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Tv serije
Temo vidijo: vsi

FTad ::
Amazon studios se nekaj dogovarja za Luciferja.
Kul :)
Od ostalih skenslanih serij, ki sem jih gledal, mi je bilo najbolj skoda serije The Crossing - paradoks potovanja v preteklosti je zanimiv. Tipicno vse sci-fi serije skenslajo po sezoni ali dveh. Spomnim se serije Flashpoint, V (remake), ter se nekaj, katerih naslovov se vec ne spomnim.

mahone ::
'Lucifer' Revived at Netflix After Fox Cancellation
Lucifer is getting a second life.
Netflix is reviving the canceled Fox drama for a fourth season. The DC Entertainment series, which hails from Warner Bros. Television, was axed in May. An episode count for the new season has yet to be determined.

FTad ::
'Lucifer' Revived at Netflix After Fox Cancellation
Lucifer is getting a second life.
Netflix is reviving the canceled Fox drama for a fourth season. The DC Entertainment series, which hails from Warner Bros. Television, was axed in May. An episode count for the new season has yet to be determined.
lepa novica. Upam, da bodo tudi izboljsali scenarij, saj roko na srce, serija je postala malce dolgocasna. Ce bodo dodali vec nadnaravnih elementov, potem ne bo samo ena detektivska serija vec.

tikitoki ::

oo7 ::
'Lucifer' Revived at Netflix After Fox Cancellation
Lucifer is getting a second life.
Netflix is reviving the canceled Fox drama for a fourth season. The DC Entertainment series, which hails from Warner Bros. Television, was axed in May. An episode count for the new season has yet to be determined.
lepa novica. Upam, da bodo tudi izboljsali scenarij, saj roko na srce, serija je postala malce dolgocasna. Ce bodo dodali vec nadnaravnih elementov, potem ne bo samo ena detektivska serija vec.
Predvsem več tega

Konlov ::

Patrick Melrose- Po bombasticnem pilotu sem pricakoval malo vec akcije. Ni mi bilo vsec.

Okapi ::

Tomson ::
Je tale Salvation vredna ogleda? Tematika mi je ok, a ocena ni prav visoka ...
Asus Prime X470 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, Gigabyte GTX 1660 Super
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor
Fractal Design R6, Corsair RM850X PSU, 32GB GSkillF4-3200 RAM
Noctua NHU12s, Corsair MP600 1TB SSD, 2x Dell U2410 monitor

negot ::
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Niti ene pametne serije.

misek ::

Izi ::
IL_DIAVOLO je izjavil:
Nisem se videl serije, ki bi imela oceno pod 6.
IMDb najde 12412 serij z oceno manjšo od 6,0
Od teh ima kar 20 serij najnižjo možno oceno 1,0

Med temi slabimi serijami so tudi zelo gledane serije s številnimi sezonami in milijoni gledalcev:
Verjetno vsakemu znana serija "Baywatch (1989–2001)" ima oceno 5,2
Zelo gledana serija za mlade "Hannah Montana (2006–2011)" ima oceno 4,9
Med majbolj gledanimi serijami z najnižjo oceno pa je verjetno "Keeping Up with the Kardashians (2007– )", ki še vedno traja in ima oceno 2,8

sulaco ::
yellowstone E1 in E2: pokrajina montane navdušujoča, dogajanje pa v stilu dinastije. Komur je bil všeč The Ranch mu bo tudi ta...+Costner :)
The Expanse: odlično so končali 3sezono.
Sedaj pa spet suša :(
The Expanse: odlično so končali 3sezono.
Sedaj pa spet suša :(

Izi ::
Opozorilo: Ne tratite bandwidth za Marvelovega Luke Cagea. Razen če zvečer ne morete zaspati brez uspavalnih tablet. Par minut druge sezone te serije in boste spali kot ubiti.
Že prva sezona se je precej vlekla ampak sem se prebil do konca. Tale druga sezona je pa višek. Ne samo hudo dolgočasno ampak tudi popolnoma zanič. Scenarij, režija in igra je vse na stopnji srednješolskega filmskega krožka.
Nekdo hoče očitno po hitrem postopku zatreti vse te nove črnske serije. Luke Cage in Black Lightning sta brez dvoma dve najbolj zanič seriji, ki jih je kdajkoli skupaj spravilo človeštvo.
Superherojska serija, ker ves čas samo posedajo in se brezplodno pogovarjajo, približno enkrat na uro pa superheroj nekoga vrže ob steno in to je to.
Že prva sezona se je precej vlekla ampak sem se prebil do konca. Tale druga sezona je pa višek. Ne samo hudo dolgočasno ampak tudi popolnoma zanič. Scenarij, režija in igra je vse na stopnji srednješolskega filmskega krožka.
Nekdo hoče očitno po hitrem postopku zatreti vse te nove črnske serije. Luke Cage in Black Lightning sta brez dvoma dve najbolj zanič seriji, ki jih je kdajkoli skupaj spravilo človeštvo.
Superherojska serija, ker ves čas samo posedajo in se brezplodno pogovarjajo, približno enkrat na uro pa superheroj nekoga vrže ob steno in to je to.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Izi ()

Dami ::
You made my day :D
Sicer še nisem pogledal S2, glede S1 in BL (nisem zdržal niti do konca pilota) se pa 100% strinjam.
You made my day :D
Sicer še nisem pogledal S2, glede S1 in BL (nisem zdržal niti do konca pilota) se pa 100% strinjam.
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

connel ::
Sem pogledal drugo sezono Luke Cage, groza, daleč najbolj dolgočasna serija. Dinastija bi bila bolj zanimiva.

yoco ::
A bo Netflix nadaljeval z Luciferjem od 24. dela naprej a se bosta tudi 25. in 26. upoštevala?

Izi ::
A bo Netflix nadaljeval z Luciferjem od 24. dela naprej a se bosta tudi 25. in 26. upoštevala?
Nadaljevali bodo od 24. dela, kjer je bil cliffhanger.
Netflix je omenil, da kar se tiče tistih dveh bonus epizod je bila zadnja tako ali tako popolnoma "standalone" in ne vpliva na zgodbo, medtem ko se morajo glede tiste posvečene Elli (25. del), še odločiti, kam v 4. sezono jo bodo vključili, če sploh.
Znano je tudi, da je Netflix za 4. sezono naročil samo 10 delov, kar je hudo zmanjšanje glede na prejšnje sezone. Prva sezona je imela 13 delov, druga 18 delov in tretja 24 delov.
Četrto sezono začno snemati Avgusta 2018 in bo predvidoma končana decembra 2018. Predvajanje se pričakuje nekje v začetku 2019.

FTad ::
A bo Netflix nadaljeval z Luciferjem od 24. dela naprej a se bosta tudi 25. in 26. upoštevala?
Nadaljevali bodo od 24. dela, kjer je bil cliffhanger.
Netflix je omenil, da kar se tiče tistih dveh bonus epizod je bila zadnja tako ali tako popolnoma "standalone" in ne vpliva na zgodbo, medtem ko se morajo glede tiste posvečene Elli (25. del), še odločiti, kam v 4. sezono jo bodo vključili, če sploh.
Znano je tudi, da je Netflix za 4. sezono naročil samo 10 delov, kar je hudo zmanjšanje glede na prejšnje sezone. Prva sezona je imela 13 delov, druga 18 delov in tretja 24 delov.
Četrto sezono začno snemati Avgusta 2018 in bo predvidoma končana decembra 2018. Predvajanje se pričakuje nekje v začetku 2019.
Zdi se mi, da bo 10 delov zaenkrat ok, ker se morajo najprej dokazati, da bodo v prihodnje naredili kvaliteten scenarij za te epizode. Ce bo uspeh, potem lahko naredijo 5. sezono spet s 24 deli.

Izi ::
Pogledal sem 1. sezono nove serije Impulse in me je prijetno presenetila.
Priporočam vsem ljubiteljem superherojev, ki jim je zgodba bolj važna kot akcija. Čeprav je v glavni vlogi 16. letna najstnica je to v prvi vrsti zgodba za odrasle. Za mularijo bo to verjetno preveč dolgočasna serija.
Posnet je po istih knjigah kot film Jumper (2008), ampak je čisto druga zgodba.
Priporočam vsem ljubiteljem superherojev, ki jim je zgodba bolj važna kot akcija. Čeprav je v glavni vlogi 16. letna najstnica je to v prvi vrsti zgodba za odrasle. Za mularijo bo to verjetno preveč dolgočasna serija.
Posnet je po istih knjigah kot film Jumper (2008), ampak je čisto druga zgodba.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Izi ()

leiito ::

Izi ::
Ne vem če je bilo tukaj že kaj govora o tej seriji, ker je že kar nekaj mesecev stara, ampak v poletni suši sem se lotil še serije "Cobra Kai" in moram reči, da nisem pričakoval da bo tako dobra. Priporočam.
Ocena je kar 9.0, kar je po moje sicer malo pretirano, ampak ne dosti.
Prva sezona ima 10 delov po 30 minut. Se pravi vsega skupaj za okoli 5 ur.
Je nadaljevanje filmske serije "The Karate Kid", ki je imela 4 filme, če se ne motim. Moram pa reči, da je ta serija daleč boljša kot filmi.
Med žanri je poleg drame in akcije omenjena še komedija, ampak naj vas to ne zavede. Zgodba je čisto resna, ima pa precej humornih vložkov, ki pozitivno popestrijo dogajanje.
Serija se nadaljuje z istimi liki iz filma, ampak celih 34 let kasneje. Vseh filmov ni potrebno gledati, ampak ogled tistega prvega "The Karate Kid (1984)" pa močno priporočam preden se lotite serije. Zgodba serije se ves čas navezuje na tisto karate prvenstvo iz tega filma.
Ocena je kar 9.0, kar je po moje sicer malo pretirano, ampak ne dosti.
Prva sezona ima 10 delov po 30 minut. Se pravi vsega skupaj za okoli 5 ur.
Je nadaljevanje filmske serije "The Karate Kid", ki je imela 4 filme, če se ne motim. Moram pa reči, da je ta serija daleč boljša kot filmi.
Med žanri je poleg drame in akcije omenjena še komedija, ampak naj vas to ne zavede. Zgodba je čisto resna, ima pa precej humornih vložkov, ki pozitivno popestrijo dogajanje.
Serija se nadaljuje z istimi liki iz filma, ampak celih 34 let kasneje. Vseh filmov ni potrebno gledati, ampak ogled tistega prvega "The Karate Kid (1984)" pa močno priporočam preden se lotite serije. Zgodba serije se ves čas navezuje na tisto karate prvenstvo iz tega filma.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Izi ()

oo7 ::
Colony mi je še vedno zanimiva serija upam,d a bo 4 sezona.
Preacher je pa itak odbita in nekaj unikatnega
Preacher je pa itak odbita in nekaj unikatnega

FTad ::
Gleda kdo The 100? Me je izredno pritegnila. Sprva sem mislil, da je to neke vrsta teenage serija, vendar ja dalec od tega. Zanimiv post-apokalipticen prikaz sveta. Ceprav, posebej ko pogledas 5 sezon v dveh tednih, mi na case deluje kot neka telenovela, saj se vedno stvari spet zapletejo, nekdo je jezen na nekoga, ali pa nekdo zajebe nekoga, potem so pa spet prijatelji, cez pol sezone pa spet ne :)

vostok_1 ::
Kaj kdo sledi The Handmaid's Tale slučajno?
Za tiste, ki ne vedo o čem se je hard SJW fiction propaganda. Praktično na nivoju nazi propagande sam iz drugega pola.
Ampak ko so zadeve namensko očitne, dejansko sploh ni tako moteče, ker pač veš kaj gledaš.
Povrh, pa je pravzaprav kar gledljiva, za bit bolj nepoznana. Če vas zanima ta tematika dejansko kar priporočam.
Za tiste, ki ne vedo o čem se je hard SJW fiction propaganda. Praktično na nivoju nazi propagande sam iz drugega pola.
Ampak ko so zadeve namensko očitne, dejansko sploh ni tako moteče, ker pač veš kaj gledaš.
Povrh, pa je pravzaprav kar gledljiva, za bit bolj nepoznana. Če vas zanima ta tematika dejansko kar priporočam.
There will be chutes!
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21
It came from the lab.
Like tears in rain. Time to die. v_1 2012-21

oo7 ::
July 10
Drug Lords (Netflix)
If you want Narcos with a more documentary approach, here's your show.
Heathers** (Paramount)
After major delays, this reboot of the cult classic is finally on its way.
The Outpost** (CW)
Ash vs. Evil Dead's Jessica Green stars as Talon, the last of the Blackbloods, who vows to hunt her family's killers.
July 11
Bobcat Goldthwait's Misfits & Monsters** (truTV)
Black Mirror, but goofier -- OK, kind of. Long ago, comedian Bobcat Goldthwait had an idea for a dream anthology series that would satirize all things sci-fi while giving him the freedom to write self-contained stories, hit different tones, and use a variety of actors. After about seven years and several rejections, it's finally here.
Dr. Pimple Popper** (TLC)
That's right: Dr. Sandra Lee has her own show! For the uninitiated, this dermatologist built a cult following for recording her extractions of everything from whiteheads and blackheads to cysts and lipomas. It's gross, but good -- with a surprising amount of heart. (New York doctors, please study her bedside manner.)
Harlots (Hulu)
Just in time to chase the end of Handmaid's Tale, this other strong Hulu original enters its second season with an ever-expanding feud, a potential mole, and Liv Tyler.
TKO: Total Knock Out** (CBS)
Kevin Hart has decided that the whole ice tubs thing was... unsustainable? Who knows. Anyway, now he's hosting an "us versus them" game show, which will send a runner through an obstacle course while four others shoot projectiles in an attempt to thwart the runner. Unclear if Mike Breen will be on hand to yell "BANG!" -- but one hopes.
July 13
The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants** (Netflix)
The offbeat children's book hero gets suited up for his very own series.
July 15
Our Cartoon President (Showtime)
The not-quite-HBO network has picked up an additional seven episodes of Colbert's animated Trump satire.
July 16
The Real Housewives of Orange County (Bravo)
The crazed reality series gets ready to unspool Season 13, which means it's now a teenager and will be on even worse behavior than usual. (SOS.)
July 18
The 2018 ESPYS (ABC)
With host Danica Patrick, the event's first female emcee.
July 19
The Grand Hustle** (BET)
A 12-episode series that will pit 16 competitors against each other as they vie for a six-figure salaried position within rapper T.I.'s Grand Hustle business empire. Depending on how this goes, T.I. might be our president in 12 years.
Snowfall (FX)
Sure, Season 1 of Snowfall might have felt a bit slow, but expect Season 2 to pick up speed. Franklin and his crew have gone all in on their new crack cocaine venture, and trouble's bound to come in every direction. "For the bigger strokes of where these guys go, I don't want to know. Because I know it can't end well," actor Amin Joseph, who plays Franklin's uncle, Jerome, told Thrillist last year. "[Jerome] knows what this brings, and that's where you're gonna see his character really become a lieutenant, a guy who's ready to protect everything that's coming. The young guys he's working with have no idea."
Trial & Error: Lady Killer (NBC)
Season 2 of the true-crime mocku-series stars Kristin Chenoweth as Lavinia Peck-Foster, the eccentric first lady of East Peck who's "known for her flamboyant outfits, large hats, and hairless cat, and who suddenly finds herself accused of the bizarre murder of her beloved husband."
July 20
In Search Of** (History)
Following in Spock's, er Leonard Nimoy's, steps, Zachary Quinto (Star Trek) hosts and produces this reboot of In Search Of, the iconic docuseries, which in the '70s and '80s investigated unsolved mysteries and unexplainable phenomena. (See: UFOs, AI, time travel.)
Jimmy: The True Story of a True Idiot** (Netflix)
A bio-series about the Japanese painter-comedian Jimmy Onishi -- this wonderful guy -- and his rise to stardom.
Killjoys (Syfy)
The upcoming fourth season of this Canadian space drama effectively begins part one of a long two-chapter finale.
Last Chance U (Netflix)
After two seasons at East Mississippi Community College, this real-life Friday Night Lights-ish docuseries heads to Kansas' Independence Community College in Kansas, where Coach Brown will yell and, uh, vibe in a hot tub? Can't wait.
Outcast (Cinemax)
If you're looking for another Game of Thrones replacement, we like Outcast. Just catch up on the first season ASAP.
Wynonna Earp (Syfy)
For Season 3, Syfy's fantastic demon-busting saga promises even bigger stakes, consequences, and devotion to LGBTQ representation -- "the new season makes RuPaul look like Mike Pence," per creator Emily Andras.
July 24
Miz & Mrs** (USA)
A Total Divas spin-off, set to follow husband-wife wrestling duo The Miz and Maryse Ouellet inside and outside the ring as they start a family.
July 25
Castle Rock** (Hulu)
Hulu first teased this as "a psychological-horror series set in the Stephen King multiverse [that] combines the mythological scale and intimate character storytelling of King's best-loved works, weaving an epic saga of darkness and light, played out on a few square miles of Maine woodland." If the name sounds familiar, it's the setting of such novels as Cujo and The Dead Zone -- aka a very scary place. But why should you watch yet another Stephen King adaptation? We're most excited about the insane talent piled in here, including producer J.J. Abrams and the core cast of André Holland, Melanie Lynskey, Jane Levy, Sissy Spacek, Bill Skarsg?rd, Scott Glenn, Terry O'Quinn, Frank L. Ridley, and at least one big, good dog.
July 27
Eat. Race. Win.** (Amazon)
A docuseries about the Tour de France and the "race within the race" -- the latter of which centers on Chef Hannah Grant, who endeavors to find the performance foods that will fuel the riders of Australia's pro cycling team.
Orange Is the New Black (Netflix)
The fifth season of Jenji Kohan's OG Netflix drama followed Poussey's tragic death with a fast-crescendoing riot and ended in separation: some inmates boarded buses, some stood tall in their makeshift bunker. Where are those buses going? What's next for those left behind? What TV show is Pennsatucky going to binge first?!
July 29
Comedy Central Roast of Bruce Willis (Comedy Central)
Willis' Looper co-star Joseph Gordon-Levitt serves as Roast Master, accepting help from Cybill Shepherd, Edward Norton, Nikki Glaser, Lil Rel Howery, Dom Irrera, Kevin Pollak, and, of course, the Roast Sensei himself, Jeff Ross.
July 30
A Very Secret Service (Netflix)
If you haven't watched this French spy drama, which is very fun and (finally) Season 2 bound, you should. Another one to file it under "Underrated Shows That Only Have One Season to Catch Up On ASAP."
July 31
Casual (Hulu)
Season 4 marks the end for one of Hulu's first originals.
Hard to Kill** (Discovery)
A docuseries that will follow Tim Kennedy, an active Green Beret and Special Forces sniper, as he puts a spotlight on some of the American workforce's most deadly jobs. (See: flying planes, running with bulls, triggering avalanches.)
Making It** (NBC)
Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman co-host this crafty DIY competition so you can win your very own Indiana Fine Woodworking Association award.
Terrace House: Opening New Doors (Netflix)
Everyone's favorite polite reality series drops its much-anticipated Karuizawa extension, meaning more episodes, more Seina, and... more flying squirrels? (One hopes.)
August 1
The Sinner (USA)
The critically acclaimed Jessica Biel drama boasts a "new story," and it looks creepy as heck.
August 3
Animals (HBO)
One of the best shows you aren't watching is in its third season. Time to catch up!
August 5
Ultimate Summer Cook-Off** (Food)
Exactly what it sounds like. Fire up the grill!
August 6
Better Call Saul (AMC)
Season 4 will be all about (slight spoiler alert) the impact of Chuck's death, and how it compels those left behind to be better or... worse!
Lodge 49** (AMC)
From Jim Gavin (Middle Men) and Peter Ocko (The Office), a modern fable about a Cali surfer named Dud (Wyatt Russell) trying to recover from the death of his dad and the downfall of the family business. (In other words, not quite the Thomas Pynchon adaptation you were looking for.)
August 7
Bachelor in Paradise (ABC)
All of these people are back!!! Whether you like it or not!!!
Carter** (WGN)
Kind of like, I guess, an American Mindhorn, in which Jerry O'Connell stars as a down-and-out TV detective who "taps into his acting experience to become a real-life detective."
Castaways** (ABC)
ABC's newest reality series, which has been described as a cross between Survivor and an unscripted Lost. ABC says Castaways will test "the human need for companionship under extreme circumstances as each individual learns there are other castaways out there but are unaware of how many, their locations or when they will be rescued." Hmm, wow, yes, and it all probably builds to an unpredictable ending too, but who knows.
Hard Knocks: Training Camp With the Cleveland Browns (HBO)
Also, exactly what it sounds like. Spoiler warning: This Browns season will end badly for the Browns, just like it alway does.
August 10
All About the Washingtons** (Netflix)
In what feels like a soft reboot of something you might have seen before, Rev Run and his wife, Justine, co-star in this fictional-ish sitcom about what happens when a hip-hop legend becomes a stay-at-home dad.
La Casa de las Flores (Netflix)
A dark comedy about a family-run flower shop -- shit gets real when the dad agrees to take care of his late mistress' kids. Drama!
August 12
Ballers (HBO)
Your yearly reminder that The Rock is making lots of money to be in a TV show about people making lots of money. Money.
Fear the Walking Dead (AMC)
Maybe Rick will go here.
Get Shorty (Epix)
You can't watch Ray Romano in Vinyl anymore so you gotta watch him here.
Insecure (HBO)
More mirror rap sessions! More Daniel! More relationship drama? We'll see -- stay in the know with our Season 3 dossier.
August 17
Disenchantment** (Netflix)
From Matt Groening, a series that should essentially play like the love child of The Simpsons and Game of Thrones -- or, the fantasy version of Futurama. It stars the oddball trio of Abbi Jacobson, Nat Faxon, and Eric Andre.
August 20
2018 MTV Video Music Awards (MTV)
If you want.
August 24
The Innocents** (Netflix)
This British saga has been teased as a sci-fi Romeo & Juliet -- although Romeo & Mystique might be more like it because this Juliet is a freaking shape-shifter.
August 31
Jack Ryan** (Amazon)
From Carlton Cuse (Lost, Colony), a Tom Clancy TV show that puts Jim Halpert back in action mode.
Ozark (Netflix)
After barely surviving a stressful move to the Ozarks, Marty (Jason Bateman!) and his family will have to dig in their heels and learn how to run a riverboat casino.
September 6
I Love You, America (Hulu)
Another one of those underrated shows you probably missed, but shouldn't have. In Season 1, host Sarah Silverman sought to unite viewers of all political factions while still lampooning the late-night format and the forces actively working to divide our country. Her mission: Figure Out Who We Are. Groan if you must, but the show exuded a sincerity that was nonpareil, managing to slip effortlessly between segments equal parts educational, moving, and, of course, hilarious. In an ever-crowding sea of tired Trump jokes, I Love You, America was one of the only talk shows of the last year that felt like a breath of fresh air.
September 9
The 2019 Miss America Competition (ABC)
They're still doing this.
The Deuce (HBO)
David Simon's drama about seedy, pre-LED-lighted Times Square sex work scene returns for a second season. Expect more cheeky excellence from James Franco (playing twins!), Maggie Gyllenhaal's continued autodidactic rise in the porn biz, and creative use of soup.
Kidding** (Showtime)
Save the date: Jim Carrey (yes, that one, who else) returns to TV here as Jeff, aka Mr. Pickles, "an icon of children's television, a beacon of kindness and wisdom to America's impressionable young minds, who also anchors a multimillion-dollar branding empire." Life sure sounds good for Mr. Pickles, but, you guessed it, something bad happens (i.e., his family "implodes") and he basically becomes Mr. Cucumbers, or something like a Sad Mr. Rogers, as he struggles to fix it in a way that's supposed to be as heartbreaking as it is funny. The series notably marks a reunion for Carrey and director Michel Gondry, who triumphantly collaborated on the Oscar-winning hit, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Yes, we are excited about all of this.
Shameless (Showtime)
Good news for Shameless fans: Season 9! Bad news for people who have been saying, "I've been meaning to watch Shameless": Season 9!!! Really though, Season 9 comes with the show's 100th episode, so to catch up you'll either need to take a week off work or do that thing where you watch TV on pseudo-fast-forward like some sort of Martian.
You** (Lifetime)
Penn Badgley does his best "I'm gonna save your life and then ruin it!" in this fucked-up love story, from the executive producers of Riverdale. Help.
September 14
BoJack Horseman (Netflix)
"I think we go to some fun places and some dark places" in Season 5, creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg told SlashFilm recently. So, in other words, you're getting another run of that show you either love or hate.
September 17
70th Primetime Emmy Awards (NBC)
Which NBC bros are hosting? SNL's own Colin Jost and Michael Che!?
September 21
The Good Cop** (Netflix)
Josh Groban is The Good Cop (really!). He lives to fight crime, not sing, and get advice from his on-screen dad, Tony Danza (also, really!), about EVERYTHING. Will this be a comedy, a police procedural, or a strange dream someone had and thought, Shit, I need to write this down? All of the above, probably.
Hilda** (Netflix)
Based on Luke Pearson's comic book series -- you know the one -- the animated story of a blue-haired girl who "travels from a wilderness full of elves and giants, to Trollberg, a bustling city packed with new friends and mysterious creatures."
September 23
9-1-1 (FOX)
Season 2 of Ryan Murphy's crazy emergency procedural boasts Jennifer Love Hewitt -- likely to help fill the void Connie Britton leaves -- as the a firefighter's sister who's "starting her life over as a 911 operator."
September 24
Manifest** (NBC)
From Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future) and Jack Rapke (the savvy producer behind Cast Away), comes a show that's fittingly been described as Lost in reverse: "When Montego Air Flight 828 landed safely after a turbulent but routine flight, the crew and passengers were relieved. Yet in the span of those few hours, the world had aged five years, and their friends, families, and colleagues, after mourning their loss, had given up hope and moved on." Brutal!
September 25
New Amsterdam** (NBC)
Just what you've been waiting for: ANOTHER medical drama. Yeah, yeah, OK, but this one is supposed to be based on Bellevue Hospital, aka the oldest hospital in the U.S., and its restoration to greatness.
September 27
The Good Place (NBC)
Back to life, back to reality.
Law & Order: SVU (NBC)
The NBC mainstay enters its 20th season, and shows no signs of stopping -- as long as Mariska Hargitay is down.
October 4
I Feel Bad** (NBC)
From executive producer Amy Poehler, a comedy about a mom (Sarayu Blue) who constantly wrestles with the guilt her husband, children, parents, and employees foist upon her. It looks deeply (and maybe painfully) relatable.
October 5
Into the Dark** (Hulu)
A very spooky (but exciting) experiment. In partnership with horror-genre heavyweight Blumhouse (Get Out, Insidious), Hulu welcomes this anthology of 12 feature-length, standalone "episodes," set to be released the first weekend of every month. (Others have aptly described it as Blumhouse's Movie of the Month club.) The episodes are said to be inspired by holidays from the month of their release; the first one, "The Body," comes set "on Halloween night and tackles selfie culture in Los Angeles."
October 10
All American** (CW)
Inspired by the life of NFL player Spencer Paysinger, a drama about a high school football player living in South Central LA who's recruited to play for Beverly Hills High.
Riverdale (CW)
Yes, of course these teens have more realistic witticisms to unleash.
October 12
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (CW)
As was planned, the fourth season of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend will sadly be its last.
October 14
Charmed** (CW)
A reboot of the iconic '00s series, with three new sister-witches.
December 30
The Orville (FOX)
Perhaps to the chagrin of some critics, fans of Seth MacFarlane's dramedic Star Trek homage will get to indulge in a second helping right before the New Year rolls in.
July 10
Drug Lords (Netflix)
If you want Narcos with a more documentary approach, here's your show.
Heathers** (Paramount)
After major delays, this reboot of the cult classic is finally on its way.
The Outpost** (CW)
Ash vs. Evil Dead's Jessica Green stars as Talon, the last of the Blackbloods, who vows to hunt her family's killers.
July 11
Bobcat Goldthwait's Misfits & Monsters** (truTV)
Black Mirror, but goofier -- OK, kind of. Long ago, comedian Bobcat Goldthwait had an idea for a dream anthology series that would satirize all things sci-fi while giving him the freedom to write self-contained stories, hit different tones, and use a variety of actors. After about seven years and several rejections, it's finally here.
Dr. Pimple Popper** (TLC)
That's right: Dr. Sandra Lee has her own show! For the uninitiated, this dermatologist built a cult following for recording her extractions of everything from whiteheads and blackheads to cysts and lipomas. It's gross, but good -- with a surprising amount of heart. (New York doctors, please study her bedside manner.)
Harlots (Hulu)
Just in time to chase the end of Handmaid's Tale, this other strong Hulu original enters its second season with an ever-expanding feud, a potential mole, and Liv Tyler.
TKO: Total Knock Out** (CBS)
Kevin Hart has decided that the whole ice tubs thing was... unsustainable? Who knows. Anyway, now he's hosting an "us versus them" game show, which will send a runner through an obstacle course while four others shoot projectiles in an attempt to thwart the runner. Unclear if Mike Breen will be on hand to yell "BANG!" -- but one hopes.
July 13
The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants** (Netflix)
The offbeat children's book hero gets suited up for his very own series.
July 15
Our Cartoon President (Showtime)
The not-quite-HBO network has picked up an additional seven episodes of Colbert's animated Trump satire.
July 16
The Real Housewives of Orange County (Bravo)
The crazed reality series gets ready to unspool Season 13, which means it's now a teenager and will be on even worse behavior than usual. (SOS.)
July 18
The 2018 ESPYS (ABC)
With host Danica Patrick, the event's first female emcee.
July 19
The Grand Hustle** (BET)
A 12-episode series that will pit 16 competitors against each other as they vie for a six-figure salaried position within rapper T.I.'s Grand Hustle business empire. Depending on how this goes, T.I. might be our president in 12 years.
Snowfall (FX)
Sure, Season 1 of Snowfall might have felt a bit slow, but expect Season 2 to pick up speed. Franklin and his crew have gone all in on their new crack cocaine venture, and trouble's bound to come in every direction. "For the bigger strokes of where these guys go, I don't want to know. Because I know it can't end well," actor Amin Joseph, who plays Franklin's uncle, Jerome, told Thrillist last year. "[Jerome] knows what this brings, and that's where you're gonna see his character really become a lieutenant, a guy who's ready to protect everything that's coming. The young guys he's working with have no idea."
Trial & Error: Lady Killer (NBC)
Season 2 of the true-crime mocku-series stars Kristin Chenoweth as Lavinia Peck-Foster, the eccentric first lady of East Peck who's "known for her flamboyant outfits, large hats, and hairless cat, and who suddenly finds herself accused of the bizarre murder of her beloved husband."
July 20
In Search Of** (History)
Following in Spock's, er Leonard Nimoy's, steps, Zachary Quinto (Star Trek) hosts and produces this reboot of In Search Of, the iconic docuseries, which in the '70s and '80s investigated unsolved mysteries and unexplainable phenomena. (See: UFOs, AI, time travel.)
Jimmy: The True Story of a True Idiot** (Netflix)
A bio-series about the Japanese painter-comedian Jimmy Onishi -- this wonderful guy -- and his rise to stardom.
Killjoys (Syfy)
The upcoming fourth season of this Canadian space drama effectively begins part one of a long two-chapter finale.
Last Chance U (Netflix)
After two seasons at East Mississippi Community College, this real-life Friday Night Lights-ish docuseries heads to Kansas' Independence Community College in Kansas, where Coach Brown will yell and, uh, vibe in a hot tub? Can't wait.
Outcast (Cinemax)
If you're looking for another Game of Thrones replacement, we like Outcast. Just catch up on the first season ASAP.
Wynonna Earp (Syfy)
For Season 3, Syfy's fantastic demon-busting saga promises even bigger stakes, consequences, and devotion to LGBTQ representation -- "the new season makes RuPaul look like Mike Pence," per creator Emily Andras.
July 24
Miz & Mrs** (USA)
A Total Divas spin-off, set to follow husband-wife wrestling duo The Miz and Maryse Ouellet inside and outside the ring as they start a family.
July 25
Castle Rock** (Hulu)
Hulu first teased this as "a psychological-horror series set in the Stephen King multiverse [that] combines the mythological scale and intimate character storytelling of King's best-loved works, weaving an epic saga of darkness and light, played out on a few square miles of Maine woodland." If the name sounds familiar, it's the setting of such novels as Cujo and The Dead Zone -- aka a very scary place. But why should you watch yet another Stephen King adaptation? We're most excited about the insane talent piled in here, including producer J.J. Abrams and the core cast of André Holland, Melanie Lynskey, Jane Levy, Sissy Spacek, Bill Skarsg?rd, Scott Glenn, Terry O'Quinn, Frank L. Ridley, and at least one big, good dog.
July 27
Eat. Race. Win.** (Amazon)
A docuseries about the Tour de France and the "race within the race" -- the latter of which centers on Chef Hannah Grant, who endeavors to find the performance foods that will fuel the riders of Australia's pro cycling team.
Orange Is the New Black (Netflix)
The fifth season of Jenji Kohan's OG Netflix drama followed Poussey's tragic death with a fast-crescendoing riot and ended in separation: some inmates boarded buses, some stood tall in their makeshift bunker. Where are those buses going? What's next for those left behind? What TV show is Pennsatucky going to binge first?!
July 29
Comedy Central Roast of Bruce Willis (Comedy Central)
Willis' Looper co-star Joseph Gordon-Levitt serves as Roast Master, accepting help from Cybill Shepherd, Edward Norton, Nikki Glaser, Lil Rel Howery, Dom Irrera, Kevin Pollak, and, of course, the Roast Sensei himself, Jeff Ross.
July 30
A Very Secret Service (Netflix)
If you haven't watched this French spy drama, which is very fun and (finally) Season 2 bound, you should. Another one to file it under "Underrated Shows That Only Have One Season to Catch Up On ASAP."
July 31
Casual (Hulu)
Season 4 marks the end for one of Hulu's first originals.
Hard to Kill** (Discovery)
A docuseries that will follow Tim Kennedy, an active Green Beret and Special Forces sniper, as he puts a spotlight on some of the American workforce's most deadly jobs. (See: flying planes, running with bulls, triggering avalanches.)
Making It** (NBC)
Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman co-host this crafty DIY competition so you can win your very own Indiana Fine Woodworking Association award.
Terrace House: Opening New Doors (Netflix)
Everyone's favorite polite reality series drops its much-anticipated Karuizawa extension, meaning more episodes, more Seina, and... more flying squirrels? (One hopes.)
August 1
The Sinner (USA)
The critically acclaimed Jessica Biel drama boasts a "new story," and it looks creepy as heck.
August 3
Animals (HBO)
One of the best shows you aren't watching is in its third season. Time to catch up!
August 5
Ultimate Summer Cook-Off** (Food)
Exactly what it sounds like. Fire up the grill!
August 6
Better Call Saul (AMC)
Season 4 will be all about (slight spoiler alert) the impact of Chuck's death, and how it compels those left behind to be better or... worse!
Lodge 49** (AMC)
From Jim Gavin (Middle Men) and Peter Ocko (The Office), a modern fable about a Cali surfer named Dud (Wyatt Russell) trying to recover from the death of his dad and the downfall of the family business. (In other words, not quite the Thomas Pynchon adaptation you were looking for.)
August 7
Bachelor in Paradise (ABC)
All of these people are back!!! Whether you like it or not!!!
Carter** (WGN)
Kind of like, I guess, an American Mindhorn, in which Jerry O'Connell stars as a down-and-out TV detective who "taps into his acting experience to become a real-life detective."
Castaways** (ABC)
ABC's newest reality series, which has been described as a cross between Survivor and an unscripted Lost. ABC says Castaways will test "the human need for companionship under extreme circumstances as each individual learns there are other castaways out there but are unaware of how many, their locations or when they will be rescued." Hmm, wow, yes, and it all probably builds to an unpredictable ending too, but who knows.
Hard Knocks: Training Camp With the Cleveland Browns (HBO)
Also, exactly what it sounds like. Spoiler warning: This Browns season will end badly for the Browns, just like it alway does.
August 10
All About the Washingtons** (Netflix)
In what feels like a soft reboot of something you might have seen before, Rev Run and his wife, Justine, co-star in this fictional-ish sitcom about what happens when a hip-hop legend becomes a stay-at-home dad.
La Casa de las Flores (Netflix)
A dark comedy about a family-run flower shop -- shit gets real when the dad agrees to take care of his late mistress' kids. Drama!
August 12
Ballers (HBO)
Your yearly reminder that The Rock is making lots of money to be in a TV show about people making lots of money. Money.
Fear the Walking Dead (AMC)
Maybe Rick will go here.
Get Shorty (Epix)
You can't watch Ray Romano in Vinyl anymore so you gotta watch him here.
Insecure (HBO)
More mirror rap sessions! More Daniel! More relationship drama? We'll see -- stay in the know with our Season 3 dossier.
August 17
Disenchantment** (Netflix)
From Matt Groening, a series that should essentially play like the love child of The Simpsons and Game of Thrones -- or, the fantasy version of Futurama. It stars the oddball trio of Abbi Jacobson, Nat Faxon, and Eric Andre.
August 20
2018 MTV Video Music Awards (MTV)
If you want.
August 24
The Innocents** (Netflix)
This British saga has been teased as a sci-fi Romeo & Juliet -- although Romeo & Mystique might be more like it because this Juliet is a freaking shape-shifter.
August 31
Jack Ryan** (Amazon)
From Carlton Cuse (Lost, Colony), a Tom Clancy TV show that puts Jim Halpert back in action mode.
Ozark (Netflix)
After barely surviving a stressful move to the Ozarks, Marty (Jason Bateman!) and his family will have to dig in their heels and learn how to run a riverboat casino.
September 6
I Love You, America (Hulu)
Another one of those underrated shows you probably missed, but shouldn't have. In Season 1, host Sarah Silverman sought to unite viewers of all political factions while still lampooning the late-night format and the forces actively working to divide our country. Her mission: Figure Out Who We Are. Groan if you must, but the show exuded a sincerity that was nonpareil, managing to slip effortlessly between segments equal parts educational, moving, and, of course, hilarious. In an ever-crowding sea of tired Trump jokes, I Love You, America was one of the only talk shows of the last year that felt like a breath of fresh air.
September 9
The 2019 Miss America Competition (ABC)
They're still doing this.
The Deuce (HBO)
David Simon's drama about seedy, pre-LED-lighted Times Square sex work scene returns for a second season. Expect more cheeky excellence from James Franco (playing twins!), Maggie Gyllenhaal's continued autodidactic rise in the porn biz, and creative use of soup.
Kidding** (Showtime)
Save the date: Jim Carrey (yes, that one, who else) returns to TV here as Jeff, aka Mr. Pickles, "an icon of children's television, a beacon of kindness and wisdom to America's impressionable young minds, who also anchors a multimillion-dollar branding empire." Life sure sounds good for Mr. Pickles, but, you guessed it, something bad happens (i.e., his family "implodes") and he basically becomes Mr. Cucumbers, or something like a Sad Mr. Rogers, as he struggles to fix it in a way that's supposed to be as heartbreaking as it is funny. The series notably marks a reunion for Carrey and director Michel Gondry, who triumphantly collaborated on the Oscar-winning hit, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Yes, we are excited about all of this.
Shameless (Showtime)
Good news for Shameless fans: Season 9! Bad news for people who have been saying, "I've been meaning to watch Shameless": Season 9!!! Really though, Season 9 comes with the show's 100th episode, so to catch up you'll either need to take a week off work or do that thing where you watch TV on pseudo-fast-forward like some sort of Martian.
You** (Lifetime)
Penn Badgley does his best "I'm gonna save your life and then ruin it!" in this fucked-up love story, from the executive producers of Riverdale. Help.
September 14
BoJack Horseman (Netflix)
"I think we go to some fun places and some dark places" in Season 5, creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg told SlashFilm recently. So, in other words, you're getting another run of that show you either love or hate.
September 17
70th Primetime Emmy Awards (NBC)
Which NBC bros are hosting? SNL's own Colin Jost and Michael Che!?
September 21
The Good Cop** (Netflix)
Josh Groban is The Good Cop (really!). He lives to fight crime, not sing, and get advice from his on-screen dad, Tony Danza (also, really!), about EVERYTHING. Will this be a comedy, a police procedural, or a strange dream someone had and thought, Shit, I need to write this down? All of the above, probably.
Hilda** (Netflix)
Based on Luke Pearson's comic book series -- you know the one -- the animated story of a blue-haired girl who "travels from a wilderness full of elves and giants, to Trollberg, a bustling city packed with new friends and mysterious creatures."
September 23
9-1-1 (FOX)
Season 2 of Ryan Murphy's crazy emergency procedural boasts Jennifer Love Hewitt -- likely to help fill the void Connie Britton leaves -- as the a firefighter's sister who's "starting her life over as a 911 operator."
September 24
Manifest** (NBC)
From Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future) and Jack Rapke (the savvy producer behind Cast Away), comes a show that's fittingly been described as Lost in reverse: "When Montego Air Flight 828 landed safely after a turbulent but routine flight, the crew and passengers were relieved. Yet in the span of those few hours, the world had aged five years, and their friends, families, and colleagues, after mourning their loss, had given up hope and moved on." Brutal!
September 25
New Amsterdam** (NBC)
Just what you've been waiting for: ANOTHER medical drama. Yeah, yeah, OK, but this one is supposed to be based on Bellevue Hospital, aka the oldest hospital in the U.S., and its restoration to greatness.
September 27
The Good Place (NBC)
Back to life, back to reality.
Law & Order: SVU (NBC)
The NBC mainstay enters its 20th season, and shows no signs of stopping -- as long as Mariska Hargitay is down.
October 4
I Feel Bad** (NBC)
From executive producer Amy Poehler, a comedy about a mom (Sarayu Blue) who constantly wrestles with the guilt her husband, children, parents, and employees foist upon her. It looks deeply (and maybe painfully) relatable.
October 5
Into the Dark** (Hulu)
A very spooky (but exciting) experiment. In partnership with horror-genre heavyweight Blumhouse (Get Out, Insidious), Hulu welcomes this anthology of 12 feature-length, standalone "episodes," set to be released the first weekend of every month. (Others have aptly described it as Blumhouse's Movie of the Month club.) The episodes are said to be inspired by holidays from the month of their release; the first one, "The Body," comes set "on Halloween night and tackles selfie culture in Los Angeles."
October 10
All American** (CW)
Inspired by the life of NFL player Spencer Paysinger, a drama about a high school football player living in South Central LA who's recruited to play for Beverly Hills High.
Riverdale (CW)
Yes, of course these teens have more realistic witticisms to unleash.
October 12
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (CW)
As was planned, the fourth season of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend will sadly be its last.
October 14
Charmed** (CW)
A reboot of the iconic '00s series, with three new sister-witches.
December 30
The Orville (FOX)
Perhaps to the chagrin of some critics, fans of Seth MacFarlane's dramedic Star Trek homage will get to indulge in a second helping right before the New Year rolls in.

Uff The Orville šele konec decembra pride...brezveze
Drgač pa hvala za dober pregled prihajajočih serij v 2018 bo prišlo prav
Drgač pa hvala za dober pregled prihajajočih serij v 2018 bo prišlo prav

tikitoki ::
Meni pa ne potegne, da dva iz familijo kao glumita USA junaka ki vse rešita. Kaj je tle tko oh...?
Ti nimas pojma o seriji, ki jo komentiras, a n?
Res sem 3 dele stežka pogledal, ja.
Potem bi moral vedeti, da sta ruska vohuna in ne USA junaka. Ne razumem tudi trditve o resevanju vsega?

Outcast ::
Colony sem začel gledati kak mesec nazaj in mi je postala kar zanimiva, sploh proti koncu prve in sedaj tudi začetek druge sezone...dobra 'filer' serija, ko ni kaj drugega ali fuzbala:)

cebelar123 ::
Kaj kdo sledi The Handmaid's Tale slučajno?
Za tiste, ki ne vedo o čem se je hard SJW fiction propaganda. Praktično na nivoju nazi propagande sam iz drugega pola.
Ampak ko so zadeve namensko očitne, dejansko sploh ni tako moteče, ker pač veš kaj gledaš.
Povrh, pa je pravzaprav kar gledljiva, za bit bolj nepoznana. Če vas zanima ta tematika dejansko kar priporočam.
Prva sezona super, druga sezona se že mučim, sem prišel do 9.dela in se nikakor ne moram prepričati da bi še preostalo pogledal.

Jakob_X ::
Problem druge sezone je v tem da se dobesedno nič ne zgodi. Bi lahko vse skupaj v 15 minut stlačili. Koncept je dober ampak izvedba krepko šepa.