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Iščem program podoben Google Drive, ki omogoča...

chuck ::
Iščem program podoben Google Drive, ki omogoča, da deliš datoteke z drugimi ampak jih sam gostiš (torej brez omejitve kapacitete).
Na slo-tech sem ga enkrat videl med novicami, ampak pozabil naziv.
Na slo-tech sem ga enkrat videl med novicami, ampak pozabil naziv.

chuck ::
Važno mi je, da gostim sam. Hvala, bom pogledal.
Owncloud ne bo ok, mora biti za Windows in delovati kot Dropbox (da lahko ustvariš particijo s svojo črko).
Owncloud ne bo ok, mora biti za Windows in delovati kot Dropbox (da lahko ustvariš particijo s svojo črko).
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: chuck ()

chuck ::
Skydrive naj bi bil:
Microsoft SkyDrive
Microsoft's cloud storage initiative (I hesitate to call it a single product) is the closest competitor to Google Drive. It combines access to SkyDrive, which is storage for the cloud versions of the Microsoft Office products, with Live Mesh, its hard disk in the sky. It also has the rare, but valuable to some, capability to sync files computer-to-computer, bypassing cloud storage.
Live Mesh is a credible competitor to Dropbox (Ars Technica story), although it's a bit of a mess to figure out what's what; Microsoft only recently announced its paid storage tiers for the service, which remain separate from the storage allocated to Microsoft Office files.
Best for: Microsoft true believers.
Free storage: 7GB (for files); Price per 100GB (on top of free storage): $50/year
More: Microsoft adds paid storage tiers to SkyDrive cloud service
Sem namestil in še iščem to opcijo.
Microsoft SkyDrive
Microsoft's cloud storage initiative (I hesitate to call it a single product) is the closest competitor to Google Drive. It combines access to SkyDrive, which is storage for the cloud versions of the Microsoft Office products, with Live Mesh, its hard disk in the sky. It also has the rare, but valuable to some, capability to sync files computer-to-computer, bypassing cloud storage.
Live Mesh is a credible competitor to Dropbox (Ars Technica story), although it's a bit of a mess to figure out what's what; Microsoft only recently announced its paid storage tiers for the service, which remain separate from the storage allocated to Microsoft Office files.
Best for: Microsoft true believers.
Free storage: 7GB (for files); Price per 100GB (on top of free storage): $50/year
More: Microsoft adds paid storage tiers to SkyDrive cloud service
Sem namestil in še iščem to opcijo.

black ice ::

mk818764 ::
malo offtopic:
na google drive mam naloženo nekje 1.1Gb, pa mi kaže da sem porabil 3,5 Gb
Imam sihronizirano z 2 compoma in telefonom. Je možno, da kao imam na vseh treh lokacijah in mi to šteje? Ali kako je prišel na 3,5GB?
na google drive mam naloženo nekje 1.1Gb, pa mi kaže da sem porabil 3,5 Gb
Imam sihronizirano z 2 compoma in telefonom. Je možno, da kao imam na vseh treh lokacijah in mi to šteje? Ali kako je prišel na 3,5GB?
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