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TCP Vegas pomen Alpha/Beta/Gamma vrednosti?

TCP Vegas pomen Alpha/Beta/Gamma vrednosti?

RejZoR ::

Že dalj časa iščem pomen vrednosti za TCP Vegas nastavitev na routerju pa ne najdem popolnoma ničesar. Privzeto je Alpha vrednost 2, Beta je vrednost 6 in Gamma vrednost 2. Logično si hočem ob večjih loadih na omrežje izboljšat prepustnost ampak ker nimam pojma kaj naj bi vsaka vrednost pomenila bi bilo to čisto lapanje na slepo. Torej, ima kdo vsaj kanček pojma kaj zaboga pomenijo te 3 vrednosti?
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

hojnikb ::

probaš vse in vidiš katera ti najbol ustreza :)

Hayabusa ::

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Hayabusa ()

RejZoR ::

Še vedno pa ne vem kaj pomenijo te vrednosti. Jabolka, pomaranče, milisekunde, paketki, kaj!?
Angry Sheep Blog @ www.rejzor.com

Hayabusa ::

Si postal nepismen ??

Tuning Vegas
The /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_vegas_alpha and /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_vegas_beta entries control the number of packets that Vegas attempts to keep queued in the network in steady state. They are expressed in half-packet units. The default configuration is that recommended by the original Vegas papers: alpha=1 packet and beta=3 packets. In this configuration Vegas tries to keep between 1 and 3 packets queued in the network and usually succeeds in stabilizing cwnd at a value that satisfies this constraint. This is the initial configuration; if you change these parameters, you can restore the default configuration later with:


Basically how it works is TCP Vegas is estimating how many packets are being sent and how many are successful. The difference between the actual vs estimated is used to adjust the speed. The Alpha and Beta are the lower and upper "threshold" of the difference that you will accept. If the difference is too small, the network gains extra congestion. It all seems a bit confusing when you first read it.

When it was first being used, 1/3 was the normal. It seems that they simply doubled it. I would just leave it at the default settings.

The gamma is the number of "half-packets" that are allowed to be queued during a slow-start before it quits the slow start. Leave that at 1.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Hayabusa ()

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