Forum » Strojna oprema » AMD Phenom II Uporabne informacije, izkušnje, testi, navijanje, plošče .....
AMD Phenom II Uporabne informacije, izkušnje, testi, navijanje, plošče .....
Seveda da ni, pri AMD-jih je že dolgo znano da senzorji lažejo tud po 20-30C. Sam najbolj žalostno je blo pa to, kako so eni celo zagovarjal, da kažejo prave temperature
Celo nižje temperature od okolice so jim štimale^^
Dr_M ::
T1075 mi je kazal za cca 10°C nizjo temp, kot 955BE.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
jRk0 ::
hja, v sobi je precej manj kot 23°C (cca 15-16 imo - nisem doma in so balkonska vrata odprta, pa proc je idle, na 100° load pride do nekaj cez 40°C (41-42). Asusov PC probe kaze pa idle temperaturo najmanj 40°C in 100% load do cca 55°C. Pojma nimam kaj je prav O_o Pa ugotovil sem, da je izgleda voltaza vseeno 1.425 prava, ceprav tu ne kaze, ker na nizjih se proc niti ne boota. Pa se ena stvar, cimer ma na am3 plati default voltazo tega CPU-ja 1.375 (a ni kao nekje v okolici 1.31V default?)
in se zadnje, koliko je sploh se varna voltaza na tem procu? in max nastavite v biosu je 1.45V, ne gre visje? - je to od cpu-ja blokada, ker plata bi mogla it vec
in se zadnje, koliko je sploh se varna voltaza na tem procu? in max nastavite v biosu je 1.45V, ne gre visje? - je to od cpu-ja blokada, ker plata bi mogla it vec
You fuck up once, you loose two teeth.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenilo: jRk0 ()
hja, v sobi je precej manj kot 23°C (cca 15-16 imo - nisem doma in so balkonska vrata odprta, pa proc je idle, na 100° load pride do nekaj cez 40°C (41-42). Asusov PC probe kaze pa idle temperaturo najmanj 40°C in 100% load do cca 55°C
Tud če maš 10C boš mel temperaturo višjo od 55C pri full load na stock colerju, pa tudi na zračnem nasploh...
jest10 ::
hja, v sobi je precej manj kot 23°C (cca 15-16 imo - nisem doma in so balkonska vrata odprta, pa proc je idle, na 100° load pride do nekaj cez 40°C (41-42). Asusov PC probe kaze pa idle temperaturo najmanj 40°C in 100% load do cca 55°C. Pojma nimam kaj je prav
Ti kar zaupaj asusovemu programčku.
jRk0 ::
mugen 2 je, saj temperatura me sploh ne moti, glavno da dela, bolj me moti dejstvo da hudic rabi 1.425V da je na 3.5Ghz vec kot 5 loopov stabilen na intel burn testu, pa ne morm dat na vec kot 1.45V
You fuck up once, you loose two teeth.
jest10 ::
Koliko se ti pa napetost sesede pri obremenitvi? Da ni tukaj fora.
Meni se na m2n sli deluxe ob obremenitvi iz 1,475V sesede na 1,41V
Meni se na m2n sli deluxe ob obremenitvi iz 1,475V sesede na 1,41V
jRk0 ::
v pcprobu je v bistvu se visja napetost kot v biosu:D in pr obremenitvi se tudi ne sesede nic:D
You fuck up once, you loose two teeth.
Mitja358 ::
am, jaz mam pa tudi problem in sicer, athlon II 640, plata je pa asus m4a78 pro (am2+ 780g) in sicer, voltaze in temperature kaze cisto razlicno v biosu in vseh programih in pojma nimam katero je pravilno. trenutno je sicer na 3.52Ghz (15x235) pri 1.425V, v cpuz kaze 1.325 recimo, bios kaze 40°C cpu (prvi senzor v monitorju) itd itd, kdo ve zakaj?
To plato sem imel tudi sam in ta voltaža, ki jo kaže v CPU-Z je napačna in sicer, ker plata da CPUV 1.325V + 0.1V Extra Voltage. Če pogledaš v AMD OD, boš videl, dva drsnika za voltažo. En bo na 1.325V, en pa na 0.1V.
jRk0 ::
plata da cpu-ju 1.425 plus nekaj malega se zraven ja:) cpuz pa kaze 1.325 :D pri 1.4V v biosu pa cpuz kaze 1.35. Mene bolj zanima, kako spravim nad 1.45 voltazo na plati:S
You fuck up once, you loose two teeth.
Dr_M ::
Ok, zdej sm ugotovil, da je sigurno plata pokvarjena, tako da iscem zamenjavo.
Odlocu sem se, da ne bom vec dajal zelo veliko denarja, tako da sem izbral 2 modela, med katerima se odlocam.
Asus M4A87TD EVO
Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3
Gigabyte obstaja rev 2.0 in rev 2.1, razlika med njima je, da ima slote za ram locene, tako kot asuska. Pri nas se ocitno dobi samo rev 2.0
Gigabyte je malo bolje opremljena, ima 2x esata in 2 sata prikljucka vec kot asuska. Ampak imam bolj slabe izkusnje z gigabyte-om, tako da se bolj nagibam k asusu. Cena je prakticno enaka.
Edit: ena moznost je tudi Crosshair III Formula, ampak to je se star 790FX chipset, ampak cena je zelo ugodna, 115EUR v funtechu.
Odlocu sem se, da ne bom vec dajal zelo veliko denarja, tako da sem izbral 2 modela, med katerima se odlocam.
Asus M4A87TD EVO
Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3
Gigabyte obstaja rev 2.0 in rev 2.1, razlika med njima je, da ima slote za ram locene, tako kot asuska. Pri nas se ocitno dobi samo rev 2.0
Gigabyte je malo bolje opremljena, ima 2x esata in 2 sata prikljucka vec kot asuska. Ampak imam bolj slabe izkusnje z gigabyte-om, tako da se bolj nagibam k asusu. Cena je prakticno enaka.
Edit: ena moznost je tudi Crosshair III Formula, ampak to je se star 790FX chipset, ampak cena je zelo ugodna, 115EUR v funtechu.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Dr_M ()
Mitja358 ::
Glede na to, da je 890FX praktično enak 790FX, ti priporočam to plato. Jo imam sam in sem zelo zadovoljen. Samo jaz sem dal 170EUR, tako da za to ceno nimaš druge izbire. Pa še zvočno kartico X-FI dobiš.
Dr_M ::
Samo nima USB3 in Sata6gb.. ![:|](
Pa malo sata prikljuckov... Ajoj, pa 2 mrezni rabim.Sranje..
Pa malo sata prikljuckov... Ajoj, pa 2 mrezni rabim.Sranje..
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
jRk0 ::
prvo kot prvo, to ni X-FI, kot ima creative svoj X-FI, drug problem je pa recimo, da ima samo en PCI prikljucek, ki je neuporaben, glede na to kako blizu PCI-E za primarno graficno je (jaz recimo mam zvocno na PCI)
You fuck up once, you loose two teeth.
Dr_M ::
Mam 790fx gd70, pa mi je crknila. Mal glupo se mi zdi tok kesa dajat... Povn k... mam ze usega.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Dr_M ::
Tut ce jo poslem,bom vsaj 2 mesca brez.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
destiny ::
Mah ne verjamem. Avstrijci ponavad to hitrej spedenajo. Pošlji jo vsekakor, tud če novo kupiš, še zmer lahko potem tisto iz MyLemona prodaš.
Mitja358 ::
prvo kot prvo, to ni X-FI, kot ima creative svoj X-FI, drug problem je pa recimo, da ima samo en PCI prikljucek, ki je neuporaben, glede na to kako blizu PCI-E za primarno graficno je (jaz recimo mam zvocno na PCI)
Na moji piše "Powered by Creative" X-Fi SupremeFX.
PCI lahko vstaviš tudi če ima dual-slot grafiko ali si mislil glede hlajenja?
Dr_M ::
Evo nabavil sem M4A89GTD PRO/USB3 pri nas za slabih 125EUR. Ravno sestavil in...dela ![:))](
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
jRk0 ::
prvo kot prvo, to ni X-FI, kot ima creative svoj X-FI, drug problem je pa recimo, da ima samo en PCI prikljucek, ki je neuporaben, glede na to kako blizu PCI-E za primarno graficno je (jaz recimo mam zvocno na PCI)
Na moji piše "Powered by Creative" X-Fi SupremeFX.
PCI lahko vstaviš tudi če ima dual-slot grafiko ali si mislil glede hlajenja?
powered by creative je zaradi eax podpore itd, cip in ostalo je pa drugo...
ja, sem probal na micro atx plati z 2xPCI pod pci-e in je en takoj zakrit, na drugem je pa milimeter razlike med graficno in zvocno, kar mi ne pase zaradi hlajenja in interferenc od graficne recimo:D drugac je pa kar zakon plata ja,
You fuck up once, you loose two teeth.
Dr_M ::
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
TOP ::
Čestitke Dr M lep rezultat,kaj to je max. proca.Ker jaz sem prišel do 4500 za Super P z 1055T.
Dr_M ::
Niti nisem vec probaval.
Ubistvu sem ciljal nekako na 4200MHz za core, 3000MHz uncore (oz CPU-NB) in 800MHz za ram.
Ubistvu sem ciljal nekako na 4200MHz za core, 3000MHz uncore (oz CPU-NB) in 800MHz za ram.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Dr_M ::
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
TOP ::
Čestitam Dr M za tale rezultat maš tud ti dober primerek.Ej sem zamenjal ležišče grafe in sedaj mi kaže X16.Hvala ti.Kako hlajenje maš.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: TOP ()
Dr_M ::
Vodno, radiator je zunaj na mrazu ![:))](
Voda ima zdele nekje med 10 in 15°C.
Voda ima zdele nekje med 10 in 15°C.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Mitja358 ::
Super rezultati. Me mika, da bi tudi jaz enega ubodel. Zdaj je 1090T BE že padel na P/P raven
TOP ::
Ja na 4hgz ga mam jaz pa ki mam D14 hladilnik.Sepravi ga ma on zlahkoto na 4ghz.Na 4200 lahko ševedno špilam igre in dela BP.
Dr_M ::
Mel ga bom na 3ghz :> Po potrebi pa 4.2ghz. Predvsem za igre,pa kaksno malenkost..
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Dr_M ::
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: Dr_M ()
klinker ::
Samo ta SuperPi je malo smesen...moj prastari Q6600 je na 3,4ghz za celo sekundo hitrejsi od X6 na 4,5Ghz
a dejansko je Q6600 kanta napram X6
Dr_M ::
AMD procesorji ravno ne blestijo v superpi. In stevilo jeder nima popolnoma nobene veze.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
D3m ::
Samo ta SuperPi je malo smesen...moj prastari Q6600 je na 3,4ghz za celo sekundo hitrejsi od X6 na 4,5Ghza dejansko je Q6600 kanta napram X6
Ni omembe vreden program.
|HP EliteBook|R5 6650U|
kmetek ::
SuperPi je samo za kdo ima daljšega....uporabne vsakodnevne stvari štejejo, igre, aplikacije itd....
Dr_M ::
Je pa superpi precej dober stabilnostni test. Zalaufas jih toliko, kolikor ima cpu jeder, pa na 32m...
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
PrimozR ::
A ni bil včasih 32m bolj test stabilnosti RAMa? No, s 100% obremenitvijo valda stestira tudi CPU.
Dr_M ::
Use se precej dobro obremeni ![:)](
Sem probal ram posebi testirat in cpu posebi (eno navil na ful, drugo po moznosti se malo odvil), pa ce kaj od tega ni stabilno, no go.
Sem probal ram posebi testirat in cpu posebi (eno navil na ful, drugo po moznosti se malo odvil), pa ce kaj od tega ni stabilno, no go.
The reason why most of society hates conservatives and
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
loves liberals is because conservatives hurt you with
the truth and liberals comfort you with lies.
x45 ::
AMD Bulldozer's Clock-Speeds May Be Higher than 3.50GHz.
AMD Releases Clock-Speed Related Information About Bulldozer Micro-Architecture
At the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2011 Advanced Micro Devices plans to reveal additional details about its code-named Bulldozer micro-architecture as well as implementations of forthcoming microprocessors on its base. Apparently, AMD's next-gen chips will be capable of working at over 3.50GHz, which is a quite high-speed, considering the fact that the central processing units (CPUs) will have up to eight cores.
During an ISSCC session on the 21st of February, AMD will describe its dual-core processor module of eight-core Bulldozer microprocessor, according to the agenda on the web-site of the conference. During another session on the 22nd of February the company will describe implementation of its 8MB unified level-three cache of Bulldozer microprocessors. The presentations will be dedicated to ways of reducing die size, power consumption as well as improvements of yields. The description of the sessions shed more light onto the characteristics of AMD's implementation of Bulldozer micro-architecture on 32nm silicon-on-insulator process technology, which is known as code-named Orochi design (Zambezi is desktop version, Valencia is server version).
Each Bulldozer dual-core CPU module with 2MB unified L2 cache contains 213 million transistors and is 30.9mm2 large. By contrast, die size of one processing engine of Llano processor (11-layer 32nm SOI, K10.5+ micro-architecture) is 9.69mm? (without L2 cache), which indicates that AMD has succeeded in minimizing elements of its new micro-architecture so to maintain small size and production cost of the novelty.
Bulldozer processor modules are designed to operate from 0.8V to 1.3V voltages at 3.50GHz+ clock-speed. It is unclear whether 3.50GHz is average clock-speed of the forthcoming Orochi processors or they will manage to work at significantly higher frequencies. Interestingly, but the level-three cache of Bulldozer may work at a clock-speed that is lower compared to the frequencies of CPU modules.
"This micro-architecture improves performance and frequency while reducing area and power over a previous AMD x86-64 CPU in the same process. The design reduces the number of gates/cycle relative to prior designs, achieving 3.5GHz+ operation," the claim by AMD reads.
The Bulldozer's 8MB L3 cache is composed of four independent 2MB sub-caches and features column-select aliasing to improve area efficiency, supply gating and floating bit lines to reduce leakage power, and centralized redundant row and column blocks to improve yield and testability. The cache operates above 2.40GHz at 1.1V. Potentially, this may be an indicator that Orochi will work asynchronously.
While presentations from ISSCC do not reveal precise peculiarities of future microprocessors, they give indicators which may reveal certain general qualities. For example, according to an ISSCC 2010 paper claims that the target CPU clock-speed of Llano, which is made using the same fabrication process as Orochi, is "higher than 3.0GHz". Indirectly this points to high-frequency/scaling design of Bulldozer.
AMD did not comment on the news-story.
AMD Bulldozer's Clock-Speeds May Be Higher than 3.50GHz.
AMD Releases Clock-Speed Related Information About Bulldozer Micro-Architecture
At the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2011 Advanced Micro Devices plans to reveal additional details about its code-named Bulldozer micro-architecture as well as implementations of forthcoming microprocessors on its base. Apparently, AMD's next-gen chips will be capable of working at over 3.50GHz, which is a quite high-speed, considering the fact that the central processing units (CPUs) will have up to eight cores.
During an ISSCC session on the 21st of February, AMD will describe its dual-core processor module of eight-core Bulldozer microprocessor, according to the agenda on the web-site of the conference. During another session on the 22nd of February the company will describe implementation of its 8MB unified level-three cache of Bulldozer microprocessors. The presentations will be dedicated to ways of reducing die size, power consumption as well as improvements of yields. The description of the sessions shed more light onto the characteristics of AMD's implementation of Bulldozer micro-architecture on 32nm silicon-on-insulator process technology, which is known as code-named Orochi design (Zambezi is desktop version, Valencia is server version).
Each Bulldozer dual-core CPU module with 2MB unified L2 cache contains 213 million transistors and is 30.9mm2 large. By contrast, die size of one processing engine of Llano processor (11-layer 32nm SOI, K10.5+ micro-architecture) is 9.69mm? (without L2 cache), which indicates that AMD has succeeded in minimizing elements of its new micro-architecture so to maintain small size and production cost of the novelty.
Bulldozer processor modules are designed to operate from 0.8V to 1.3V voltages at 3.50GHz+ clock-speed. It is unclear whether 3.50GHz is average clock-speed of the forthcoming Orochi processors or they will manage to work at significantly higher frequencies. Interestingly, but the level-three cache of Bulldozer may work at a clock-speed that is lower compared to the frequencies of CPU modules.
"This micro-architecture improves performance and frequency while reducing area and power over a previous AMD x86-64 CPU in the same process. The design reduces the number of gates/cycle relative to prior designs, achieving 3.5GHz+ operation," the claim by AMD reads.
The Bulldozer's 8MB L3 cache is composed of four independent 2MB sub-caches and features column-select aliasing to improve area efficiency, supply gating and floating bit lines to reduce leakage power, and centralized redundant row and column blocks to improve yield and testability. The cache operates above 2.40GHz at 1.1V. Potentially, this may be an indicator that Orochi will work asynchronously.
While presentations from ISSCC do not reveal precise peculiarities of future microprocessors, they give indicators which may reveal certain general qualities. For example, according to an ISSCC 2010 paper claims that the target CPU clock-speed of Llano, which is made using the same fabrication process as Orochi, is "higher than 3.0GHz". Indirectly this points to high-frequency/scaling design of Bulldozer.
AMD did not comment on the news-story.
PrimozR ::
Nekdo ne bere novic...
EDIT: pa te teme tudi ne.
EDIT: pa te teme tudi ne.
Zgodovina sprememb…
- spremenil: PrimozR ()
klinker ::
Use se precej dobro obremeni
Sem probal ram posebi testirat in cpu posebi (eno navil na ful, drugo po moznosti se malo odvil), pa ce kaj od tega ni stabilno, no go.![]() zdaj sem vse zivo uporabljal za testirat stabilnost, ampak odkar je IntelBurn prisu samo se to furam. Dejansko noben program ne zakuri tolko cpuja...moj Q6600 je npr. v prime95 24h stabilen vse do 3,55Ghz, medtem ko je v IntelBurn samo do 3,4Ghz pa se to ima kako stopinjo vec kot pri prime95 in 3,55Ghz. Sicer tudi na 3,55Ghz dela pc kot mora, ampak ni to to ker ocitno ni rock stable ce v IntelBurn frizne
Mitja358 ::
Zame osebno je stabilnost v Intel Burnu čisti overkill. Prime95 uporabljam in do zdaj nobenega reseta. 10 minut small testa pa to je to.