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PS3 končno odklenjen?

PS3 končno odklenjen?

c3p0 ::

Zgleda, da je res... Ali podpira tudi homebrew, remains to be seen.


49106 ::

Upam da res sem vesel, ker bo to pokazalo kdo se moti in kakšen vpliv ima pirastvo na prodajo iger.

BigWhale ::

Zgleda se nic ne. :)

LuGi ::

Se malo pa bo navoljo vec cenejsih knockoff kopij :))

Sicer pa če prav razumem rabis original igro katero presnames na disk in igras brez ploscka? Ali bere tudi image prek diska.. (tega nisem nikjer zasledil)

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: LuGi ()

c3p0 ::

Po nekaterih informacijah iz foruma, bi naj USB ključek PS3 preobrazil v dev mašino, kar pomeni zaganjanje nepodpisanih programov (homebrew!) in direktno zaganjanje iz diska.

Kar je res, bomo pa *zgleda* kmalu videli ;)

Dami ::

If it works, im getting one. Če zrihtajo isto še za xbox, nabavim še tist :D
Don't worry about me. The bleeding is just the begining of a healing process.

Bananovec ::

PSJailBreak - PlayStation 3 JailBreak for PS3 Consoles Arrives?

Update: CJPC has received confirmation and xorloser has now confirmed that the PSJailBreak runs unsigned code on the PlayStation 3, so it appears this PS3 mod-chip is indeed legitimate!

For those who remember ZPack for PS3, today we have what appears to be a remix of it dubbed PSJailBreak - a PlayStation 3 JailBreak allegedly for Retail and Debug PS3 consoles.

Warning: Before downloading or getting excited, read the "PS3 Dev Notes" section (below) for PS3 Dev comments on this alleged product.

Download: PSJailBreak Backup Manager .PKG File

To quote from their page (linked above) on the PSJailBreak Specifications:

o PS Jailbreak is a USB plug and play solution that installs in seconds, keeping your valid warranty seal in tact.
o Easy to use installer and GUI takes you step by step.
o Compatible with all production models FAT and SLIM. Supports all regions: USA, JAP, PAL and KOREA
o PS Jailbreak disables forced software updates and will never brick your console.
o Supports all games (it does not allow backups of bluray movies , dvd movies , or past consoles games)
o Backup games to your internal hard drive or external hard drive through USB, and boot directly off GUI. Eliminating the need for expensive blueray burners and costly blank media.
o Play backups off your hard drives 2x as fast as off the blueray drive. This eliminates lags and glitches to provide you with smoother game play.
o Open up your console to a new generation of homebrew applications. Load homebrew apps/games off any USB hard drive/flash drive.
o Fully updatable with new features/updates by connecting PS Jailbreak to any computers USB port.

PSJailBreak F.A.Q.:

Q: Is PS Jailbreak easy to install?
A: Yes, it is a plug and play solution. It takes 1 second to fully install, without modifying or opening your console.

Q: Does it permanently modify my console?
A: No of course not, once you unplug it from the usb port it is completely disabled.

Q: How do you install PS Jailbreak?
A: Please consult our downloads page for our instruction manual. We have done our best to make it as thorough as possible to answer all setup and troubleshooting issues.

Q: What is the warranty?
A: PS Jailbreak is sold with a 1 year warranty. All our resellers will take care of warranty issues.

PS3 Dev Notes on PS JailBreak:
Mathieulh: psjailbreak's so called "Backup Manager" (which is pretty much the only thing available to download on their website) is a debug package including a regular fself compiled with the (massively privately leaked) 1.92 sdk, The package itself is generated with Sony's official sdk tool (make_package_npdrm revision 1203 probably from that very same sdk) that makes it illegal to share because I am quite sure psjailbreak staff doesn't have the appropriate license to be using the official Playstation 3 SDK and its tools.

The binary itself seems to use the usual sce apis when it comes to the gui or copying files over. It does run on a debug console and displays a "nicely" done GUI that lets you "backup" your game to the external or usb hdd and "run" them later on.

Needless to say the backups wont "run" as their "backup manager" is just a regular fself running with game privileges and doesn't make use of any exploits that I can think of. Needless to say that if their so called usb dongle is real (which I doubt) it does extensive use of leaked sony's software and keys/certificates.

RichDevX: I hope nobody gave them money.

CJPC: Haven't tried it, but it looks like it will copy the game on a Debug PS3 but won't decrypt the executable... so, it's basically a giant "copy dev_bdvd/* hdd0/*" for lack of a better term.

Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!

Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/PS3-Hacks/psjail...

Stran bo zdaj zdaj pokleknila.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

Zgodovina sprememb…

Bananovec ::

Stran je padla. Pravtako razni forumi, kar je sicer logično, saj ima takšna stran na dan tudi do 100k obiskovalcev.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

hojnikb ::

Če jim uspe napisat kak bootloader za Linux, bi blo pa tole ker fajn met.
Linux na PS3 Slim bi bil ker kul.

Berserker ::

Ne bodi smešen kaj ti bo linux na ps3. Sproščeno delo ? :)):))

roCkY ::

Za kracanje po forumih recimo je bil Linux na PS3 povsem uporaben. Pa še za marsikaj...

techfreak :) ::

Berserker je izjavil:

Ne bodi smešen kaj ti bo linux na ps3. Sproščeno delo ? :)):))

Če je strojno enak prejšnji verziji, potem lahko z Linuxom narediš PS3 cluster.

hojnikb ::

Berserker je izjavil:

Ne bodi smešen kaj ti bo linux na ps3. Sproščeno delo ? :)):))

Glede na to da bi mel svoj bootloader, potem bi bi mogoč se dal zrihtat poln dostop do hardwarea (ram,grafična)
Hja par tehle ps3jov bi nardel ker dober cluster

Bananovec ::

Poganjanje MKV datotek bi bila ena super zadeva. Pa še podnapise bi zrihtali pa bi blo. Maybe kaki torrent klient... No dobro, zdaj že bluzim.
Its only copying if samsung does it. And unless we patent this in 5 years,
this is the shittest tech ever ... and we'll sue you.
Regards, Apple

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