Forum » Pomoč in nasveti » Print - ethernet kabel
Print - ethernet kabel
johanblond ::
Zanima me sledeče - a se lahko printa direktno (lokalno) na tiskalnik (HP) z ethernet kablom brez omrežja (nekakakšna substitucija USB kabla).
računalnik - USB kabel - USB port tiskalnika bi imel
računalnik - ethernet kabel - ethernet port tiskalnika
npr. printer ima dodeljen nek notranji IP, ti ga navedeš in to je to.
(PS: imam 15 m ethernet kabel, nimam pa 15 m USB kabla, ne da se mi pa postavljat lokalno omrežje samo za print.)
računalnik - USB kabel - USB port tiskalnika bi imel
računalnik - ethernet kabel - ethernet port tiskalnika
npr. printer ima dodeljen nek notranji IP, ti ga navedeš in to je to.
(PS: imam 15 m ethernet kabel, nimam pa 15 m USB kabla, ne da se mi pa postavljat lokalno omrežje samo za print.)
errhec ::
1)Printer z mrežno kartico
2) Router z usb priključkom, ki deluje kot print server ( med cenejšimi na bolhi je CN-BR1)
3.) Print server
1)Printer z mrežno kartico
2) Router z usb priključkom, ki deluje kot print server ( med cenejšimi na bolhi je CN-BR1)
3.) Print server
johanblond ::
1)Printer z mrežno kartico
2) Router z usb priključkom, ki deluje kot print server ( med cenejšimi na bolhi je CN-BR1)
3.) Print server
Printer ima priključek za mrežni kabel, mene zanima kako naredit direktni print brez print serverja.
mastah ::
printerju daj nek ip iz nabora ki ga imas v omrezju, gres v winsih pod dodaj tiskalnik vpises tcpip i to je to
ameba ::
Printer povež v router z mrežnim kablom, ta mu bo dodelil nek IP in ti se povež na printer preko routerja oz. lokalno....
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ameba ()
johanblond ::
ameba ::
DA !
Mislm da je tole
Mislm da je tole
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: ameba ()
johanblond ::
Hvala za pomoč, ampak to ni to:
na tvojem linku piše sledeče:
•Step 4
Look on the status page that you printed earlier for a line that says "IP address." Every ethernet printer that is connected to a network will have one. Once you've found that, input that number on the IP address line. Click "Next," then "Finish."
To je tudi moje problem pri googlu da mi da vse zadetke, ki dajejo navodila kako naredit prinanje preko mreže, ne pa direktno samo z kablom. Ne vem kakšen search string naj dam, ga bo v redu :-(.
na tvojem linku piše sledeče:
•Step 4
Look on the status page that you printed earlier for a line that says "IP address." Every ethernet printer that is connected to a network will have one. Once you've found that, input that number on the IP address line. Click "Next," then "Finish."
To je tudi moje problem pri googlu da mi da vse zadetke, ki dajejo navodila kako naredit prinanje preko mreže, ne pa direktno samo z kablom. Ne vem kakšen search string naj dam, ga bo v redu :-(.
rognaj ::
Nisem siguren, vendar bi mogoče delovalo, če uporabiš CROSSOVER kabel in direktno povežeš tiskalnik in računalnik. Seveda mora tiskalnik imeti fiksen IP in ne DHCP. Isto velja za računalnik.
johanblond ::
errhec ::
Če hočeš kakšen bolj konkreten odgovor, bi lahko navedel model tvojega tiskalnika in OS-ja.
Drugače pa če tiskalnik podpira, mu nastavi fiksni IP naslov,
nato ta IP daš pod izbiro omrežnega tiskalnika.
Drugače pa če tiskalnik podpira, mu nastavi fiksni IP naslov,
nato ta IP daš pod izbiro omrežnega tiskalnika.
johanblond ::
Če hočeš kakšen bolj konkreten odgovor, bi lahko navedel model tvojega tiskalnika in OS-ja.
Drugače pa če tiskalnik podpira, mu nastavi fiksni IP naslov,
nato ta IP daš pod izbiro omrežnega tiskalnika.
HP LaserJet P2055
Win 7
po moje ce nima nekega prednastavljenega IP-ja, najbrz ne bo slo, ne najdem pa nicesar definitivnega nikjer
errhec ::
Iz navodil za P2050 serije:
Use this menu to establish network configuration settings.
Menu item Description
CFG TCP/IP Access the TCP/IP menu and set TCP/IP protocol parameters.
? BOOTP=YES* Enable IPv4 configuration by a BOOTP Server.
? DHCP=YES* Enable IPv4 configuration by a DHCP Server.
If DHCP=YES* and the print server has a DHCP lease, you can configure the following DHCP
? RELEASE: Select whether to release (YES) or save (NO) the current lease.
? RENEW: Select whether to renew (YES or NO) the lease.
AUTO IP=YES* Automatically assign a link-local IPv4 address in the form 169.254.x.x.
If you specify BOOTP=NO*, DHCP=NO* and AUTO IP=NO*, you can manually set the following
TCP/IPv4 parameters from the control panel:
? Each byte of the IPv4 address (IP)
? Subnet Mask (SM)
? Syslog Server (LG)
? Default Gateway (GW)
? Idle Timeout period (default is 270 seconds, 0 disables the timeout)
CFG DNS 1: IPv4 address of a primary DNS server (one byte at a time).
CFG DNS 2: IPv4 address of a secondary DNS server (one byte at a time).
IPV6 = YES*: Enable IPv6 operation. Select NO to disable IPv6 operation.
POLICY=RTR_AV/RTR_UN/ALWAYS: Set one of the following IPv6 addressing policies:
? RTR_AV: (default) Stateful auto-configuration method is determined by a router. The router
specifies whether the print server obtains its address, configuration information, or both from
a DHCPv6 server.
? RTR_UN: Attempt to obtain stateful configuration from a DHCPv6 server (when a router is
not available).
? ALWAYS: Always attempt to obtain stateful configuration from a DHCPv6 server (whether
or not a router is available).
MANUAL= KEEP/DISABLE: Set the behavior of a manually configured IPv6 address detected on
the print server.
? KEEP (default): Maintain the address in an active state.
? DISABLE: Maintain the address but in an inactive state.
Print an HP Jetdirect configuration page to verify your settings. (The print server can overwrite
selected parameters with values that ensure proper operation.)
Edit RTMF v RTFM ;)
Iz navodil za P2050 serije:
Use this menu to establish network configuration settings.
Menu item Description
CFG TCP/IP Access the TCP/IP menu and set TCP/IP protocol parameters.
? BOOTP=YES* Enable IPv4 configuration by a BOOTP Server.
? DHCP=YES* Enable IPv4 configuration by a DHCP Server.
If DHCP=YES* and the print server has a DHCP lease, you can configure the following DHCP
? RELEASE: Select whether to release (YES) or save (NO) the current lease.
? RENEW: Select whether to renew (YES or NO) the lease.
AUTO IP=YES* Automatically assign a link-local IPv4 address in the form 169.254.x.x.
If you specify BOOTP=NO*, DHCP=NO* and AUTO IP=NO*, you can manually set the following
TCP/IPv4 parameters from the control panel:
? Each byte of the IPv4 address (IP)
? Subnet Mask (SM)
? Syslog Server (LG)
? Default Gateway (GW)
? Idle Timeout period (default is 270 seconds, 0 disables the timeout)
CFG DNS 1: IPv4 address of a primary DNS server (one byte at a time).
CFG DNS 2: IPv4 address of a secondary DNS server (one byte at a time).
IPV6 = YES*: Enable IPv6 operation. Select NO to disable IPv6 operation.
POLICY=RTR_AV/RTR_UN/ALWAYS: Set one of the following IPv6 addressing policies:
? RTR_AV: (default) Stateful auto-configuration method is determined by a router. The router
specifies whether the print server obtains its address, configuration information, or both from
a DHCPv6 server.
? RTR_UN: Attempt to obtain stateful configuration from a DHCPv6 server (when a router is
not available).
? ALWAYS: Always attempt to obtain stateful configuration from a DHCPv6 server (whether
or not a router is available).
MANUAL= KEEP/DISABLE: Set the behavior of a manually configured IPv6 address detected on
the print server.
? KEEP (default): Maintain the address in an active state.
? DISABLE: Maintain the address but in an inactive state.
Print an HP Jetdirect configuration page to verify your settings. (The print server can overwrite
selected parameters with values that ensure proper operation.)
Edit RTMF v RTFM ;)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: errhec ()
SasoS ::
Če ima računalnik Auto MDI kartico potem ne rabiš crossover kabla. Ali ga rabiš ali ne, vidiš takoj saj če bo napačen tip kabla boš imel na kartici vedno rdeč križec in status Not connected.
Kot mreža enkrat dela, moraš jasno nastavit statični IP tako printerju kot računalniku. Ko iz mašine uspešno pingaš IP printerja, potem ni nobenega razloga več da ne bi delovalo...
Kot mreža enkrat dela, moraš jasno nastavit statični IP tako printerju kot računalniku. Ko iz mašine uspešno pingaš IP printerja, potem ni nobenega razloga več da ne bi delovalo...
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