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Cities XL

Cities XL

bluefish ::

Na dogledu je nova igra simulacije mest - Cities XL, ki glede na posnetke zgleda precej obetavno in bo morda zapolnila praznino, ki v tej zvrsti vlada vse od izida SimCity 4.

CITIES XL™ is the next-generation in city-building games, allowing gamers to develop cities on realistic 3D maps using an incredible collection of unique structures. Would-be Mayors are challenged to create the right combinations of social services, leisure activities, special events and job opportunities within their cities in order to feed, employ and entertain their citizens.Realism will be pushed to the limit with cities that are bigger, more realistic and more sophisticated than ever before.

The game’s optional online features and services will let gamers create interconnected cities on virtual and persistent planets. By combining a fantastic single-player game with the social and multiplayer aspects of an MMO, CITIES XL™ will shape the future of the genre by offering more variety, bigger cities and multiple gameplay layers.

Key features of CITIES XL™ include:

Hundreds of buildings and monuments based on American and European-influenced architectural styles
Extra large and incredibly detailed 3D maps feature a variety of terrains: mountains, hills, canyons, beaches and islands, all set in different climates from tropical to desert, Mediterranean to temperate. Topography and terrain affect resource availability and city design
Sophisticated transport system: players can define the number and uses of traffic lanes; while using bridges and tunnels to expand the size of their cities
Realistic representation of the population. Citizens have a profile consisting of age, education and wealth. These profiles will affect what types of services and entertainment the player must make available to the city's inhabitants.
Self-sufficient global economy, balanced by price fluctuations and citizen demands throughout the game world
On going content production allowing player to regularly upgrade their game.
GEMs (Gameplay Extension Modules) allow players to switch their mayor position for CEO seats, from car dealerships to ski resorts, players will find a wide variety of businesses available to them.
Fantastic high-end graphics engine provides near photo-realistic quality visuals
Developed by the team that created the popular City Life series

Planet offer allow users to :

Create interconnected cities on persistents planet, populate a world
Trade with each others in a global economy and specialize their cities
Visit each other creation, customize their avatar, chat, create their blog and social network
Participate in events and competitions

ahac ::

Jaz sem bil full navdušen nad tem, kar sem prebral in videl v posnetkih.

Ko sem bil sprejet v beto je pa navdušenje splahnelo. Problem je v sami osnovi. Gradit je treba hiše za določene klase ljudi (delavci, šefi, überšefi) in industrija je čisto odvisna od njih. Recimo ena tovarna rabi 50% ene klase, 25% druge in 25% tretje. To pomeni, da moraš full balancirat kolk katerih prebivalcev imaš v mestu. Ni šans, da bi se bogati recimo naselil v območje, kjer so prej živel navadni delavci ali obratno... pa če je še tolk prostih delovnih mest za njih.

Trgovanje pri online playu se mi pa zdi čisto brezveze. FFS, od kdaj mora župan sklepat pogodbe za uvoz goriv in turistov?
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

opeter ::

FFS, od kdaj mora župan sklepat pogodbe za uvoz turistov?

Hmm... pri nas, na severovzhodnem koncu kokoške, je točno tako.
Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: opeter ()

Galaxy ::

SimCity 4 je živa legenda. Močno dvomim, da bo tale Cities XL premagala SimCity 4. Če je res, kar ahac pravi, potem bo too compicated to play.

ahac ::

Mah, ja... men sploh ni fun. SC4 me je potegnu notr in sem z veseljem delal velika mesta. Tukaj me pa mine, ko ugotovim, da se recimo bogataši nočejo začet naseljevat, ker ima mesto slab image med njimi (jih pa nujno rabim za tech industrijo). To, da je balanciranje z revnimi in bogatimi glavna stvar v igri, jo naredi preveč nezanimivo (vsaj zame).
Ko pa enkrat pridem tako daleč, da je treba trgovat (online - z drugimi igralci) za razvoj mesta pa rajš neham igrat.
Res škoda... ker drugače bi bil lahko dober špil. Sploh z temi "GEMi", da se bo dalo gradit tudi smučišča, itd. Čeprav... če še javnega prometa ni v igri, potem ne vem kaj mi bo smučišče.
Sicer zdaj so menda serverji za nekaj dni down (in zbrisal so vsa mesta), ker pride en velik patch. Menda bodo tud trgovanje izboljšal. Bomo vidl kako bo potem.
Slo-Tech Discord - https://discord.gg/ppCtzMW

Zgodovina sprememb…

  • spremenil: ahac ()

Vredno ogleda ...

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