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Tv serije
Temo vidijo: vsi
mahone ::
oo7 ::
Lion29 ::
ne, to je definitivno ze bilo nekje... sem tudi jaz ze videl.... verjetno trailer pred nekaj casa al kaj.... ne vem
Founder and CTO @
oo7 ::
jb_j ::
4. Januar ob 02:00, 11.sezona The X Files na TBA programu
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: jb_j ()
starboi ::
Če si niste pogledali serije Master of None , vam jo toplo priporočam . Izjemno delo Netflixa na čelu z Aziz Ansarijem . 9/10.
Trailer :
Trailer :
leiito ::
Tudi meni z Mastrom ni zneslo dlje od pilota in tudi kot standup komik mi Aziz Ansari ne sede najbolj, ampak serija je zelo čislana, mogoče si zasluži novo priložnost.
Kul epizoda Orville-a danes.
Kul epizoda Orville-a danes.
starboi ::
Fanta definitivno probajta pogledati še par epizod, ker ne bosta obžalovala, meni osebno je MON nekaj unikatnega, saj je iz epizode v epizodo boljša zgodba, igra, cinematografija in glasba . Druga sezona je bila pa sploh odlična v vseh pogledih . Jaz sem pogledal obe sezoni v parih dneh .
Lion29 ::
Counterpart preview epizoda je zunaj.
Zgleda dokaj obetavno.
a to je mal boljsi fringe?
meni zgleda kul
Founder and CTO @
CoreySteel ::
"Mal boljši"? Men je bil že Fringe super in tudi tole izgleda obetavno :)
Twitter: @CoreySteel_
Lion29 ::
CoreySteel je izjavil:
"Mal boljši"? Men je bil že Fringe super in tudi tole izgleda obetavno :)
isto pravim jaz
Founder and CTO @
donvito ::
Ne vem, če je bila že omenjena, meni top serija, sploh, če ste ljubitelj tega žanra.
Izi ::
Zelnick ::
Counterpart preview epizoda je zunaj.
Aha, se pravi, da lahko že pobrskam po travnikih, čeprav se serija začne šele 22. januarja.
Trailer mi deluje nekako starinsko kot da je iz 70. let. Pomanjkanje budgeta? Kot vidim naj bi se zgodba dogajala v sedanjem času.
Poglej še enkrat trailer in ga pozorno spremljaj, da nebom spoilerjev dajal. In ja na pašnikih je pilot.
I can remember a time before the Internet. But I don't like to.
Tr0n ::
ramiz?! ::
Če si niste pogledali serije Master of None , vam jo toplo priporočam . Izjemno delo Netflixa na čelu z Aziz Ansarijem . 9/10.
Trailer :
Jst sem pogledal tri dele, pa mi enostavno ni noben presežek ... če bi mel kej boljšga za gledat, nebi pogledal...
Never regret anything, there's always a reason things happen.
Lion29 ::
Ne vem, če je bila že omenjena, meni top serija, sploh, če ste ljubitelj tega žanra.
Girl power western v 2017 political corrected world!
your point?
Founder and CTO @
Tr0n ::
Lion29 ::
ok Tron, pol tko povej... da je zenska v glavni vlogi nima veze.... je pac serija shit
Founder and CTO @
Cruz ::
Zenske v glavnih vlogah naredijo to western serijo dolgocasno sem hotel povedat. :)
Sexist! Trump voter! White supremacist! Nazi! Fascist! /s
One of the most moral acts is to create a space in which life can move forward.
oo7 ::
Saj ni nič narobe če je ženska v glavni vlogi samo tole je že z trailerja videti kot en feministični festival.
Tr0n ::
Dalec od sexista sem, zenske so enakovredne v vseh pogledih, kar se mene tice.
Kar me je motilo pa je to, da so bili moski skoraj v veliki meri ali neizobrazeni, nekompetentni, neumni, uniceni, sovrazni in neuporabni, razen ene izjeme in sicer Whitey. Kako se je njegova zgodba koncala, pa smo tudi videli. :)
Veliko "soft" dialoga, namesto raw westerna. Tole je western zgolj v settingu.
Kar me je motilo pa je to, da so bili moski skoraj v veliki meri ali neizobrazeni, nekompetentni, neumni, uniceni, sovrazni in neuporabni, razen ene izjeme in sicer Whitey. Kako se je njegova zgodba koncala, pa smo tudi videli. :)
Veliko "soft" dialoga, namesto raw westerna. Tole je western zgolj v settingu.
oo7 ::
Lucifer medsezonsko finale
Se mi je kar zdelo, da Clark Kent ni samo eden navaden policaj :) Načelnik policije je Cain ta naj bi bil prvi morilec v zgodovini človeštva zato je obsojen na to, da je nesmrten in bo večno živel na zemlji :)
FTad ::
Lucifer medsezonsko finale
Se mi je kar zdelo, da Clark Kent ni samo eden navaden policaj :) Načelnik policije je Cain ta naj bi bil prvi morilec v zgodovini človeštva zato je obsojen na to, da je nesmrten in bo večno živel na zemlji :)
Zanimiv twist, kaksen je pa njegov motiv zadaj, bomo pa pac videli ob naslendji epizodi :)
leiito ::
Dalec od sexista sem, zenske so enakovredne v vseh pogledih, kar se mene tice.
Kar me je motilo pa je to, da so bili moski skoraj v veliki meri ali neizobrazeni, nekompetentni, neumni, uniceni, sovrazni in neuporabni, razen ene izjeme in sicer Whitey. Kako se je njegova zgodba koncala, pa smo tudi videli. :)
Veliko "soft" dialoga, namesto raw westerna. Tole je western zgolj v settingu.
Če so enakovredne v vseh pogledih, so ločena športna tekmovanja višek seksizma.
oo7 ::
Lucifer medsezonsko finale
Se mi je kar zdelo, da Clark Kent ni samo eden navaden policaj :) Načelnik policije je Cain ta naj bi bil prvi morilec v zgodovini človeštva zato je obsojen na to, da je nesmrten in bo večno živel na zemlji :)
Zanimiv twist, kaksen je pa njegov motiv zadaj, bomo pa pac videli ob naslendji epizodi :)
Ja to bomo pa še videli.
Lucifer in Amenadiel sta angela
Mazikeen je demonka
Cain je zgoraj v spoilerju
Detective Chloe Decker pa še ni čisto jasno ?
Je pa Lucifer Morningstar v DC univerzi drugi najmočnejši lik poleg brata Michaela, ki sta po moči takoj za bogom. Se pravi Lucifer z polno močjo bi zrediral ekipo Justice leauge ( Superman, Wonder woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash + Avengerse ) v sekundi
Lucifer Morningstar: Once the most powerful and most beautiful of all angels in existence and one of two fictionally accredited with the creation of the DC Multiverse, Lucifer was sent by The Presence to rule over Hell after he rebelled. After governing Hell for more than 10 billion years, he left to look for a way out of predestination, to escape Yahweh's great Plan.
Before DC was created, in the void outside all creations that is the Primal Monitor, Yahweh created two brothers infused with literal unlimited might, one is Michael Demiurgos, and the other is Samael, later called the Lucifer Morningstar. After both were formed, Yahweh guided them, instructed them as to how to use their powers, and then they formed the creation we all know as the DC Multiverse.
Lucifer is the second most powerful being in the DC universe. His 3 signature powers are The Lightbringer flames, his nigh-omniscience, and The Will of God. The flames can destroy almost anything and are unique hence the name Lightbringer. His nigh omniscience allows him to be 10 steps ahead of all others and know almost everything. His will can manipulate reality on any scale he so wishes. He also has various other powers like divine magic, soul creation, etc.
Even without his powers Lucifer's intellect makes him a formidable adversary. While powerless in The House of Windowless Rooms he was able to manipulate the many gods in the realm who attacked him and drive them to their own deaths, and he is capable of manipulating demons to think against their nature, and even gods against their will. His manipulation skills makes him a walking Anti-Life Equation.
yoco ::
@M-Power, a Michael Demiurgos je nadangel kot je v svetem pismu, al je popolnoma nek drug lik?
oo7 ::
@M-Power, a Michael Demiurgos je nadangel kot je v svetem pismu, al je popolnoma nek drug lik?
Michael Demiurgos is the son of Yahweh and brother of Lucifer Morningstar. He, along with his brother, is one of two fictionally accredited with the creation of the DC Multiverse. He is often described as the second mightiest of all the beings god created.
Before humans, before gods, before life, and before the DC Multiverse even existed, Yahweh, the Almighty, created two brothers, Samael and Michael. Yahweh then gave them each a gift: to Samael, the gift of fire and will and to Michael, he gave the gift of creation, the demiurgic power.
The archangel Michael Demuirgos is the second most powerful being in creation, rivalled only by his bother Lucifer and surpassed only by their father Yahweh, the God of the Covenant who was the one who gave Michael the Demiurgic Power. The Demiurgic power is essentially the building block for everything. Even concepts such as magic, cosmic and primordial power, time, dreams, emotions, all fall under one big category that is the demiurgic power, and because Michael has infinite amounts of it.
It was Michael who created all the concepts that makes up the Multiverse, which he also created. Michaels power is on such a level that, if he wishes, he could destroy all of creation ten times over. In the event of his death or mortal wounding, Michael's body will erupt with a force as great as the Big Bang, an ability Lucifer used both to see off an army from Heaven and to create the energies he needed to shape his own Creation.
Tr0n ::
FTad ::
Lucifer medsezonsko finale
Se mi je kar zdelo, da Clark Kent ni samo eden navaden policaj :) Načelnik policije je Cain ta naj bi bil prvi morilec v zgodovini človeštva zato je obsojen na to, da je nesmrten in bo večno živel na zemlji :)
Zanimiv twist, kaksen je pa njegov motiv zadaj, bomo pa pac videli ob naslendji epizodi :)
Ja to bomo pa še videli.
Lucifer in Amenadiel sta angela
Mazikeen je demonka
Cain je zgoraj v spoilerju
Detective Chloe Decker pa še ni čisto jasno ?
Je pa Lucifer Morningstar v DC univerzi drugi najmočnejši lik poleg brata Michaela, ki sta po moči takoj za bogom. Se pravi Lucifer z polno močjo bi zrediral ekipo Justice leauge ( Superman, Wonder woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash + Avengerse ) v sekundi
Lucifer Morningstar: Once the most powerful and most beautiful of all angels in existence and one of two fictionally accredited with the creation of the DC Multiverse, Lucifer was sent by The Presence to rule over Hell after he rebelled. After governing Hell for more than 10 billion years, he left to look for a way out of predestination, to escape Yahweh's great Plan.
Before DC was created, in the void outside all creations that is the Primal Monitor, Yahweh created two brothers infused with literal unlimited might, one is Michael Demiurgos, and the other is Samael, later called the Lucifer Morningstar. After both were formed, Yahweh guided them, instructed them as to how to use their powers, and then they formed the creation we all know as the DC Multiverse.
Lucifer is the second most powerful being in the DC universe. His 3 signature powers are The Lightbringer flames, his nigh-omniscience, and The Will of God. The flames can destroy almost anything and are unique hence the name Lightbringer. His nigh omniscience allows him to be 10 steps ahead of all others and know almost everything. His will can manipulate reality on any scale he so wishes. He also has various other powers like divine magic, soul creation, etc.
Even without his powers Lucifer's intellect makes him a formidable adversary. While powerless in The House of Windowless Rooms he was able to manipulate the many gods in the realm who attacked him and drive them to their own deaths, and he is capable of manipulating demons to think against their nature, and even gods against their will. His manipulation skills makes him a walking Anti-Life Equation.
Ni mi potem jasno, cemu so mu potem v seriji tako oskubili moci. Sicer mi ga je uzitek gledati, saj je izredno karizmaticen in vedno usmekan v nulo :)
oo7 ::
Lucifer se je sam odločil, da izgubi svojo moč, ko si je odrezal krila v Tv seriji če se ne motim.
FTad ::
Ne spomnim, da bi kaj vec moci izgubil s tem. Ze na zacetku je bil precej oskubljen, kar se tice moci. Sedaj pa menda ni niti vec imun na naboje :P