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Take on Helicopters

Take on Helicopters

Rotaidal ::


Bohemia Interactive je najavila novo igro. Simulacijo helikopterjev.

Take on Helicopters is the brand new helicopter game from Bohemia Interactive.
Set above beautifully rich landscapes, it challenges players to master an authentic flight model, immersing the player in the role of a civilian helicopter pilot.

Take your first steps towards mastering rotor-wing flight across a massive range of enjoyable challenges, or create your own missions using the powerful easy-to-use mission editor.
Taketo the air above two beautifully rich and expansive environments, based upon real-world North American and South Asian terrain-data.
Takeon cutting-edge technology, helicopters modelled in stunning detail, a large-scale, open-world sandbox and authentic flight dynamics...

Take On Helicopters!

Harry Larkin's aviation business has fallen on tough times. Built up over decades, it's now only days away from closure.
His sons face an uncertain future, struggling to save the company their father spent his whole life building.
Together, they must take on contracts and competitors; together, they take on helicopters!

Key features:
Total Helicopter Experience - Both in the air & on the ground.
Authentic Flight Model - Incredibly realistic piloting experience.
Expansive Rich Environments - Two enormous terrains based upon real-world North American and South Asian data.
Range of Modern Helicopters - A variety of light, medium & heavy airframes & cockpits modelled with stunning detail.
Sandbox Single-Player Campaign - Offering a huge range of engaging helicopter gameplay.
Multiplayer Gameplay - Both cooperative & competitive scenarios available over LAN or internet; sling-load & winching physics.
Powerful Mission Editor - Design & create countless customisable scenarios using the intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor.
Detailed Weather Simulation - Dynamic time & weather affects flight model.
Completely extensible & moddable - Bring your own creations to life with advanced free-to-use tools.
Damage & Resource management - Accurate fuel & electrics simulation.
Detailed tutorials & carefully designed gameplay - Caters for new players & enthusiasts alike.

  • zavaroval slike: Rotaidal ()

DOOM_er ::

holly shiat! I like >:D
Robots will steal your job. But that's OK

Bolf3nk ::

Bohemia Interactive, hmm ti so delali operation flashpoint in armo.. torej znajo simulacijo delat :D

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: Bolf3nk ()

dronyx ::

Meni osebno simulacije civilnih letal in helikopterjev niso ravno neke zabavne igre, ker je krivulja učenja prepočasna in ni akcije. Nazadnje sem igral Hinda in z veseljem bi kupil njegov remake.

guest #44 ::

A se bo z helikopterji steljalo magična nezemeljska bitja z 5000 izrastki, ki bodo špricali kri na HUD z težkim blurom?

Simuliajšon...kaj pa je to, pjača?


globoko grlo ::

Pa zravn dobiš namenski keypad za furat to zadevo?
Al nej si kupim še uno škatlo z vsemi pedali in gripi + joysticki?

Eh, če moraš vsako tipko na tipkovnici pritisnit samo za engine start, se mi ne da ubadat s tem :)

lahko pa, da se komu da

Berserker ::

Meni vse skupaj zgleda kot kakšen mod za Arma2.

Rotaidal ::

Enaki pogon uporabljajo kot za Armo 2.

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