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Ne morem dostopati do folderja

medenko ::
Nekaj sem se igral ponesreči z pravicami itd....zdaj pa ne morem samemu sebi kot adminu dati full kakšna fora?
nekaj v tem smislu:
Changing Permission
If you are an administrator and cannot access a folder, this is due to permission error. To give complete permission to yourself, right-click the file or folder and select Properties. Now go to Security tab, and hit the Edit button.
Here select your username(account) and check the Full Control checkbox. When done, hit OK. Note that when you will check the Full Control checkbox, all others will be automatically checked too.
Update: This method is not working for most users. Since many folders and files are locked, the only way to access them is to first unlock them using LockHunter.
nekaj v tem smislu:
Changing Permission
If you are an administrator and cannot access a folder, this is due to permission error. To give complete permission to yourself, right-click the file or folder and select Properties. Now go to Security tab, and hit the Edit button.
Here select your username(account) and check the Full Control checkbox. When done, hit OK. Note that when you will check the Full Control checkbox, all others will be automatically checked too.
Update: This method is not working for most users. Since many folders and files are locked, the only way to access them is to first unlock them using LockHunter.

medenko ::
Jaz sem v bistvu en account "ACCOUNT UKNOWN z dolgim nazivom" ponesreči odstranil/remove...zdaj ko sem hotel pa dodati mi pa ne dovoli, čeprav sem logiran kot admin na PC.
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