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Phil Schneider

Phil Schneider


jest10 ::

ramiz?! je izjavil:

Nihče ne trdi, da so na Marsu živeli ljudje (kakor tudi, da ti bo uspela izvrstna pečenka), ampak da je tam včasih bila voda, z njo pa pogoji za razvoj mikrobov in ostalih preprostih živih bitij...(kakor pri tvoji pečenki, kar bo nastalo, ji bo malo podobno)

Voda je le eden od mnogih potrebnih pogojev. Pojav vode ti ne garantira ničesar

ramiz?! ::

jest10 je izjavil:

ramiz?! je izjavil:

Nihče ne trdi, da so na Marsu živeli ljudje (kakor tudi, da ti bo uspela izvrstna pečenka), ampak da je tam včasih bila voda, z njo pa pogoji za razvoj mikrobov in ostalih preprostih živih bitij...(kakor pri tvoji pečenki, kar bo nastalo, ji bo malo podobno)

Voda je le eden od mnogih potrebnih pogojev. Pojav vode ti ne garantira ničesar

Znova: Poglej video in ne posplošuj, ker se smešiš...
Never regret anything, there's always a reason things happen.

jest10 ::

No le poglej si ga. Dobro poglej.
Mogoče boš pa le izluščil, da govorijo, da bi lahko bili primerni pogoji za razvoj življenja. Ne pa da so bili

PacificBlue ::

Ključno vprašanje te misije je, ali je Mars lahko omogočal okolje, primerno za življenje. Zdaj vemo, da je odgovor da," je sporočil glavni Nasin strokovnjak v programu za raziskovanje Marsa Michael Meyer.


Zgodovina sprememb…

ramiz?! ::

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Ključno vprašanje te misije je, ali je Mars lahko omogočal okolje, primerno za življenje. Zdaj vemo, da je odgovor da," je sporočil glavni Nasin strokovnjak v programu za raziskovanje Marsa Michael Meyer.


Tako je!
Never regret anything, there's always a reason things happen.

jest10 ::

ramiz?! je izjavil:

PacificBlue je izjavil:

Ključno vprašanje te misije je, ali je Mars lahko omogočal okolje, primerno za življenje. Zdaj vemo, da je odgovor da," je sporočil glavni Nasin strokovnjak v programu za raziskovanje Marsa Michael Meyer.


Tako je!

Primerno za življenje ni enako primerno za nastanek življenja>:D

ramiz?! ::


By this point, I'm guessing a fair number of readers of this post have already seen the press conference/press release from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory on Tuesday announcing the results of the first drilling by the Curiosity rover (http://tinyurl.com/bxf975o). Basically, the result they're stating is that Curiosity has found an environment that once might have been habitable by life, something never before found on Mars.

Since readers of the Universe and the Earth Story have paid the enormous registration fees, you deserve the inside story of why this press release is so important.

To tell that story, we have to go back to before the Mars Exploration Rover mission. When MER went to Mars, we sent 2 rovers, and we sent them to 2 different sites, both hunting for evidence of water. One went to a site that looked like a lake in the geomorphology, the other went to a site where orbital spectra indicated the presence of hematite, a mineral which likely formed in the presence of water. When we got to the two sites, we found the geomorphology site was filled with basalt, and the hematite-site was filled with sediments derived from a water-bearing environment. Eventually, Spirit caught up, and found evidence of a hydrothermal system, but really, the rover sent to the mineralogy site found the water first.

The Curiosity rover selection process was one of the most difficult decisions I've seen NASA make. Instead of 2 rovers, this time, they only had 1. They couldn't miss. They basically had the same decision; picking between a mineralogical site and a couple geomorphology sites. The geomorphology sites resemble river deltas from orbit. The mineralogical site, a place called Gale Crater, had the spectral signature of clay minerals.

Clay minerals imply an environment we've never seen before on Mars. In very wet environments on Earth, clay minerals are the most important product. When a rock erodes in the presence of lots of water, the soluble elements are removed, and only the most insoluble elements remain. The 2 most insoluble elements in water are iron(III) and aluminum.

On Earth, the continents are made of rocks like granodiorite and granite. These rocks don't contain much iron, so Earth makes minerals that contain aluminum and water; aluminum-rich clays. Minerals like Kaolinite, aluminum clays. If you go to the Amazon River on Earth, coming out of a rainforest where water is abundant, the mineral you find coming out along with the water is kaolinite; water rich aluminum-clay. Clays tell you that the environment had a lot of water. They form in areas that have lakes and have oceans. They don't form in dry settings, they don't form in deserts, and they don't form when water is only around for a short time.

Mars isn't a granite world; it's a basalt world. Compared to Earth, the rocks on Mars have much more iron. When you try to make clays out of these iron-rich basalts, the end result is an iron-rich clay called nontronite, rather than aluminum-clays. Seeing clay minerals implies not only that water was present, it implies a lot of water. It implies that so much water was present that all of the other soluble elements in the rocks were stripped out by water. This is a setting none of the other rovers saw, and this clay mineral was detected from orbit in abundance at Gale Crater. Quite simply, clay minerals are the #1 reason why the landing site was chosen. Last time, the mineralogical site found what it was looking for and the geomorphology site did not. So, with only 1 landing site, the mineralogical site, showing evidence of clay minerals and large amounts of water, was chosen.

The single biggest goal of this rover is assessing the rocks that contain clay minerals, the environment they formed in, and what that tells us about the environment on Mars when there was a large amount of water present.

That's the backstory of this press release. Today, the Curiosity team announced the results of drilling into a rock called "John Klein" (drill hole pictured). The rover has been driving on what appears to be an alluvial fan deposit fed by a channel on the Gale Crater rim. The rover landed on coarse grained fan rocks, and drove to a place where the rocks appeared finer grained. These fine grained rocks are the rocks they drilled.

They fed this first drilled sample into the CheMin instrument and the SAM instrument. CheMin is an X-Ray diffraction system. It is spectacular at identifying minerals. If you wanted to identify clay minerals, it's exactly what you'd want. They fed the drilled sample into CheMin, and...it turned out to be made of iron-bearing, smectite clays. Also known as; nontronite.

They also fed the sample into the SAM instrument, a mass spectrometer. SAM can measure abundances of elements like carbon and sulfur, and hopefully also measure isotopes on those samples. They didn't give us the isotope compositions in the press release, suggesting that they're still working on those, but they did announce the presence of carbon and sulfate bearing minerals.

Put all this together, and the most important part of today's results is this sentence; we found what we were looking for. In the other 2 sites on Mars, we found evidence of some water, but not large amounts of water. Spirit found a hydrothermal environment, where small amounts of water circulated through the rocks. Opportunity found an oasis in a desert, where small amounts of water had moved through rocks and precipitated minerals like hematite.

Curiosity went to a place where the orbital spectra say there should have been a lot of water. Clay minerals aren't made when there is only a small amount of water; it takes a lot of water to make clay. It takes a lake, or an ocean, or at least long-lived water bodies. The other rovers found small amounts of water and the signatures of acidic environments.

To create a habitable environment, as we understand it, you don't just need small amounts of water, you need a lot of water. You need enough water to drown the rocks, to move most of the elements around. The end result of this amount of water should be clay minerals. If that kind of environment ever existed on Mars, the signature should be nontronite clays. Those clay minerals could be trapped in mudrocks, like shales and siltstones on Earth, and if we're lucky, they'd have carbon, sulfur, and other elements that life could make use of trapped within them that could be analyzed.

That rock type is...exactly what Curiosity drilled. We went to Gale crater hunting for clays. We picked Gale Crater because orbital spectra said there was clay. We wanted to see the rocks that hosted the clay, measure the chemistry of clay-bearing rocks, and interpret what the environment was that formed them.

There are a lot of other interesting details about this rock. It appears less-oxidized than the surface. It isn't fully red; when they drilled the rock, they found it looked dark; meaning some of the iron hadn't oxidized. It wasn't fully altered. They also found olivine, an easily-erodible mineral, in the mudrocks. These results suggest that the clays were laid down with sediment that wasn't as highly altered, because olivine and reduced minerals wouldn't survive that much exposure to water. They also found both sulfates and sulfides, indicating partial reaction of the sulfur-bearing minerals, but not complete consumption of them. These details will take time to figure out, and I'm sure the team will target a whole lot of effort to figuring them out, as chemical reactions involving reduced minerals and sulfide minerals on earth provide energy that life can use to sustain itself.

All of these are important and the team will keep working on them. But the message you should take from today's press release is this; we went to Gale Crater looking for clay minerals like nontronite in the rocks, because those minerals would tell us that there was a very large amount of water when they formed. Today, they announced...they found what they are looking for. Curiosity is where it was supposed to be. We sent an organic chemistry laboratory to Mars to look at clay-bearing rocks. We now have an organic chemistry laboratory sitting on clay-bearing rocks. We found what we are looking for.

Evo @jest10... sem ti še označil.. Sicer dvomim, da si sposoben branja v angleškem jeziku, ampak vseeno nalimam, pa si bojo vsaj drugi prebrali
Never regret anything, there's always a reason things happen.

jest10 ::

In a razumeš bistvo povdarjenega?;((
Dobili so dokaz, da je tam bila večja količina vode. To je vse.

Pa ker se nekaj važiš z znanjem angleščine. Potem veš pomen povdarjene besede.
Basically, the result they're stating is that Curiosity has found an environment that once might have been habitable by life, something never before found on Mars.

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: jest10 ()

ramiz?! ::

Jaz sem svoje dokazal... Če ima človek malo zdrave pameti, lahko sam pride do zaključka. Ne bom se več spuščal na tvoj "domač" nivo.
Never regret anything, there's always a reason things happen.

jest10 ::

V bistvu nisi dokazal nič... čeprav sveto misliš, da je tam pa zihr bilo živlenje, saj po tvoje mora biti, če je voda.
Pa dobro, glavno da si zadovoljen sam s sabo>:D

Blisk ::

7.000 prijav UFO je bilo samo v letu 2012 v ameriki.

ufo na letališču kjer oblasti zaprejo letališče

ponaredki? težka bo!

jest10 ::

Žalostno kaj imaš ti za posnetek vesoljčkov:))

Black Dragon ::

Blisk poglej si Disclosure Project na youtube magari.

A large number of ex high ranking officials including air traffic controllers, ex secret op. officers, commercial pilots, numerous military defense specialists with top secret clearance, people who had access to very sensitive documents
lieutenants, ex commanders in the u.s airforce,
all going before the national press club to discuss what their experiences have been regarding u.f.o's and all are willing to go before congress to testify under oath.. never before has such a group come forward..


(zavest ljudi, ki ima blokade v glavi glede teh stvari je na velikosti frnikule)
Time will tell.

Looooooka ::

Razlog zakaj vas nihce ne bo jemal resno je v tem, da vedno najdete najbolj blesavega cloveka in ga postavite pred kamero.
Tudi oddaje, kjer so pokazal pogovore s tistimi portugalskimi piloti so unicili s tem, da so kasneje spet vtaknili not nekega hillbillyja, ki je zacel nakladati o krogih v koruzi za katero se pa ze ulalala let ve, da je hoax in, da je clovek, ki je s tem zacel celo priznal.
Kot, da se folk trudi, da bi se jim cel svet smejal.

Black Dragon ::

Looooooka je izjavil:

ki je zacel nakladati o krogih v koruzi za katero se pa ze ulalala let ve, da je hoax.

Dej mi razloži zakaj so našli pri veliko krogih znake radiacije, kamere so odpovedovale, pšenica je bila upognjena vendar nepoškodovana...kompasi niso delovali.

Jep more biti hoax, go back to reality shows.
Time will tell.

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

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