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installer za programe...

installer za programe...

pro2c ::

Rabil bi kaksen install prog - ki instalira programe, npr. wise installer, instalshield....vsi so eval za 30 dni, pol pa se zaklenejo...registrira se jih preko neta in vse serijske an netu ne delajo + na warezih ni teh progov...ali ima keri od vas programerjev to?
(visual studio packer & deploy prog sux)
--- www.DrinkProg.com ---

LoneWolf ::

Obstajajo tudi freeware resitve, ki prav nic ne zaostajajo za komercialnimi. Poskusi npr. z InnoSetup.

Mercier ::

TylerDurden ::

Kako je pa winamp installerjem, ki sem ga tudi opazil pri nekaterih drugih programih (nimo codec pack)
Let\'s make some soap ...

pro2c ::

folk: edini problem je, da installer mora installat in registrirat vse pripadajoce knjiznjice, ki jih win rabi za deovanje programa...tile nasteti freeware installeri omogocajo to? ce ja potem 10x :)
--- www.DrinkProg.com ---

pivmik ::

Uporabi NSIS.
To je najbolj napreden install maker.

Naredili so ga isti tipi(nullsoft) ki delajo WinAmp.
Šej veš kako izgleda WinAmp-ov inštaler in to je ta inštaler.

V njem lahko narediš vse živo saj inštaler napišeš v preprostem skriptnem jeziku(podpira tudi registriranje DLLjev).

Nekaj info:

SuperPiMP? technology (so advanced, so amazing, we won't even tell you what it is).
Generates self contained, win32 executable installer.
Uninstall support (installer can automagically generate an uninstaller)
Optional installer self-verification using a CRC32.
Compression choices of zlib or bzip2 based compression. The installer can compress everything together, or individually.
Approximately 20-40k overhead over compressed data size (depending on features enabled, compression algorithm, and so on - the default options are ~35k).
Ability to display a license agreement.
Ability to detect destination directory from the registry, and let the user override (or not let them)
Customizable appearance (background, icons, text, checkmarks)
Multiple install configurations (usually Minimal, Typical, Full), and custom configuration
Plug-in system (includes plug-ins for generic dialog construction and user interaction, as well as HTTP downloading)
Installers can be as large as 2GB (theoretically -- when building on Win9x the limit seems to be around 500MB, however building on NT then installing on Win9x works with larger sizes)
Optional Silent mode for automated installations
Installers have their own VMs that let you write code that can support:

File extraction (with configurable overwrite parameters)
File/directory copying, renaming, deletion
DLL loading (ActiveX control registration/deregistration, extension DLL calling, etc)
Executable execution (shell execute and wait options)
Shortcut creation
Registry key reading/setting/enumerating/deleting
INI file reading/writing
Generic text file reading/writing
Directory scanning
Powerful string and integer manipulation
Window finding based on class name or title (for is-application-running detection)
Window message sending.
User interaction with MessageBox.
Branching, comparisons, etc.
Error checking.
Installer behaviour commands (such as show/hide/wait/etc)
User functions in script
Callback functions that let you customize the way the installer behaves from script.
Macros in script
A primitive preprocessor
A lovely coding experience with elements of PHP and assembly (includes 20 general purpose variables, a stack, real flow control, etc)

Completely free for any use.

aja naslov kje ga dobit:
LP, Gregor GRE^

pivmik ::

pa še neki: makensis.htm je obvezno branje!
LP, Gregor GRE^

pro2c ::

aha, fina zadeva..10x picnik
--- www.DrinkProg.com ---

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