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DirectX 9 se ne da instalirat!

DirectX 9 se ne da instalirat!

Alkoman ::

Ne vem zakaj ne morem instalirat DirectX-a, sem probal z 8.1 in 9 pa ne gre nobeden. Instalacija poteka normalno brez napak, potem pa med Program files ni nikjer mape in pa tudi v Dodaj/Odstrani programe ga ni nikjer.

Če pa hočem namestit 3DMark, pa mi javi da nimam directx-a.
Imam WinXP, Athlon XP 2.1, plošča Soltek-75FRN, Ati Radeon 9000
Mislim, da ima grafična neko podporo za DirectX, pa ne vem če je kaj na tem?:\
/// --- I Am What I Am --- \ \ \

Senitel ::

1. Windowsi XP že imajo DirectX 8.1
2. DirectX se ne pojavi na Dodaj/Odstrani programe.

Drugače pa kaj reče 3D Mark? Se ne pusti inštalirat al se ne pusti pognat?
Kaj pove dxdiag (start->run->"dxdiag")?

Alkoman ::

Ja tam mi izpiše, da imam verzijo 9.0 pa vseeno...

3DMark se instalira normalno, potem pa mi ob zagonu izpiše to:

[klik za večjo sliko!]

in pa Error.log, ki se pa začne takole:

Application info

Name 3DMark2001 SE
Build 300

Error log

DirectX8 not installed.

System info available: yes
Project available: no

System info

System Info Version 2.2
Installation ID 0x00000000

Manufacturer AMD
Family Duron(tm)
Internal Clock 1.70 GHz
Internal Clock Maximum 1.70 GHz
External Clock 133 MHz
Socket Designation Socket A
Upgrade ZIF Socket
Capabilities MMX, CMov, RDTSC, 3DNow!, Extended 3DNow!, SSE
Version AMD Athlon(tm) XP
CPUID 0x00000681

Level 1
Capacity 128 KB
Type Internal
Type Details Synchronous
Error Correction Type

Level 2
Capacity 256 KB
Type External
Type Details Synchronous
Error Correction Type

DirectX Version 8.0

DirectDraw Version 5.3.0000000.900

Description Primary Display Driver
Manufacturer ATI Technologies Inc.
Name RADEON 9000 Series
Total Local Video Memory 64 MB
Total Local Texture Memory 64 MB
Total AGP Memory 56 MB
Display Driver ati2dvag.dll
Display Driver Version
Driver WHQL Certified Yes
Max Texture Width 2048
Max Texture Height 2048
Max User Clipping Planes 6
Max Active Hardware Lights 8
Max Texture Blending Stages 8
Textures In Single Pass 6
Vertex Shader Version 1.1
Pixel Shader Version 1.4
Max Vertex Blend Matrices 0
Max Texture Coordinates 6
Vendor ID 0x1002
Device ID 0x4966
Sub-System ID 0x7197174b
Revision 0x01

Se da to kak popravit:(

/// --- I Am What I Am --- \ \ \

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: V-i-p ()

Senitel ::

Poišči na netu še 330 Patch za 3D Mark...

jRk0 ::

meni je to tudi napisalo.

Rabis samo patch novi za 3dmark. built 330. to si downloadaj in ti mora delat. igre pa ti verjetno delajo, ali tudi ne?

ah, sem predolgo pisal:)
You fuck up once, you loose two teeth.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jRk0 ()

Alkoman ::

Hvala, sem že poiskal patch, zakon:D
/// --- I Am What I Am --- \ \ \

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