Forum » Loža » Pomoč pri prevodu v angleščino
Pomoč pri prevodu v angleščino

c0dehunter ::
Zdravo, potreboval bi pomoč pri angleškemu tekstu na svoji spletni strani, saj nisem prepričan da je vse slogovno pravilno. Gre za krajši odstavek teksta, približno 200 besed. Če bi se kje našla kakšna dobra duša z par minutami časa in dobrim znanjem angleščine.. :)
I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

c0dehunter ::
Gre za neke vrste življenjepis (moj), zato si ne bi ravno želel da me secirajo na forumu :)
Če je kak kandidat, naj se javi ali tukaj ali preko ZS. Hvala
Če je kak kandidat, naj se javi ali tukaj ali preko ZS. Hvala
I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

c0dehunter ::
Vidim, da drugače ne bo nič, kot da objavim link :)
Gre za tekst na prvi strani
Gre za tekst na prvi strani
I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: c0dehunter ()

technolog ::
These are the words (which) that would
I started to explore computers since
Started pa since ne gresta skupi. "I have been exploring computers since" bo bolj prav
at age 10 / at the age of 10.
My enthusiasm for computers haven't __smallen__ since then not even for a bit. // In fact, my interest in computers has been growing fast since then. -- čeprov ta stavek mi ne paše noter v tekst
University of Maribor - spusti to ven
Computer Science and Informatic Technology programme / Computer Science and Informatic Technology study
I look-out / I search
you can also read / you can read
I also loved to spend my time making websites -- to deluje, kot da te to ne veseli več.
Tole sem ti popravil sam slovnične napake (tiste ki sem jih našel z metodo ostrega očesa), tekst ma še kr neki rezerve pri stilskem oblikovanju povedi in nasploh vezljivosti besedila. Tekst izpade okorno na določenih mestih, ker si direktno prevajal iz slovenščine in tega se ne dela :)
Ni vse, ti najdem jutri še kaj. Al pa kdo drug slo-techovc.
I started to explore computers since
Started pa since ne gresta skupi. "I have been exploring computers since" bo bolj prav
at age 10 / at the age of 10.
My enthusiasm for computers haven't __smallen__ since then not even for a bit. // In fact, my interest in computers has been growing fast since then. -- čeprov ta stavek mi ne paše noter v tekst
University of Maribor - spusti to ven
Computer Science and Informatic Technology programme / Computer Science and Informatic Technology study
I look-out / I search
you can also read / you can read
I also loved to spend my time making websites -- to deluje, kot da te to ne veseli več.
Tole sem ti popravil sam slovnične napake (tiste ki sem jih našel z metodo ostrega očesa), tekst ma še kr neki rezerve pri stilskem oblikovanju povedi in nasploh vezljivosti besedila. Tekst izpade okorno na določenih mestih, ker si direktno prevajal iz slovenščine in tega se ne dela :)
Ni vse, ti najdem jutri še kaj. Al pa kdo drug slo-techovc.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: technolog ()

c0dehunter ::
Technolog, hvala, sem res hvaležen! Če še najdeš (ali kdorkoli drug) karkoli, kar bi lahko spremenil, pa kar napiši.
P.S.: spremembe bodo vidne zvečer.
P.S.: spremembe bodo vidne zvečer.
I do not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
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