Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » težava z usb ključkom
težava z usb ključkom
primož5544 ::
Imam 16gb takeMS ključek, ki ga ne morem formatirati. Ne morem ga niti odpreti, ker mi avtomatsko pokaže, da ga moram najprej formatirati. Napiše mi, da windows ni mogel dokočati formatiranja in da naj preverim, da ni samo za branje. Težava se je pojavila, ko sem nekaj prenašal na usb, se je nekaj zataknilo in sem potem izvlekel usb iz računalnika, zaklepal za branje pa nisem nič. Težavo sem poskušal odpraviti tudi s CMD-jam, pa mi napiše tole (prilagam sliko). Prosim za pomoč. Lp
MIHAc27 ::
Poskusi še z HP USB disk storage format tool. Če z tem ne bo šlo ga vrzi v smeti.
tudi če bo šlo in spet dela.. ga imej za manj pomembne stvari.
tudi če bo šlo in spet dela.. ga imej za manj pomembne stvari.
primož5544 ::
Sem probal pa tudi ne gre. Da ga pa nesem do kakega računalničarja bo pa verjetno takoj dražje kot nov ključek?
hojnikb ::
poženi program chipgenius in prilepi sem screen, da vidim s katerim controllerjem imamo opravka. Kjuček še ni za v smeti !
poženi program chipgenius in prilepi sem screen, da vidim s katerim controllerjem imamo opravka. Kjuček še ni za v smeti !
Han ::
Rabiš UMPTool za dotični TakeMS ključek... Katerega imaš? Sem rešil enega pred kratkim. Tole je copy-paste navodil, ki so mi bila v pomoč:
Another Method can be used if flash provider dont offer repair tool- 1st you need to determine flash chip provider:
1- download chipgui 3 to detect ur chip provider,vid and pid
2- connect ur flash only
3-look for ur flash name in the listed usb devices in the program and click it
4-enter russian site
5-click iflash and enter vid and pid of ur flash and click button next to it
6-the site will show u a list, try to locate the entry that have same name(e.g dt 101)
and same chip vendor - chip part number(located to the right of pid vid) returned from chip gui program if applicable and locate same size(not very important - the same chip program can repair different sizes in most cases) when u find ur flash entry note the name of the utilty to repair it in last column
7- click the menu left of iflash
8- click ur chip provider from left list
9- locate the utilty u got from step 6 click it and click button at bottom - enter code and download
10- if utility is true it shoud detect ur drive and repair /format it
sometimes chip provider supplied by chipgui maybe incorrect ,if so do the following:
1-in iflash list locate chip providers and try to download last version of utility for each
2-try utility see if it recognized ur flash or not ,the one that does may be providing the info u need like (card info button) in SSS_MP_Utility_v2173 from sss chip provider -take ur part number and return to iflash list to locate the right tool for ur flsh version - for SSS_MP_Utility_v2173 u can save card info to file - note isp version - locate bin file that have same isp version in isp code directory -copy its name to ini file in the root program directory and also redefine provider vif pid in that ini according to info u read put u must convert hexadecimal vid pid to decimal through windows calculator and type decimal values in the ini- u can make a copy of ini and name it as u want
3- start program again and choose ur ini and flash ur disk
Another Method can be used if flash provider dont offer repair tool- 1st you need to determine flash chip provider:
1- download chipgui 3 to detect ur chip provider,vid and pid
2- connect ur flash only
3-look for ur flash name in the listed usb devices in the program and click it
4-enter russian site
5-click iflash and enter vid and pid of ur flash and click button next to it
6-the site will show u a list, try to locate the entry that have same name(e.g dt 101)
and same chip vendor - chip part number(located to the right of pid vid) returned from chip gui program if applicable and locate same size(not very important - the same chip program can repair different sizes in most cases) when u find ur flash entry note the name of the utilty to repair it in last column
7- click the menu left of iflash
8- click ur chip provider from left list
9- locate the utilty u got from step 6 click it and click button at bottom - enter code and download
10- if utility is true it shoud detect ur drive and repair /format it
sometimes chip provider supplied by chipgui maybe incorrect ,if so do the following:
1-in iflash list locate chip providers and try to download last version of utility for each
2-try utility see if it recognized ur flash or not ,the one that does may be providing the info u need like (card info button) in SSS_MP_Utility_v2173 from sss chip provider -take ur part number and return to iflash list to locate the right tool for ur flsh version - for SSS_MP_Utility_v2173 u can save card info to file - note isp version - locate bin file that have same isp version in isp code directory -copy its name to ini file in the root program directory and also redefine provider vif pid in that ini according to info u read put u must convert hexadecimal vid pid to decimal through windows calculator and type decimal values in the ini- u can make a copy of ini and name it as u want
3- start program again and choose ur ini and flash ur disk
primož5544 ::
Sm probou na 2h različnih računalnikih.
Tudi po hanovih navodilih sm šel pa mi pri 5. točki ko vpišem vid in pid številko nič ne najde.
Še screen: screen
Tudi po hanovih navodilih sm šel pa mi pri 5. točki ko vpišem vid in pid številko nič ne najde.
Še screen: screen
hojnikb ::
hmm chipgenius nič ne pokaže... dj zloadaj kako novejšo verzijo (ta je iz 2011)..
hojnikb ::
torej alcor micro..
če pa ne gre, se pa sprehodi po tej strani (pomagaj si z google translate)
če pa ne gre, se pa sprehodi po tej strani (pomagaj si z google translate)
primož5544 ::
pokaže tole nardi pa nič, kar kol kliknem:
Bom pogledal jutri še na tisti strani. zaenkrat hvala.
Bom pogledal jutri še na tisti strani. zaenkrat hvala.
hojnikb ::
ja zgleda da ni kompatabilen z to verzijo kontrolerja. Malo se še poigraj z orodji na tisti strani.
primož5544 ::
ni šlo sm probov velik enih stvari pa brez uspeha. sm pa skor zgubu žiuce :D useen hvala za pomoč usm!
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