Forum » Sedem umetnosti » Filmi za razmišljanje
Filmi za razmišljanje
Temo vidijo: vsi

logit ::
Meni je dal precej za razmišljat.
Nenavaden protagonist, nenavadna zgodba, nenavaden konec. Tako kot v realnem življenju.
Nenavaden protagonist, nenavadna zgodba, nenavaden konec. Tako kot v realnem življenju.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: logit ()

Rippy ::
Another Earth je precej zanimiva drama. Precej "težek" film in lahko bi bil tudi precej boljši ampak je vseeno za pogledat.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Rippy ()

dark_coffee ::
Priporočam film -> "Deček v črtasti pižami"
V času druge svetovne vojne se 8-letni Bruno z družino preseli na podeželje, saj so njegovemu očetu - zagrizenemu nacistu - zaupali pomembno nalogo. Bruno v bližini novega domovanja odkrije z bodečo žico obdan kraj, kjer vsi nosijo črtaste pižame - tudi deček Shmuel, s katerim skleneta iskreno prijateljstvo. Toda Bruno počasi odkriva kruto resnico o prijatelju in skrivnostnem kraju, trk naivne otroške nedolžnosti z brutalnim svetom odraslih pa ima za vse vpletene tragične posledice.
V času druge svetovne vojne se 8-letni Bruno z družino preseli na podeželje, saj so njegovemu očetu - zagrizenemu nacistu - zaupali pomembno nalogo. Bruno v bližini novega domovanja odkrije z bodečo žico obdan kraj, kjer vsi nosijo črtaste pižame - tudi deček Shmuel, s katerim skleneta iskreno prijateljstvo. Toda Bruno počasi odkriva kruto resnico o prijatelju in skrivnostnem kraju, trk naivne otroške nedolžnosti z brutalnim svetom odraslih pa ima za vse vpletene tragične posledice.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()

Qcube ::
SuperKobeD je izjavil:
Ne vem če ga je že kdo omenu ampak vseeno...
Triangle (2009)
Malce bolj kompleksen mistični triler. Ni ravno nek filmski presežek, je pa definitivno vreden ogleda.
+1 za Triangle, vreden ogleda.

ZaLoMaT ::
Drive (2011)
nizkoproračunska uspešnica, z izjemno glasbeno spremljavo.
@RTVSlo: Da bo glasba eden od ključnih nosilcev filma Drive, trilerja noir, narejenega po vzoru šundovskih B-filmov, je bilo jasno že po prvem kadru, v katerem Ryan Gosling, oblečen v jopič s škorpijonom, brez besed brzi po losangeleških ulicah ob zvokih Kavinskega, francoskega house elektroničarja.
nizkoproračunska uspešnica, z izjemno glasbeno spremljavo.
@RTVSlo: Da bo glasba eden od ključnih nosilcev filma Drive, trilerja noir, narejenega po vzoru šundovskih B-filmov, je bilo jasno že po prvem kadru, v katerem Ryan Gosling, oblečen v jopič s škorpijonom, brez besed brzi po losangeleških ulicah ob zvokih Kavinskega, francoskega house elektroničarja.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()

kuglvinkl ::
Ok, dude, ti ne razmišljaš, ostalim pa pada čeljust dol zarad fotografije, tempa, igre. In ja, tut zgodba ni Doom3 like.
edit: typo
edit: typo
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kuglvinkl ()

oo7 ::
Zelo dober film za razmisljat je Prestige z odlicno igralsko zasedbo in zanimivim preobratom.
[ HASHodYouTube]
[ HASHodYouTube]
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

oo7 ::
Film Machinist je tudi dober , tudi za razmisljanje z nenavadnim koncem .
Za ta film je Cristian Bale shujsal 30 kg , nato pa za naslednji film Batman pridobil spet 40 kg .
[ HASHodYouTube]
Za ta film je Cristian Bale shujsal 30 kg , nato pa za naslednji film Batman pridobil spet 40 kg .
[ HASHodYouTube]

oo7 ::
Pa še en starejsi film meni osebno eden najbolsih filmov , sicer je scfi ravno tako za razmisljati z zanimivim koncem .
Kdor se ni gledal mu ga zelo priporocam .
[ HASHodYouTube]
[ HASHodYouTube]
Aja nism vedel bom nehal pisat
se opravicujem.
Kdor se ni gledal mu ga zelo priporocam .
[ HASHodYouTube]
[ HASHodYouTube]
Ze bilo vse veckrat omenjeno.
Aja nism vedel bom nehal pisat

Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: oo7 ()

Jeronimo ::
Sem že napisal pred časom, da bi bilo smiselno spremeniti način podajanja filmov na tem delu foruma.
Preko vode do slobode!
Preko vode do slobode!

logit ::
Od 1.1.2011 do 1.1.2012 je bilo predlaganih 106 novih filmov.
Seznam šteje 882 priporočenih filmov za razmišljanje.
Preden predlagate novi film preverite ali je že omenjen.
Prosim moderatorja za posodobitev seznama na prvi strani.
[Rec] (2007)
10 Items or Less (2006)
11:14 (2003)
12 Angry Men (1957)
127 Hours (2010)
13 Tzameti (2005)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2010 (1984)
21 Grams (2003)
21 Grams (2003)
25th Hour (2002)
28 Days Later... (2002)
300 (2006)
8MM (1999)
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
À bout de souffle (1960)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
A Dangerous Method (2011)
A Good Year (2006)
A Love Song for Bobby Long (2004)
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
A Serious Man (2009)
A Single Man (2009)
About a Boy (2002)
Abre los ojos (1997)
Acción mutante (1993)
Adam (2009/I)
Adaptation. (2002)
Addicted to Plastic (2008)
Adrenaline (2003)
After Hours (1985)
Agora (2009)
Ajami (2009)
Akiresu to kame (2008)
Akmareul boatda (2010)
Alamar (2009)
Ali Zaoua, prince de la rue (2000)
Alice in Wonderland (2010)
All the President's Men (1976)
Amen. (2002)
American Beauty (1999)
American Gangster (2007)
American Gun (2002)
American History X (1998)
American Psycho (2000)
Amores perros (2000)
An Education (2009)
An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Animal Kingdom (2010)
Another Earth (2011)
Another Year (2010)
Antichrist (2009)
Anything Else (2003)
Aoi haru (2001)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypto (2006)
Applaus (2009)
Apt Pupil (1998)
Armadillo (2010)
Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001)
Ashita no kioku (2006)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Atonement (2007)
Attenberg (2010)
Auf der anderen Seite (2007)
Autoreiji (2010)
Awakenings (1990)
Babam Ve Oglum (2005)
Babel (2006)
Babusya (2003)
Bad ma ra khahad bord (1999)
Bang Bang You're Dead (2002)
Baraka (1992)
Barton Fink (1991)
Basic (2003)
Batoru rowaiaru (2000)
Battle in Seattle (2007)
Beaufort (2007)
Beautiful Boy (2010)
Before Sunrise (1995)
Before Sunset (2004)
Before the Rain (1994)
Begotten (1990)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Being There (1979)
Bend It Like Beckham (2002)
Bicentennial Man (1999)
Big Fish (2003)
Bijita Q (2001)
Biutiful (2010)
Black Swan (2010)
Blade Runner (1982)
Blindness (2008)
Blood Diamond (2006)
Bloody Sunday (2002)
Blowup (1966)
Blue Car (2002)
Blue Valentine (2010)
Blue Velvet (1986)
Bobby (2006)
Body of War (2007)
Boksuneun naui geot (2002)
Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom (2003)
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for ... (2006)
Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
Born to Kill (1947)
Bowling for Columbine (2002)
Boyz n the Hood (1991)
Braindead (1992)
Brainstorm (1983)
Brazil (1985)
Breach (2007)
Breaking the Waves (1996)
Brick (2005)
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Broken Flowers (2005)
Brother (2000)
Bure baruta (1998)
Buried (2010/II)
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007)
Caché (2005)
California Dreamin' (Nesfarsit) (2007)
Capote (2005)
Cargo (2009)
Casino (1995)
Casino Jack (2010)
Cast Away (2000)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
Celda 211 (2009)
Changeling (2008)
Chasing Amy (1997)
Che: Part One (2008)
Che: Part Two (2008)
Children of Men (2006)
Chop Shop (2007)
Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo (1981)
Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo (1982)
Chromophobia (2005)
Chun gwong cha sit (1997)
Cidade de Deus (2002)
Citizen Kane (1941)
City Island (2009)
Closer (2004/I)
Cloverfield (2008)
Coffee and Cigarettes (2003)
Cold Mountain (2003)
Collapse (2009/II)
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)
Conspiracy (2001)
Conspiracy Theory (1997)
Contact (1997)
Crash (2004/I)
Crazy Heart (2009)
Crossing Over (2009)
Cube (1997)
Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
Cypher (2002)
Dancer in the Dark (2000)
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Dante 01 (2008)
Dare mo shiranai (2004)
Dark City (1998)
Dark Matter (2007/I)
Das Boot (1981)
Das Experiment (2001)
Das Leben der Anderen (2006)
Dead End (2003/I)
Dead Man (1995)
Dead Man Walking (1995)
Dead Man's Shoes (2004)
Dear Frankie (2004)
Death in Gaza (2004)
Deathwatch (2002)
Decasia (2002)
Defendor (2009)
Defiance (2008)
Delicatessen (1991)
Deliverance (1972)
Dellamorte Dellamore (1994)
Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (2008)
Der Himmel über Berlin (1987)
Der Untergang (2004)
Derailed (2005/I)
Des hommes et des dieux (2010
Det sjunde inseglet (1957)
Die Welle (2008)
Dirty Pretty Things (2002)
Dog Pound (2010)
Dogma (1999)
Dogville (2003)
Dolls (2002)
Donnie Darko (2001)
Door to Door (2002)
Dorian Gray (2009)
Doubt (2008/I)
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
Dreamland (2006)
Drive (2011)
Driving Lessons (2006)
Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
Dune (1984)
East Is East (1999)
Edges of the Lord (2001)
Edmond (2005)
El día de la bestia (1995)
El laberinto del fauno (2006)
El Secreto de Sus Ojos (2009)
Elegy (2008/I)
Elephant (2003)
Elizabeth (1998)
Elizabethtown (2005)
Enemy of the State (1998)
Enter the Void (2009)
Entre les murs (2008)
Equilibrium (2002)
Eraserhead (1976)
Et rigtigt menneske (2001)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Europa (1991)
Event Horizon (1997)
Everything Is Illuminated (2005)
Ex Drummer (2007)
Exam (2009)
eXistenZ (1999)
Explicit Ills (2008)
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
Fa yeung nin wa (2000)
Face/Off (1997)
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
Failan (2001)
Fair Game (2010/I)
Fallen (1998)
Falling Down (1993)
Far from Heaven (2002)
Fargo (1996)
Fast Food Nation (2006)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Felon (2008)
Femme Fatale (2002)
Festen (1998)
Fight Club (1999)
Filth and Wisdom (2008)
Final Destination (2000)
Finding Forrester (2000)
Finding Neverland (2004)
Fireflies in the Garden (2008)
Fish Tank (2009)
Five Easy Pieces (1970)
Five Minutes of Heaven (2009)
Flight 93 (2006)
Food Matters (2008)
Food, Inc. (2008)
Forbrydelsens element (1984)
Forrest Gump (1994)
Four Lions (2010)
Frailty (2001)
Freedom Downtime (2001)
Frequency (2000)
Frida (2002)
Friends & Crocodiles (2005)
Friendship! (2010)
Frozen River (2008)
Fucking Amal (1998)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
Gallipoli (1981)
Garden State (2004)
Gattaca (1997)
Generation RX (2008)
Ghost World (2001)
Gia (1998)
Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)
Girl, Interrupted (1999)
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
Gojira tai Mosura tai Mekagojira: Tôkyô S.O.S. (2003)
Gomorra (2008)
Gone Baby Gone (2007)
Good Bye Lenin! (2003)
Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Goodfellas (1990)
Gran Torino (2008)
Grbavica (2006)
Green Zone (2010)
Greenberg (2010)
Gruz 200 (2007)
Gummo (1997)
Guo nian hui jia (1999)
Gwoemul (2006)
Habitación en Roma (2010)
Hable con ella (2002)
Hachiko: A Dog's Story (2009)
Hana-bi (1997)
Hanyo (2010)
Happy Accidents (2000)
Hard Candy (2005)
Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo
Hart's War (2002)
Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004)
Heaven (2002/I)
Hei tai yang 731 (1988)
Hereafter (2010)
Hesher (2010)
Heugsuseon (2001)
Hidalgo (2004)
Himalaya - l'enfance d'un chef (1999)
Holiday (1938)
Home Room (2002/I)
Hong gao liang (1987)
Hoshi no koe (2003)
Hotaru no haka (1988)
Hotel Rwanda (2004)
House of Sand and Fog (2003)
How to Get the Man's Foot Outta Your Ass (2003)
Hunger (2008)
I Kina spiser de hunde (1999)
Identity (2003)
Idioterne (1998)
Il postino (1994)
Il y a longtemps que je t'aime (2008)
I'm Not There (2007)
Impostor (2001)
In America (2002)
In Bruges (2008)
In the Bedroom (2001)
In the Heat of the Night (1967)
In the Mouth of Madness (1995)
In the Valley of Elah (2007)
In This World (2002)
Incendies (2010)
Inception (2010)
Ink (2009/I)
Innocence (2004/I)
Inside Job (2010)
Inside Man (2006)
Intacto (2001)
Interview (2007/I)
Into the Wild (2007)
Irréversible (2002)
Istoria 52 (2008)
Jackie Brown (1997)
Jacob's Ladder (1990/I)
Jalla! Jalla! (2000)
Janghwa, Hongryeon (2003)
Japanese Story (2003)
Jarhead (2005)
Jenseits der Stille (1996)
JFK (1991)
Jigureul jikyeora! (2003)
Jisatsu sâkuru (2001)
Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (2011)
Johnny Got His Gun (1971)
Johnny Mad Dog (2008)
Joyeux Noël (2005)
Jud Süß (1940)
Ju-on (2002)
Kairo (2001)
Kak ya provyol etim letom (2010)
Kakushi-toride no san-akunin (1958)
Kansas City (1996)
Kaze no tani no Naushika (1984)
Ken Park (2002)
Kids (1995)
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)
Kill List (2011)
Killer Cop (2002)
Kiraware Matsuko no isshô (2006)
Kiss of the Dragon (2001)
Klopka (2007)
Kôkaku kidôtai (1995)
Kokuhaku (2010)
Kolja (1996)
Koroshi no rakuin (1967)
Koroshiya 1 (2001)
K-PAX (2001)
Kramer Vs Kramer (1979)
Kukushka (2002)
Kundun (1997)
Kurenai no buta (1992)
Kyatapirâ (2010)
Kynodontas (2009)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
La graine et le mulet (2007)
La haine (1995)
La marche de l'empereur (2005)
La pianiste (2001)
La planète sauvage (1973)
La vita e bella (1997)
Ladri di biciclette (1948)
L'appartement (1996)
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)
Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989)
Låt den rãtte komma in (2008)
L'audition (2005)
Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001)
Le grand bleu (1988)
Le pacte des loups (2001)
Le souffle au coeur (1971)
Le violon rouge (1998)
Lebanon (2009)
Legends of the Fall (1994)
Leon (1994)
Lepa sela lepo gore (1996)
Les 7 jours du talion (2010)
Les amours imaginaires (2010)
Les invasions barbares (2003)
Les rivières pourpres (2000)
Les visiteurs (1993)
Let Me In (2010)
Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
Liberty Stands Still (2002)
Life (1999/I)
Life in a Day (2011)
Life of Brian (1979)
Lilja 4-ever (2002)
Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Limitless (2011)
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Lola rennt (1998)
Lone Star (1996)
Lord of War (2005)
Los cronocrímenes (2007)
Los sin nombre (1999)
Lost Highway (1997)
Lost in Translation (2003)
Lucky Number Slevin (2006)
Lulu on the Bridge (1998)
Lymelife (2008)
M. Butterfly (1993)
Mad Max (1979)
Madeo (2009)
Magnolia (1999)
Malena (2000)
Mammoth (2009)
Man on Fire (2004)
Man on the Moon (1999)
Män som hatar kvinnor (2009)
Manderlay (2005)
Margin Call (2011)
Maria Full of Grace (2004)
Martyrs (2008)
Mary and Max (2009)
Match Point (2005)
Meet Joe Black (1998)
Melancholia (2011)
Memento (2000)
Metoroporisu (2001)
Metropolis (1927)
Micro Men (2009)
Midnight Express (1978)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Mies vailla menneisyytta (2002)
Million Dollar Baby (2004)
Mindhunters (2004)
Minority Report (2002)
Misery (1990)
Mississippi Burning (1988)
Moartea domnului Lazarescu (2005)
Modern Times (1936)
Moneyball (2011)
Monster (2003)
Monster's Ball (2001)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Moon (2009)
Morana (1994)
Mother Night (1996)
Mr. Brooks (2007)
Mr. Nobody (2009/I)
Mulholland Dr. (2001)
Munich (2005)
Music Within (2007)
My Sister's Keeper (2009)
My Summer of Love (2004)
Mysterious Skin (2004)
Naissance des pieuvres (2007)
Naked Lunch (1991)
Nattevagten (1994)
Natural Born Killers (1994)
Ne le Dis à Personne (2006)
Network (1976)
Never Let Me Go (2010)
New Jersey Drive (1995)
New York, I Love You (2009)
Nirgendwo in Afrika (2001)
Nixon (1995)
No Country for Old Men (2007)
No Man's Land (2001)
No Turning Back (2001)
Non ti muovere (2004)
Nordwand (2008)
Notes on a Scandal (2006)
Nothing But the Truth (2008)
Nothing But the Truth (2008)
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (1988)
Nuovomondo (2006)
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (2006)
Oceans (2009)
Ôdishon (1999)
Office Space (1999)
Offret (1986)
Oldeuboi (2003)
Once (2006)
Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
Once Were Warriors (1994)
Ondskan (2003)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
One Hour Photo (2002)
Ong-bak (2003)
Original Sin (2001)
Osama (2003)
Paid in Full (2002)
Pandorum (2009)
Panic Room (2002)
Panique au village (2009)
Paradise Now (2005)
Paris, je t'aime (2006)
Paris, Texas (1984)
Patch Adams (1998)
Paths of Glory (1957)
Pay It Forward (2000)
Paycheck (2003)
Perdita Durango (1997)
Persepolis (2007)
Persona (1966)
Personal Effects (2009)
Phone Booth (2002)
Pi (1998)
Pieces of April (2003)
Pink Floyd The Wall (1982)
Platoon (1986)
Please Give (2010)
Polytechnique (2009)
Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire (2009)
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Primal Fear (1996)
Primer (2004)
Profesionalac (2003)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Puncture (2011)
Punishment Park (1971)
Queen of the Damned (2002)
Rabbit Hole (2010)
Rachel Getting Married (2008)
Rachida (2002)
Rain Man (1988)
Rane (1998)
Rashomon (1950)
Recep Ivedik (2008)
Recep Ivedik (2008)
Recep Ivedik 2 (2009)
Recep Ivedik 3 (2010)
Redacted (2007)
Religulous (2008)
Renaissance (2006)
Rent (2005)
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Resident Evil (2002)
Revanche (2008)
Revolutionary Road (2008)
Revolver (2005/I)
Riri Shushu no subete (2001)
Rise of the Footsoldier (2007)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
Road to Perdition (2002)
Rocket Science (2007)
Romper Stomper (1992)
Romper Stomper (1992)
Ronin (1998)
Rounders (1998)
Salinui chueok (2003)
Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975)
Salvador (1986)
Satansbraten (1976)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Saw (2004)
Scarface (1983)
Scent of a Woman (1992)
Schindler's List (1993)
Schizopolis (1996)
Schultze Gets the Blues (2003)
Se7en (1995)
Second Skin (2008)
Secretary (2002)
Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)
Seven Pounds (2008)
Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
Shattered Glass (2003)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Shi (2010/I)
Shichinin no samurai (1954)
Shinboru (2009)
Shooting Dogs (2005)
Shutter Island (2010)
Sicko (2007)
Sideways (2004)
Sin nombre (2009)
Sleep Dealer (2008)
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
Snatch. (2000)
So weit die Füße tragen (2001)
Solaris (2002)
Solyaris (1972)
Somewhere (2010)
Source Code (2011)
South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut (1999)
Southern Comfort (1981)
Soylent Green (1973)
Spread (2009)
Spun (2002)
Spy Game (2001)
Srpski film (2010)
Starship Troopers (1997)
State of Play (2009)
Stay (2005/I)
Stranger Than Fiction (2006)
Stranger Than Paradise (1984)
Straw Dogs (1971)
Stuck (2007)
Submarino (2010)
Sucker Punch (2011)
Sunshine (2007)
Super High Me (2007)
Super Size Me (2004)
Sybil (1976)
Sybil (2007)
Synecdoche, New York (2008)
Syriana (2005)
Taegukgi hwinalrimyeo (2004)
Taken (2008/I)
Talvisota (1989)
Tape (2001)
Taxi Driver (1976)
Technotise - Edit i ja (2009)
Temple Grandin (2010)
Ten Canoes (2006)
Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet (2002)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
Tetsuo (1989)
The Art of Travel (2008)
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans (2009)
The Ballad of Jack and Rose (2005)
The Basketball Diaries (1995)
The Beast of War (1988)
The Bone Collector (1999)
The Book of Eli (2010)
The Boondock Saints (1999)
The Bourne Identity (2002)
The Box (2009/I)
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008)
The Burning Plain (2008)
The Butterfly Effect (2004)
The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986)
The Constant Gardener (2005)
The Corporation (2003)
The Countess (2009)
The Cove (2009)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
The Dark Knight (2008)
The Deer Hunter (1978)
The Departed (2006)
The Devil's Advocate (1997)
The Dish (2000)
The Drifter (2009)
The Elephant Man (1980)
The English Patient (1996)
The Exorcist (1973)
The Final Cut (2004)
The Fountain (2006)
The Game (1997)
The Ghost Writer (2010)
The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather: Part II (1974)
The Godfather: Part III (1990)
The Good Shepherd (2006)
The Graduate (1967)
The Great Debaters (2007)
The Green Mile (1999)
The Grey Zone (2001)
The Help (2011)
The Hill (1965)
The Hole (2001)
The Holy Mountain (1973)
The Hurt Locker (2008)
The I Inside (2004)
The Ice Storm (1997)
The Illusionist (2006)
The Informant! (2009)
The Invention of Lying (2009)
The Island (2005)
The Jacket (2005)
The Killing Fields (1984)
The Killing Room (2009)
The Last Samurai (2003)
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
The Ledge (2011)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
The Life Before Her Eyes (2007)
The Life of David Gale (2003)
The Limits of Control (2009)
The Lookout (2007)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
The Lost City (2005)
The Lovely Bones (2009)
The Machinist (2004)
The Magdalene Sisters (2002)
The Majestic (2001)
The Man from Earth (2007)
The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)
The Matrix (1999)
The Meaning of Life (1983)
The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)
The Million Dollar Hotel (2000)
The Mist (2007)
The Motel (2005)
The New World (2005)
The Next Three Days (2010)
The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz (2000
The Ninth Gate (1999)
The Number 23 (2007)
The Omen (1976)
The Onion Movie (2008)
The Others (2001)
The Painted Veil (2006)
The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006)
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
The Pianist (2002)
The Pillow Book (1996)
The Pledge (2000)
The Pledge (2001)
The Prestige (2006)
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
The Quiet American (2002)
The Reader (2008)
The Ring (2002/I)
The Ring Two (2005)
The Road (2009)
The Road to Guantanamo (2006)
The Rules of Attraction (2002)
The Searchers (1956)
The Secret (2006)
The Secret Life of Bees (2008)
The Secret Life of Words (2005)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
The Shining (1980)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The Sixth Sense (1999)
The Social Network (2010)
The Station Agent (2003)
The Stoning of Soraya M. (2008)
The Straight Story (1999)
The Sunset Limited (2011)
The Terminator (1984)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
The Third Man (1949)
The Thirteenth Floor (1999)
The Time Machine (2002)
The Town (2010)
The Tree of Life (2011)
The Truman Show (1998)
The Untouchables (1987)
The Usual Suspects (1995)
The Village (2004)
The Virgin Suicides (1999)
The Visitor (2007/I)
The Wackness (2008)
The Wackness (2008)
The Wave (1981)
The Way (2010/I)
The Way Back (2010/I)
The Whistleblower (2010)
The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006)
The World's Fastest Indian (2005)
The Wrestler (2008)
The Yes Men Fix the World (2009)
Thelma & Louise (1991)
They Live (1988)
This Film Is Not Yet Rated (2006)
This Is England (2006)
This Is It (2009)
Tideland (2005)
Titan A.E. (2000)
Titicut Follies (1967)
Tmavomodrý svet (2001)
Tockovi (1999)
Todo sobre mi madre (1999)
Tôkyô sonata (2008)
Touching the Void (2003)
Towelhead (2008)
Traffic (2000)
Training Day (2001)
Trainspotting (1996)
Triangle (2009)
Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993)
Trois couleurs: Rouge (1994)
Tropa de Elite (2007)
Tropa de Elite 2 - O Inimigo Agora É Outro (2010)
True Romance (1993)
Trust (2010/I)
Try Seventeen (2002)
Trzy kolory: Bialy (1994)
Tsotsi (2005)
Tully (2000)
Twelve Monkeys (1995)
Un chien andalou (1929)
Un coeur en hiver (1992)
Un prophete (2009)
Unbreakable (2000)
Une femme est une femme (1961)
Unforgiven (1992)
Unser täglich Brot (2005)
Unthinkable (2010)
Until the Light Takes Us (2008)
Up in the Air (2009/I)
V for Vendetta (2006)
V leru (1999)
Vals Im Bashir (2008)
Van Diemen's Land (2009)
Vanilla Sky (2001)
Vargtimmen (1968)
Varuh meje (2002)
Vendredi soir (2002)
Veronica Guerin (2003)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
Visioneers (2008)
Viskningar och rop (1972)
Vizantijsko plavo (1993)
Wag the Dog (1997)
Waking Life (2001)
Waking Ned (1998)
Wall Street (1987)
WALL·E (2008)
Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005)
Warrior (2011)
Waste Land (2010)
Watchmen (2009)
Water (2005/I)
Water for Elephants (2011)
We Were Soldiers (2002)
Welcome (2009/I)
Whale Rider (2002)
What Dreams May Come (1998)
What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
Who Killed Atlanta's Children? (2000)
Who Killed the Electric Car? (2006)
Wicker Park (2004)
Windtalkers (2002)
Winter's Bone (2010)
Wit (2001)
World's Greatest Dad (2009/I)
Wyatt Earp (1994)
XXY (2007)
Yeopgijeogin geunyeo (2001)
Yes Man (2008)
Yi yi (2000)
Ying xiong (2002)
You Don't Know Jack (2010)
Zadah tela (1983)
Zadnja vecerja (2001)
Zardoz (1974)
Zatôichi (2003)
Zeitgeist (2007)
Zero Day (2003)
Zift (2008)
Zivot i smrt porno bande (2009)
ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction (2009)
Zodiac (2007/I)
Zombieland (2009)
Zvyozdnyy inspektor (1982)
Zwartboek (2006)
Seznam šteje 882 priporočenih filmov za razmišljanje.
Preden predlagate novi film preverite ali je že omenjen.
Prosim moderatorja za posodobitev seznama na prvi strani.
[Rec] (2007)
10 Items or Less (2006)
11:14 (2003)
12 Angry Men (1957)
127 Hours (2010)
13 Tzameti (2005)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
2010 (1984)
21 Grams (2003)
21 Grams (2003)
25th Hour (2002)
28 Days Later... (2002)
300 (2006)
8MM (1999)
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
À bout de souffle (1960)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
A Dangerous Method (2011)
A Good Year (2006)
A Love Song for Bobby Long (2004)
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
A Serious Man (2009)
A Single Man (2009)
About a Boy (2002)
Abre los ojos (1997)
Acción mutante (1993)
Adam (2009/I)
Adaptation. (2002)
Addicted to Plastic (2008)
Adrenaline (2003)
After Hours (1985)
Agora (2009)
Ajami (2009)
Akiresu to kame (2008)
Akmareul boatda (2010)
Alamar (2009)
Ali Zaoua, prince de la rue (2000)
Alice in Wonderland (2010)
All the President's Men (1976)
Amen. (2002)
American Beauty (1999)
American Gangster (2007)
American Gun (2002)
American History X (1998)
American Psycho (2000)
Amores perros (2000)
An Education (2009)
An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Animal Kingdom (2010)
Another Earth (2011)
Another Year (2010)
Antichrist (2009)
Anything Else (2003)
Aoi haru (2001)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Apocalypto (2006)
Applaus (2009)
Apt Pupil (1998)
Armadillo (2010)
Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001)
Ashita no kioku (2006)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Atonement (2007)
Attenberg (2010)
Auf der anderen Seite (2007)
Autoreiji (2010)
Awakenings (1990)
Babam Ve Oglum (2005)
Babel (2006)
Babusya (2003)
Bad ma ra khahad bord (1999)
Bang Bang You're Dead (2002)
Baraka (1992)
Barton Fink (1991)
Basic (2003)
Batoru rowaiaru (2000)
Battle in Seattle (2007)
Beaufort (2007)
Beautiful Boy (2010)
Before Sunrise (1995)
Before Sunset (2004)
Before the Rain (1994)
Begotten (1990)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Being There (1979)
Bend It Like Beckham (2002)
Bicentennial Man (1999)
Big Fish (2003)
Bijita Q (2001)
Biutiful (2010)
Black Swan (2010)
Blade Runner (1982)
Blindness (2008)
Blood Diamond (2006)
Bloody Sunday (2002)
Blowup (1966)
Blue Car (2002)
Blue Valentine (2010)
Blue Velvet (1986)
Bobby (2006)
Body of War (2007)
Boksuneun naui geot (2002)
Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom (2003)
Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for ... (2006)
Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
Born to Kill (1947)
Bowling for Columbine (2002)
Boyz n the Hood (1991)
Braindead (1992)
Brainstorm (1983)
Brazil (1985)
Breach (2007)
Breaking the Waves (1996)
Brick (2005)
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Broken Flowers (2005)
Brother (2000)
Bure baruta (1998)
Buried (2010/II)
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007)
Caché (2005)
California Dreamin' (Nesfarsit) (2007)
Capote (2005)
Cargo (2009)
Casino (1995)
Casino Jack (2010)
Cast Away (2000)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
Celda 211 (2009)
Changeling (2008)
Chasing Amy (1997)
Che: Part One (2008)
Che: Part Two (2008)
Children of Men (2006)
Chop Shop (2007)
Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo (1981)
Christiane F. - Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo (1982)
Chromophobia (2005)
Chun gwong cha sit (1997)
Cidade de Deus (2002)
Citizen Kane (1941)
City Island (2009)
Closer (2004/I)
Cloverfield (2008)
Coffee and Cigarettes (2003)
Cold Mountain (2003)
Collapse (2009/II)
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)
Conspiracy (2001)
Conspiracy Theory (1997)
Contact (1997)
Crash (2004/I)
Crazy Heart (2009)
Crossing Over (2009)
Cube (1997)
Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
Cypher (2002)
Dancer in the Dark (2000)
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Dante 01 (2008)
Dare mo shiranai (2004)
Dark City (1998)
Dark Matter (2007/I)
Das Boot (1981)
Das Experiment (2001)
Das Leben der Anderen (2006)
Dead End (2003/I)
Dead Man (1995)
Dead Man Walking (1995)
Dead Man's Shoes (2004)
Dear Frankie (2004)
Death in Gaza (2004)
Deathwatch (2002)
Decasia (2002)
Defendor (2009)
Defiance (2008)
Delicatessen (1991)
Deliverance (1972)
Dellamorte Dellamore (1994)
Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (2008)
Der Himmel über Berlin (1987)
Der Untergang (2004)
Derailed (2005/I)
Des hommes et des dieux (2010
Det sjunde inseglet (1957)
Die Welle (2008)
Dirty Pretty Things (2002)
Dog Pound (2010)
Dogma (1999)
Dogville (2003)
Dolls (2002)
Donnie Darko (2001)
Door to Door (2002)
Dorian Gray (2009)
Doubt (2008/I)
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
Dreamland (2006)
Drive (2011)
Driving Lessons (2006)
Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
Dune (1984)
East Is East (1999)
Edges of the Lord (2001)
Edmond (2005)
El día de la bestia (1995)
El laberinto del fauno (2006)
El Secreto de Sus Ojos (2009)
Elegy (2008/I)
Elephant (2003)
Elizabeth (1998)
Elizabethtown (2005)
Enemy of the State (1998)
Enter the Void (2009)
Entre les murs (2008)
Equilibrium (2002)
Eraserhead (1976)
Et rigtigt menneske (2001)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Europa (1991)
Event Horizon (1997)
Everything Is Illuminated (2005)
Ex Drummer (2007)
Exam (2009)
eXistenZ (1999)
Explicit Ills (2008)
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
Fa yeung nin wa (2000)
Face/Off (1997)
Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
Failan (2001)
Fair Game (2010/I)
Fallen (1998)
Falling Down (1993)
Far from Heaven (2002)
Fargo (1996)
Fast Food Nation (2006)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
Felon (2008)
Femme Fatale (2002)
Festen (1998)
Fight Club (1999)
Filth and Wisdom (2008)
Final Destination (2000)
Finding Forrester (2000)
Finding Neverland (2004)
Fireflies in the Garden (2008)
Fish Tank (2009)
Five Easy Pieces (1970)
Five Minutes of Heaven (2009)
Flight 93 (2006)
Food Matters (2008)
Food, Inc. (2008)
Forbrydelsens element (1984)
Forrest Gump (1994)
Four Lions (2010)
Frailty (2001)
Freedom Downtime (2001)
Frequency (2000)
Frida (2002)
Friends & Crocodiles (2005)
Friendship! (2010)
Frozen River (2008)
Fucking Amal (1998)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009)
Gallipoli (1981)
Garden State (2004)
Gattaca (1997)
Generation RX (2008)
Ghost World (2001)
Gia (1998)
Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003)
Girl, Interrupted (1999)
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
Gojira tai Mosura tai Mekagojira: Tôkyô S.O.S. (2003)
Gomorra (2008)
Gone Baby Gone (2007)
Good Bye Lenin! (2003)
Good Night, and Good Luck. (2005)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Goodfellas (1990)
Gran Torino (2008)
Grbavica (2006)
Green Zone (2010)
Greenberg (2010)
Gruz 200 (2007)
Gummo (1997)
Guo nian hui jia (1999)
Gwoemul (2006)
Habitación en Roma (2010)
Hable con ella (2002)
Hachiko: A Dog's Story (2009)
Hana-bi (1997)
Hanyo (2010)
Happy Accidents (2000)
Hard Candy (2005)
Harold and Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo
Hart's War (2002)
Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004)
Heaven (2002/I)
Hei tai yang 731 (1988)
Hereafter (2010)
Hesher (2010)
Heugsuseon (2001)
Hidalgo (2004)
Himalaya - l'enfance d'un chef (1999)
Holiday (1938)
Home Room (2002/I)
Hong gao liang (1987)
Hoshi no koe (2003)
Hotaru no haka (1988)
Hotel Rwanda (2004)
House of Sand and Fog (2003)
How to Get the Man's Foot Outta Your Ass (2003)
Hunger (2008)
I Kina spiser de hunde (1999)
Identity (2003)
Idioterne (1998)
Il postino (1994)
Il y a longtemps que je t'aime (2008)
I'm Not There (2007)
Impostor (2001)
In America (2002)
In Bruges (2008)
In the Bedroom (2001)
In the Heat of the Night (1967)
In the Mouth of Madness (1995)
In the Valley of Elah (2007)
In This World (2002)
Incendies (2010)
Inception (2010)
Ink (2009/I)
Innocence (2004/I)
Inside Job (2010)
Inside Man (2006)
Intacto (2001)
Interview (2007/I)
Into the Wild (2007)
Irréversible (2002)
Istoria 52 (2008)
Jackie Brown (1997)
Jacob's Ladder (1990/I)
Jalla! Jalla! (2000)
Janghwa, Hongryeon (2003)
Japanese Story (2003)
Jarhead (2005)
Jenseits der Stille (1996)
JFK (1991)
Jigureul jikyeora! (2003)
Jisatsu sâkuru (2001)
Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (2011)
Johnny Got His Gun (1971)
Johnny Mad Dog (2008)
Joyeux Noël (2005)
Jud Süß (1940)
Ju-on (2002)
Kairo (2001)
Kak ya provyol etim letom (2010)
Kakushi-toride no san-akunin (1958)
Kansas City (1996)
Kaze no tani no Naushika (1984)
Ken Park (2002)
Kids (1995)
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)
Kill List (2011)
Killer Cop (2002)
Kiraware Matsuko no isshô (2006)
Kiss of the Dragon (2001)
Klopka (2007)
Kôkaku kidôtai (1995)
Kokuhaku (2010)
Kolja (1996)
Koroshi no rakuin (1967)
Koroshiya 1 (2001)
K-PAX (2001)
Kramer Vs Kramer (1979)
Kukushka (2002)
Kundun (1997)
Kurenai no buta (1992)
Kyatapirâ (2010)
Kynodontas (2009)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
La graine et le mulet (2007)
La haine (1995)
La marche de l'empereur (2005)
La pianiste (2001)
La planète sauvage (1973)
La vita e bella (1997)
Ladri di biciclette (1948)
L'appartement (1996)
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)
Lars and the Real Girl (2007)
Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989)
Låt den rãtte komma in (2008)
L'audition (2005)
Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001)
Le grand bleu (1988)
Le pacte des loups (2001)
Le souffle au coeur (1971)
Le violon rouge (1998)
Lebanon (2009)
Legends of the Fall (1994)
Leon (1994)
Lepa sela lepo gore (1996)
Les 7 jours du talion (2010)
Les amours imaginaires (2010)
Les invasions barbares (2003)
Les rivières pourpres (2000)
Les visiteurs (1993)
Let Me In (2010)
Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
Liberty Stands Still (2002)
Life (1999/I)
Life in a Day (2011)
Life of Brian (1979)
Lilja 4-ever (2002)
Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Limitless (2011)
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Lola rennt (1998)
Lone Star (1996)
Lord of War (2005)
Los cronocrímenes (2007)
Los sin nombre (1999)
Lost Highway (1997)
Lost in Translation (2003)
Lucky Number Slevin (2006)
Lulu on the Bridge (1998)
Lymelife (2008)
M. Butterfly (1993)
Mad Max (1979)
Madeo (2009)
Magnolia (1999)
Malena (2000)
Mammoth (2009)
Man on Fire (2004)
Man on the Moon (1999)
Män som hatar kvinnor (2009)
Manderlay (2005)
Margin Call (2011)
Maria Full of Grace (2004)
Martyrs (2008)
Mary and Max (2009)
Match Point (2005)
Meet Joe Black (1998)
Melancholia (2011)
Memento (2000)
Metoroporisu (2001)
Metropolis (1927)
Micro Men (2009)
Midnight Express (1978)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Mies vailla menneisyytta (2002)
Million Dollar Baby (2004)
Mindhunters (2004)
Minority Report (2002)
Misery (1990)
Mississippi Burning (1988)
Moartea domnului Lazarescu (2005)
Modern Times (1936)
Moneyball (2011)
Monster (2003)
Monster's Ball (2001)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Moon (2009)
Morana (1994)
Mother Night (1996)
Mr. Brooks (2007)
Mr. Nobody (2009/I)
Mulholland Dr. (2001)
Munich (2005)
Music Within (2007)
My Sister's Keeper (2009)
My Summer of Love (2004)
Mysterious Skin (2004)
Naissance des pieuvres (2007)
Naked Lunch (1991)
Nattevagten (1994)
Natural Born Killers (1994)
Ne le Dis à Personne (2006)
Network (1976)
Never Let Me Go (2010)
New Jersey Drive (1995)
New York, I Love You (2009)
Nirgendwo in Afrika (2001)
Nixon (1995)
No Country for Old Men (2007)
No Man's Land (2001)
No Turning Back (2001)
Non ti muovere (2004)
Nordwand (2008)
Notes on a Scandal (2006)
Nothing But the Truth (2008)
Nothing But the Truth (2008)
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (1988)
Nuovomondo (2006)
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále (2006)
Oceans (2009)
Ôdishon (1999)
Office Space (1999)
Offret (1986)
Oldeuboi (2003)
Once (2006)
Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
Once Were Warriors (1994)
Ondskan (2003)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
One Hour Photo (2002)
Ong-bak (2003)
Original Sin (2001)
Osama (2003)
Paid in Full (2002)
Pandorum (2009)
Panic Room (2002)
Panique au village (2009)
Paradise Now (2005)
Paris, je t'aime (2006)
Paris, Texas (1984)
Patch Adams (1998)
Paths of Glory (1957)
Pay It Forward (2000)
Paycheck (2003)
Perdita Durango (1997)
Persepolis (2007)
Persona (1966)
Personal Effects (2009)
Phone Booth (2002)
Pi (1998)
Pieces of April (2003)
Pink Floyd The Wall (1982)
Platoon (1986)
Please Give (2010)
Polytechnique (2009)
Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire (2009)
Pride & Prejudice (2005)
Primal Fear (1996)
Primer (2004)
Profesionalac (2003)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Puncture (2011)
Punishment Park (1971)
Queen of the Damned (2002)
Rabbit Hole (2010)
Rachel Getting Married (2008)
Rachida (2002)
Rain Man (1988)
Rane (1998)
Rashomon (1950)
Recep Ivedik (2008)
Recep Ivedik (2008)
Recep Ivedik 2 (2009)
Recep Ivedik 3 (2010)
Redacted (2007)
Religulous (2008)
Renaissance (2006)
Rent (2005)
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Resident Evil (2002)
Revanche (2008)
Revolutionary Road (2008)
Revolver (2005/I)
Riri Shushu no subete (2001)
Rise of the Footsoldier (2007)
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
Road to Perdition (2002)
Rocket Science (2007)
Romper Stomper (1992)
Romper Stomper (1992)
Ronin (1998)
Rounders (1998)
Salinui chueok (2003)
Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975)
Salvador (1986)
Satansbraten (1976)
Saving Private Ryan (1998)
Saw (2004)
Scarface (1983)
Scent of a Woman (1992)
Schindler's List (1993)
Schizopolis (1996)
Schultze Gets the Blues (2003)
Se7en (1995)
Second Skin (2008)
Secretary (2002)
Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)
Seven Pounds (2008)
Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
Shadow of the Vampire (2000)
Shattered Glass (2003)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Shi (2010/I)
Shichinin no samurai (1954)
Shinboru (2009)
Shooting Dogs (2005)
Shutter Island (2010)
Sicko (2007)
Sideways (2004)
Sin nombre (2009)
Sleep Dealer (2008)
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
Snatch. (2000)
So weit die Füße tragen (2001)
Solaris (2002)
Solyaris (1972)
Somewhere (2010)
Source Code (2011)
South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut (1999)
Southern Comfort (1981)
Soylent Green (1973)
Spread (2009)
Spun (2002)
Spy Game (2001)
Srpski film (2010)
Starship Troopers (1997)
State of Play (2009)
Stay (2005/I)
Stranger Than Fiction (2006)
Stranger Than Paradise (1984)
Straw Dogs (1971)
Stuck (2007)
Submarino (2010)
Sucker Punch (2011)
Sunshine (2007)
Super High Me (2007)
Super Size Me (2004)
Sybil (1976)
Sybil (2007)
Synecdoche, New York (2008)
Syriana (2005)
Taegukgi hwinalrimyeo (2004)
Taken (2008/I)
Talvisota (1989)
Tape (2001)
Taxi Driver (1976)
Technotise - Edit i ja (2009)
Temple Grandin (2010)
Ten Canoes (2006)
Ten Minutes Older: The Trumpet (2002)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
Tetsuo (1989)
The Art of Travel (2008)
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans (2009)
The Ballad of Jack and Rose (2005)
The Basketball Diaries (1995)
The Beast of War (1988)
The Bone Collector (1999)
The Book of Eli (2010)
The Boondock Saints (1999)
The Bourne Identity (2002)
The Box (2009/I)
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008)
The Burning Plain (2008)
The Butterfly Effect (2004)
The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986)
The Constant Gardener (2005)
The Corporation (2003)
The Countess (2009)
The Cove (2009)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
The Dark Knight (2008)
The Deer Hunter (1978)
The Departed (2006)
The Devil's Advocate (1997)
The Dish (2000)
The Drifter (2009)
The Elephant Man (1980)
The English Patient (1996)
The Exorcist (1973)
The Final Cut (2004)
The Fountain (2006)
The Game (1997)
The Ghost Writer (2010)
The Godfather (1972)
The Godfather: Part II (1974)
The Godfather: Part III (1990)
The Good Shepherd (2006)
The Graduate (1967)
The Great Debaters (2007)
The Green Mile (1999)
The Grey Zone (2001)
The Help (2011)
The Hill (1965)
The Hole (2001)
The Holy Mountain (1973)
The Hurt Locker (2008)
The I Inside (2004)
The Ice Storm (1997)
The Illusionist (2006)
The Informant! (2009)
The Invention of Lying (2009)
The Island (2005)
The Jacket (2005)
The Killing Fields (1984)
The Killing Room (2009)
The Last Samurai (2003)
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
The Ledge (2011)
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)
The Life Before Her Eyes (2007)
The Life of David Gale (2003)
The Limits of Control (2009)
The Lookout (2007)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
The Lost City (2005)
The Lovely Bones (2009)
The Machinist (2004)
The Magdalene Sisters (2002)
The Majestic (2001)
The Man from Earth (2007)
The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)
The Matrix (1999)
The Meaning of Life (1983)
The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)
The Million Dollar Hotel (2000)
The Mist (2007)
The Motel (2005)
The New World (2005)
The Next Three Days (2010)
The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz (2000
The Ninth Gate (1999)
The Number 23 (2007)
The Omen (1976)
The Onion Movie (2008)
The Others (2001)
The Painted Veil (2006)
The Pervert's Guide to Cinema (2006)
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
The Pianist (2002)
The Pillow Book (1996)
The Pledge (2000)
The Pledge (2001)
The Prestige (2006)
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
The Quiet American (2002)
The Reader (2008)
The Ring (2002/I)
The Ring Two (2005)
The Road (2009)
The Road to Guantanamo (2006)
The Rules of Attraction (2002)
The Searchers (1956)
The Secret (2006)
The Secret Life of Bees (2008)
The Secret Life of Words (2005)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
The Shining (1980)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The Sixth Sense (1999)
The Social Network (2010)
The Station Agent (2003)
The Stoning of Soraya M. (2008)
The Straight Story (1999)
The Sunset Limited (2011)
The Terminator (1984)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
The Third Man (1949)
The Thirteenth Floor (1999)
The Time Machine (2002)
The Town (2010)
The Tree of Life (2011)
The Truman Show (1998)
The Untouchables (1987)
The Usual Suspects (1995)
The Village (2004)
The Virgin Suicides (1999)
The Visitor (2007/I)
The Wackness (2008)
The Wackness (2008)
The Wave (1981)
The Way (2010/I)
The Way Back (2010/I)
The Whistleblower (2010)
The Wind That Shakes the Barley (2006)
The World's Fastest Indian (2005)
The Wrestler (2008)
The Yes Men Fix the World (2009)
Thelma & Louise (1991)
They Live (1988)
This Film Is Not Yet Rated (2006)
This Is England (2006)
This Is It (2009)
Tideland (2005)
Titan A.E. (2000)
Titicut Follies (1967)
Tmavomodrý svet (2001)
Tockovi (1999)
Todo sobre mi madre (1999)
Tôkyô sonata (2008)
Touching the Void (2003)
Towelhead (2008)
Traffic (2000)
Training Day (2001)
Trainspotting (1996)
Triangle (2009)
Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993)
Trois couleurs: Rouge (1994)
Tropa de Elite (2007)
Tropa de Elite 2 - O Inimigo Agora É Outro (2010)
True Romance (1993)
Trust (2010/I)
Try Seventeen (2002)
Trzy kolory: Bialy (1994)
Tsotsi (2005)
Tully (2000)
Twelve Monkeys (1995)
Un chien andalou (1929)
Un coeur en hiver (1992)
Un prophete (2009)
Unbreakable (2000)
Une femme est une femme (1961)
Unforgiven (1992)
Unser täglich Brot (2005)
Unthinkable (2010)
Until the Light Takes Us (2008)
Up in the Air (2009/I)
V for Vendetta (2006)
V leru (1999)
Vals Im Bashir (2008)
Van Diemen's Land (2009)
Vanilla Sky (2001)
Vargtimmen (1968)
Varuh meje (2002)
Vendredi soir (2002)
Veronica Guerin (2003)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
Visioneers (2008)
Viskningar och rop (1972)
Vizantijsko plavo (1993)
Wag the Dog (1997)
Waking Life (2001)
Waking Ned (1998)
Wall Street (1987)
WALL·E (2008)
Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price (2005)
Warrior (2011)
Waste Land (2010)
Watchmen (2009)
Water (2005/I)
Water for Elephants (2011)
We Were Soldiers (2002)
Welcome (2009/I)
Whale Rider (2002)
What Dreams May Come (1998)
What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
Who Killed Atlanta's Children? (2000)
Who Killed the Electric Car? (2006)
Wicker Park (2004)
Windtalkers (2002)
Winter's Bone (2010)
Wit (2001)
World's Greatest Dad (2009/I)
Wyatt Earp (1994)
XXY (2007)
Yeopgijeogin geunyeo (2001)
Yes Man (2008)
Yi yi (2000)
Ying xiong (2002)
You Don't Know Jack (2010)
Zadah tela (1983)
Zadnja vecerja (2001)
Zardoz (1974)
Zatôichi (2003)
Zeitgeist (2007)
Zero Day (2003)
Zift (2008)
Zivot i smrt porno bande (2009)
ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction (2009)
Zodiac (2007/I)
Zombieland (2009)
Zvyozdnyy inspektor (1982)
Zwartboek (2006)

Jeronimo ::
Super logit. Če bi se dalo narediti komu skripto, da pri posameznem filmu v seznamu naredimo like in dislike in povezavo na podforum kjer poteka diskusija na določen film, bi zadeva dejansko bila uporabna. :) Veliko je filmov na seznamu, kateri v resnici nimajo kaj iskati tukaj, recimo Starship Troopers (1997). Kaj ima ta film opravka z razmišljanjem mi res ni jasno.
Preko vode do slobode!
Preko vode do slobode!

kuglvinkl ::
Page eight je kar v redu. Taman za TV format.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: kuglvinkl ()

Shegevara ::
> Ja AmonkRun.
The wicker man je zelo zanimiv film. Zelo poučen.
Zame pa je vreden ogleda tudi
Kong Zi (Confucius)
The wicker man je zelo zanimiv film. Zelo poučen.
Zame pa je vreden ogleda tudi
Kong Zi (Confucius)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()

Mesar :: 
Sicer vprašanje koliko vas ima tak okus kot jaz, ampak meni je bil eden boljših, ki sem jih zadnje čase pogledal.

Sicer vprašanje koliko vas ima tak okus kot jaz, ampak meni je bil eden boljših, ki sem jih zadnje čase pogledal.
Your turn to burn!

RejZoR ::
Sucker Punch
Še zdej mi ni jasno kaj sem sploh gledal lol :D Emily is wubish though. Verjetno zato...
Še zdej mi ni jasno kaj sem sploh gledal lol :D Emily is wubish though. Verjetno zato...
Angry Sheep Blog @

gruntfürmich ::
kaj se samo meni zdi da na seznamu in s tem predlaganih filmov ni Diarios de motocicleta, Temnomodraskorajčrna, Taegukgi hwinalrimyeo, ter večino almodovarjevih filmov?
"Namreč, da gre ta družba počasi v norost in da je vse, kar mi gledamo,
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...
visoko organizirana bebavost, do podrobnosti izdelana idiotija."
Psiholog HUBERT POŽARNIK, v Oni, o smiselnosti moderne družbe...

c0dehunter ::
Kaj ju druzi? Psiho otroci.
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011)
WTF je blo pa s tem frocom narobe?
I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

dronyx ::
Čeprav je bil kot kaže že omenjen, moram še enkrat priporočiti Ajami.
Zadeva je narejena nekako v slogu Gomore (ali recimo filma Crash), kjer se več zgodb inteligentno združi skupaj in so podane nelinearno. Odigrano pa tako pristno, kot bi šlo za dokumentarec in ne igrani film.
Zadeva je narejena nekako v slogu Gomore (ali recimo filma Crash), kjer se več zgodb inteligentno združi skupaj in so podane nelinearno. Odigrano pa tako pristno, kot bi šlo za dokumentarec in ne igrani film.

c0dehunter ::
Meni se je zelo dopadel zgoraj predlagani Take Shelter (2011).
Ja, meni tudi. Res dober prikaz začetka take bolezni, pa na koncu te ne pusti ravnodušnega.
I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

Gregor P ::
The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- zavarovalo slike: gzibret ()