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Grafika za malo denarja ?
#000000 ::
Kolegu je krepnil laptop, in ker je bol na švoh z € bi si omislil neko grafiko za desktopa, Ima p4 3.0, 2gn ddr2 ram, plata podpira PCI-e kartice.
Zdej on bi igral COD starejše verzije, recimo ene dve nazaj, pa me zanima kako grafiko naj mu poiščem ker itak on nima pojma katera bi bila OK. niti jest ne kaj dost več.
uglavnem nekaj za male pare, recimo bi bila shapire HD3450 OK za tole ? Ker tole ima doma.
hvala za info LP
Zdej on bi igral COD starejše verzije, recimo ene dve nazaj, pa me zanima kako grafiko naj mu poiščem ker itak on nima pojma katera bi bila OK. niti jest ne kaj dost več.
uglavnem nekaj za male pare, recimo bi bila shapire HD3450 OK za tole ? Ker tole ima doma.
hvala za info LP
dottor ::
Naj na bolhi najde kej za 20€ in vtakne not.
Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
#000000 ::
No ja sej, sam kaj bi gnalo to igro ? sej verjetno niti nova ne more bit kej več kot 40 ?
dottor ::
Za COD2 ne rabi bit bohve kaj. Poglej za kakšno nVidio 8600. Kolega je na njej Crysis igral, z dvojedernikom in 3GB rama. Sicer na 1024x768 (max. monitor) in na low ampak je stvar furala dokaj gladko.
Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
Blinder ::
pa sje dobi tut 4850 za od 25€ dalje, sam vprašanje, če jo prebavi njegov napajalnik
99.991% of over-25 population has tried kissing.
If you're one of the 0.009% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your Signature.
Intel i3-12100f gtx 3050 Pismo smo stari v bozjo mater. Recesija generacija
If you're one of the 0.009% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your Signature.
Intel i3-12100f gtx 3050 Pismo smo stari v bozjo mater. Recesija generacija
Riff ::
nvidia geforce 8600GTS ali 8800gts ali 9x00 serija ali pa Ati radeon HD 3850/3870 ali HD 4770 ali kaj podobnega je boljše kupit rabljeno za 30 kot pa nova za 40E ne bo preveč dobra za špile
drgač pa tud HD 4850 ni imuna na crkavanje ker sem tud tako že popravil v pečici ( 8800 pa ene 6 komadov)
trenutno si lastim HD 6850 ki me je prišla 15E seveda spečena za kolikor časa bo pač zdržala :)
drgač pa tud HD 4850 ni imuna na crkavanje ker sem tud tako že popravil v pečici ( 8800 pa ene 6 komadov)
trenutno si lastim HD 6850 ki me je prišla 15E seveda spečena za kolikor časa bo pač zdržala :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Riff ()
dottor ::
4850 ne dela z raznimi 420W jajci, tako da tu bo treba še napajalnik menjat... 8600 pa dokler dela dela...
Xeon X5650@3.8GHz |Asus P6T|
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
2x4GB+4x2GB|ASUS R9 280X@1100MHz|
WD Green 240GB SSD + 4x1TB Hitachi
#000000 ::
Ma za pečenje ni problema,sicer nimam pečice, ampak pravo rework mašino in vse kar paše zraven, ampak njegovem laptopu ni pomagal :)
Engineer_ ::
Za COD2 ne rabi bit bohve kaj. Poglej za kakšno nVidio 8600. Kolega je na njej Crysis igral, z dvojedernikom in 3GB rama. Sicer na 1024x768 (max. monitor) in na low ampak je stvar furala dokaj gladko.
ne. Še na slo-techu dobiš radeon 4860 in podobne za 25 eur...zakaj bi dajal prastaro nvidio 8600?!?
(sj je radeon 4860 tudi malce stara morda samo je neprimerljivo boljša.)
Glede napajalnika imaš morda prav, morda je res prešvoh 420 watt. Čeprav ni nujno. Odvisno kako kvalitetnega ima.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: Engineer_ ()
#000000 ::
OK. Zdej je configuracija takšna.
shapire HD3450
2×1 gb DDR2 rama
p4 3.0 procesor na LGA 775
160 gb disk
Ma ker jest ne vem če sem špilal kako igro od spektruma dalje, mi lahko kdo pove kaj bi lavfalo tukaj gor ?
je tole za mulca ki bi bolj streljačino špilal, al pa kako košarko ipd.
Uglavnem a obstaja kje kakšna stran kjer bi lahko podal karakteristike mašine in bi dobil rezultat katera igra bi sploh delala ?
shapire HD3450
2×1 gb DDR2 rama
p4 3.0 procesor na LGA 775
160 gb disk
Ma ker jest ne vem če sem špilal kako igro od spektruma dalje, mi lahko kdo pove kaj bi lavfalo tukaj gor ?
je tole za mulca ki bi bolj streljačino špilal, al pa kako košarko ipd.
Uglavnem a obstaja kje kakšna stran kjer bi lahko podal karakteristike mašine in bi dobil rezultat katera igra bi sploh delala ?
hojnikb ::
tule gor bojo delal kvečjemu kaki zelo stari naslovi (as in 5+ let stari, raje več).
Riff ::
ja imaš tole stran can i run it, zberš špil če je na seznamu pa je:
klinker ::
opeter ::
Ne razumem točno ... ima Radeona 3450, zakaj rabi pol novo grafo?
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
hojnikb ::
Ne razumem točno ... ima Radeona 3450, zakaj rabi pol novo grafo?
ker je tole dobro glih za pospeševat video pa kak star naslov..
opeter ::
Če igra COD 1 in 2 bi morali biti dovolj ... čeprav, op ni napisal, kakšno resolucijo uporablja oz. kakšen monitor ima njegov kolega.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
opeter ::
EDIT: našel en zanimiv post
What games play on Radeon HD 3450
Call of Duty and United Offensive both work just fine for me, although if you want to take advantage of your native resolution you'll have to edit some .cfg files after you install the game. Nothing too difficult, though. It looks great and has excellent framerates.
Call of Duty 2 has inexplicably terrible performance for me. It's odd, considering how old that game is. At 1280x800 and all normal settings, no AA or AF, it was a freaking slideshow. I have no idea why that is.
Even Call of Duty 4 gives me better performance. Still pretty bad, but at least playable on low settings @ 800x600. Also, CoD: World at War is completely unplayable even at 640x480 with minimum settings.
Valve games on the Source Engine seem to run pretty well. I have Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source maxed out, and Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead are pretty close as well.
Battlefield 2 and 2142 both run very well at their maximum resolutions and settings. Unfortunately, DICE refused to give these games widescreen support, so you're stuck with 4:3 resolutions, but they play pretty smooth nonetheless. Also, I just got into the Battlefield Heroes beta, which runs perfectly for me at 1280x800 with all the settings maxed out.
Also, Unreal Tournament 2004 gets fantastic frame rates at all maximum settings at full resolution. I just bought UT3 as well, and I can keep most settings on medium if I turn the resolution down to 800x600, which isn't too bad.
That about sums up all the shooter games I've played on this thing. I've also played a few RTS. The original Dawn of War is pretty playable, slightly laggy when you get huge amounts of units, but nothing too bad. Rome: Total War runs pretty smoothly.
Guild Wars, pretty much the only RPG I've ever played seriously, looks and runs beautifully on this thing as well.
Hope ya find this helpful!
En drug test:
zgornje informacije se nanašajo na mobilno varianto, torej namizna izvedenka bi morala biti hitrejše.
What games play on Radeon HD 3450
Call of Duty and United Offensive both work just fine for me, although if you want to take advantage of your native resolution you'll have to edit some .cfg files after you install the game. Nothing too difficult, though. It looks great and has excellent framerates.
Call of Duty 2 has inexplicably terrible performance for me. It's odd, considering how old that game is. At 1280x800 and all normal settings, no AA or AF, it was a freaking slideshow. I have no idea why that is.
Even Call of Duty 4 gives me better performance. Still pretty bad, but at least playable on low settings @ 800x600. Also, CoD: World at War is completely unplayable even at 640x480 with minimum settings.
Valve games on the Source Engine seem to run pretty well. I have Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source maxed out, and Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead are pretty close as well.
Battlefield 2 and 2142 both run very well at their maximum resolutions and settings. Unfortunately, DICE refused to give these games widescreen support, so you're stuck with 4:3 resolutions, but they play pretty smooth nonetheless. Also, I just got into the Battlefield Heroes beta, which runs perfectly for me at 1280x800 with all the settings maxed out.
Also, Unreal Tournament 2004 gets fantastic frame rates at all maximum settings at full resolution. I just bought UT3 as well, and I can keep most settings on medium if I turn the resolution down to 800x600, which isn't too bad.
That about sums up all the shooter games I've played on this thing. I've also played a few RTS. The original Dawn of War is pretty playable, slightly laggy when you get huge amounts of units, but nothing too bad. Rome: Total War runs pretty smoothly.
Guild Wars, pretty much the only RPG I've ever played seriously, looks and runs beautifully on this thing as well.
Hope ya find this helpful!
En drug test:
zgornje informacije se nanašajo na mobilno varianto, torej namizna izvedenka bi morala biti hitrejše.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: opeter ()
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