Forum » Igre » SOF 2 problem
SOF 2 problem
andrej1986 ::
z JOKER NATLAČENKE sem inštaliru SOF 2 Single demo.
problem je v tem da v igri ni nasilja.
prosim za pomoč!!!
life ist good!
problem je v tem da v igri ni nasilja.
prosim za pomoč!!!
life ist good!
- spremenilo: andrej1986 ()
Xenon ::
1. On your shortcut, right click -> Properties -> add "+set lock_blood 0" to the Target line.
2. When you start the game, pull down the console by pressing "shift" and "¸" (zraven enke)
3. Type "menu lock"
4. A new option on the bottom menu will be activated (it has a pic of a lock). Click on it. It will prompt for a password, you can just press ok.
5. Turn on all of the gore and set a new password (or keep it blank).
6. Restart and play with gore.
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