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Winamp Forums Security Notification

Winamp Forums Security Notification

CyberPunk ::

Še kdo dobil tole danes?

My name is Geno Yoham and I am the General Manager of Winamp. Our entire team is dedicated to protecting the privacy of our users and has put extensive measures in place to ensure your information remains secure. As a result of these precautions, we quickly detected and blocked an attack on the Winamp Forums database. We have confirmed that this breach was isolated to the Winamp Forums (forums.winamp.com) site only. Other Winamp sites and products such as Winamp.com, dev.winamp.com and the Winamp Desktop Media Player were not affected in any way.
We have determined that your email address was exposed as a result of this attack, so as a precautionary measure, we recommend that you change your password on the Winamp Forums. In addition, we recommend that you change your password every few months as a best practice for keeping your information secure.
We have set up an FAQ at forums.winamp.com for answers to questions you may have related to this incident.
If you have any additional questions, please contact: support@winamp.com.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and want to assure you that we are taking steps to ensure that your information remains secure as a part of our ongoing commitment to protecting your privacy.
Geno Yoham

Konec januarja je bil pa SourceForge. Lepo, da obvestijo svoje stranke in ne "izvemo preko medijev". :)

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