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What A wonderful World (cover by userfrendly)

What A wonderful World (cover by userfrendly)

darh ::

I see cheap cpus
and software that's great
and my modem connects
at true 28.8
and I think to myself
what a wonderful world
I see people on the net
who are nice and not "leet"
and hardware that never
becomes obsolete
and I think to myself
what a wonderful world
The colours of the imac
so pretty on my desk
(these are colours that are tasteful
not ones that are grotesque.)
I see routers shakin' hands
sayin' "Who the heck are you?"
But they're really saying
"Let the data flow through"
Blue screens of death
don't exist to betray
and I decide for myself
where I want to go today
and I think to myself
what a wonderful world
Yes, I think to myself
what a wonderful world

Ni ga žez userfrendly stripe... če imate preveč časa... pete brat od začetka... modeli so čist divji...
Excuses are useless! Results are priceless!
  • odbrisal: Sergio ()

Tjulenj ::

hehe, dust puppy je sploh zakon... bo treba enkrat spet it čez cel arhiv zgleda :)

darh ::

to jest zdej delam.. dons sem tam zaključu... :)
Excuses are useless! Results are priceless!

CaqKa ::

meni današnji na slowwwenii rula spet po dugem času :)


pa tale še je bil dober :)

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