksen "Anglez" na Bolho in tam nabavi? Malo vec resnosti. Scammerji probajo vse zivo, ampak da ljudje nasedejo...
sash69 ::
Klasika. Kaj nimajo nič domišljije?
Očitno domišljije ne potrebujejo, ko pa toliko ljudi še vedno naseda. :)
So, Eclipse and Xdebug walk into a bar, and then my Apache server dies.
Sims ::
Jah ... sem sam pisal o tem in mojemu kolegu, ki je trmaril. Čakam na razplet in jok, ko bo nategnjen ...
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