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Battlefield 4

Battlefield 4

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Dua'L ::

Genre: First-Person Shooter
Release Date: TBA 2014
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: DICE (Digital

Kaj je do sedaj znanega o igri:

Battlefield 4 Gets Frosbite 2.5 Engine - Destruction 4.0, Tessellation, Dynamic Weather Affects

In our previous article, we mentioned how the next generation Battlefield 4 would utilize 80% of the Frostbite engine's power compared to 30% utilization in Battlefield 3. The new Frostbite 2.5 engine would feature much more enhanced visuals with PC being the lead platform for the game. According to the details, Battlefield 4 would maintain a steady 60 FPS on 720P resolution on both next generation consoles which include the PS4 and Xbox 720 which is a slight bit of a disappointment since earlier rumors suggested 1080P/60 FPS target for the next-gen consoles. However, the next generation consoles including the PC would get 64 players while the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 would stick to the default 24 player setup which is currently seen on Battlefield 4.

Frostbite 2.5 would be a complete overhaul of the current Frostbite 2.0 engine with DirectX 11 compatibility only on PC. Furthermore, the game would feature Dynamic weather effects such as rain, sandstorms, fog, haze and would be totally random. Each map would get these dynamic weather effects and would change depending on the variable conditions. As you may have noted, the cover image shows a glimpse of these weather effects such as rain. Battlefield 4 would also bring back the much renowned and upgraded Destruction 4.0 system to the game which would offer destructible environments and buildings which we saw back in Bad Company 2. PC versions would benefit from compute power which would render these dynamic destructible effects much more realistically. Furthermore, all of the environment including water, terrain and characters/NPC would make use of the new tessellation technology implemented inside Frostbite 2.5.

*Battlefield 4 will stick with 64 players. Maps are larger and more detailed.
*Three factions: US, Russia, and an unnamed “Eastern/Asian” faction.
*4 classes with “additional features and tweaks” compared to BF3
*Shipping with same amount of maps as BF3, there are plans for lots of DLC.
*DLC is already in planning stages.
*Battlefield 4 Premium will be available on day one and include some perks.
*Most of the guns and vehicles from BF3 will return.
*More squad features.
*Commander feature returns, but won’t be the same as in BF2
*Battlefield 4 is coming out on both current and next gen systems, and PC as well.
*Game is more of an evolution rather than revolution of the series. Both technically and gameplay wise.
*Will ship with more game modes than BF3
*Will ship with more close quarter infantry maps than BF3
*Frostbite 2 engine is pushed further in BF4. Better effects, higher res textures, more detailed game worlds, etc.
*BF3 will still be supported after Battlefield 4 launches.
*There is plan of some sort of integration between BF3 and BF4. Could be Battlelog-only.
*Battlelog will be updated for Battlefield 4 with more social features and more detailed stats.
*Single-player and co-op will return, new writers involved this time.

Battlefield 4 - Set in China During 2020, Maps, Weapons Confirmed

The game would be set in 2020 but maintains a modern day setting featuring China and USA as the main infantry factions. The single player section of the game would be around 5-6 hours long in which there would be 2 campaigns of the PLA factions and would bring back the renowned animation effects of Bad Company series. Just like Battlefield 3?s Capsian border where the main tower collapses at the end of the game, a map would be based in Shanghai China at the end of which the Orient Pearl tower would collapse. Not much single player details were given but there are a ton of Multiplayer details such as the maps which include:

Diaoyu Island
Shanghai Bund
Xizhimen Rush

These are only a few of the total maps featured in Battlefield 4. Weapons such as the famouse Chinese J20, Y20, Xianglong would appear in the game along with those from other factions. Two of the confirmed tanks include M1A2 TUSK and PLA Type 99 each featuring their own set of customization options such as laser guidance and armor piercing rounds. Best thing that's mentioned in the leak is that Air Combat zone would be further increased giving much more room for dog fights with jets.

Commander system as expected is definately making a return to the game with the leading commander Providing fire, recharges and UAV detection support to their team. Skill system has also been overhauled. According to the leak, Micro-transactions would be available in the game but they won't affect the balance of the game at all and are entirely optional which is great to hear. As for DLC's, the game would get after a while a map pack which would bring four further maps to the game which include:

Power station in Dalian
Daqing oil field
The great wall of China
Wake Island (Classic Battlefield Map)

We’ll have to wait and see how things pan out. Battlefield 4 will be unveiled on March 26.

Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3

Bolf3nk ::

Bedno...še enkrat modern warfare...kot da ni BF3 in cod dovolj.

Raje bi videl battlefield 2142 kak novejši del ali pa battlefield 1942 na PC frostbite 2.5 engine

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bolf3nk ()

kriko07 ::

Zakon bo :D

Mitch ::

Kaj pa Battlefield 5? Se že ve kaj, kdaj bo izšel? :D

Netrunner ::

prezgodaj je še za bf4
Doing nothing is very hard to do... you never know when you're finished.

Bolf3nk ::

ma kje...saj pa je EA zraven. oni bi vsaki pol leta štancali

Dua'L ::

Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • zavaroval slike: Tilen ()

dronyx ::

Netrunner je izjavil:

prezgodaj je še za bf4

Absolutno. Jaz v BF3 nimam niti še 1000 preigranih ur, premium pa ima toliko map, da je materiala še za par let.

Berserker ::

dronyx je izjavil:

Netrunner je izjavil:

prezgodaj je še za bf4

Absolutno. Jaz v BF3 nimam niti še 1000 preigranih ur, premium pa ima toliko map, da je materiala še za par let.

Jaz imam okoli 250 ur. Novi dlc sem igral okoli pet minut. Žalostno da bo to že tretji zapovrsti BF, ki se dogjaa v istem času. Kaj je res tak težko si zmislit kaj druga kot modern warfare ki itak suxa. Še pri armi so si zmislili nekaj novega.

Dua'L ::

Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3

DarwiN ::

Največji teaser vseh časov :))
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Dua'L ::

27.3 pa pride prvi trailer.
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3

Rainbow Dash ::

meh prezgodi je, tk al tk pa še tisitm ko dela bf3 na medium, ne bodo mogli igrati 4-ke, requirementi bodo pomoje podobni crysis 3..

Bedarija po moje.. V bf3 imam 300 ur, in poznam na pamet okoli 4 mape, ostale mam še za nagruntat :P

tdm noshahr canals :DD

Unknown_001 ::

Kdaj bo spet kaka dobra špila na temo druge svetovne vojne, lahko bi tudi pre svetovne, ka pa vem :D vsekakor bi bilo zanimivo malo zgodovinske osvežitve na najnovejši grafiki.

Oktan ::

Zakaj prezgodaj? Saj tole verjetno pride šele čez kakšno slabo leto. Zgleda obetavno :)

DrSergioDJ ::

Rainbow Dash je izjavil:

meh prezgodi je, tk al tk pa še tisitm ko dela bf3 na medium, ne bodo mogli igrati 4-ke, requirementi bodo pomoje podobni crysis 3..

Bedarija po moje.. V bf3 imam 300 ur, in poznam na pamet okoli 4 mape, ostale mam še za nagruntat :P

tdm noshahr canals :DD

Kaj to pomeni "na pamet"? Ker jaz z 380 urami poznam vse mape.... :D

Tr0n ::

Dua'L ::

My body is ready.:D
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Dua'L ()

Tr0n ::

Lonsarg ::

Mja, po eni strani zgodovinskih ni blo, ko je tok modern warfare ratal popularen. Po drugi strani je pa še bolj zapostavljen kak future warfare, torej 2100-style stuff, ali pa celo kak ultra future Tiberium Sun zadeva:D Sicer en FPS Tiberian Sun obstaja, ampak ni igra na nivoju raznih Cod,Battlefield in podobnih.

Unknown_001 ::

Pr future warfare mal preveč pretiravajo, za moje pojme.:P

Berserker ::

Najbolje bi bilo, če bi šli zgolj v bližnjo prihodnost ali pa obsežno v pozno WW2 in Korejsko vojno.

Tolk da bi imel razne VTOL vozila (recimo kot tisto v crysisu), sodobne sodobne helikopterje, današnje prototipe vseh vrst arzenala, pa če uporabijo malo domišljije z svojim dizajnom.

Unknown_001 ::

Ammm, ka ni VTOL un avion pr saints-row the third?:D

Kukr jst vem gre pri crysisu za future design helikopterje.


Berserker ::

VTOL pomeni zgolj vertical take-off and landing. Recimo F-35 je že VTOL v BF3. Potem je najoblj poznan še Yak-38 in V-22 Osprey.

Unknown_001 ::

Aha, ok, razumem :P

Dua'L ::

27.3 Pripravite se na boj!
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3

Guzzy ::

Nice pojutrišnjem bo release

fireX88 ::

bo da!

Netrunner ::

Oktan je izjavil:

Zakaj prezgodaj? Saj tole verjetno pride šele čez kakšno slabo leto. Zgleda obetavno :)

Če pride čez eno leto bo še vedno prezgodaj za moje pojme :)
Doing nothing is very hard to do... you never know when you're finished.

Oktan ::

DrSergioDJ ::

Netrunner je izjavil:

Oktan je izjavil:

Zakaj prezgodaj? Saj tole verjetno pride šele čez kakšno slabo leto. Zgleda obetavno :)

Če pride čez eno leto bo še vedno prezgodaj za moje pojme :)

se strinjam.

Bananovec ::

Je to pravi naslednjik Battlefielda ali le naslednjik CoDa ?
Also, a kdo ve, kdaj pride igra, ki jo razvijajo prvotni razvijalci CoDa? To so tisti, ki so pobegnili od Activisiona (Infinity Ward).
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Tr0n ::

Jesen 2013, Frostbite 3.

Zgleda kot BF3 z drugacnim HUDom. :)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

matija14 ::

BF 3,5. Razočaran, nič kaj bolj "next-gen" ne zgleda kot aktualni BF3 na max. nastavitvah. Se mi zdi, da gre DICE od sedaj naprej po poti CoD-a. V tem BF-ju ne vidim nič novega v primerjavi z BF3, cena na Originu je 59,9€ za normalno in 69,9€ za Limited verzijo....

Tr0n ::

Na zalost je v ozadju EA, tako da ni bilo kaj drugega za pricakovat kot cash grab. :)

miraldi ::

Men zgleda čist kul. Upam samo, da ne bo povno problemov z multiplayerjom, ko igra izzide..
i7 12700k
RTX 4070ti

Machete ::

Če bo samo destrukcija vključena kot je bila v BC2 ali še kaj izboljšana, bo že super..
Je pa res prehitro. Jaz bi še BC2 fural kako leto ali dve po tem ko je bf3 že prišel. To ti je potem res legendarna izkušnja ko nekaj let preživiš z enim delom.
Je pa pač žal nedobičkonosno.

fireX88 ::

menim, če bo izboljšano samo v grafičnem in destruction načinu bo tole en crap in nateg stoletja tako kot cod! če pa bodo v mp vključene še nove stvari, kot so recimo bombniki iz bf2 (pa še kaj bi lahko dodal, pri čemer je bf2 naredilo legendarni špilj) in ne samo nova frakcija bo ok!

Bolf3nk ::

oni video zgoraj je uporabnik odstranil...

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bolf3nk ()

Oktan ::

WOW tole bo zelo zanimivo. Meni se zdi kar precej boljše. Kakšen sound :O

galu ::

Tako to gre.

Jerry000 ::

Naj se grejo solit. Danes se več ne splača kupovat FPS iger za MP ker itq morš usako leto novo kupit...pa to niso pocen. Ko pride BF4 bojo tko BF3 serverji se začeli praznit...in je šlo 50€...ne igram več FPS dokler bojo igre usako leto prihajale vn zdej pa dost.

Dua'L ::

Jerry000 je izjavil:

Naj se grejo solit. Danes se več ne splača kupovat FPS iger za MP ker itq morš usako leto novo kupit...pa to niso pocen. Ko pride BF4 bojo tko BF3 serverji se začeli praznit...in je šlo 50€...ne igram več FPS dokler bojo igre usako leto prihajale vn zdej pa dost.

+45 eur za premium pa je 100 eur stran :D
Intel i7 2600
8gb DDR3

Jerry000 ::

Dua'L je izjavil:

Jerry000 je izjavil:

Naj se grejo solit. Danes se več ne splača kupovat FPS iger za MP ker itq morš usako leto novo kupit...pa to niso pocen. Ko pride BF4 bojo tko BF3 serverji se začeli praznit...in je šlo 50€...ne igram več FPS dokler bojo igre usako leto prihajale vn zdej pa dost.

+45 eur za premium pa je 100 eur stran :D

Še to ja. Ampak raje dam 10€ za nek dodatek kot pa 50€ za novo igro...čeprou dodatka nebi nikol kupil...sploh pa ne če pride že naslednje leto nova igra. Nvem no...prehit izdajajo igre, tle se res vid da samo keš cuzajo in se jim po domač povedan jebe


Nisem mnenja da cuzajo, saj ti ni nuja kupit vsako leto. Poglej namreč BF:BC2, ki je še danes polno obiskana MP igra, ali pa CoD MW1.

Kupiš če ti ostaja preveč prostega časa in imaš vsake tri leta dovolj denarja za nadgradnjo PC delov.
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."

Jerry000 ::

BALAST je izjavil:

Nisem mnenja da cuzajo, saj ti ni nuja kupit vsako leto. Poglej namreč BF:BC2, ki je še danes polno obiskana MP igra, ali pa CoD MW1.

Kupiš če ti ostaja preveč prostega časa in imaš vsake tri leta dovolj denarja za nadgradnjo PC delov.

Poglej ti kok časa je bil na sceni BF2 in CoD1...je minilo par let predno je nova prišla. In v tistem trenutku rečeš končno nova, tle pa je efekt kontra "ne že spet nova". BF:BC2 je igrana hvalabogu, je pa tut že par let na sceni brez naslednika (BF3 ni ravno naslednik se mi zdi)

Unknown_001 ::

Tak, ki se mu gre sam zato, da singelplayer preigra skoz se mu pa sploh ne splača kupit. V enem tednu obrneš, pol se pa prah gor nabira.

Tr0n ::

Glede na pokazano (17 minut SPja) imam obcutek, da MP tudi ne bo nek korak naprej. S tem mislim bolj na sam gameplay "feeling", handlanje orozij in podobno. Upam, da se motim, ker BF3 ze imam. ;)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: Tr0n ()

glistovje ::

singl playr je itak popimpan in to je to.

ne vidim nobenih sprememb razn da ima lahk 2x merka na orzju. npr acog pa navadnga. Imam filing koda je še en dodatk za bf 3 .

uglavnem "isto sranje, drugo pakovanje".

Zgodovina sprememb…

BigWhale ::

Jaz zadnji mesec, dva, tri nimam vec toliko casa za BF. Vsega skupaj sem odigral nekaj vec kot sto ur. Kupil sem tudi Premium pack in za vse skupaj zapravil nekaj manj kot 100 EUR.

Cena moje zabave je nekaj manj kot 1 EUR na uro. Povsem sprejemjivo.
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