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Windows cmd

Windows cmd

davco ::

Lep pozdrav.

Pri ustvarjanju bat datoteke imam problem želim kopirati eno mapo v kateri je več podmap v katerih so datoteke to mapo kopiram na USB ključ. Do tukaj znam (xcopy c:\School r:\School /e /i /h ).
Ker pa se bo to kopiralo vsak dan in čez nekaj časa se bo nabralo veliko datotek, bo to kopiranje trajalo veliko časa.
Sedaj pa ne znam narediti da nebi datoteke z istim imenom prepisovalo (overwrite). Je že kdo počel kaj takšnega ? Na internetu sam našel le /y /-y eden začne prepisovati brez vprašanja drug pa le vpraša če hočeš prepisovati.

Hvala za pomoč.

popster ::

ja dalo bi se naredit v cygwin ali linuxu brez problema..

Poglej če je spodaj kaj takega kar rabiš in googlaj za windows equivalent
cp --help
Usage: cp [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST
Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
-a, --archive same as -dR --preserve=all
--backup[=CONTROL] make a backup of each existing destination file
-b like --backup but does not accept an argument
--copy-contents copy contents of special files when recursive
-d same as --no-dereference --preserve=links
-f, --force if an existing destination file cannot be
opened, remove it and try again (redundant if
the -n option is used)
-i, --interactive prompt before overwrite (overrides a previous -n
-H follow command-line symbolic links in SOURCE
-l, --link link files instead of copying
-L, --dereference always follow symbolic links in SOURCE
-n, --no-clobber do not overwrite an existing file (overrides
a previous -i option)
-P, --no-dereference never follow symbolic links in SOURCE
-p same as --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps
--preserve[=ATTR_LIST] preserve the specified attributes (default:
mode,ownership,timestamps), if possible
additional attributes: context, links, xattr,
--no-preserve=ATTR_LIST don't preserve the specified attributes
--parents use full source file name under DIRECTORY
-R, -r, --recursive copy directories recursively
--remove-destination remove each existing destination file before
attempting to open it (contrast with --force)
--sparse=WHEN control creation of sparse files
--strip-trailing-slashes remove any trailing slashes from each SOURCE
-s, --symbolic-link make symbolic links instead of copying
-S, --suffix=SUFFIX override the usual backup suffix
-t, --target-directory=DIRECTORY copy all SOURCE arguments into DIRECTORY
-T, --no-target-directory treat DEST as a normal file
-u, --update copy only when the SOURCE file is newer
than the destination file or when the
destination file is missing
-v, --verbose explain what is being done
-x, --one-file-system stay on this file system
--help display this help and exit
--version output version information and exit

edit:-n, --no-clobber do not overwrite an existing file (overrides
a previous -i option)
to mislim da iščeš

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenilo: popster ()

Duhec ::

Uporabi brezplačen Cobian Backup, kjer določiš kdaj, kaj in kam kopirat, ali zazipat in koliko backup verzij želiš imeti na ciljnem disku (v tvojem primeru USB ključ) predno se backupi začnejo prepisovati čez zadnjega.
Simpl in efektivno.

R-S-LoVe ::

Prog: SecondCopy
Fear Is The Path To The Dark Side, Fear Leads To Anger,
Anger Leads To Hate, Hate Leads To Suffering!

Vredno ogleda ...

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TemaSporočilaOglediZadnje sporočilo

MS-DOS/cmd xcopy

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