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Windows XP ne ugasne
MRB0rYS ::
Danes sem si naložu windows XP profesional, vse lepo in prav sam ko izklopim računalo z šutdovn ugaša samo do sedaj ga lahko varno ugasnete do dlje pa ne, kaj je to.
Procesor AMD xp 1600+ v win me je blo normalno.
Danes sem si naložu windows XP profesional, vse lepo in prav sam ko izklopim računalo z šutdovn ugaša samo do sedaj ga lahko varno ugasnete do dlje pa ne, kaj je to.
Procesor AMD xp 1600+ v win me je blo normalno.
msmiha ::
Poglej kak maš v BIOSu nastavljeno ACPI podporo in pa w winsih pritsni tipki windows+pause idi v device maneger pa se postavi na zavihek computer. Tam ti more pisat ACPI uniprocessor PC. Če ti ne namesti tega.
Edini način, da odkrijemo meje mogočega je, da jih prestopimo in se znajdemo v nemogočem.
njok ::
Control Panel > Power Options > Predzadnji jezicek (verjetno) > Obkljukaj advanced power options
boštjan ::
to kar je njok napiso+zavihek advanced in pod power buttons,te sprašuje,kaj želiš narediti ko press power gumb.tam daš na shutdown
fRiK0 ::
Pri meni je isto sam sem vse že probu v biosu in v winsih štimat pa č ne dela sam k je oboje ukloplen ne morem hibernirat... Aja pa tam kjer naj bi štimu shutdown unga sploh nimam...
LP Tadej
LP Tadej
vmlejnik ::
Jst mam pa celerona 900 pa sem si tud nalozu win xp prof, in imam cisto isti problem, ki mi ja zaenkrat se vedno neznanka kako ga resit, prej sem tudi imel millenium kjer je vse delovalo kakor je treba...:/ LP
Daniel ::
Poskušajte med različnimi kombinacijami v biosu. Jaz sem se ravno zadnjič s tem ubadal da mu je na Mileniumu delal v xp pa ne. Pa sem v biosu malce prestavljal med Apm, Acpi in mislim da tudi oboje skupaj. Ne vem točno kateri deluje. Potem si pa poglejte še power options v nadzorni plošči, če mogoče tam nimate kaj nastavljeno. Mislim da je tam en zavihek, ki ko mu opcijo obkljukaš ga drugic ne vidiš več.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Daniel ()
vmlejnik ::
mene je tak jezil to da sem mal po netu pogledu in koncno najdu stvar, ki mi je pomagala in resila zadevo; citiram;
"“Powerdown issues” are quite distinctive from “shutdown issues.” I define a shutdown problem as one wherein Windows doesn’t make it at least to the “OK to shut off your computer” screen. If Windows gets that far, or farther, then it has shut down correctly. However, the computer may not powerdown correctly after that. This is a different problem, and I encourage people reporting these issues to make a clear distinction in their labeling.
When Windows XP won’t powerdown automatically, the APM/NT Legacy Power Node may not be enabled. To enable this, right-click on the My Computer icon, click Properties | Hardware | Device Manager | View. Check the box labeled “Show Hidden Devices.” If it’s available on your computer, there will be a red X on the APM/NT Legacy Node. Try enabling it and see if this resolves the powerdown problem (Tip from Terri Stratton). Or, to check the other side of the APM/ACPI coin, open the Power Options applet in Control Panel. If there is an APM tab, make sure the “Enable Advanced Power Management Support” box is checked."
konec citata ;)
vzeto iz strani in se ena ki bi znala pomagat;
LP vsem
"“Powerdown issues” are quite distinctive from “shutdown issues.” I define a shutdown problem as one wherein Windows doesn’t make it at least to the “OK to shut off your computer” screen. If Windows gets that far, or farther, then it has shut down correctly. However, the computer may not powerdown correctly after that. This is a different problem, and I encourage people reporting these issues to make a clear distinction in their labeling.
When Windows XP won’t powerdown automatically, the APM/NT Legacy Power Node may not be enabled. To enable this, right-click on the My Computer icon, click Properties | Hardware | Device Manager | View. Check the box labeled “Show Hidden Devices.” If it’s available on your computer, there will be a red X on the APM/NT Legacy Node. Try enabling it and see if this resolves the powerdown problem (Tip from Terri Stratton). Or, to check the other side of the APM/ACPI coin, open the Power Options applet in Control Panel. If there is an APM tab, make sure the “Enable Advanced Power Management Support” box is checked."
konec citata ;)
vzeto iz strani in se ena ki bi znala pomagat;
LP vsem
hubahaba ::
Jaz mam isti problem s tem da imam IPCja pa sem probal ze vse kaj pise pa se kar se mi resetira namesto da bi se ugasnil v biosu pa ne vem kje naj tisti APm pa ACPI najdem k je tak cuden bios, je to pri powe rmanagment setup? jaz tu nimam nc takega
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