Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Mi pase bulldozer na plato?
Mi pase bulldozer na plato?
MecH ::
Matična plošča Asus M4A79XTD EVO
to je plata pa me zanima a bom loh bulldija gor posadu z bios updatom al pa kej ker bo po temle sodec bo spet amd top :D
to je plata pa me zanima a bom loh bulldija gor posadu z bios updatom al pa kej ker bo po temle sodec bo spet amd top :D
- spremenilo: MecH ()
Siddh ::
če že maš plato za amd in sposoben procesor gor počakaj na lga-2011, nadgradnja ni vredna razen če maš kakega athlona x2
Dr_M ::
Bulldozer gre na Asusove M5A plate in na nekatere M4A z 890FX in 890GX chipsetom.
Za LGA 2011 pa zacni kar sparat, da si ga bos lahko do Q1 2012 privoscil
Za LGA 2011 pa zacni kar sparat, da si ga bos lahko do Q1 2012 privoscil
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
MecH ::
trenutno nimam kompa tko da rabm zdle kupt sam sm mislu da ce se splaca buldija cakat bi zdej enga athlon x2 pa pol buldozerja gor sam bom citno menjal plato pa intel gor posadu
nUUb ::
2-4Gb, jaz imam 8Gb (DDR2), Win 7 in programi pa nucajo 5Gb, s tem da imam kar nekaj stvari odprtih, se komp ne upočasni, kot prej pri 4Gb.
i7 2600k@4.8GHz - nV 760 - 850 EVO 250GB - 4TB FreeNAS
ASUS 1920x1080@144Hz
ASUS 1920x1080@144Hz
krispe ::
Lahko pa vzameš 2x 4GB
Lahko pa vzameš 2x 4GB
MSI Z97 MPower/i7 4790K + H110/GTX 970/8GB 1866Mhz/SSD 830/760T/LG 34"
opeter ::
Raje 8 GB kot pa 6 GB.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) ->
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
MecH ::
8 gb nikol ne nucam tko da bom z 6 ostou(mogoce kasnej se dokupim) kaj pa za matično kero bi uzeu da bo zihr za navitje dobr in ker hladilnik bi za zravn su(zracno)
Siddh ::
razen če imaš lga 1366, kupi 4, 8 ali 12 gb rama, se veliko bolj splača sploh če kupuješ v kit kompletih
Dr_M ::
A ma folk to kaksen random generator stevil, da kr butne vn 6GB minumum?
Kle sm mel v enmu racunalniku 6GB (2x2 + 2x1GB) in sem vzel 2GB zaradi drugih potreb in se popolnoma nic ne pozna nikjer (Win7 64bit), res pa da se tukaj ne uporablja photoshop ali kaj bolj zahtevnega
Ce pa rabis vec rama, obvezno 2x4GB. Najvecja neumnost je pa dajat 3x2GB v sistem z dual channel.
Kle sm mel v enmu racunalniku 6GB (2x2 + 2x1GB) in sem vzel 2GB zaradi drugih potreb in se popolnoma nic ne pozna nikjer (Win7 64bit), res pa da se tukaj ne uporablja photoshop ali kaj bolj zahtevnega
Ce pa rabis vec rama, obvezno 2x4GB. Najvecja neumnost je pa dajat 3x2GB v sistem z dual channel.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
dzinks63 ::
Kle sm mel v enmu racunalniku 6GB (2x2 + 2x1GB) in sem vzel 2GB zaradi drugih potreb in se popolnoma nic ne pozna nikjer (Win7 64bit), res pa da se tukaj ne uporablja photoshop ali kaj bolj zahtevnega
Od viška rama ne bo komp nič hitrejši, še vedno je povsem dovolj 4GB rama za normalno uporabo vključno z igranjem iger, le za zahtevne 3D render obdelave in montažo full HD filmov je dobro imeti 8-16GB.
Siddh ::
Za buldozer cpu rabiš matično s temnim podnožjem :
niti ne, samo bios update, ki je na voljo za skoraj vse malo bolše plate
dzinks63 ::
am3 vs am3+:
6 Facts About AMD’s black AM3b socket: The AM3 vs AM3+ match
1. Noticeably, the new socket AM3+ is indicated by an “AM3b” written on the socket and the socket is color black. AM3+ has bigger pin holes from .45mm of AM3 to 0.51mm of AM3+. The problem is if CPU makers decided to make the pins in the Zambezi processor bigger in order to handle higher power current, it would not be able to fit in an AM3 socket.
2. AM3+ has faster link between CPU and Power Controller from 400KHz of the AM3 to 3.4MHz of AM3+. That’s a HUGE difference.
3. AM3+ will have a more efficient power loadline as compared to AM3. AM3+ has an up to 11.8% increase in the power supply efficiency offering a better CPU power saving. Not only that AM3+ is pack with VDD Tolerance Load Lines providing a stable power output and better OC capability.
4. A reduction of up to 22% of electrical noise resulting in better system stability.
5. Since the new socket AM3b can support thicker pins, socket AM3+ can handle higher current from 110A of AM3 MB to 145A of AM3+ MB. That’s a 32% increase.
6. AM3+ now supports the Combo Cooler Retention Module or CCR making the frame to hold the cooler into a two part kit. The CCR make sure that the air suck into the cooler is blown downwards cooling the VRMs/ CPU power choke around it. But this feature in not present in all AM3+ sockets. AsRock has been utilizing this feature in their AM3+ MB lineup but there are motherboard manufacturers like Gigabyte, although used the new socket AM3+, still use the old retention found in socket AM3 MB.
Overall, AM3+ wins the match in this AM3+ vs AM3 battle. This new socket, AM3+, is definitely a good socket and is likely to compete with Intel’s 1155.
Although the new AMD FX Zambezi processors are supported by socket AM3 motherboards through BIOS update, it is still recommended to upgrade to the new socket AM3+ in order to fully utilize and maximize the FX Zambezi processors.
6 Facts About AMD’s black AM3b socket: The AM3 vs AM3+ match
1. Noticeably, the new socket AM3+ is indicated by an “AM3b” written on the socket and the socket is color black. AM3+ has bigger pin holes from .45mm of AM3 to 0.51mm of AM3+. The problem is if CPU makers decided to make the pins in the Zambezi processor bigger in order to handle higher power current, it would not be able to fit in an AM3 socket.
2. AM3+ has faster link between CPU and Power Controller from 400KHz of the AM3 to 3.4MHz of AM3+. That’s a HUGE difference.
3. AM3+ will have a more efficient power loadline as compared to AM3. AM3+ has an up to 11.8% increase in the power supply efficiency offering a better CPU power saving. Not only that AM3+ is pack with VDD Tolerance Load Lines providing a stable power output and better OC capability.
4. A reduction of up to 22% of electrical noise resulting in better system stability.
5. Since the new socket AM3b can support thicker pins, socket AM3+ can handle higher current from 110A of AM3 MB to 145A of AM3+ MB. That’s a 32% increase.
6. AM3+ now supports the Combo Cooler Retention Module or CCR making the frame to hold the cooler into a two part kit. The CCR make sure that the air suck into the cooler is blown downwards cooling the VRMs/ CPU power choke around it. But this feature in not present in all AM3+ sockets. AsRock has been utilizing this feature in their AM3+ MB lineup but there are motherboard manufacturers like Gigabyte, although used the new socket AM3+, still use the old retention found in socket AM3 MB.
Overall, AM3+ wins the match in this AM3+ vs AM3 battle. This new socket, AM3+, is definitely a good socket and is likely to compete with Intel’s 1155.
Although the new AMD FX Zambezi processors are supported by socket AM3 motherboards through BIOS update, it is still recommended to upgrade to the new socket AM3+ in order to fully utilize and maximize the FX Zambezi processors.
Dr_M ::
Although the new AMD FX Zambezi processors are supported by socket AM3 motherboards through BIOS update, it is still recommended to upgrade to the new socket AM3+ in order to fully utilize and maximize the FX Zambezi processors.
Folk pa fura phenome 2 na AM2/+ platah. In buldozerje nebi mogu furat na AM3 platah...
Kaksni butli
Meni je bulldozer zanimiv LE in samo zato, ker naj bi delal na moji plati. Ce ne bo, bom drugo leto pogledal raje kaksen Ivy Bridge.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
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