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WD TV live + Lion

WD TV live + Lion

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nekako sem se odločil za nakup WD TV live Wifi media player-ja. Doma imam dva računalnika (Win 7 in MacOSx Lion) na Macu pa naj bi z Lionom, če prav razumem, ukinili SAMBO. Nekateri userji imajo težave, ker se po upgradeu iz Snow Leoparda na Liona, Mac na WD TV ne vidi več.

Ima kdo morda izkušnje z omenjeno kombinacijo? WD sicer ponuja neko rešitev, ne vem pa, če je popolna: http://wdc.custhelp.com/app/answers/det...

Hvala za pomoč in lp

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Še malo več info:
"Na Apple support forumu sem našel tole: Apple has changed their SMB implementation, and rather than using an open source (based) approach, they have a proprietary SMB implementation that does not work with legacy SMB clients. The other solutions here look valid, basically either you need to upgrade the client to support the highest standards, or you need to use a different kind of file sharing.

In my case, all the Apple SMB code is turned off and I am using a MacPorts version of Samba 3. The install for this is not trivial.

Very disappointed in Apple on this one. Hopefully they can implement a legacy switch for older clients."

Na WD forumu pa naj bi bil tole official solution če prav razumem?

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