Forum » Zvok in slika » Xtreamer - media player
Xtreamer - media player

Grega255 ::
tud jst nameravam naročit tole zadevščino, prej pa me neka podrobnost zanima...a ponujajo zastonj samo eno USB wireless anteno ali tudi več...ker bo najbrž vsak rabu dve anteni, upam da ni tukaj kakšna fora da potem drugo anteno zaračunajo po pravi ceni

LuGi ::
Zastonj dobis USB WLAN dongle...sicer pa nevem zakaj bi rabil dve? Razen ce mislis prpopat drugo na PC da bos mel xtrmerja v mrezi s pcju.. ce nimas wlan kartice na pcju-laptopu.

Gregor P ::
Upam, da razumeš, da to ne bi bil nateg, če ti ne bi dali dveh anten

The main failure in computers is usually located between keyboard and chair.
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).
You read what you believe and you believe what you read ...
Nisam čit'o, ali osudjujem (nisem bral, a obsojam).

Grega255 ::
razumem to...samo ko označim dve anteni je cena za obe enaka nič evrov...tako se meni logično zdi da sta obe zastonj...tako celoten komplet pride 120 € ne glede koliko anten vzameš
se pa ne bom nič sekiral če mi pošljejo samo eno
se pa ne bom nič sekiral če mi pošljejo samo eno

LuGi ::
Pojdi pa naroci anteno posebi je tudi 0 EUR..torej grem jih kar 10 nabavit..vse bodo zastonj :D

DarwiN ::
razumem to...samo ko označim dve anteni je cena za obe enaka nič evrov...tako se meni logično zdi da sta obe zastonj...tako celoten komplet pride 120 € ne glede koliko anten vzameš
Jaz sem moral vzet xtreamer+gratis anteno ter jim povedat ID številko tega naročila preko "live support" okenca kjer mi je tip nato poslal dopolnilen račun vreden 20€ za dodatno anteno.. Skupaj torej 99+20+20=139€
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Grega255 ::
razumem to...samo ko označim dve anteni je cena za obe enaka nič evrov...tako se meni logično zdi da sta obe zastonj...tako celoten komplet pride 120 € ne glede koliko anten vzameš
Jaz sem moral vzet xtreamer+gratis anteno ter jim povedat ID številko tega naročila preko "live support" okenca kjer mi je tip nato poslal dopolnilen račun vreden 20€ za dodatno anteno.. Skupaj torej 99+20+20=139€
hvala za odgovor :)

brecoboy ::
kaj pa zamik in prilagajanje podnapisov naj bi ta predvajalnik podpiral?
zgleda zakon stvar. sicer sem se odlocil da pocakam na reviewe, ker mi antena nic ne koristi, ker nimam n routerja.
a kdo ve koliko mora bit hitrost prek wifija za nemoteno predvajanje 1080p?
zgleda zakon stvar. sicer sem se odlocil da pocakam na reviewe, ker mi antena nic ne koristi, ker nimam n routerja.
a kdo ve koliko mora bit hitrost prek wifija za nemoteno predvajanje 1080p?
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: brecoboy ()

DarwiN ::
kaj pa zamik in prilagajanje podnapisov naj bi ta predvajalnik podpiral?
Ni kaj ni.. Poglej sliko daljinca..Celo tipki sta, "Sync subtitle" naprej in nazaj.
zgleda zakon stvar. sicer sem se odlocil da pocakam na reviewe, ker mi antena nic ne koristi, ker nimam n routerja.
Tudi jaz ga nimam, zato sem pa dve anteni vzel (eno plačal) in tako narediš povezavo N standarda.
a kdo ve koliko mora bit hitrost prek wifija za nemoteno predvajanje 1080p?
Pozabi, tega v praksi ni. Piše sicer da v najboljših okoliščinah zmore predvajat 10Mbps, torej tudi lep odstotek 1080p vsebin, vendar zajec najbrž tiči v teh "najboljših okoliščinah".
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()

bastadu ::
a kdo ve koliko mora bit hitrost prek wifija za nemoteno predvajanje 1080p?Dejanski prenos preko wifi-ja bi moral imeti čez 50Mbit/s, kar je v praksi precej težje doseči ... Čeprav je povprečni bitrate x264 filmov v ločljivosti 1080p nekje okoli 10Mbit/s, le ta v posameznih špicah zraste tudi 3x, 4x tega povprečja (predvsem kakšni prizori z zelo veliko različnih drobnih premikajočih se delov, npr. velika jata ptic ...)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: bastadu ()

DarwiN ::

brecoboy ::
na strani pise da so za njimi MVix..
kolkr tle js razumem, bo treba , ce ne narocis do 1.7., cakat do 1.avgusta?
uh, na forumu pise da so ravnkoar prodali celoten 1. batch. :)
kolkr tle js razumem, bo treba , ce ne narocis do 1.7., cakat do 1.avgusta?
uh, na forumu pise da so ravnkoar prodali celoten 1. batch. :)
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: brecoboy ()

DarwiN ::
First batch is officially sold out.
Torej sedaj v vsakem primeru avgusta. Le gratis USB anteno si lahko še danes zagotoviš.

buneech ::
Upam, da smo padli v 1. batch.
Drugače je pa tako, da imajo nekateri že status Awaiting Shipment...
Drugače je pa tako, da imajo nekateri že status Awaiting Shipment...

orescek ::
Plačal danes in dobil tole:
The status of order #1636 is now Awaiting Fulfillment
Tko da, bo ko bo :)
The status of order #1636 is now Awaiting Fulfillment
Tko da, bo ko bo :)

DarwiN ::
Ja, jaz že imam "Awaiting Shipment"..
So pa prvi batch vsi do ~#1500, tko da se ne bat.
edit: več kot 1500 torej.
So pa prvi batch vsi do ~#1500, tko da se ne bat.
edit: več kot 1500 torej.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: DarwiN ()

buneech ::
Nekaj se govori, da je do 1500, v "Awaiting Fulfillment" se je takoj spremenilo.
Jaz imam še "Awaiting Fulfillment", je pa res, imam malo višjo številko. Čeprav ne grejo ravno po vrsti...
Jaz imam še "Awaiting Fulfillment", je pa res, imam malo višjo številko. Čeprav ne grejo ravno po vrsti...

Grega255 ::
eno izmed presenečenj
"But yes, you're right. Not about the sign but about a torrent client. Xtreamer will have one. Not right away - in about a month."
"But yes, you're right. Not about the sign but about a torrent client. Xtreamer will have one. Not right away - in about a month."

brecoboy ::
zaceli s posiljanjem...
DarwiN in drugi ki ste narocili, porocajte kdaj bo stvar prsla do vas. :)
DarwiN in drugi ki ste narocili, porocajte kdaj bo stvar prsla do vas. :)

brecoboy ::
na forumu majo precej debat glede carin, glede na to da xtreamer sestavljajo v J.Koreji... na nizozemskem majo postni nabiralnik vrjetno zato, da daobaljajo v euju izdelek navidezno iz notranjega trga, ne vem pa kako bojo to ustimali za tretje drzave...
ps. je tudi zanimivo zakaj prav na nizozemskem. mogoce bi kak nas politik vedu odgovor ;)
ps. je tudi zanimivo zakaj prav na nizozemskem. mogoce bi kak nas politik vedu odgovor ;)

DarwiN ::
Najbrž po zdaj po tej obšrni in zanimivi razlagi konec zarotniških teorij in teorij prevare:
Hi guys
in order to make some sense in what is going on i am making this thread trying to answer all one by 1
1. There is no fraud . Enough with this nonsense.
We will allow new threads about this topic as for this topic only this thread will be used and all other will be locked and erased !
Now for the serious discussion and update you need and deserve !
2. we delivered our units to TNT on the 1.7.2009 as promised to you all. Each of you got a message in their account saying "shipments will commence on 1.7.2009. Commence is not delivery date !!!!!!
TNT promised us that they will put priority to this project and for certain destination will even use sub contractors companies like UPS DHL and EMS in order to process all the volume of units with no delay .
They are committed to help us to process all shipments 1 by 1 and to add to all pending orders in their system their tracking number in our system so each of you will be notified within his account .
3. until now they have done this task and added tracking number for more than 50% . The rest of you who are still waiting - we aplogise and say clearly here - DONT WORRY - they promised they will do it until monday.
4. The issue of Korea and NL is very simple. We use "Direct trading" brokerage mechanism. It means the manufacturer is initiating the process of direct delivery to the end customer. usually it is vise versa. A local dealer contract himself with local custom officer who is responsible for him to take the unit out of custom clearance etc. As we pay upfront in cash and in advance all the taxes for your units that are targeted to the European community member countries we expect this process will run smoothly. We pay all this taxes required from us.
You are more than welcome to see this video to understand the process and stop the nonsense
5. The units are originated in Korea. that is to say "Made in Korea". From our factory the units will be shiped by TNT in their internal responsibility and process to NL as well as to other designated targets in various parts of the world that serves them best to provide smooth and fast delivery. Whatever the case maybe the main gateway of Europe is the Bonded Warehouse in schiphol Airport which will serve the majority of your shipments
6. the Bonded warehouse in Amstersam is a TNT service which will do the internal distribution to all parts of the world.
This process is automatic and will not take long.
7. All units left already our factory and are on their way . All unit will arrive to their destination and are taken good care of.
8. Invoices are under Unicorn name as it paid the taxes for european residents. All other countries except EU residents will pay tax and VAT and Custom costs.
9. It is very uncomfortable situation for us to hand all units to a respected Courier company and not being able to update you their tracking number as they promised us it would be provided to you with no delay .
10. Without any hesitation we published several pictures on this forum clearly showing the xtreamer packages waiting for process. On the same time we read 100 threads saying the same ...SCAM FRAUD ETC.
We are now examning the possibilty of offering you even better enhanced RMA mechanism and once decided we will publish an annoncment here in the forum and will redo all the relevant parts of the knowledge base that ofcourse will be updated . Baiscally, we intend for each authorised RMA case to send you a new replaced unit that will come to your door step with TNT delivery and in return will pickup your unit back to our factories. 1 to 1 . door to door system.
11. XtreamerAdmin is collapsing with PM and our systems the same way with the same way : when my unit will arrive ??? is the TNT tracking number real??? and when tracking number will be added ??? .
Some of you really managed to use this forum to put the system into panic.
If we would have had more info we would have published here. No scam and no Fraud is going on. really enough with this nonsense !!!
Just little more patience and cooperation . We never promised nor we will be able to promise an exact delivery date once the unit is out of our control and in the hands of one of the biggest companies of shipments in the world.
We are trying to deliver you a product that xtreamer is best value for your money.
We gave 20 Euro worth of free gift and not a 2 USD worth of lousy cable and expected some degree of reason in usage of this forum . We expected some reasonable issues to be arise with the mass volumes. The magnitude of "noise" made around the SCAM is overwhelming and understandable.
Too many companies has something to loose once the has hit the market. And their loss will grow once they will read in panic your experience from the device.
As we were chnneling your CRY for HELP and UPDATED INFO we asked TNT themselves to address you all personally via mail!
In order to calm things down TNT themselves made email to your all and even published a special webpage in their home site.
We showed pictures of the boxes...more than 500 of you got tracking numbers.....TNT made email to all...and never enough !!
we agree it could be smoother and mayble little more efficient. We are learining our lessons and drawing the necessary conclusions.
We were informed already that several of our competitors put claims to various custom offices in order to put sticks in the process of fast delivery . Xtreamer is here to stay !!! We will not be taken too emotional with these pathetic steps nor we will forget those panic seeders nicknames. As we know the xtreamer is a "killer machine " in a price tag that may change the way our greedy industry behaved so far we expect much noise and trouble maker activity around also. Let the device speaks for itself once it comes to your hands.
It should not take too long time from now.
All those that still want to cast doubt are more than welcome to ask for a refund !!! we promised money back gurantee anyway so we dont mind to refund and pass your device to another waiting customer.
Have a nice weekend. And please please, have some faith !
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

brecoboy ::
8. Invoices are under Unicorn name as it paid the taxes for european residents. All other countries except EU residents will pay tax and VAT and Custom costs.
ja, se pravi izdelek je v prvi vrsti za eu namenjen, zato tudi postni nabiralnik na nizozemskem.

DarwiN ::
Ja, saj EU je tudi najbolj lačen trg kar se teh playerjev tiče in Xtreamer je ob WDju prva cenejša varianta. V Ameriki pride naprimer PCH-110 155€.
Tko da vse odlično s strani Xtreamerja. In če bo res dostavil večino tega kar obljublja , potem je res "here to stay" in ljudje se bodo tepli za drugo pošiljko ki gre na pot avgusta.
Pa mimogrede, beta Movie Jukebox je na voljo, če se hoče kdo poigrat.
Tko da vse odlično s strani Xtreamerja. In če bo res dostavil večino tega kar obljublja , potem je res "here to stay" in ljudje se bodo tepli za drugo pošiljko ki gre na pot avgusta.
Pa mimogrede, beta Movie Jukebox je na voljo, če se hoče kdo poigrat.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

DarwiN ::
Zadeva postaja vse bolj horny. Preberite TO izjavo za javnost..
Pa darilo, free USB anteno so podaljšali do druge pošilje, torej do 1. avgusta.
Skratka, Xtreamerja mora vsak imet. !
No, dajmo vseeno počakat da sploh kdo vidi to čudo.
Pa darilo, free USB anteno so podaljšali do druge pošilje, torej do 1. avgusta.
Skratka, Xtreamerja mora vsak imet. !
No, dajmo vseeno počakat da sploh kdo vidi to čudo.

You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

OldSkul ::
ta teden bo pa zadeva menda že pr kupcih, tako da komaj čakam opise. Zadeva zgleda super.

DarwiN ::
Ja, danes je šel prvi del pošiljke na pot iz Koreje. Davek za države EU bi naj bil vnaprej plačan, ampak se bojim, ker vsi vemo kak je v Sloveniji. Če kaj lahko gre narobe, potem bo pri nas zagotovo šlo.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

kajak33 ::
Fantje pozor. Ne dajmo se tako poceni nategnit. Carinik naj le odpira pošiljke saj to je njegovo delo. Kar se pa tiče dajatev pa naj to uredi TNT ki je pooblaščen špediter. Mi smo plačali 20 EUR za stroške dostave in to je to. Slučajno se spoznam na te zadeve in nikakor ne pristanite na kakršnekoli dodatne stroške ali plačila dajatev. V pogojih o nakupu je jasno napisano da zadeva stane za rezidente EU(kar smo tudi mi) 99 EUR, vključno z anteno kdor je naročil tudi to in stroške dostave 20 EUR. Ni pa naša stvar, da raziskujemo od kod bodo zadeve poslali.
Sam sem jim pisal da mi povejo od kod bodo pošiljali, ker predvidevam da bodo naši vrli organi stvari zakomplicirali in če zadeva podpira sičnike in šumnike, pa do danes odgovora še nisem prejel.
Torej prvi ki dobi kakršnokoli obvestilo o plačilu kakršnih koli stroškov naj se javi. Bomo skupno pritisnili na TNT ( njihovega predstavnika) naj zadeve razjasnijo. Pa ne da mi je škoda teh EUR, ampak gre za princip.
Pa lep pozdrav
Sam sem jim pisal da mi povejo od kod bodo pošiljali, ker predvidevam da bodo naši vrli organi stvari zakomplicirali in če zadeva podpira sičnike in šumnike, pa do danes odgovora še nisem prejel.
Torej prvi ki dobi kakršnokoli obvestilo o plačilu kakršnih koli stroškov naj se javi. Bomo skupno pritisnili na TNT ( njihovega predstavnika) naj zadeve razjasnijo. Pa ne da mi je škoda teh EUR, ampak gre za princip.
Pa lep pozdrav

piek ::
Moj je tudi ze napoti, tako vsaj pravijo. =)
Prepiranje s cariniki ne bo prvic na seznamu opravil, ampak, se pa res strinjam s predlogom "kajak33", da jim nihce ne da niti centa in se zadevo preda v resevanje TNT. Seveda, ce do teh tezav sploh pride. Ampak ce posiljka izvira iz Koreje, potem se bodo nasim carinikom brez dvoma svetile oci.
Prepiranje s cariniki ne bo prvic na seznamu opravil, ampak, se pa res strinjam s predlogom "kajak33", da jim nihce ne da niti centa in se zadevo preda v resevanje TNT. Seveda, ce do teh tezav sploh pride. Ampak ce posiljka izvira iz Koreje, potem se bodo nasim carinikom brez dvoma svetile oci.
Finish it off if you started it!

DarwiN ::
Glede na vso zmešnjavo ni več nič povsem jasno. Zdaj poročajo da se je nekaterim status spremenil iz "shipped" nazaj na "awaiting shipment" , tako da ja, pocarija.
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Tom-Cat ::
Jaz sem eden tistih ki bo pocakal na kaksen review (se posebej ker ne potrebujem zastonj antene - imam vse wired ;-))... je pa malo cudno da ni blo niti enega review-a preden so na veliko zaceli prodajati stvar. Pa da vidimo :) Ce bo slabse kot MPC-ji potem bom verjetno sel po eGreat M34-A ...

DarwiN ::
Woow, prvi srečneži so že prejeli svoje lepotce...
In admini so že najavili prve izboljšave, slovenski GUI torej že podprt (še enkrat: ne se jezit ob kakšnem kislem prevodu) :
In admini so že najavili prve izboljšave, slovenski GUI torej že podprt (še enkrat: ne se jezit ob kakšnem kislem prevodu) :
Dear Friends
Once you will get your devices we will kindly ask you to update your device with the new firmware update we are about to publish within latest today
this firmware update will add additional 11 languages with full OSD and GUI support thanks to your community rapid response
Portotuges (Brazil and Portugal)
We want to add more - and waiting for your translated file to be sent.
Turkish and Romanian are not done as we did not get a valid translation file as yet.
Additional thing you may find on this 1st update is better Fan Control that will allow you to turn it off (An automated dynamic fan control will be done within a week or so )
By next week you will be required to re-update again your devices as we intend to provide you with new wireless competability driver and optimized firmware for wireless streaming. We already achieved good result for 720P and 1080i and aiming for more. We got the improved driver from our wireless networking partner just few days ago and the process of porting it into our latest build is under going now.
Additional Tasks that you will see completed by the end of this month are :
(1) System Font control setting will be added so user will be able to define himself what font he want to use for the xtreamer system GUI and OSD
(2) Font color control for the Subtitle
(3) An improved subtitle menu
(4) Folder guard with password
(5) WIFI, UPnP connectivity icon on home page
(6) Internet Radio
(7) Bittorent Client optimized to leading web sources
Furthermore, we intend to publish the PC Wireless Utilty of xtreamer. It will be made available for download in the forum and on the main site. This utility will allow you to use the free Wirless USB Antenna with your laptops as well as to create an ad-hoc dedicated wireless network between your NAS/PC and the device (you will need 2 antennas to acomplish that) . The R & D team saying the new driver promise dramatic improvement of the xtreamer with this new driver and firmware update.
In certain routers with 13CH support we encountered competability issue of speed and signal stability. We recommend to change the router channel manually . We already have the solution for this issue for most brands and within next week it will be solved also.
Additional utility to automatical locate your UPnP device within your local network and automatic display of the UPnP webpage on your pc browser will be presented also for download. We believe manually locating the local IP address of the machine can be troubling .
You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

DarwiN ::
ja lol, sem mu ravno pisal na forumu glede te kritične napake.

You don't see faith healers working in hospitals
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!
for the same reason you don't see psychics winning the lottery!

Tom-Cat ::
Ta dva videa naj bi bila od direktorja (CEO) od Mvix-a, in ne od "prvih srecnezev" ... zaenkrat mislim da napravice se ni dobil nihce...