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Photoshop problem

Photoshop problem

BuzzFuzz ::

Ne uspe mi shranit slike resolucije 1280x1024 v format vtf.
Error: Error: ..image width is not a power of two.

opeter ::

Hrabri mišek (od 2015 nova serija!) -> http://tinyurl.com/na7r54l
18. november 2011 - Umrl je Mark Hall, "oče" Hrabrega miška
RTVSLO: http://tinyurl.com/74r9n7j

noraguta ::

Valve Texture Format
(Redirected from VTF)

The Valve Texture Format (VTF) is the proprietary texture format used by the Source engine.

VTF files are just one layer in the Material System. VTFs ("Textures") can only be applied to Geometry via a VMT ("Material") File. VMTs can assign several VTFs to the same surface, and specify which Shader and Shader Parameters to use when rendering the textures.

VTF files can be compiled from TGA images using the Source SDK Tool Vtex, or a third-party VTF utility. VTFs and VMTs are stored in subfolders of the game_dir/materials directory.

To be valid, all textures must have dimensions that are powers of two (see the note about mipmaps under Storage capabilities below):
Pust' ot pobyedy k pobyedye vyedyot!

RuN ::

Drugače povedano:

Če probaš shraniti v razmerju 2048x1024 ali 1024x512 pol bi šlo oz. mora biti razmerje 2:1

Opkow ::

Hm.. Meni sliko 1280x1024 px shrani brez problema v vtf format.

RuN ::

V format al samo dodaš končnico??

Če imaš nameščen Plug-in in če niso razmerja prava, ti pod Save as.., ko izbereš končnico .vtf, ne spusti naprej.

Opkow ::

Kaksen plugin pa rabis?
Pod Save As je med Targa formati omenjen TGA, VDA, ICB, VST. Po defaultu da TGA format, ne ponudi pa nobene moznosti, za izrecno izbiro VST formata.

RuN ::

.vtf in/ali .vst -> ni isto


Opkow ::

urgh.. Se posipam s pepelom... Narobe prebral in potem sem skoz imel VST v glavi. :(

RuN ::

no bad :)

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