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Zakaj tehnološki patenti prihajajo do uresničitve po 20ih letih, programski pa dosti prej?

Zakaj tehnološki patenti prihajajo do uresničitve po 20ih letih, programski pa dosti prej?


Tukaj je primer, ko je fizik dobil patent za najmočnejši elektromagnet po 20ih letih.

As you might imagine, waiting 20 years is a pretty nasty chore,” said Weinstein, an emeritus professor at the University of Houston.

pa 18 mesecev za programski patent

The time delay between when a software patent application is filed, and when it becomes public is 18 months.[6] This is a compromise position allowing U.S. innovators to develop their software before revealing details about it and giving competitors an unfair look at their research and development, and providing the public notice within a fair amount of time to allow others to develop their own technology.

Zakaj taka razlika, se res fizikalni patenti odvijajo hitreje, ko gre za državno sponzorirane patente?
"You may fool all the people some of the time;
you can even fool some of the people all the time;
but you can't fool all of the people all the time."

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